The Lord God of Force watched as Chernos extracted his power fruit from his body little by little, and his power gradually disappeared, becoming weaker and weaker.

In the end, he didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he could only silently wait for death in place.

When a brand new Devil Fruit appeared on Chernos' palm, the Lord God of Force underwent a huge change, and the huge muscles that originally resembled Mr. Bodybuilding had disappeared, turning into a thin man with only a few muscles.

Chernos threw it away, stared at the devil fruit in his hand, and then took a bite on the devil fruit.

An extremely strong force poured out of Chernos' body, and he was very domineering and wanted to take over the control of Chernos' body.

The terrifying energy of the power fruit entered the body of Chernos, and began to rampage, feeling the strength of Chernos' body, the power fruit seemed to be very satisfied with this new home, and began to release his energy, intending to transform Chernos' body, so that Chernos' body became stronger and stronger, and could also use more powerful power.

The Fruit of Strength didn't know because he was too satisfied with this new home, releasing a huge amount of energy, and countless energy rampage in Chernos's body, causing Chernos' body to begin to change drastically.

I saw that the muscles on Chernos' body began to bulge continuously, and soon turned into the appearance of a muscle man, the bulging muscles split the clothes on Chernos's body, and there was also a continuous surge of powerful forces on Chernos' body, this powerful force made the surrounding space begin to distort, and it was still somewhat unable to withstand the powerful power on Chernos.

With the continuous transformation of the power fruit, it also alarmed the rebound fruit.

After feeling the power fruit, the rebound fruit only showed a little absorption ability, and it absorbed all the power of the power fruit.

Chernos changed back to its original appearance in an instant, and all the energy of the power fruit on Chernos disappeared, which also made the power fruit stunned all of a sudden.

After the power fruit woke up, it seemed to be furious, and in an instant it burst out extremely terrifying energy, wanting to wrestle with the rebound fruit.

At this time, no matter how much energy the power fruit burst out, it was absorbed by the rebound fruit in the next second.

And from beginning to end, the rebound fruit stayed at the heart, never appeared, and stayed in the heart leisurely, watching the power fruit perform.

The power fruit was even more confused this time, and then it seemed to remember some bad memory, and the power core of the power fruit seemed to tremble, and it directly withdrew all the power in his body.

In one fell swoop, the Fruit of Power was subdued, and the Fruit of Strength obeyed the guidance of the Rebound Fruit and strengthened Chernos' body.

It's just that this time the enhancement is not like the previous strength fruit itself strengthening, but according to the body that has been transformed by the rebound fruit before.

The Fruit of Power stuffed energy into every cell of Chernos little by little, making all the cells of Chernos more powerful and stronger.

After this transformation, Chernos' body is still in the most suitable state for using the rebound fruit, not only that, but it is also very suitable for the use of the power fruit.

Strong power fills every cell of Chernos, allowing the fruit of power to erupt anytime and anywhere, and also raises the defense ability of Chernos' body to another level.

And this change did not change the size of Chernos, still maintaining the previous lean appearance, full of muscles, but not the kind of big muscles.

After strengthening, he did not dare to grab the position of the heart of Chernos with the rebound fruit, but stayed outside the heart, making the rebound fruit feel a little embarrassed.

The rebound fruit opens an opening for the power fruit at the heart position, allowing the power fruit to enter the body.

The fruit of strength is like a wife who has been taught a husband under the steps, and the fart runs into the heart, and the rebound fruit squeezes into the heart.

At the same time, after seeing that Chernos had obtained the power fruit of the Lord God of Force as he wished, Im stared at Chernos with dead eyes.

After seeing Chernos take a bite of the Fruit of Power, he couldn't stop the ecstasy in his heart.

Immediately appeared and rushed towards Chernos.

However, now Chernos is immersed in the transformation of the fruit of power, and the whole person's mind is all in the body.

Although I had heard before that after the realm reached the Convergence Realm, the next Devil Fruit could be absorbed, but the rumors in this world were different, once someone ate two Devil Fruits, they would die because the Devil Fruits clashed with each other and exploded.

In addition, there is no one in the outside world who is his opponent now, even Im, he does not put it in his eyes, let alone others.

However, this also gave Im an opportunity, and when Im burst into Chernos' side, Chernos was still closed with his eyes closed, still immersed in the inner world.

"Hahahaha, Chernos, I admit that you are better than me and more talented than me, but so what? Didn't you still fall for my scheme!

Die, Chernos!!

Im suppressed his emotions for a long time, and finally broke out at this moment, and a dragon head with a head hundreds of meters in size rose from the sea and rushed straight towards Chernos.

"[Hidden Dragon Ascension Abyss!! The

members of the Varice Pirates were all shocked when they saw this scene.

Barrett hurriedly came to Chernos and used the Fusion Fruit, intending to resist the giant water dragon summoned by Im.

It's just that Im's Devil Fruit is a natural water fruit, and it almost restrains all the Devil Fruit that has not yet reached the realm of fit.

Once Barrett is attacked by the giant water dragon, the water dragon does not need to do anything, just swallow Barrett into the belly, and be able to drown Barrett.

At this time, the other members of the Varis Pirate Group also reacted, and they all used their tricks and blasted towards the water dragon.

It's just that the water dragon is made of seawater, and even if it is partially knocked out by the members of the Varice Pirates, the sea water below is still supplying seawater far away, making all the attacks of the Varis Pirates useless.

Barrett, who resisted in front, used his strongest move, transformed into a giant monster, and slapped the water dragon.

The giant water dragon opened its mouth sharply, like a snake devouring its prey, swallowed the monster incarnated by Barrett, and then crashed towards Chernos unabated.

Just when the giant water dragon was about to hit Chernos, Chernos slowly opened his eyes.

However, Chernos did not look at the water dragon that was about to attack him, but instead looked towards Im.

"Oh, you're finally willing to show up, Im!"

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