
Chris lit a cigarette and stood quietly in front of the window, looking out at the azure sea.

In his plan, Doflamingo has always been a heavyweight and can make a huge difference.

This guy is cold by nature, has the idea of destroying the world, hates the navy, and is very disgusted with Draco.

As a Draco, he was deprived of his identity, which made his psychology completely distorted.

Simply a mad dog that only bites!!

Such a good pawn, if you don’t use him reasonably, it’s not a pity.

Seeing Chris’s appearance, the women looked at each other and looked at each other.

They were well aware that Chris had a problem.

“Our captain is the most decisive, he does not drag mud and water when he talks and does things, and he rarely sees his contemplative appearance.”

Karina shrugged her shoulders and said with a slight smile.

Mei Ti brushed her hair, and said with a smile: “No way, if we promise to help Violet, then our plans will all be affected.” ”

“It’s called moving the whole body, and I have to be cautious.”

The Sweetheart Queen nodded, and her pretty face showed a serious look, “Chris has long laid out the path to hegemony, and it will definitely not change easily.” ”

“So in the face of Sister Bakara’s suggestion, we must seriously think about it and consider various problems in the future.”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette and said lightly: “This kind of thing, let’s leave it alone, let Chris decide for himself.” ”

Lei Jiu touched her white chin and asked Bakara, “What do you think it will be?” ”

Bakara shook her head slightly and frowned at her good-looking eyebrows, “I can’t say what it is, but it feels important to Chris.” ”

“There is an intuition that this thing is impossible to obtain if Chris does not agree.”

Violet, on the other side, also knew that things were important, and Chris was definitely thinking about it.

So she didn’t speak, waited quietly, and her beautiful and delicate face was full of expectation.

Be sure to say yes, Chris!!

If he doesn’t agree, then Dressrosa is really finished.

No one could come to save the country, Violet knew very well.


At this time, Chris spit out a puff of smoke, turned his head to look at Baccarat, and said calmly: “Tell her that in two years, Doflamingo will be solved.” ”

“However, what I need, must be given to me immediately.”

Flicked off the cigarette butt and continued to cultivate.

Hearing Chris say this, the women did not feel strange, but felt normal.

After all, this is Bakara’s intuition, and you must choose to believe it.

“Violet, what Chris said, you heard.”

Bakara’s eyebrows arched and he said with a smile: “If you didn’t hear clearly, I can repeat it.” ”

The other side did not answer immediately, frowned at the beautiful willow leaf eyebrows, and thought about it.

“Two years is no problem, my country can fully afford to wait.”

After a while, Violet spoke up, and a wry smile appeared on her beautiful and beautiful face, and she sighed.

“You don’t know, Dressrosa has long been occupied by Doflamingo, and all the treasures and weapons are in his hands.”

“All that thing you’re talking about, I don’t know what it is.”

Violet sighed and said bitterly, “Even if I want to give it to you, I can’t start.” ”

Hearing her say this, the women were very puzzled, they felt that Violet should not be joking.

She really didn’t know what Chris wanted, and Dressrosa, there should be no valuable treasures.

But if she doesn’t know, then things are tricky.

Because Chris has already said, getting something will help, and this is the premise.


Bakara ruffled his crimson hair, frowned, and pondered for a moment before slowly saying, “If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter.” ”

“What are the close people around you, I feel that this thing is in this circle.”

Bakara blinked his beautiful eyes and said with a clever smile: “You don’t need to be in a hurry, if you ask, you will know what the thing is.” ”

This time, the other side couldn’t bear it anymore, and his pretty face was full of curiosity, and he asked directly.

“Well, why do you know so well?”

Violet frowned and said suspiciously: “You just said that my country has what Lord Chris needs.” ”

“Now I’m even more sure that things are right next to me, which is really incredible.”

“Can you tell me, how do you know?”

Baccarat leaned back on the chair, bent Erlang’s legs, dignified and noble, and said with a smile: “My name is Baccara, and I am a lucky fruit ability.” ”

“I can feel good luck coming, and my instincts are accurate.”

“Violet, that’s why I know.”

The sweetheart queen brushed her hair, and said with a smile: “It’s not very accurate, it’s 100% correct.” ”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette and followed, “Indeed, there has never been a problem.” ”



Violet was shocked.

Although she investigated Chris, she didn’t find out about Baccarat’s ability at all, and she didn’t know that she was so powerful.

It’s incredible.

“No wonder, that’s the case.”

Violet shook her head, and her absolutely beautiful and elegant face was full of complexity, and she sighed.

“Lucky fruit, with you by Lord Chris’s side, everything he does will definitely be smooth and unhindered.”

“Bakara, you are so powerful, luck cannot be seen and touched, but you have mastered such a magical ability, I admire you so much.”

Bakara shook his head slightly, his smile was gentle and lovely, and he said generously: “I admire you, you are so beautiful, and you are the princess of Dressrosa.” ”

“How old is this identity, what a noble and beautiful woman, the person who should be envious is me.”

“Violet, I feel that you are very talkative, and I have a very good impression of you, so let’s contact often and chat in the future.”

She has been paying attention to the beauties that appear around her, and every single one cannot be missed.

As long as it appears, then it belongs to Chris.

Princess of Dressrosa, with such a noble status, is the best woman to be Chris.

Including the last invitation to Marcino and Koya on board, it is also Baccarat’s personal idea.

Such a situation will definitely happen in the future!!

“Well, I like you very much too, let’s talk often in the future, hee~~”

Violet Beauty rolled her eyes, brushed the black hair in front of her forehead, smiled elegantly and generously, and said: “In this way, I will hang up the phone first and ask my father.” ”

“I’ll call you again when it’s finalized later, okay, Sister Bakara?”

Bakara nodded and smiled slightly, “Okay, you go get busy, I’ll wait for your call.” ”

At this point, the call is completely over.

“Chris, Violet agreed.”

Bakara looked at the man in front of her and said with a smile: “But she needs to ask, because she doesn’t know what we are referring to.” ”

Chris was wielding a blood-red knife and faintly spit out a word, “Okay.” ”

Karina looked at them, her beautiful eyes shining with cunning, and said with a grin: “What do you think of this Violet?” ”

“I think she’s pretty good, she should be able to dance, and she’s very good.”

Perona floated in the air and asked curiously: “Why do you say that, where did you see it?” ”

Meti nodded and smiled, “She wears a flamenco costume, and it stands to reason that the dance must be very good.” ”

Keya was simple-minded, and said with a sweet and pure smile: “I think Sister Violet is very good, very good to talk.” ”

“As a princess, she has no shelves at all, she is gentle and generous, she is really a good sister.”

Marcino arched her eyebrows and smiled, “If you have the opportunity to meet her, you must definitely see her dance, it must be very beautiful and very charming.” ”

(Some readers guessed that they were combat members, but they weren’t.) The next chapter gives the answer, which is about a secret, not a person. )

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