Xu Di couldn't help but want to laugh. "Then why don't you ask me? I'm a nice man. "

Okay, then let me ask you, why are you helping me?" Ye Feng said seriously, although he now believed that they would not harm him, but if they wanted to know something, then he also had to tell them.

"Because... Xu Di was silent, "I was forced by you to help." "

You were forced by us to help?" Ye Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect them to do this kind of thing, "You make it clear, what's going on."

"That's right. Xu Di explained what happened before to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded after hearing this, it seemed that his guess was correct, they were really employed by others, and they were still a group of people.

"Why are you helping us, who asked you to help us?" Ye Feng asked.

"Do you ask me?" Xu Di asked rhetorically.

"Hmm. Ye Feng nodded, "Yes."

Xu Di sighed and said, "You should have heard of a saying called 'there are policies and countermeasures'." "

I've heard of it, doesn't it mean that it's only you like you, and the others don't need help, don't you need their help?" Ye Feng asked rhetorically.

Xu Di shook his head, "You're wrong, the kind you said is just ordinary ordinary people, and we are different." "

Then why don't you help them?" Ye Feng asked.

"Because they don't need our help at all, because we are their slaves. Xu Di said bitterly.

"Slave?" Ye Feng was a little stunned.

"Well, that's right, it's slaves, and the fate of our people is in their hands, and whatever they say, we have to do it. We have to do what they tell us to do, and there is no room for negotiation. Our bodies, minds, and souls all belong to them, and our lives are the rules they have made, and if they want us to die, we can only die. Xu Di said, his expression became very ugly, and he seemed to be stuck in a memory, "They are the masters of this land, the rulers of this land.

"I see. Ye Feng nodded, he finally understood. "Since they are all owners of this land, why should they take you as slaves?"

"Hehe, for this reason, it's a long story. Xu Di sighed.

"Huh?" Ye Feng frowned, he suddenly thought of a very important question, "You just said that they are the masters of this land, so where are they from?" "

It's the people of this planet, they are the inhabitants of the earth. They are from outer space. "

Earth?" Ye Feng wondered. "Then why are they from

the earth? are they the enemies of the earth?" Xu Di smiled bitterly, "Are they the enemies of the earth? They are the masters of our land. "

Then why do you follow their orders?" Xu

Di was silent. "Because we don't have a choice.

Ye Feng nodded, "Okay." I see, they just want to control you and make you their puppets, is that right?"

Xu Di nodded, "Yes, their purpose is to control us and make us serve them, and they also gave us a promise that as long as we help them, they will give us enough material supplements." "

What's that?" Xu

Di shook his head, "I don't know about this, they just said that as long as we help them, they will meet our needs." As for what it is, I don't know.

"So what should we do next?"

"I don't know. We've been helping them for a long time, and we've done our best, but we still don't know who they are, and we can't find them. Xu Di said helplessly.

"I think they will definitely come to Earth, because there are many treasures on Earth that we don't know about, and those amazing plants, maybe those treasures can help us solve the dilemma in front of us.

"Let's hope so, let's get out of here first, let's run away, or we'll be dead." Xu Di said, then grabbed Ye Feng and rushed into the distance.

"Wait!" Ye Feng called out to him, "Wait a minute, I still have something to do."

Xu Di stopped and turned his head to look at Ye Feng suspiciously. "What's the matter

?" "Do you know how many cities there are here?"

"Cities?" Xu Di frowned, "We are underground, how can we know the situation in the outside world?" "Underground?"

Ye Feng exclaimed, no wonder they were underground, now he finally understood, it turned out that they were hidden underground, no wonder they couldn't find them. "How do you know you're hiding underground

?" Xu Di shrugged his shoulders and said, "You should know that I'm a plant-based powerhouse, right?"

"Well, I know.

"So we're going to build houses underground, so we can live in them and we're not afraid they'll find them." Xu Di smiled, this is also his recent development plan, he wants to make himself stronger, and then go to those mysterious people.

"You guys want to evade the chase and slowly regain your strength, right?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Yes!" Xu Di nodded. "I want to make myself more powerful, and then we go to find those mysterious powers to help them save the earth, and then we are leaving the underground to find those mysterious powers to help them gain more powerful powers, so that our living space will be bigger and bigger.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I really admire you for what you said, but have you ever thought that these mysterious powers can help you improve your strength? They can't even beat me as a cultivator."

"We also tried to find those mysterious powers, but the result failed, not only that, but we also lost a lot of abilities, they were arrested because they were looking for those mysterious powers, and they were also forced to helpless. Xu Di sighed, he didn't want to tell Ye Feng the truth, after all, Ye Feng was also a person on the earth, and he didn't want to involve Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smiled and didn't continue, because those mysterious powers were indeed not something he could deal with.

The two continued to sneak underground, and along the way, both of them dived down with their heads down, not daring to lift up.

Ye Feng was also very worried in his heart, although his speed was fast, he didn't dare to guarantee that he would not encounter any danger, after all, there was a high distance from the ground here, and their vision was also limited, many times, they couldn't see things, they could only act with their senses.

Unconsciously, Ye Feng and Xu Di had gone thousands of meters deep underground, and both of them were very cautious, for fear of encountering danger.

Just when the two of them were about to enter the deepest level, they suddenly found that there were several forks in front of them, two of which led to the underground, and the other three forks led to the top, so that they were caught in the flank, if they chose to take the left one, they had to take risks, and if they chose the right one, they might also expose their whereabouts, and their strength was impossible to rush out of these four forks.

"What should I do?" Ye Feng looked at Xu Di beside him.

Xu Di was also hesitant, after all, he didn't know which fork in the road to go, no matter how he chose, his location might be exposed, and it would be difficult for them to escape in a short time, as long as they couldn't escape, then they would be trapped here.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said, "If my guess is correct, they must have set up an ambush in these forks. "

What, you're saying they set up an ambush?" Xu Di said in surprise.

Ye Feng nodded, "That's right, there are many passages here, but only those four passages have not been set foot in, each passage here is very dangerous, no matter which passage it is, we may all be trapped inside, so only these passages are the safest, because they are far away from each other, and they are not easy to detect." However, this also means that one of these four passages must lead underground, and if we break in, we will definitely be discovered, and if we don't go, we will have to be trapped here, which is our second option. "

So, are we really going to go through those four passages?" Xu Di finished speaking, his face suddenly changed.

"Otherwise, you have another choice? I think you'd better stay here honestly. Ye Feng snorted coldly, he knew that Xu Di was definitely unwilling to go through the four forks, so he deliberately said so.

"This.... Xu Di hesitated, he is really difficult to ride a tiger now, if he goes to the left, he will definitely be discovered by those powerful abilities, he is not willing to be discovered by those abilities, because he still has a lot of things to do, and he can't die like this. But if you go to the right, you will definitely encounter strong enemies, and in that case, they will be in an even more dangerous situation.

"Well, if you want to go, you decide for yourself, and I won't force it. Seeing this, Ye Feng knew his concerns, so he stopped stopping him.

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he was ready to take the fork in the road on the right.

At this moment, the golden eagle, which had been sleeping, suddenly opened its eyes, and it flapped its wings to signal him to come back.

Ye Feng was stunned, looked at the fork on the left, and then at the fork on the right, he hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up the fork on the right, he didn't want to disappoint the golden eagle, and he didn't want to lose his life.

"Okay, since you have decided to choose the fork on the left, then I'll go with you!"

After speaking, Xu Di immediately got into the fork on the left, Ye Feng also followed, and the golden eagle also flew over, drilled into the fork, and flew forward.

This passage was not as long as Ye Feng and they imagined, only about ten meters away, and soon, the golden eagle and Ye Feng came to a big stone.

Xu Di looked at the stone, and his expression instantly became very shocked.

Ye Feng also saw the font on the stone, and he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the words 'dark night' written on it.

"Do you see clearly, the word 'dark night' is written on this stone?" Xu Di asked in surprise.

Ye Feng nodded, "Hmm!"

"This..." Xu Di looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

"This should be the headquarters of the Dark Night Organization, right?" Ye Feng looked at the stone and guessed.

Xu Di nodded, "It should be, I heard that the forces here are all over the world, and their base must be very hidden, no one knows where their headquarters is, so I think their base must be very hidden." "

Hmm!" Ye Feng nodded, and then looked at the stone carefully, the font on the stone was very blurry, and it was not clear what was written on it at all.

"In this place, why can't I see clearly what words are written on it!, aren't we following the rules, but randomly appearing somewhere, so I can't see what words are written on it?" Ye Feng frowned.

Xu Di nodded, "Well, it's very likely that you're talking about it, but even if we don't follow the rules, I'm afraid it's not as powerful as those mysterious people, right?

It's also unlikely, if they could destroy the formation, they would have killed us a long time ago. Ye Feng shook his head and said.

"Oh yes!" Xu Di smiled and nodded, but he did not let his guard down, but walked forward step by step.

At this moment, suddenly, a huge energy fluctuation came from the front, and Ye Feng and Xu Di turned around at the same time to look behind.

"Boom!" there

was a burst of explosions underground, followed by a cannonball coming from a distance, heading straight for them.

Xu Di was so frightened that his soul flew away, and he hurriedly urged Ye Feng to run forward.

Ye Feng was also anxious, but he still led Xu Di to run forward.

"Boom, boom!" The

cannonball landed on the place where Ye Feng had just stayed, and the sound of the explosion was very violent, and even the surrounding mountain walls were trembling.

Ye Feng and Xu Di ran fast, dodging the attacks of cannonballs along the way, and after a while, they had already fled from here, but at this time, they had no way to retreat.

"Oops, it's a trap, it looks like they've found us!" Xu Di's face was pale, sweat oozing from his forehead, and he looked very nervous.

"Yes, I already feel it. Ye Feng nodded.

Xu Di gritted his teeth and said: "That damn guy, he dared to lie to me, he was just looking for death."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly, "No way, who let yourself be stupid and take the bait?" Now, we can only walk over with a hard head, no matter what awaits us in front of us, we can only go on with a hard head, anyway, Xu Di was surprised by this capable person.

He is now only thirteen years old.

But it has such strength.

It's amazing.

However, Xu Di also knows very well that he is not compatible with this ability, he can only use some simple abilities, and his body is still too weak to maintain this state for a long time.

"No, this can't work, you must improve your strength as soon as possible, only in this way can you have this powerful power, and you can really control everything!" Xu

Di firmly believes that as long as he is strong enough, then he will have everything he wants to have.

His father was a wealthy man, and he was sent abroad to receive state-of-the-art training from an early age, and then went to a secret base to train his body, which made Xu Di's body stronger and stronger.

And this kind of training also gives Xu Di extraordinary strength.

But Xu Di knew that his body was far from strong enough, he still needed a little exercise, and when he was completely strong, it was time for him to take revenge on himself.

This is the deepest hatred in Xu Di's heart.

However, he knows that now is not a good time for revenge, and the most important thing now is to raise his strength, only in this way can he have a power that truly belongs to him.

And he's been working on that strange ability of his all this time.

That ability made Xu Di have a certain degree of understanding of his own strength, although he still has certain flaws, but he has been able to exert some of his own strength.

Xu Di's main purpose now is to improve his strength.

Now that his strength has reached the first-level martial arts, such strength is definitely enough for himself.

What Xu Di needs now is to improve his realm.

And the lower your realm, the better, only in this way can you give full play to your abilities.

Xu Di remembered a question.

The lower your realm, the better, but then you will have nothing and nothing.

What if he broke through to a second-level samurai, or a fourth-level samurai, or even a fifth-level samurai?

In this way, his realm would not be nothing, right?

Xu Di suddenly laughed at this time.

I will definitely succeed!"

Xu Di's eyes flashed with a hint of confidence at this time.

This is a very egotistical person.

And such a person is very easy to satisfy.

If he wants to do something, then he will definitely succeed, even if he fails, he will not give up, he will always remember the lesson of this time, and he will continue to succeed next time.

And Xu Di is very ambitious.

He wanted to surpass his father and become the strongest man in the world.

He also wants to be the greatest man in the world.

And now his realm is only a first-level martial artist.

What a painful thing it is.

But in order to achieve this wish, I still have to work hard to cultivate.

The most important thing I should do now is to improve my strength.

Xu Di decided to start cultivating.

Xu Di's body was slowly absorbing the aura in this cave, and Xu Di could also feel the surrounding environment, the aura in the air here was extremely rich, more than ten times richer than the ordinary mountain range, and the efficiency of cultivation here was also higher.

In the process of cultivation, Xu Di was also thinking about how to improve his strength.

"It seems that we still have to find a way to improve our strength, only strength can protect ourselves from being hurt by others, and only strength can ensure that we will not let others bully you.

Xu Di's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

This time his goal is to improve his game.

Xu Di began to practice in retreat.

He chose to cultivate in a hidden place.

In the valley, Xu Di sat cross-legged, his hands pressed on his knees, his face was calm, his eyes were closed, his arms were folded on his knees, and his body was slightly arched, like a statue.

Streams of heaven and earth aura poured into his body from Xu Di's mouth and nose.

Xu Di's body was constantly trembling, and he felt as if he was experiencing the torment of a furnace, but he gritted his teeth and endured it, he didn't dare to let himself shout.

He was afraid of disturbing the surrounding woods.

Xu Di's body crackled.

On his body, the pores on the surface of his skin seemed to be open, and black sweat flowed out of the pores, and these sweats continued to drip down.

Xu Di's face showed a look of pain.


He didn't dare to call out too loudly, after all, the trees here were very lush, and the foliage was very dense, so if he alarmed the surrounding trees, he would suffer.

At this moment, he finally knew the danger here.

His current strength is too weak to deal with any troubles.

"I'm not strong enough, in such a realm, I can't survive here at all, only more powerful forces can ensure my own safety and protect myself.

At this moment, Xu Di suddenly had an idea.

He felt that he had to become stronger, to become stronger, and only then could he gain more rights and resources.

And these resources can also be through some means, such as through auctions, and through some other means.

Only these channels will be able to obtain more resources.

"My goal is to become the overlord of the entire Huaxia!" Xu

Di's eyes flashed with strong confidence.

"As long as I have more power, as long as I have more power, I can let myself live longer, I can enjoy more wealth, I can become the richest man in the world, my money will pile up, so that my women can live a life of fine clothes and food, and I can enjoy a more wonderful life, and I can also lead them out of here, and we can live a free life as a family. "

I must become stronger!" a

thought gradually came to Xu Di's mind.

At this time, Xu Di's eyes suddenly flashed with bursts of light.

There are many things in his mind, he thinks about his future, and he has countless fantasies in his mind, fantasizing that he will lead his family to glory and strength.

"I will definitely work hard! I will definitely succeed!" Xu

Di thought secretly in his heart.

Cultivate here.

There was a crackling sound on his body, and streams of energy converged on his body.

With the influx of these energies, his strength continued to increase.

His realm is slowly climbing.

His strength is increasing.

One day, two days, three days...

Soon, a month passed.

Xu Di also got great benefits during this time.

In one day, Xu Di's strength had broken through the threshold of the Martial King.

Martial King, this is the highest rank of a cultivator.

There is a chasm between the Martial Emperor and the Martial Saint, but the Martial Emperor is a watershed.

The Martial Emperor is the best of the martial artists, they are truly otherworldly, they have infinite longevity, and they can even cultivate to immortality.

And after the Martial Emperor, there will be a watershed in each level, that is, Martial Emperor, and the gap between Martial Emperor and Martial Emperor is very different.

There is also a huge difference between Wuzun and Wuhuang, such as Wuwang, Wuzun is the most powerful figure among Wuwang.

And after arriving at Emperor Wu, the gap in strength is even greater.

Generally, the difference between Martial Emperor and Martial Venerable is not too big, at most between the first and ninth orders.

There is a huge gap between Emperor Wu and Emperor Wuzun, and there is a huge gap between Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu.

There is a huge dividing line between the first order and the ninth order, and there is even more of a heavenly moat between the ninth order and the Martial Emperor, there is no possibility.

On this day, Xu Di finally broke through to the realm of the Martial Emperor.

Xu Di stood up.

"Haha, Martial Emperor, Haha, Martial Emperor, haha, finally broke through to Martial Emperor, Martial Emperor!" Xu

Di jumped on the ground.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he even felt the urge to rush outside immediately to fight.

"Haha!" An

arrogant laugh spread throughout the forest, and at this moment, Xu Di finally fully recovered.

"Although I am not the opponent of the Martial Emperor now, but I am now a Martial Emperor, I can use all kinds of martial arts, I can use all the reserves on my body to exchange for money, what else do I have to have!" At

this moment, Xu Di felt that he had completely changed into a person.

A day of cultivation here, the outside world may only be a few seconds past.

And at this moment, he had been cultivating in the forest for a year.

This year, he cultivated here, fighting non-stop in this forest.

Moreover, his realm not only broke through to the realm of the Martial Emperor, but his body was also rapidly becoming stronger, and his physique was also rapidly becoming stronger.

Xu Di is cultivating like crazy here.

He wants to improve his strength as soon as possible and become strong as soon as possible, and then he wants to find an opportunity to obtain more precious resources and make his strength continue to improve, and it is best to break through to the realm of Emperor Wu in the shortest possible time.

In a wasteland outside of the forest.

"Xu Di's realm is actually breaking through?Could it be that he is also a genius with a strong

cultivation talent?" "I guess his talent may be even higher than mine, and his cultivation speed will definitely be faster than mine!" On

the periphery of Xu Di's cultivation area, there was a group of martial artists observing, and they were talking about it while carefully watching Xu Di's cultivation.

"This Xu Di's talent is indeed very strong, if nothing else, his achievements will definitely not be lower than mine. A

solemn expression flashed on a middle-aged man's face.

"His cultivation speed is indeed very fast, but in my opinion, he has only barely reached the peak of the Martial Emperor, and he is still 108,000 miles away from the peak of the Martial Emperor.

A young man shook his head and said.

"Hmph! The peak of the Martial Emperor is a fart, the peak of the Martial King is the most difficult level to cultivate, and the cultivation speed of the powerhouses of the general Martial King realm is only one or two months, and even some martial artists only need about half a month to cultivate to the peak of the Martial King, but it takes several years for our Martial Emperor Peak to break through!"

"You mean our cultivation speed is much slower?"

The middle-aged man's gaze swept over the people around him, and then said coldly: "Yes, our cultivation speed is much slower! Compared to other martial artists, our cultivation speed is a snail, and we are also stupid snails!" "

What we have to do now is to improve our strength as soon as possible and strive to break through to the realm of the Martial King as soon as possible." "

Yes, young master, I have always remembered your teachings.

These warriors said respectfully.

"Well, in that case, then you can go back!"

"Yes, young master. The

group respectfully stepped back, and then sped off into the distance.

"Emperor Wu, I will definitely let you die a miserable death!" Xu

Di muttered in his heart.

There was a thick look of resentment in his eyes.

"Now that I have become a Martial Emperor powerhouse, I will make you pay!" A

cold light emerged from Xu Di's eyes, this gaze was filled with a thick murderous aura, obviously, Xu Di was ready to avenge Yang Yifan.

Yang Yifan didn't know that during the time he was cultivating, Xu Di had broken through to the realm of the Martial Emperor, and Xu Di had already found a way to improve his cultivation.

After Xu Di left this forest, he returned directly to the family station.

After Xu Di lived in the family residence for two days, he returned to the forest again, and during these two days, he continued to cultivate, exuding a faint luster on his body.

Xu Di is now like a rising star.

Soon, the time came for the next night.

"I can finally go out!" Xu

Di's face showed a hint of joy.

"Whoosh!" Xu

Di's figure flew directly into the sky, swept outside, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"What is Xu Di doing here?"

Seeing Xu Di leave, the group of warriors in Xu Di's family residence all showed puzzled looks.

"Where did Xu Di go again, why do I always feel that something seems to be wrong with him recently!"

"Yes, I also feel that something is wrong with Xu Di recently, he seems to be always running around outside, and he hasn't returned to the family residence at all. "

Regardless of him, he's not a bad person anyway, let's continue to cultivate!"

Soon, everyone stopped paying attention to Xu Di.

Soon Xu Di came to the city.

"Oh, who is this? Why are you so handsome! It's so imposing!"

Xu Di just came to the city, and it caused many people around him to exclaim, because Xu Di is so handsome, he is simply handsome, and his appearance is a little similar to Yang Yifan.

However, compared with Yang Yifan, Xu Di's appearance is slightly worse.

The corners of Xu Di's mouth showed a wicked smile.

"Hehe, you see, he's still wearing a suit of clothes, I don't know where he stole it. "

That's it, he should be a newcomer who has just joined the place!" said a

young girl.

When Xu Di heard this, the corners of his mouth hooked up with an evil smile, this girl was his sister.

His sister was very beautiful, with big eyes flickering at everything around her, and her eyes were full of appreciation when she looked at Xu Di.

Xu Di is also a veteran of flowers, seeing his sister's appearance, Xu Di suddenly became interested, and he stretched out his fingers to pick up his sister's chin.

"Sister, why does my brother look so handsome, right?"

"Well, handsome

!" "Your mouth is so sweet!"


Xu Di stretched out his hand and pinched his sister's little face, and said with a smile: "However, I still prefer you to call me brother, our two brothers and sisters look the same, in this way, even if we go out, no one will doubt that we are brother and sister." "

Eun, okay, brother, brother.


, you really want to leave, didn't the patriarch of our family say to let you stay in the family?" "I don't want to leave

either, but I still have my mission.

"What kind of mission, why don't I know?Brother, can you stay with me?"

"Okay, Xu Di doesn't think that the strength of the sea beasts is very strong. After all, he's already dealt with quite a few monsters.

He just silently prayed in his heart that these monsters should leave quickly.

"The IQ of these sea beasts is still very low. Xu Di laughed at himself in his heart. He didn't know why, the IQ of these sea beasts in front of him had become so low.

Xu Di thought here.

And at this time. But the giant spoke.

"Sea Clan, how did you do that? The giant asked.

"Hehe, Mr. Giant, I didn't expect this to happen, I was just lucky. Xu Di explained.

"Luck?" the giant snorted, "Is this thing reliable? If luck is reliable, this wouldn't have happened." So be it. I'll give you a choice, if you surrender now. I can forgive you for the sin you just slew the monster.

Listening to the giant's words, Xu Di's heart burst with joy.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be hesitant.

Xu Di knew that since the giant could say this, it meant that the giant had given up his killing intent for him now.

He had to seize this opportunity.

If he was really killed by the giants, then he had sacrificed his life in vain.

He wouldn't let that happen.

Xu Di knew that the giant had now given up his killing intent. But that doesn't mean the giants won't continue to hunt him down. After all, giants are very cruel creatures.

He must now take advantage of this opportunity.

The giant may have seen what Xu Di was thinking.

He sneered: "What. Don't you believe me now?"

"No, no, how dare I. Xu Di hurriedly said: "However, I want to borrow someone from you, his name is Ye Fei, and he is also my friend, I hope you can let him go and let him live." "

Oh?" The giant's eyes suddenly changed: "Are you sure that Ye Fei you said is him?" "

Yes, he is indeed him, otherwise I wouldn't have pretended to be him." Xu Di said.

"Okay, then I'll give you this face. The giant nodded, then turned and walked off into the distance.

"Whew~ I can finally escape. Xu Di secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Xu Di's current mood can no longer be described as excited.

He felt as if he had been shut down from the door of the ghost.

Xu Di is even a little happy now.

"If only it were him. Xu Di said to himself: "If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would have been killed by these sea beasts."

"I have to thank him well.

"But how can I thank him?"

"What I need most now is to find a quiet place to practice well. When my strength reaches a certain level, I will thank him again. Xu

Di's approach is in line with his character.

"Whoosh!" Xu

Di was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, suddenly a figure approached from a distance.

This figure is a sea beast.

The sea beast had been following the giant's side, and he had been observing the situation here, which was why he had been able to arrive here in such a timely manner.

And this time the sea beast is obviously different from the last sea beast.

Last time, there were only three sea beasts, but this time, there were forty or fifty of them.

It seems that the giant is completely angry, which is why so many sea beasts are dispatched.

And these sea beasts are obviously not pure sea beasts anymore, their IQ seems to have surpassed ordinary monsters.

Sea beasts are more intelligent than ordinary people, and they already have their own wisdom.

Xu Di's heart was shocked, and he immediately looked around vigilantly.

He knew that these sea beasts were definitely not simple.

At this time, the sea beasts gathered together one after another, and then began to besiege Xu Di.


Xu Di was shocked.

He had noticed something strange about the sea beasts.

These sea beasts are no longer the same as they were. In the bodies of these sea beasts, there have been some changes, and the changes are like a special energy.

Xu Di knew that these sea beasts seemed to have wisdom, which was not good news for Xu Di.

He couldn't help but worry.

At this time, the sea beasts opened their mouths one after another and spat out a stream of water arrows, shooting towards Xu Di.

Xu Di hurriedly waved the spear in his hand and blocked all these water arrows.

"Damn it.

Xu Di's face changed, and these water arrows were extremely corrosive.

Although Xu Di's spear was strong, it could not resist the corrosion of these water arrows, so his spear was quickly corroded.

Xu Di knew that these water arrows should be a special weapon, and the toxins on these water arrows could make people's bones stiffen instantly and weaken people's strength.

"Not good.

Xu Di secretly said that it was not good.

He hurriedly gathered the strength of his body together, sealing off the space around his body.

In this way, the water arrow shoots at the space and does not cause him any damage.

At this time, Xu Di didn't have time to think about this.

Because, those sea beasts have already pounced on him again.

The number of sea beasts is very large, and each of them exudes a powerful coercion.

Looking at those sea beasts, Xu Di's forehead couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

Ye Fei, who watched this scene, couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart.

There were too many sea beasts, and Xu Di's strength couldn't resist them at all, if these sea beasts rushed up desperately, Xu Di would definitely die.

Ye Fei knew very well in his heart.

Although Xu Di's strength is good, in front of these sea beasts, it is not worth mentioning at all.

No matter how powerful Xu Di's strength is, he only has the Yuanying realm, and he is not the opponent of these sea beasts at all.

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