“Kula la-la, if that guy Roger sees this scene and doesn’t know how he will feel, it will be funny!”

“Daddy, do you want me to help?”

“No need, the old guys of the five old stars can’t stop for long, the main thing is to see the battle between Ye Feng and that Im.”

After a little thought, Whitebeard vetoed Marko’s proposal.

In the battle on the scene, Ye Feng’s side had already won undoubtedly.

The key is the result of the battle between Ye Feng and Yimu.

The victory or defeat of the two of them determines the ultimate winner of this battle.


“Heh, I can’t imagine that the real ruler of the world government is a little sister-in-law.”

On the naval side, Karp buttoned his nose and looked at the lively expression.

It seems that he doesn’t care about Dorag’s battle at all, and he doesn’t know whether he has a big heart or confidence in his son.

Maybe both!

“You old soul is faint, maybe people just look young, and the real age is enough to be your ancestor.”

Sengoku Yuguang glanced at Karp.

“Hey, if you can be my ancestor, then you can also be your ancestor.” When Karp heard this, he immediately laughed and stunned.

“You guy、、、”

Seeing the two fooling around, the crane on the side shook his head silently, and then carefully watched the battle between Ye Feng and Yimu.

She has long been accustomed to the way the two of them get along.


Mary Joa was in the air, one was the color of a forest basket, one was silver-white, and two streams of light flowed rapidly.

At a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to see, sometimes collide, sometimes separate.

These two streams of light are naturally Ye Feng and Yimu.


After another fist and foot attack, Ye Feng and Yimu temporarily stopped their attack, each standing on one side, tens of meters apart.

“The temptation is almost okay, it’s useless to continue, move all your strength!”



After a short conversation, a flash of fighting intent erupted in their eyes at the same time, and then in a sonic boom, they rushed towards each other again.

Ye Feng’s whole body was wrapped in a rich earth glow, and with the blessing of the power of the earth, his strength and defense had been improved several times.

A punch blasted out, and the void suddenly appeared a trace of distortion and shattering.

Opposite him, Im did not hesitate to sword, and the powerful sword pressure instantly cut through the distorted void.

Her golden sword belongs. It is very rare in this world and rarely seen anyone using it.

The heavy battle sword tore through Ye Feng’s fist pressure, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Feng’s fists exchanged blows.


In a metallic clash, the two touched and closed, and then they launched other attacks again without stopping.

Bang, bang, bang、、、

The two fought very quickly, and between each breath, they exchanged several rounds.

In the eyes of most observers, they could only see an afterimage, and they couldn’t keep up with the speed of the two at all.

“This woman seems petite, but I didn’t expect such great strength, and her cultivation in swordsmanship is even more extreme.”

While fighting with Yimu, Ye Feng muttered secretly in his heart.

He has all kinds of talent blessings, and his strength is huge, stronger than guys like Karp and Kaido.

And Yimu, as a delicate beauty, attacked him for several minutes, but did not fall behind at all.

It may be a rare encounter with an opponent who can fight, and in the engagement, neither of them dodged in the slightest and went head-to-head with each other.

What surprised Ye Feng was that as the battle progressed, the woman seemed to become more and more excited, and the fighting intent became higher and higher.

What surprised Ye Feng the most was the other party’s sword technique, which opened and closed in one move, but there was no lack of endless changes.

The attack is fierce, the defense is dripping watertight, and there is a smell of returning to basics.

The feeling given to Ye Feng was even stronger than Hawkeye and the five old stars with swords, and he had reached another realm.

“The key is that set of armor and wings, the former’s defense is simply perverted, and if the latter is correct, I am afraid it is the legendary heavenly king.”

After exchanging hundreds of moves, Ye Feng had a faint guess in his heart.

Im was able to fly in the sky, not because she was an able, but because of the pair of white wings.

On that pair of wings, Ye Feng had always felt a faint threat.

And what can make him feel dangerous, I am afraid that there is nothing else in this world except the king of heaven.

At present, the functions displayed by the pair of wings are mainly flight, attack, and defense.

The edges of this pair of wings were as thin as blades, and they could easily cut through the void, and Ye Feng had secretly suffered a few small losses before.

When it blocked in front of Im, it could form an effective defense and withstand Ye Feng’s attacks several times.

Ye Feng observed that on the inside of the pair of wings, there were mysterious light gold patterns, and there was a feeling of a magic array.

Perhaps these mysterious patterns are the biggest secret of this pair of wings.

And the silver-white armor on Im’s body is also extremely extraordinary.

In the hand, Ye Feng hit Yimu more than once with his super speed, but under the protection of this battle armor, Yimu did not suffer any damage.

With Ye Feng’s fist power, a single punch could easily break a mountain, but it failed to break the defense of this suit of armor several times.

It can be seen that this suit of armor is powerful.

Ye Feng also noticed that on this suit of battle armor, a faint golden pattern was also attached.

It’s just that it’s relatively rough.

This pattern would attract Ye Feng’s attention, mainly because every time he blocked Ye Feng’s attack, a faint golden light would light up.

With such an obvious situation, how could Ye Feng not notice it.

“This armor should be a defensive product of the wings, but it is not completely successful.”

Thinking running, Ye Feng came to a conclusion.


Without waiting for him to think too much, a sword light slashed towards him.

PS: Kneel for subscription!! Thank you all for your support!!! _

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