You'll know!" said the sea dragon as he walked to a tree to the side, reaching out and grabbing a handful of sand and scattering it haphazardly on the ground.

"What the hell are you going to do?" asked Xu Di with a frown.

"You'll find out soon. The sea dragon laughed, and he walked to another tree, and with the same hand, he grabbed a handful of sand and scattered it on the ground, and in the same way, a dense desert was soon scattered.

Seeing the strange behavior of the sea dragon, Xu Di couldn't help but wonder, "What are you scattering, why did this sand turn into a sand dune?"

The sea dragon smiled, "These sand dunes are made by me, they can not only block the sun's rays, but also prevent the invasion of other creatures, as long as you step on the sand dunes, you will be swallowed by the sand dunes, I think you should understand what I mean, right?"

Hearing the sea dragon's words, Xu Di's heart kept beating.

What the sea dragon said was indeed right, if they set foot in the sand dunes, they would definitely die, he really did not expect that the sea dragon could make such a powerful weapon. This is what he never expected, this is also what he never expected, he always thought that Hailong was just an ordinary person, without the slightest background in martial arts. But now it seems that this guy still knows some martial arts.

Regardless of whether these martial arts are offensive or not, but they can be used, this proves that his skills are not ordinary people.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Xu Di shouted coldly.

"There's a lot more I want to do, so let's go see the rest of the island first. Hai Long smiled, "I want to see how much of your ability you have to crack the trap I arranged!" Xu

Di's face was ugly, and at this time he suddenly found that Hai Long's smile was so dazzling, and at this time he even had a feeling of fear. "What the hell are you going to do?" Hailong

didn't answer Xu Di, but walked into the beach. His steps were light, yet heavy. The beach sank, and Xu Di looked at the sea dragon in horror.

The sea dragon walked on the sand, and the sand particles fell quickly on the sand, and soon formed a deep ravine.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Xu Di followed Hailong as he walked on the beach, his heart pounding.

The sea dragon still didn't answer him, his steps getting slower and slower, leaving two deep footprints on the ground with each step. His steps became faster and faster, faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters. Xu Di couldn't help but speed up his pace, but he found that he couldn't catch up with the sea dragon, but was thrown far away, he ran farther and farther, and gradually lost the figure of the sea dragon.

Unconsciously, Xu Di had been running for a long time, and the traces of his figure dragging on the beach became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly, the sea dragon stopped, his body suddenly suspended in the air, his legs slightly bent, the palm of his right hand turned upward, and a flame appeared out of thin air, burning in his right palm.

Seeing this sudden flame, Xu Di's eyes widened in horror, and his heart beat wildly because he saw that the flames burning on the sea dragon's palms were getting stronger and stronger.

The sea dragon's hands lifted upward, and the flames rose higher and higher, finally turning into two blazing flames

! boom!

The sound of thunder came from the sky.

The sea dragon's body suddenly rose into the sky and went straight to the sea level.

The sea is constantly boiling, the waves are rolling, and a wall of turbulent water quickly forms and spreads over the ocean.

Xu Di stood on the seashore and looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

The speed of the sea dragon was extremely fast, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant, and Xu Di couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He knew that the sea dragon must have run to the other side of the island, but he didn't let his guard down. He knew that the sea dragon would definitely not leave this desert easily, and would definitely continue to search for him, and once he found himself, he would definitely do it immediately, and his life would be in danger at that time.

His heart was pounding, and his head was dizzy. He knew very well that if he was trapped in the desert, he probably had little chance of survival.

Although the strength of the sea dragon is strong, Xu Di does not think that he can kill himself, he is the patriarch of the sea clan, and he may not be the opponent of the sea dragon on land, but in the water, his advantage is undoubtedly revealed. Moreover, he was also wearing crustacean clothes made of special materials, and his defense was extremely strong, and he did not believe that the sea dragon's attack could hurt him.

"Sea Dragon, I advise you to obediently tie your hands and don't try to compete with me, you are not my opponent at all. If you stop and surrender now, maybe I'll consider sparing you once. Xu Di shouted loudly.

The sea dragon ignored him at all and continued to rush forward.

"In that case, don't blame me for destroying flowers with my hot hands!" Xu Di let out a low roar, and a golden sword qi shot towards the sea dragon, this sword qi was much thicker than ordinary sword qi, like a sharp blade.

The sea dragon snorted coldly, and the palm of his right hand swung downward, and a hot flame roared out, facing this sharp sword qi.

The golden sword qi touched the flames, making a crackling sound, and was immediately melted, and then, the sword qi was evaporated by the flames.

This scene stunned Xu Di, and his face became extremely embarrassed. This sword qi was one of his most powerful moves, but he didn't expect that it couldn't hurt the sea dragon in the slightest.

He didn't continue to attack, because he knew very well that there was still a huge gap between his strength and the sea dragon, and there was no chance of winning if he attacked rashly.

The sea dragon didn't give Xu Di a chance to breathe, he sealed his hands, and a fireball appeared out of thin air, and the fireball suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of fire, sweeping towards Xu Di overwhelmingly.

"Ahh Under the control of the sea god, the flames burned bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, the entire sea turned into a fiery red, and the blazing flames reflected the surroundings like a dream, and even the sea level was dyed blood red.

Xu Di's screams were a little blurry under the blowing of the sea breeze.

The fire gradually dissipated, the sea returned to its original calm, and the sea returned to calm.

On the shoreline, Xu Di was lying on the ground, his body had been completely charred, only the skeleton remained, and under the scorching flames, even his body had become dry, like a skeleton.

All this, the sea dragon saw in his eyes, his gaze was cold, and there were no mood swings.

"This man, really damn it. The sea dragon muttered softly to himself. He got up from the bunker, his black robe turned to ashes.

The sea dragon raised his right fist and slammed it into the ground.

A terrifying concussive force erupted from his fist, shattering the stone slabs on the ground.

Xu Di lay on the sand, a fist-sized hole appeared in his chest, blood gushed out, and soon the sand was stained red, looking extremely desolate.

Xu Di's eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, he never thought that he would die in the hands of this sea dragon, he was the dignified patriarch of the sea clan!

His heart was full of remorse and resentment, he hated why he wanted to go to that girl's trouble in the first place, he also hated why he couldn't be more careful, why he exposed his identity in front of the sea dragon, otherwise, he would never die here, but stayed in the group peacefully, waiting for the opportunity.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Xu Di struggled to get up, but as soon as he moved, a sharp pain came from his chest, followed by a sharp pain in his chest.


large mouthful of blood spurted out of Xu Di's mouth, and immediately, his body slowly softened, and he watched his body fall from mid-air.

Hailong reached out and grabbed Xu Di's neck and picked him up, he looked at Xu Di and said coldly: "I'll ask you one last time, where is Hai Lingzhu?"

Bah...... Xu Di opened his mouth, and a large pile of sand and gravel sprayed towards the sea dragon, but in front of the sea dragon, this attack was not justified at all.

"Tell me, if I ask you a second time, will you tell me?" said the sea dragon coldly.

"Phew... Bah... Bah...... Xu Di kept spitting yellow sand, but he couldn't spit out anything at all, just spit out the yellow sand one by one, and he felt that his throat was about to smoke.

The sea dragon frowned, and he felt that there was a huge amount of energy contained in these yellow sands. Xu Di is not a cultivator, his body contains a huge amount of energy, but this energy of his does not belong to himself, but to other people. Now these energies have undergone a huge change in Xu Di's body, making him extremely manic, as long as he is stimulated a little, he will become crazy, and even self-harming his body.

Thinking of this, Hailong stretched out his left hand, grabbed Xu Di's neck, and squeezed it hard. There was a crisp click, and he crushed Xu Di's neck.

"Ahh Xu Di screamed and fell heavily on the sand dune, his eyes showing endless resentment and unwillingness, but soon, he lost consciousness.

The sea dragon looked at Xu Di's corpse, he sighed lightly, shook his head, turned around and walked into the depths of the forest, he knew that his time was running out, and during this time, he had to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Back in the forest, the sea dragon sat cross-legged and began to cultivate, the efficiency of cultivation in the forest is much better than that of the outside world, in the forest, the sea dragon can not only absorb the qi of the stars, but also if he cultivates in the forest, his cultivation can be improved faster. This also leads to the fact that the time of cultivation in the forest is much shorter than that of the outside world, but there is no way to do it, the slower the speed of cultivation, the smaller the improvement of cultivation.

The sea dragon closed his eyes, the true qi in his body began to run wildly, the wings of the sea god appeared on the surface of the body, the wings of the sea god flapped his wings, bringing a whirlpool hurricane, the body of the sea dragon also flew with the hurricane, the body shape continued to change, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared without a trace.

Driven by the wings of the sea god, the sea dragon rushed quickly in the forest, his speed was very fast, leaving white afterimages in the jungle, and in a few flashes, he had already left the forest.

In the forest, the sea dragon continued to show his skills, galloping in the forest, whether it was the trees or shrubs he encountered, they were broken under his feet, and in front of him, there were towering ancient trees, one by one, each of which was tens of meters high and uniform in thickness.

After a quarter of an hour of rapid running in the forest, the sea dragon finally stopped, and at the edge of the forest, he stopped his form and looked into the distance, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

Sea beasts are one of the most dangerous monsters in the ocean, their strength is relatively weak, but they have strong combat power, and there are a large number of powerful sea beasts around them.

Although the sea beast is not the enemy of humans, if it is entangled by the sea beast, it will be troublesome, especially in a place like the forest, the sea beast has a very keen sense of smell, and once it is targeted by the sea beast, it is basically impossible to escape.

"It looks like you can only look in the forest!" muttered the sea dragon, and then took a step forward, and in an instant, his form disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the depths of the forest.

Most of the trees in the forest are towering ancient trees, with thick trunks that are staggering, and the canopy is like an umbrella, blocking the sun's rays, and under the canopy, a thick layer of leaves flutters in the wind.

Along the way, the sea dragon encountered many sea beasts, most of these sea beasts were ordinary beasts, their attack power was very weak, and only a few relatively strong sea beasts were the existence of the sea beast king level. Although these sea beasts are not strong, they are numerous, and they also have a certain amount of wisdom, so under their siege, the sea dragon can't help but fall into a bitter battle, and new wounds are constantly added to their bodies.

In this battle, it took three days to fight, and there were nearly a hundred wounds on the sea dragon's body, but the sea dragon still gritted his teeth and persisted, because he still had one more thing to do, that is, to kill the sea beast at the level of the sea beast king and make it his spiritual pet, so that he could obtain more cultivation resources and more sea beast essence, so as to improve his strength.

After three days of fighting, the strength of the sea dragon finally improved to level eight, and it was only one level away from level ninth. However, the sea dragon did not plan to leave the forest immediately, after all, the danger in the forest was far beyond his expectations, and he wanted to find a sea beast of the sea beast king level in the forest, so that his strength would improve faster.

This night, the moon and stars are scarce, the stars are vast, the night covers the whole forest, the light of the stars and the moon falls down, shining in the lake, the lake water in the moonlight under the reflection, glowing with a faint silver luster, like a silver waterfall, next to this silver waterfall, there is a reef. There was a young man sitting on the reef. He was dressed in white, lying quietly on his back on the reef, exuding a leisurely and complacent atmosphere. Beneath him, in the middle of the reef, a silver snake's tail swam around him, as if playing with him. The wounds on his body gradually recovered under the licking of the silver snake.

Suddenly, his body shook slightly, and he suddenly opened his eyes, with a puzzled look in his eyes, he faintly noticed that at the edge of the distant forest, there seemed to be a few breath fluctuations, but he didn't pay attention to it, in his opinion, it should be a nearby beast, and he didn't pay attention to it.

Under the light of the stars and moon, the young man's face was clearly visible. His skin is a healthy wheat color, and his facial features are distinct, angular, handsome. His long, silky hair swayed gently in the wind, revealing pale blue eyes under the cover of his forehead bangs, and his turquoise pupils shimmered with charming colors. He is like a bright moonlight, attracting the attention of countless women. His appearance is somewhat different from that of men of the sea and land tribes, the bridge of his nose is slightly tall, his thin lips are as perfect as a knife and an axe, and the whole person gives people a sense of nobility.

This person is the Emperor of the Sea and Land Empire, His Royal Highness

the Sea King, the Sea Emperor!" "What's the matter?How can there be a human breath coming from the sea area of the Sea Clan?Could it be that the Sea Dragon has returned?" A thought flashed through the Sea Emperor's head, and he slowly stood up, put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the edge of the forest.

After the Sea Emperor walked to the edge of the forest, he raised his head and looked at the edge of the forest, his eyes penetrated the layers of dense branches and leaves, and saw the lonely figure, and when he saw the face of the sea dragon, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Sea Dragon. This is His Royal Highness the Sea King's first impression of the sea dragon, this is a very young man, he is thin and small, wearing a black robe, there are several blood holes in the robe, he looks quite embarrassed, it is already very good to have such strength at this age.

"Who the hell are you?" the Sea Emperor asked in a deep voice, although he had already determined that the Sea Dragon was a cultivator, he still didn't want to believe that the Sea Dragon was a cultivator.

"Who am I? My name is Sea Dragon, you can call me 'Sea Dragon' or you can call me 'Shark Dragon'. I am a friend of your Sea Clan, and my strength is much stronger than that of your Sea Clan's Sea Beast King, and if you are willing to surrender to me, you may be able to save your life. Hailong said calmly.

Hearing the Sea Dragon's words, the Sea King couldn't help but be stunned, he couldn't have imagined that the Sea Dragon was actually a cultivator, and his strength was extremely strong, even stronger than the Sea Beast King level Sea Beast of his own race. Such a conclusion made Aquaman a little incredulous. He couldn't believe that the Sea Dragon was a cultivator, how could he be even more powerful than the Sea Beast King?

The Sea Emperor frowned and pondered for a moment, then

said, "Mr. Sea Dragon, why did you come to the Sea Clan?" "Hehe, why did I come to the Sea Clan, you don't have to ask, I think, you should know it in your heart, right?" The Sea Dragon smiled and said, " You sea beast clan want to occupy Mermaid Island, and you, Xu Di, cut off the body of this sea snake with a single sword.

At this time, the sea snake had already lost its breath, Xu Di stuck the long sword in his hand into the body of the sea snake, turned around and walked towards the three men beside him.

The three of them turned pale with fright when they saw the human man who suddenly rushed up. In fact, it was not that they were timid, but because Xu Di was too fast just now, so the three of them didn't have time to react at all, so they were so afraid.

Seeing the frightened and trembling appearance of the three of them, Xu Di laughed, "What's the matter, are you scared?"

Hearing Xu Di's words, the three of them showed a look of shame on their faces, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to." "

Do you know what a 'murderer' is?" Xu Di looked at the three people in front of him, his eyes flashing with a cold gaze.

The three of them were stunned when they heard this, of course they knew the meaning of the words 'murderer', these four words represent killing and destruction, and it was the meaning of these words that made those of them who ate in society afraid and uneasy, because the meaning of these four words was too cruel.

The three of them glanced at each other, and one of the younger men emboldened himself and said, "Murderers don't need to apologize to the victims." "

Oh. Xu Di raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Since this

is the case, then the death of the three of you is not responsible, right?" Hearing Xu Di's question, the hearts of the three of them beat violently, their lives are in the hands of others, if they dare to say that they are not responsible, as long as Xu Di is willing, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they will be killed.

"No, no, the three of us are not responsible for their deaths, but our bodies must be cremated, please take us to the crematorium for cremation, and we will take the cremated ashes home and put them on my parents' tombstones. The three said.

"Hmm. Xu Di nodded, "Okay, now come with me to the crematorium." The

three of them hurriedly nodded in agreement, and then the three of them followed Xu Di and left the area.

"Brother Xu Di, who are they?" Lin Xue'er walked to Xu Di's side, looked at the three people who followed Xu Di, and asked suspiciously.

"Oh. Xu Di thought for a while, and then said, "The three of them are the owners of the sea snake, and I killed them." "

Huh?" Lin Xue'er exclaimed.

Xu Di looked at the surprised Lin Xue'er and said with a smile: "What's the matter, are you scared? Don't be afraid, with me protecting you, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

Lin Xue'er shook her head, she was not afraid, although Xu Di's appearance looked quite scary, but in Lin Xue'er's eyes, Xu Di was not the kind of villain who would bully the weak, but he was quite powerful.

Thinking of this, Lin Xue'er laughed, her smile was innocent and bright, she winked at Xu Di, "Brother Xu Di, you are so good." Hearing

Lin Xue'er's praise, Xu Di was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Brother Xu Di, let's go quickly, I'm hungry, shall we go eat?" Lin Xue'er said with a grin.

"Well, if we don't eat, then you'll be hungry, what do you want to eat?" Xu Di asked as he remembered the sea snake just now.

"Whatever you want, I don't care anyway.

"Okay, then let's go find something to eat. Xu Di said.

"Yes. Xu

Di took Lin Xue'er to a small town with many small stalls and vendors selling some small toys. These children's toys are not worth much in the town, but Xu Di bought a few children's clothes, which look very childish.

Such things are not expensive to sell in the town, so Xu Di spent a few hundred yuan to buy them.

Holding these childish toy clothes in her hand, Lin Xueer smiled happily, because Lin Xueer had never played with these small toys since she was a child.

"Brother Xu Di, do you really want to buy these things for me?" Lin Xue'er was a little embarrassed, although these toys looked childish, they made Lin Xue'er feel a sense of accomplishment.

Xu Di looked at Lin Xue'er's appearance, and his heart softened, "Of course, I said that I will take care of you." "

Well, Brother Xu, I love you. Lin Xue'er threw herself into Xu Di's arms and hugged Xu Di tightly, with a happy smile on her face.

Xu Di smelled the elegant fragrance coming from Lin Xue'er's body, and a warm current rose in his heart.

Xu Di patted Lin Xue'er on the back, "Xue'er, let's go." "

Yes. Lin Xue'er responded.

Lin Xueer took Xu Di's arm and walked towards a small shop.

After walking into the shop, Xu Di and Lin Xueer found an empty seat and sat down.

Xu Di took out five banknotes and threw them on the table, "Boss, I want a bowl of wontons and a basket of steamed dumplings." "

Well, there's a table on the easternmost side of the second floor, closest to the window. The shopkeeper shouted, then turned and left.

After the proprietress sent the things Xu Di and Lin Xue'er ordered, Xu Di and Lin Xue'er began to gobble up food, Xu Di ate very happily, but Lin Xue'er ate very little, because these things are not delicious, although they look cute, but they taste a little bitter.


After eating, Lin Xue'er touched her belly, and her face showed a touch of satisfaction.

"How is it? Are you still used to eating these things?" Seeing Lin Xue'er's appearance of eating and drinking, Xu Di asked with a smile.

Lin Xue'er nodded, "En'en, it's

delicious!" "It's delicious, I'll bring you to eat these snacks in the future, okay

?" "Okay!"

Hearing Lin Xue'er's affirmative answer, Xu Di was very happy in his heart, "Xue'er, you wait here for a while, I'll go buy a bottle of water to drink."

Xu Di finished speaking and left.

"Hey!" Lin Xue'er screamed, but Xu Di ignored her.

Lin Xue'er pursed her mouth a little unpleasantly, and scolded secretly in her heart: "Hmph, ignore me? I just ignore you! I see how long you can last when you buy water and come back, I won't eat if you don't eat, I'll wait for you to finish eating, and then see if you can hold on!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xue'er suddenly felt a lot better, and she was not angry, and waited happily.

After about ten minutes, Xu Di returned to the town with two pots of water, and he handed the water to Lin Xue'er, "Come, Xue'er, drink saliva."

Lin Xue'er took the two pots of water handed by Xu Di, opened the lid with a smile and took a sip, "Drink it so well! Brother Xu Di, why did you buy two pots of water and come back?" Hearing Lin Xue'er's

words, Xu Di said helplessly: "I don't know what style you like, so I just bought two sets at random, which one do you like?"

"I like these two." Lin Xue'er pointed to the clothes on the table and said to Xu Di.

Seeing this, Xu Di handed the two sets of clothes to Lin Xue'er, "Which one looks good in you?" "

This one looks a little better. "

Then wear this, and I'll wrap it up for you." Hearing

that Xu Di was going to wrap her up, Lin Xue'er immediately waved her hand, "Don't, Brother Xu Di, don't bother you."

"Hehe, Xue'er, it's okay, I'll buy it for you to wear alone, it's not troublesome, you can wear this."

"Okay then. Lin Xue'er nodded, took the two clothes and ran towards the dressing room.

When Lin Xue'er changed into that little pink dress, she stood in front of the mirror and looked around.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Lin Xueer was a little excited, because this little dress was very suitable for her body, and she looked like a little princess in children's clothes, very cute.

Seeing herself in the mirror, Lin Xueer liked it very much.

At this time, Xu Di came over, and he said with a smile: "How is it? beautiful, right?"

Hearing Xu Di's praise, Lin Xue'er smiled very sweetly, she nodded and said, "It's very beautiful." "

Hehe, then you can wear it for me later."

When Lin Xue'er heard this, a trace of shyness appeared on her face, she lowered her head and said softly: "I don't want to wear it to you, it's too embarrassing."

Hearing Lin Xue'er's words, Xu Di was stunned, a little lost in his heart, "Okay."

At this time, the shopkeeper came over, looked at Lin Xue'er, and said with a smile: "Yo, girl, how old are you this year?" Lin Xue'er

was slightly stunned when she heard this, and didn't understand why the shopkeeper asked like this, "Ah, boss, I'm only 16 years old, what's wrong?"

Haha, I'm guessing you're only 18 years old, sorry, I asked the wrong question, but you look like that in this dress!" the shopkeeper said with a smile.

Lin Xue'er listened to the words of the shop owner, her face turned red, and she said with some embarrassment: "Thank you for the compliment, boss, I will accept these two bottles of water first." Lin Xue'er said and took out the money bag from her pocket and prepared to pay.

Xu Di stretched out his hand to stop Lin Xue'er, took out a stack of money from his arms and put it on the counter.

"This little brother, do you want to buy it for this little girl? In that case, I can't ask for it, after all, this dress is not worth so much money.

Xu Di smiled and said: "This boss lady, these are a little of my thoughts, don't shirk, if you don't accept it, then I won't dare to accept the money, so let's do it, you wrap these two clothes for me first, and I'll give the money when I go home, okay?" "

Okay, since you insist on doing so, then I'm not welcome, don't worry, I will definitely wrap it for you, you just wait for the money." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Soon, the shopkeeper wrapped the clothes and handed them over to Xu Di.

Xu Di took the clothes, paid and left.

After leaving the town, Xu Di continued to walk forward, hoping to meet Lin Xue'er by chance, so that he could take the opportunity to express his inner feelings.

But what made Xu Di a little depressed was that Xu Di didn't touch Lin Xueer until the evening, which made Xu Di very disappointed.

"Alas!" Xu Di sighed, "It seems that I can only wait until the evening, and when the time comes, if she doesn't come back, then I will wait for her outside the door for a day, and when she returns, I will tell her that I want to invite her to dinner, and she will definitely not refuse." Xu Di said secretly in his heart.

After Xu Di returned home, he took a shower.

When Xu Di took a bath, it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening, Xu Di came out of the room, and was about to walk to the dining room to eat, suddenly, he smelled the fragrance of food, Xu Di followed the fragrance and walked towards the kitchen, "Wow, Xue'er, your craftsmanship is getting more and more exquisite, I'm almost hungry." Xu Di looked at Lin Xue'er's busy figure and said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Di's words, Lin Xue'er stopped moving, she glanced at Xu Di, and then her face turned crimson, "Brother Xu Di, this is the first time I've cooked for someone, so I don't know what to do."

"It's okay, you just need to cook the food. "

Oh. Lin Xue'er replied and restarted the fire.

"Hey, Xue'er, why do you know how to cook today?" asked Xu Di with some confusion.


As soon as Lin Xue'er said a word, Xu Di interrupted Lin Xue'er, "I know, I know you're avoiding me, I understand." Hearing

Xu Di's words, Lin Xue'er couldn't cry or laugh a little, "Brother Xu Di, I'm not hiding from you." "

Well, it's not to avoid me, then why don't you want to be alone with me? Don't you know that I've always wanted to pursue you?" Xu Di said with a serious face.

Hearing Xu Di's words, Lin Xue'er's face instantly turned crimson, she lowered her head and said softly: "Brother Xu Di, don't say that!

Xu Di reacted in time, dodged the opponent's attack, and even had the strength to swing a punch to the opponent's face.


The opponent was beaten and screamed again and again.

Xu Di continued to swing his fist and asked, "Who sent you?"

The other party covered his face and said, "We only follow orders, you don't care which organization sent us!"

That's good, if I knew which organization sent you, I would definitely tell you, but I can't really guess who sent you right now, after all, I only know you, and I don't know any of you, and I don't know which organization is a killer like you. Xu Di continued.

The other party continued: "Don't worry so much, anyway, we are just taking on tasks." Now, you can go to death.

When Xu Di heard this, his eyebrows furrowed, he knew that his situation was a little dangerous.

He is not afraid to face any enemy, he is afraid to face killers, because this kind of person is often ruthless and uses any kind of tricks.

Although Xu Di is not afraid to face any opponent, he knows that he must first save his strength, and then wait for time to find an opportunity to deal with these people.

Xu Di thought of this, so he said to the other party: "Since this is the case, you should go first!"

The other party was stunned for a moment, and said, "What? You let me go?"

Xu Di replied: "Yes, I need protection now, so I need you to leave, you can rest assured, as long as you leave, I will forget what happened just now." "

What you said is true?" the other party was a little skeptical.

"Of course it's true. Xu Di said, "I'm talking about it."

After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Okay! I'll trust you once, and we'll retreat."

Xu Di nodded and watched the three men in black leave, and it was not until the three of them left that Xu Di breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat on the ground.

"How are these people's martial arts?" Xu Di asked Li Hao beside him.

Li Hao shook his head and said, "I don't know." Xu

Di said, "Then why did they come to kill me

?" Li Hao thought for a while and said, "It should have something to do with your identity!"

"Does your identity have anything to do with it?" Xu Di asked.

"Yes. Li Hao said, "They should be here for your identity, maybe you are the young master of a certain organization." "

Young master?" Xu Di repeated, suddenly thinking of something, and said, "Could it be... "

Yes, you're smart, just what you thought you were. Li Hao replied.

"So, will these people tell me who I am, and if they do, will I be in danger?" Xu Di said.

Li Hao shook his head and said, "No, because they don't dare! If they did, their mission would have failed a long time ago, and they wouldn't stay here forever."

Xu Di asked, "Then why do you say they came to kill me?"

"It's very simple, because of your identity." "

My identity?"

"Yes, your status is very noble. Li Hao said, "You are the crown prince of Huaxia Kingdom, and your identity represents the majesty of the entire Huaxia Kingdom." There is no room for any misinterpretation of your identity, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

"So, what are the serious consequences of my identity?" Xu Di asked.

"Your identity will bring disaster to the entire Huaxia Kingdom!" Li Hao said, "You are the crown prince of the Huaxia Kingdom, once your identity is revealed, then it will be a disaster for the Huaxia Kingdom, and the people of the Huaxia Kingdom will fall into dire straits, and even, the entire country may suffer a catastrophe, and when the time comes, everyone in the world will hate you."

"People all over the world, including us?" asked Xu Di.

"Yes, just like now. If your identity is exposed, then it will cause a global panic, even a worldwide panic, and then the whole world will fall into chaos, and then there will be governments around the world to intervene and let all governments around the world investigate together, and if they investigate the results, then their countries will suffer a catastrophe, and many civilians in their countries will be implicated, and many people will die because of it, and all of this is caused by you, all because of you. "

I... Xu Di wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He didn't expect that his identity would cause such a big harm, if he was really an ordinary prince, maybe he wouldn't have provoked these killers to chase and kill.

"You don't have to worry, these people won't deal with you, they will only appear after your identity is exposed, and they don't dare to make a move on you, because your identity is too high, if you make a move on you, it means provoking the law and order of the entire Huaxia Kingdom, they will never dare to do so, so, you are safe." Li Hao analyzed.

"Yes, my status is too high, if something happens to me, the entire Huaxia Kingdom will be implicated. Xu Di felt a little scared when he thought about it.

"By the way, when I was fighting with you just now, I saw that the clothes of those three people were embroidered with the word

'wolf'!" "Is it a wolf?" Xu Di thought for a while and said, "Yes! I remembered, these people are indeed wearing wolf clothes, they should be a gang! They should be members of an organization! They must have been hired by a certain force to kill me."

Li Hao said: "That's right, if it's an ordinary force, they won't dare to kill you at all." After they kill you, they will offend the entire Huaxia Kingdom, which will not benefit them in the slightest, so they choose to assassinate you, and after they kill you, they will be able to escape with all their bodies.

Xu Di nodded and said, "I see! Those people's target is me, they killed me, I think that force has no reason to continue to attack me! I finally understand now, why those people's eyes are so bright, I just say! Although the strength of these people is not as good as mine, it is definitely not much worse, how can they easily come to kill me, it turns out, they are hired by others!"

"This is the best." Li Hao said.

Xu Di said: "So, do you have a way to help me get out of the clutches of those killers

?" Li Hao smiled: "Of course! They can't kill you, it doesn't mean that I can't kill them, as long as I use a little trick, I will have a way to subdue them all!"

"Can you really do it?" Xu Di asked in disbelief.

Li Hao replied: "Of course, as long as you give me

time, you can do it!" "Well, then I'll wait for your good news!" Xu Di nodded, "I'll

live here for the time being!" "Okay, you can live here for the time being!" However, I can remind you that if that organization still wants to trouble you, they won't be polite to you anymore, you have to be careful. Li Hao advised.

"I know!"

"Okay, then I'll go first, you can rest well!" Li Hao said.

"Hmm. Xu Di said.

"By the way, you don't have to go to the hotel tonight, just sleep here! You can just stay in the room next to me!" Li Hao said.

When Xu Di heard this, he said, "Then thank you!"

Li Hao waved his hand and said, "You're welcome." You go and rest now!"

"Hmm. Li

Hao left.

Xu Di stood in place, glanced at Li Hao, and then turned around and walked towards the staircase.

Back in his room, Xu Di lay on the bed and sighed in his heart: "I really didn't expect that I would be the prince of the dignified Huaxia Kingdom! "

Hey... Xu Di let out a long sigh.

Xu Di was lying on the bed, his thoughts flying.

Xu Di didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky now, if he was lucky, it was because there was a group of good brothers around him, and if he was unlucky, it was because the people he offended were too powerful, and their identities were still so special.

"No matter what, I have to become stronger, otherwise, I will never want to live!" Xu

Di thought to himself, and then he closed his eyes and entered the cultivation.

Li Hao walked to the door of his room, opened the door, walked in, and then closed the door.

Back in the room, Li Hao sat on the sofa and began to cultivate.

Xu Di is outside, and he is also cultivating.

The cultivator was practicing various moves, while Xu Di was practicing his internal strength.

Xu Di's internal cultivation was very smooth, and he almost encountered any obstacles.

Xu Di's physique is different from ordinary people, Xu Di's physique is much stronger than ordinary people, so he cultivates very easily and very quickly.

Xu Di's internal force flowed in his body, and Xu Di felt that his internal force was becoming more and more refined and thick.

The purity of this internal force made Xu Di feel very satisfied.

He felt that his strength had increased a lot compared to a while ago, and he believed that when he met those two martial artists again, it would be impossible for them to kill him again.

This is Xu Di's self-confidence.


The other side.

The wolf king was sitting in a chair, drinking tea.

Their plan this time was aimed at Xu Di, the son of the supreme ruler of Huaxia.

They knew that as long as they killed Xu Di, they would be able to complete the mission and be rewarded handsomely.

That's something they've been looking forward to all along.

"Boss, Xu Di's affairs have been completed, next, should we consider dealing with the royal family of Huaxia Kingdom?"

The Wolf King put down the teacup and asked lightly, "Oh, have you already dealt with

the royal family of Huaxia Kingdom?" "Yes!" said the killer, "We have sent people to lurk in the capital of Huaxia Kingdom according to your orders, and I believe that our people will definitely be able to take down the royal family of Huaxia Kingdom." "

Okay!" the wolf king nodded, "This matter is very important, not only related to our mission, but more importantly, I want to completely destroy the Huaxia Kingdom, so that from now on, they will never be able to turn over, so that they will completely disappear from this world, and they will never be able to be reborn!"

The killer couldn't help but shudder when he heard the wolf king's words, he knew that the wolf king was completely crazy, their plan

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