"A big event happened at that time, and it was precisely because of this incident that everything that happened later!"

After dealing with the climate and environmental problems of the Pirate World back then, the Traversers are also tired and return to the Empire to rest.

However, they have ignored the life and death of the natives over the years, and have acted arbitrarily against the world, which has long caused the dissatisfaction of the natives, and they have been looking for an opportunity to take revenge.

At that time, the traversers were very proud, thinking that they had powerful weapons, knowledge across this world, and powerful god-like abilities.

Therefore, none of them took the natives seriously and enslaved the natives at will.

If it were just to enslave the natives, the powerful Traversers might be ruled by the Traversers for a long time.

But because these crossers could not find a way home, many crossers' tempers began to become violent and collapsed, and many crossers vented this emotion on the natives, abusing the natives at will, resulting in countless indigenous deaths.

As for the life of the traversers, they also began to become extremely luxurious, they enjoyed all the wealth of this world, enjoyed the beauties among the natives, and even in order to satisfy the fantasies of these crossers, the person who was good at research and development also made up the Fish Terrans for their enjoyment.

As for life, they live a life of clothing, food and mouth, enjoy endless food and wine, and of course, enjoy the beauty of all ethnic groups.

A large group of slaves gathered in the imperial palace to serve their enjoyment.

It's just that this also buried safety risks, and the crossers all enjoyed a life of drunken dreams and death, and they all thought that they could not go back to the original world, so they began to indulge themselves in this world.

It's just that after a long time, contradictions began to arise between the crossers, and the two powerful crossers began to fight each other because of a beautiful native, at first just gassing each other and losing each other's face, but as the anger grew, the two sides began to fight each other.

After that, the number of people involved in the fight also began to increase, and two major factions were formed between the crossers, and the anger between the two sides became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the two sides engaged in a dogfight that swept almost all the crossers in.

However, the battle between the two sides is not the point, the point is that when the two sides fight, the slaves of these traversers infiltrated the interior of the empire while unattended, and stole all the fruits of the blockade of the crossers.

These natives distributed all the fruits to all the slaves, and later they also learned that they were not those powerful traverser opponents, and they fled the empire with the ability of the fruits and scattered all over the world.

"Well, my companions were all crazy, and I was out there with a squad looking for a way back, and when I came back, they were arguing with each other again over the loss of fruit, all blaming each other.

To be honest, I was very disappointed and angry with them at that time, so I used my powerful fruit ability to knock everyone down.

Then I dismissed the empire and let these people form their own countries and scatter them around the world.

At that time, I found the place where the Heavenly Dragon Country was located, and I felt that it had a special structure that could actually connect dozens of worlds, so I, who had reached the realm of convergence at that time, opened up the Heavenly Dragon Country in this place.

As I opened up and explored other worlds, the pirate world was also noisy, and the countries they founded were still attacking each other, even leading to death wars.

But at this time, the indigenous people who had the fruit also began to rise.

They developed the fruit to a very strong point and began to unite with the natives everywhere to fight back against us outsiders.

By the time I built the Dragon Kingdom and returned to this world again, the situation had been reversed, and the Traversers were at a disadvantage, and these Traversers claimed to be the D Race, but in fact, these people named the D Race were all slaves who had been enslaved by their partners.

The reason why we call ourselves the D family is actually the word Deliver, which means deliver, which means deliver.

They come from various races and intend to unite to save their world, hence the name D race.

If I hadn't appeared, these D-ones would have Hades modeled after our spaceship laser cannons, and countless giant species that my companions had randomly modified, such as elephants called zowu, super-large sea kings in the sea, and so on.

Once the army of nations they have formed is formed, those of mine are likely to lose!

Although my partners were very angry, they were partners from the same world as me, so I took action.

I killed the leader named Joeyboy, I destroyed the nations, and I took the family of the Traversers to form the current Draco.

When the God King said this, Chernos interrupted the God King for the first time, and asked the God King with some puzzlement: "Why?" Why help these people to this extent?

"I don't quite understand, these people have already begun to beat themselves up, you save them, it's better to cultivate some of your own forces to come out, isn't it better?"

A wry smile appeared on the God King's face.

"Yes, it's not better to cultivate my own forces, it's just, I didn't have a choice at that time, and at that time, after establishing the Dragon Country, I found a way to leave this universe.

If you want to leave this universe, you must help the Divine Tree complete its planting, plant all the worlds in its body with Devil Fruit Trees, and wait until those Devil Fruit Trees are ripe!

If you want to plant a devil fruit tree, it is actually equivalent to destroying a world first, and all the power of the rules of this world is offered to the devil fruit tree, only in this way can the devil fruit tree grow and bear devil fruit.

Chernos thought for a while, and a hint of surprise and shock suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"You mean to say that you are connected to the big tree that grew in the universe outside when you entered this universe before?

And he also gave a request for you to help him grow the Devil Fruit Tree and plunder all the worlds inside it? The

smile on the God King's face became even more bitter.

"Yes, who would have thought that I, who was invincible to the world, would actually be threatened by a tree, and a threat would last for thousands of years.

When I wanted to go home, I thought I couldn't bear my family and friends, and I wanted to go back to my world.

But after all this time, I still want to go back, even if I know that my family and friends should all die after so many years, but... But I still want to go back! "

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