As soon as Chernos had eaten, an image of the Varys system was projected on his wrist.

"Master, Father, I have already collected most of the intelligence of the Heavenly Dragon Country, you can listen to my report while eating!"

Although he knew that the Varis system had a strong ability to collect intelligence and was fast, Chernos did not expect that the speed would be so fast!

It is estimated that since Shaq opened the space door just now, a total of five minutes have passed.

"Well, you say, we are trying to find out about the situation in the Heavenly Dragon Country!"

The Varis system gestured with both hands, and a giant 3D map model appeared in front of him, and then Varis divided a flat map of the Dragon Country floating in the air, so that Chernos and Shaq could understand the Dragon Country more clearly.

"Master, Father, the map model of the Dragon Country is circular in shape, with obvious traces of artificial construction.

The outermost part of the entire Dragon Country is the outer block you just saw, and this block occupies the entire outer circle, accounting for one-third of the entire Dragon Country.

On the streets of the outer circle, there are those Draco who do not seek advancement, as well as most of the native-born Draco.

These people are no different from the underground Draco, they are some scumbags with no combat effectiveness, enjoying life every day and abusing those alien humans and creatures.

And in the middle circle is the Draco cultivated from various worlds, this part is the essence of the Dragon Country, after my detection, there are more than 10,000 people living here, and the combat power of these ten thousand people almost reaches the combat power of the emperor of the sea.

The closer to the inner circle, the stronger the combat power, and I detected that the people who lived the strongest in the middle position, judging from the energy fluctuations on their bodies, almost all of them had the ability of two demon fruits, and they all cultivated to an extremely powerful level.

This is followed by the innermost circle.

There are not many people living in the inner circle, and only three people have been detected so far, and the strength of these three people is very strong, and they all have extremely strong fruit energy fluctuations.

I can't give an accurate answer to their strength, and I can only roughly speculate that their strength should be above Im!

And judging from the energy fluctuations on their bodies, these three people all possess at least three Devil Fruit abilities!

Chernos put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, frowning and thinking.

He knew that the strength of the Heavenly Dragon Country was very strong, but he did not expect that the strength of the Heavenly Dragon Country would be so strong.

The strength of the people whose strength has reached the combat power of the sea emperor is actually enough to have 10,000 people!

To know the strength of the sea emperor, it can be said that it is the top combat power of a world, 10,000 people have such a concept of combat power, as if 10,000 Kaido or Aunt suddenly appeared in front of you, this is really terrible.

Such combat power is estimated to be a crushing level existence for most of the world.

And the three people in the inner circle are even more terrifying, Yim alone can suppress the pirate world for eight hundred years, and there are three here, presumably these three people should be the remaining three main gods!

Now that I think about it, the original Lord God of Force was also a very bullish existence.

Being able to rely on the ability of a single devil fruit to stand out among the people with the ability of double devil fruit and three devil fruit.

It's a pity that he ran into the Chernos who restrained him, if the Chernos' fruit ability was not rebounded, he really might not be able to easily defeat the Lord God of Power!

Looking at Vareth, who stopped, Chernos asked with some curiosity: "Varis, what about the God King?" Did you detect his presence? How strong is he?

Varis shook his head and said to Chernos with some doubt: "The strange thing is that I have covered the entire Dragon Country, but none of the reconnaissance robots have detected the existence of the God King.

Now there are only two possibilities, one is that the God King is just not there, so the reconnaissance robots have not found the God King.

There is also a possibility that the strength of the God King is very, very terrifying, so terrifying that he can avoid my monitoring under my heaven and earth net!

Chernos sighed, the other intelligence was better, even if the Heavenly Dragon Country had 10,000 sea emperor-level combat power, with his current strength, he was still sure that he would be able to defeat these Draco.

And the strength of the God King that I want to know the most, the reconnaissance robot can't find it, and there is no way to get relevant information!

Varis continued to say to Chernos: "Master, I also found a very interesting point here, I found that the Dragon Country connects countless worlds, these worlds are actually not all Draco's crushing situation, and there are some worlds whose combat power is not lost to the combat power of the Dragon Country.

This also makes it very difficult for Draco to infiltrate these powerful worlds!

These people have already hit the entrance of the Heavenly Dragon Country, but the Lord God and God King of the Heavenly Dragon Country have not appeared once, and have not helped other Draco people defeat these worlds.

It's just that because they don't have a way to enter the Heavenly Dragon Country, they are now in a stalemate.

If we can pull the top combat power of these worlds into the Heavenly Dragon Country, we can relieve a lot of pressure for us!"

Chernos' eyes lit up.

These worlds all have enemies with the country of the heavenly dragon, and their world is also attacked and oppressed by the country of the heavenly dragon, if they are given a chance to enter the country of the heavenly dragon, they will definitely be willing to enter the country of the heavenly dragon and the people of the heavenly dragon desperately!

"This is a good proposal, but the passage of the Heavenly Dragon Country is not so easy to open, and if it were not for the Draco people at that time, it is estimated that it would be difficult for us to enter the Heavenly Dragon Country."

And when I came in, I used teleportation, and I barely entered the Dragon Country! "

The disgusting point of the passage of the Dragon Country is that the traction light of the Dragon Country has an automatic recognition system, and it is undoubtedly impossible for others other than the Draco to enter!

At this moment, Varis smiled at Chernos and said: "Master, you don't have to worry about this, I'll just come!"

"You coming? How could you possibly open the traction gate of the Dragon Country? Shaq

, who had finished his meal, gave Chernos a blank look again.

"It is said that do not underestimate people, Varis already has the ability to automatically analyze energy, and can absorb, use, assimilate, and even use the analyzed energy to attack.

As long as Varis is given some time, he will definitely be able to crack the way to enter the Heavenly Dragon Country! "

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