There are actually only two cultivation systems in this world, one is the development and cultivation of the Devil Fruit ability, and the other is the development and cultivation of domineering.

In addition to these two, other cultivations such as Jianhao are actually cultivating domineering.

It's just that now his domineering is almost cultivated to the extreme, as long as the armed color domineering is opened, it is difficult for ordinary people to hurt him.

If you add the overlord color domineering, you are already the top powerhouse in this world.

It can be said that in terms of overlord-colored domineering, no one in this world can surpass him.

The consequence of cultivating to the extreme is that there is no way to go.

Before cultivating to the extreme, even if it is a casual word from others, even a realm improvement can pull him to a whole new realm and make him more powerful.

It's just that now there is no way to go, and after reaching the limit, it is difficult to improve a little more, for example, to increase the strength of 10,000 kilograms to 10,000 kilograms.

And now he doesn't just want to improve a little, but needs to improve a lot, to raise his strength to the point where he can fight the rules with his body, and to the point where he can tear the universe apart with his bare hands.

This is no longer a difficult problem, but an impossible thing to do!

Chernos scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he still didn't think about how to break through the limits of his body.

"There is definitely no way to improve the cultivation methods of the pirate world, you can only think about the cultivation methods of other worlds and see what you can learn from!"

"If you only talk about the strong in physical skills, Kai Huang and Saitama must be the strongest group of people, Kai Huang relies on the eight-door dunjia, the problem is that it is not realistic for me to develop a set of eight-door dunjia out of thin air now.

Saitama relies on his exclusive cultivation method, push-ups, sit-ups and running every day, but his little amount of exercise, any anime protagonist can do it at will, and no one can become as powerful as Saitama.

"Saitama is estimated to rely on the way of opening the gene lock, and suddenly became an existence beyond ordinary people, making him stronger every day."

"If I can open the gene lock, it is indeed a quick way to get stronger, well, this can be kept, try it later!"

"What are the protagonists who are physically strong? Saiyan? "It's

just that Saiyans rely on racial talent, and after they explode into Saiyans, their strength will be greatly improved, coupled with their stronger physique, which makes them strong."

"But their gravity cultivation method can be used as a reference, but unfortunately, now I am in Blackbeard's black hole space, there is no place to get high-intensity gravity to cultivate!"


"What other cultivation methods that a strong physical skill can draw on?"

"Xiu Immortal in fantasy novels?"

"Forget it, even if it is a martial arts practitioner in a martial arts novel, he can't do it, these cultivation methods require professional knowledge, if you want to cultivate, you need to know what are the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, where are the acupuncture points on your body, and you also need to know some taboos of cultivation, if you don't know these things, random luck, the biggest possibility is violent death!"

"Without this knowledge, even if you are given a martial arts secret book, or even a copy of the immortal cultivation secret book, you don't know how to cultivate!"



Chernos thought of many cultivation methods, either cultivation methods exclusive to other worlds, or racial talents, and many power systems were completely different, and there was no point in borrowing at all.

Thinking of the end, the most suitable for his current situation, and the most likely for him to become the one who can tear the universe, is Saitama's way to open the gene lock.

It's just that Saitama is simply a person who opens the hanging, and there is no way to open the gene lock at all, as if all his gene locks have been opened, whether standing or sleeping, he is getting stronger all the time.

One-punch man can't find the cultivation method of gene lock here, so think about the gene lock cultivation method that appears elsewhere.

When it comes to the most detailed cultivation method of gene locks, it should be the gene lock opening method in "Infinite Horror".

Divide the gene lock into four stages, each of which will have a large variation, and the power span will also be large.

After the first order is opened, it will restore people's combat instincts, greatly improving combat effectiveness, and even an ordinary person can become an existence that can fight special forces.

After the second stage is opened, it can control 90% of the body and exert 100% of its potential strength, whether it is muscles, blood, nerves and five senses, it will be greatly improved.

This gives the person who opens it extremely resilient, reflexive, defensive and powerful.

After the third level is opened, the person's intelligence will be greatly improved, and even simulate the enemy's thinking and predict what the enemy will do.

Of course, in addition to the development of intelligence, it will also greatly improve physical strength, and even increase physical strength by more than 50%.

That is to say, originally a person's limit strength was one hundred kilograms, and after opening the third order, his limit strength could reach one hundred and fifty kilograms.

The fourth order is the most different, and after opening, it will enter the micro stage, which can change genes and even change the essence.

After adjusting and optimizing the genes, the body can burst into a stronger fighting state, use every bit of strength to the extreme, do not waste a single bit of strength, tap out the potential of each gene, and burst out all the power 100%.

In the fourth stage, every time you open the gene lock, you are actually exercising your body in the most superior way, and each time you optimize the gene, you can permanently preserve part of the optimization and continue to become stronger.

Even after cultivating to the nano-level micro-control force, you can completely use a piece of strength as a percentage of strength, and your strength will directly increase by a hundred times.

If the power before the third order is the light illuminated by the flashlight, then the power of the fourth stage is the laser, although the attack range is essentially the same, but the destructive power increases a hundred times.

Such a cultivation system was very suitable for Chernos, and the first three stages of Chernos had all been achieved through cultivation, especially when he used the Devil Fruit to cultivate his body before, he had also reached the subtle realm.

This also allowed Chernos to lay the foundation for cultivating gene locks.

Chernos touched his chin and secretly said in his heart: the easiest way to open a gene lock is the potential ability to activate when facing a life-threatening situation.

It seems that I have to find a way to provoke Blackbeard and get Blackbeard to launch an attack that can threaten my life!

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