"Huh? The Lord God of Force is dead? "

Im is dead too?"

"Kind of interesting!"

A man was bored fishing in a pond, and after suddenly sensing something, a smile appeared on his originally calm face.

This man was none other than the god king that Chernos could not find in the Land of Dragons.

When the God King sensed that his right-hand man and his own brother were dead, his face did not look the slightest bit unhappy, but instead seemed to have encountered something that he found very interesting.

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the God King, and the scenes of countless worlds appeared in his eyes, and quickly swept by, as if he was looking for something.

Soon, he fixed his gaze on the Land of Dragons and found Chernos and Shaq who had come to the Land of Dragons.

"The rebound fruit, mechanical transformation of people, is really interesting, but unfortunately the technology of this world is limited, and there is no way to develop technology as powerful as my original universe."

However, it was really unexpected that someone could develop the rebound fruit to the realm of fit.

Well? Wait, the soul of this man....

This person is actually not from this world, hahaha, it's even more interesting, I just don't know if this person is a person from the same world as me! "

The God King looked up into the air, and in the air there was a big tree that covered the sky, and on the canopy of the big tree, countless fruits were produced.

If Chernos were here, he would find that these fruits look exactly like the devil fruits in the pirate world.

At the very top of the canopy, there is also a huge fruit, this fruit is different from other fruits, there is no pattern on the fruit, but a faint white light.

The figure of the god king flashed, appeared on the canopy of the tree, and reached out to pluck the fruit that glowed white.

After the fruits of the canopy of the large tree that originally covered the sky were plucked, the green leaves instantly withered, and the trunk and branches of the large tree began to decay and dissipate.

In less than a moment, the big tree that originally covered the entire sky had disappeared, and even the trunk that plunged straight into the sky turned into powder and dissipated in the world.

The devil fruits that fell on the ground told people that the big tree just now was not an illusion, but a real one.

After those devil fruits fell to the ground, they began to shake on their own, as if they were attracted by something.

After a while, those devil fruits turned into rays of light and flew in all directions.

The fruit picked by the god king was no longer shining at this time, and the surface of the fruit had dried up, like a dried fruit that had been dried for a long time.

As time passed, the dried fruit was still slowly shrinking, and in less than half an hour, the fruit in the hand of the God King had turned into the appearance of a seed.

The God King cherished out a purple-gold crystal box from his pocket and carefully placed the seeds in the box, only then did he let out a breath.

"The last world has been planted, then my mission is also completed, it's time to do what you want to do!"

The God King tore open the space, placed the crystal box in the space, and looked towards Chernos, who was in the Land of Dragons, and the smile on his face became even stronger!

I saw the figure of the god king flash, and the whole person disappeared from the world, as if it had never appeared.

At the same time, Fisher, who was guarding the palace of Mary Joa in the Holy Land, suddenly looked up towards where Blackbeard was.

I saw an extremely powerful aura appear on Blackbeard's body, which even far exceeded Fisher, making Fisher feel trembling.

"Thief hahaha, this power is too strong, it turns out that this is the whole power of the dark fruit, thief hahahaha, this feeling of being extremely powerful is really cool!!"

Blackbeard let out a deafening laugh, and unconsciously unconsciously unleashed a sound wave with a shocking fruit, which shook Fisher all over his body.

Blackbeard's body is powerful and gives people an incomparably evil feeling, making people feel afraid just by looking at Blackbeard.

'Blackbeard, stop, if you continue like this, the palace will be destroyed by you, and your companions will most likely be injured!

Blackbeard laughed for a while, and when he found out that this was the palace of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, this retracted his breath and made Fisher breathe a sigh.

The strength that Blackbeard inadvertently exerted just now was too strong, making Fisher feel like facing Chernos and Im, that feeling of powerlessness that could not be matched!

Blackbeard looked around, and after sensing that there was no Chernos aura around, he frowned and asked Fisher, "Brother Fisher, where is Captain Chernos?" I can't feel his breath on the Holy Land of Mary Joa, so I won't go to retreat again, will I?

"After you went to the trial, Chernos took Shaq to the Land of Dragons and has not yet returned.

But don't worry, Shaq's Gate Fruit has appeared in the palace, and Varis has also sent a robot legion into the Gate Fruit, compared to Chernos, it should be ready to use those robot legions to test the water.

Blackbeard had a smile in his eyes after understanding the situation.

The person he is most afraid of is Chernos, and the strength of the god king in Chernos' mouth is still above him, and it is estimated that this time must be very dangerous in the past.

However, Blackbeard does not care whether Chernos is dangerous or not, he only cares whether Chernos will die at the hands of the god king, and the best result for him is that Chernos and the so-called god king will die together.

In this way, with his current strength, he can completely inherit the position of Chernos and become the world master who rules this world.

After entering the trial this time, Blackbeard not only successfully completed the trial and killed the derived personality, but also completed the combination of the dark fruit.

After the Dark Fruit merged, Blackbeard's strength skyrocketed, and the skyrocketing strength also brought Blackbeard unprecedented ambitions, making him want to replace Chernos and become the lord of the world.

It's just that so many years of jealousy and worship of Chernos have also made Blackbeard set his eyes on Chernos.

Facing a heyday Chernos, Blackbeard is not sure that he can defeat Chernos, but now there is a god king who makes Chernos fearful, and he hopes that Chernos can defeat the god king and then be seriously injured, so that he can use his demon fruit ability to completely kill Chernos.

Although he is very excited now, for him, there is only one last step, as long as he eradicates Chernos, he can inherit everything from Chernos!

But the more this happens, the more cautious and crazy Tichy becomes, although it is very contradictory, but this is Blackbeard!

"Everything must be set up before the Chernos returns!"

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