Did that bastard Blackbeard rebel

?" After the owner returned, it seemed that he lost the power of the demon fruit, but he still killed Blackbeard, but Blackbeard gained the ability to come back from the dead after completing the trial, and defeated the master with a sneak attack!

Now Blackbeard has declared that he is the new king of the world, and the master and all the members of the Varis Pirate Group have all been caught in Blackbeard's black hole space.

Just now, Blackbeard also broadcast live the picture of him abusing his master!" "Blackbeard

abusing Chernos?"

Varres's words made Shaq feel extremely strange, this feeling was like an ordinary person defeating the giant race, it was simply unacceptable.


it weren't for Chernos' appreciation, Blackbeard would now be just an ordinary member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Blackbeard has always been extremely low-key, gentle to people, if not for an ugly appearance, simply a harmless figure like a brother next door, at least in Shaq's opinion, Blackbeard is no threat to the Varis Pirates.

But such a harmless figure caused the most damage to the Varis Pirates since the formation of the group.

No wonder when Chernos saw Blackbeard, his evaluation of him was that this man had unparalleled ambition and had to be wary.

It's just that neither Chernos nor the members are completely aware of Blackbeard's harm and are completely at ease with Blackbeard, which has led to the current tragedy.

After learning the truth, Shaq also felt extremely angry, not only because of his partner's betrayal, but also because Blackbeard dared to abuse Chernos.

As one of the earliest members of the Varice Pirates, Shaq has long regarded Chernos as his relative, and it is also because of Chernos' enlightenment and support that he has achieved his current achievements.

At the same time, Chernos is also his confidant, giving him countless inspirations, and a brother who can unconditionally contain him.

Blackbeard actually dared to bully Chernos, then he would avenge Chernos and kill Blackbeard, a traitor for Chernos!

I saw Shaq open his arms, as if summoning something, not long after, blue flames cut through the sky, quickly appeared on Shaq's body, and wrapped around Shaq's body piece by piece.

At this time, Shaq's body was all wrapped in metal, looking like a robot.

And this look is exactly the same as Iron Man, and the reason why this machine armor is made into this appearance is also a dream of Shaq who intends to fulfill Chernos.

When Chernos provided him with a direction for improving his strength, he made the appearance of Iron Man to Chernos, but Chernos disappeared for ten years, and after returning, he directly attacked the world government and Im.

So much so that until now Shaq has not had a chance to surprise Chernos.

"Varis, summon the Sanctioner Legion and take down all of Blackbeard's men!" The Sanctioner Legion

is a robot legion created by Shaq to deal with those with Devil Fruit abilities, and this robot legion is known to no one except Shaq.

Originally, Shaq planned to use these robots to help Chernos rule the world, and help Chernos deal with those who dared to resist the Devil Fruit ability.

The Sanctioner Legion all possesses the abilities that Varis has previously demonstrated, being able to automatically resolve energy and absorb, utilize, assimilate, and attack.

Although these sanctioner robots are not Devil Fruit Abilities, they can use the abilities of countless Devil Fruit Abilities.

It can be said that the Sanctioner Robot Legion is a leapfrog upgraded version of the Devil Fruit Robot Legion, and has a strength far beyond the Devil Fruit Robot Legion.

It's just that the Varis Pirate Group is too strong, and the surrounding enemies are too weak, and it is enough to deal with the general robot legion and the Devil Fruit Robot Legion, and there is no chance to dispatch the Sanctioner Legion at all.

Now that all his partners and his best brother have been captured, Shaq has no intention of staying and directly dispatches all his strength, intending to destroy Blackbeard in the shortest possible time and rescue Chernos.

"Yes, my lord, leave no one of all the betrayers!" After

commanding Vareth, Shaq shouted in the palace: "Blackbeard, get out of here for me!!" Shaq's

cry formed a burst of sound waves with the blessing of the mecha and shook towards the surroundings.

Immediately, everyone in the palace was in chaos.

Countless people fled with their heads in their hands, including some of Blackbeard's subordinates, these people saw that it was Shaq who appeared, they all knew that Shaq's strength was unfathomable, and they did not dare to jump out to deal with Shaq, only daring to use the phone worm to contact Blackbeard.

Blackbeard, who was in the space of the black hole, was showing a smug smile and laughing.

Just now, the world's first beautiful woman Han Cook and the so-called most dangerous woman virus queen Liu Ji all succumbed to him, chose to obediently obey his words and follow him.

Although this was after he promised not to hurt Chernos for a month and let Chernos live well, the two gave in.

But it didn't matter to him at all, anyway, Chernos was now imprisoned by him, and he could torture Chernos whenever he wanted, or he wanted to kill Chernos.

Even if he continued to torture Chernos within a month, what could the two of them do with him?

This phone worm was deliberately left on his body, and when he entered the space, he could not care about the outside world, if something happened to the outside world at this time, such as the sudden visit of the god king he was most worried about, or the appearance of the scientist Shaq who did not know whether he was dead or alive.

These two people are both existences that can pose a threat to him, and the God King can defeat even the peak Chernos, and his strength is definitely stronger than him, so he needs to deal with it carefully.

And the Varis robots controlled by Shaq have spread all over the world, and if Shaq is willing to submit to him, he can take over the world in an instant.

But if Shaq chooses to be his enemy, he can also destroy the world in an instant, leaving him to rule a ruin.

Therefore, he instructed his subordinates to use this phone worm to contact him whether the God King or Shaq appeared, or if other extremely serious crisis came.

And now, the phone rang.

Blackbeard glanced at Han Cook and Liu Ji, and then at the phone worm in his hand, the heat in his eyes began to subside, and he instantly left the space and appeared in the palace.

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