The underground people watched Chernos torture a Draco to death, and even said in public that he would torture the Draco for the rest of his life.

Many people were very relieved to see it, after all, they could only watch Draco bullying others before, and they couldn't see anyone who could bully Draco at all.

Most of them substituted themselves for Chernos, imagining that they were torturing the Draco and venting their hatred for the Draco.

However, some people also felt uneasy when they saw that Chernos was actually under the public, and they treated Draco like this when they were broadcasting live to the world.

These people are the nobles of various countries.

Even Draco Chernos dared to treat him like this, dare to torture in front of so many people, what about the nobles of these small countries?

And even to the royal family of the country?

If Chernos did the same to them, who would come to their rescue?

Now the hegemony of the world government has fallen on Chernos, this is already a sure thing, but now Cheros has not yet established its own government, does not have its own regime.

If they want to win power and not be treated arbitrarily in the future, they must seize the time to influence the Chernos and let the Chernos create a regime that is more in their interests.

Kings and nobles in many countries are thinking about how to deal with the current changes.

Chernos didn't care about the reactions of the others, his thoughts were on Draco at this time.

In other words, his thoughts are all on the Draco of the Dragon Country.

If the Draco in the Pirate World is the dregs of the Draco, then the Draco in the Land of Dragons is the essence of the Draco.

He must now figure out one thing, that is, how the door of the Heavenly Dragon Country should be opened, and how the people of the Heavenly Dragon Country came.

Knowing the method of opening, he can hit the Heavenly Dragon Country at any time, and knowing how the Heavenly Dragon Country came can let him know how to prevent the attack of the Heavenly Dragon Country.

Especially the latter point, which Chernos was most concerned about, and now he still didn't know what the strength of that mysterious god king was.

Needless to say, if the strength is weaker than him, even if he asks the people of the Heavenly Dragon Country to come, they will not dare to come.

But if it is stronger than his strength, no, as long as the strength of the God King is comparable to him, it will be an extremely dangerous thing for the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom to attack.

You don't need to think about it to know that the overall strength of the country of the dragon will definitely be stronger than the pirate world now, and over the years, the Draco people have continuously sent talents to the country of the dragon, or have they gathered the world's efforts to cultivate talents that have been cultivated for ten years, all of which have gathered in the country of the dragon.

These people have come into contact with more powerful fruit development abilities in the Heavenly Dragon Country, and they know the path after the awakening of the Devil Fruit, which is equivalent to someone paving the way for them so that they can become stronger more conveniently.

After accumulating for eight hundred years, the overall strength of the Draco people in the Heavenly Dragon Country is absolutely excessive.

Once the strength of the God King is comparable to that of Chernos, the Draco people in the Dragon Country will crush the people of the pirate world.

It is very likely that the Dragon Country will take advantage of the war between the God King and Chernos to eliminate all his forces and all the members of the Varis Pirates in one fell swoop.

In the end, even if Chernos defeats the God King, it will be a crushing victory, and everything he has will be wiped out by the people of the Dragon Country.

This is unacceptable to Chernos!

Therefore, he must now prepare to guard against the attack of the Heavenly Dragon Country.

Thinking of this, Chernos turned to face the camera and said to everyone who was watching the live broadcast: "From today onwards, there will be no more world governments in this world, only the Varis Empire, and as for all matters related to the Varice Empire, they will be announced in a month!"

Chernos' words made the people cheer up, which meant that the eight hundred years of world government rule would be in the past, and a new era was about to begin.

Those kings and nobles were also shouting on the surface, but they muttered in their hearts that the whole world had fallen into the hands of Chernos, and instead of directly inheriting the original name of the World Government, it was changed to the Varice Empire?

Could it be that Chernos thought there was somewhere else in this world that he needed to conquer?

But they didn't think much about it, they just thought that Chernos was from the bottom, so they would make a name like this, in their opinion, Chernos' strength far exceeded the strength before the world government, and it was fully capable of unifying the world and becoming a real world government.

Now that Chernos is the new king of the world, what name you want to call depends on Chernos' mood.

What they care about is that in a month the Chernos will promulgate a policy of performance, which will affect the fate of all countries and people in the world, as well as the fate of the royal families and nobles of each country.

This also made the royals and nobles all start to move, heading towards the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Chernos did not care about the thoughts of these royals and nobles, and after he said this, he signaled Morgan to end the live broadcast, and at the same time let all the members of the Varis Pirates, the Five Old Stars, and Ouranos follow him into the palace of the Holy Land of Marigioa.

All the members of the Varis Pirates are elated, Chernos has eliminated Im, no one in the world is Chernos' opponent, and it is not a problem for them to unify the world.

Now is the time for them to enjoy the fruits of victory.

But when they entered the palace, Chernos asked the door to close and said solemnly to everyone: "Partners, now is not the time for us to be happy, we still have enemies, and the Draco has not been wiped out by us!"

Everyone looked at Chernos in amazement.

Draco is still there?

And those who can be taken seriously by Chernos must have powerful enemies, and for a while the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared.

Yoyuki frowned at Chernos and asked, "Is it the accomplice of the man who appeared just now?" "

The Lord God of Power who appeared before, they all thought that he was a master hidden by Im, and now it seems that it is likely to be the enemy in the mouth of Chernos.

Chernos nodded, "Well, Ouranos, tell them about the Dragon Country!" "Good


Then Ouranos emitted a ray at each of them, transmitting all the information directly to everyone.

After everyone received the ray, their eyes suddenly widened.

The country of Tenryu that brings together the eight hundred years elite figures of the Draco?

The four main gods?

The god king who rules the Dragon Kingdom?

It turns out that there are still such powerful enemies!

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