The weather on the sea is changing, one second it is clear, maybe the next second it will be pouring rain.

When Ye Feng and the others left Rogue Town, the sea was still calm and sunny.

But now, the sky is covered with dark clouds, thunder is furious, the sea seems to be angry, the tide is turbulent, and one after another huge waves are like a canopy in the sky.


Suddenly, thunder shone, like silver snakes flying, rushing through the clouds.

“I don’t know when this storm will stop?”

Looking at the uncertain sea outside the window, Ye Feng couldn’t help but whisper to himself.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long before the two clouds above will part and you’ll see the sun again.”

Nami spoke up when she heard this.

Hearing her words, Keya and Nuo Qigao’s faces suddenly became much more relaxed.

They have not yet fully adapted to life sailing on the sea.

The boat is beaten around in the waves, and the feeling of upheaving up and down brings not only psychological fear, but also physical inapplicability.

“Ye Feng, when you injured Smog before, was it armed color domineering?”

In order to divert attention, Nuo Qigao asked Ye Feng.

“Yes, that purple thing is so powerful, it almost killed the smoking guy.”

Mentioning this, Nami couldn’t help but light up her eyes and look very interested.

Sure enough, in addition to money, she also likes violent things

In addition to her, the new Carmen is even more so, and Carmen is more knowledgeable and knows the most.

He looked at Ye Feng in surprise, “You actually armed with color domineering?” ”

“Well, it’s just been awakening for a few days.” Ye Feng answered truthfully.

In fact, his armed color domineering awakened when he was in the village of Cocosia, and it took only one day.

Such a fast awakening made Ye Feng himself feel surprised, and he could only blame himself for his extraordinary talent, a genius among geniuses.

“Then can you teach me?” Twisting a little, Carmen blushed slightly and pleaded.

I don’t know, I thought it was her hair.

Carmen is a chef by profession, but has a greater interest in fighting, and his strength is not weak.

“Of course you can, after all, you are also a member of our ship, my partner, the stronger your strength, the happier I am.”

Ye Feng replied involuntarily.

“Thank you!” Carmen immediately showed a grateful look.

Domineering, although it can be seen everywhere in the new world, like rotten streets, but in the four seas, and even in the first half of the great voyage, it is rare.

In general, few people will be willing to teach others.

Time passed slowly in the communication of several people, and sure enough, as Nami said, it didn’t take long for the dark clouds to dissipate and the torrential rain to stop suddenly.

A dazzling colorful bridge appears in the sky, which is very beautiful and pleasant.

Ye Feng and the others walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck, enjoying the tranquility after the storm.

At this time, Nami, who was in the watchtower, exclaimed:

“Huh, naval fleet?”

Ye Feng and the others heard the sound and immediately looked in the direction of Nami’s finger.

I saw that in the faint mist, a fleet of seven warships was heading towards the direction where Ye Feng and the others were.

On the mast, in addition to the naval flag, which symbolizes peace, there is also a large ‘8’ flag.

This means that this fleet is from the eighth branch of the East China Sea Navy.

When Ye Feng and the others discovered each other, the other party also discovered Ye Feng and the others.

On the flagship in the middle of the fleet, a fat middle-aged man sat on a large chair, his eyelids lowered, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

“Lord Governor, there is a pirate ship ahead, whether to attack.”

At this time, a navy came to report, heard the voice, the fat man struggled to open his eyes, and shrieked:

“A pirate ship, dare to stand in the way of Ben Tidu, and bombard it to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.”

“Yes, Lord Governor.”

The order was quickly delivered, and immediately afterwards, the guns on board the warships spewed fire in unison, making a booming sound.

One shell after another flew towards Ye Feng and the others with a piercing whistling sound.

“It seems that the fleet of the eighth branch of the Navy will be delisted in the East China Sea today.”

Witnessing the whistling cannonballs, Ye Feng’s pupils glowed with a faint cold light.

Then the body turned into a rainbow of light and soared into the sky, and all the incoming shells were kicked away like lightning.


Dozens of shells exploded in the air, like a brilliant firework, beautiful with a thick crisis.

Then, the light flickered, and Ye Feng brought up a long band of light, which instantly appeared above the naval fleet.

“What people?”

“This is the eighth branch of the Navy, the fleet of Governor Nelson Roy, and the people above are leaving quickly.”

“Attack, give Ben Titu and knock him down.”

Ye Feng’s appearance immediately attracted the attention of the fleet below, and after a period of panic, under the command of the fat man, he began to attack Ye Feng.

But apparently, their attacks were all in vain.

“The eighth branch, Nelson Roy Governor, turned out to be the guy who wanted to obtain immortality.”

Ye Feng’s eyes flickered, recalling this plot, which was about the story of the Millennium Dragon and Warship Island.

Thinking of the pitiful ugly appearance of the thousand-year-old dragon, Ye Feng really couldn’t bear to look at it directly, it was simply destroying the beautiful expectations for the dragon in his heart.

“Since you want to live forever, then I will give you a ride and realize your dream of immortality in hell.”

Saying to himself, Ye Feng immediately attacked.

“Ruling of Light, Wrath of the Sun God!”


Seven dazzling pillars of light lit up from heaven and earth and crashed down towards the seven warships below.

The terrifying divine light is grounded in the sky, and it can be clearly seen from miles away.

“God, what is that, the divine punishment sent by the gods?”

“It’s terrible, hurry up and turn around, and don’t go to the Great Route.”



With an earth-shattering bang in no particular order, the seven warships turned into fragments and were blown away.

The navy on it, except for a few who were lucky, were strangled by the shock wave at the first time.

Even those who survive are doomed to bear fruit in this vast sea.

“If you don’t die, you won’t die!”

Leaving a merciless word, Ye Feng flashed back to the ship.

He was greeted by the exclamation of the four women, and Nami’s reproach.

“Hey, that’s seven warships, there must be a lot of treasure on it, you actually suddenly, hey, what a loser!”

Looking at the debris floating on the sea, Nami was so distressed that she couldn’t breathe.

God knows how many treasures sank to the bottom of the sea with Ye Feng’s attack.

The corners of Ye Feng’s mouth tugged, and he silently returned to the cabin, he really didn’t want to argue with Nami about this matter.

When it comes to treasure, Nami will definitely not be able to defeat it.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for ten evaluation votes, kneel for support!!!

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