The sea beasts couldn't stand the oppression of Xu Di's strength. Although, Xu Di is human. But the strong aura exuded from his body made the sea beasts a little afraid. They knew that they were no match for the human in front of them, so they had no choice but to retreat. But when it came time to retreat, how could the sea beasts be willing, so they decided to threaten with their own lives.

"Hmph!" Xu Di snorted coldly, he had no intention of stopping the sea beasts from leaving. He knew that the sea beasts were gambling with their lives, and if he prevented the sea beasts from leaving, then these sea beasts would not hesitate to choose to commit suicide, and when the time came, he would not be able to get the news he wanted to know from the sea beasts, and he would even be bitten back by the sea beasts. After all, here, there is no one to save them.

The sea beasts seemed to have made the final decision, they chose to blow themselves up!


With a loud noise, the originally calm sea suddenly surged, and the waves were 100 meters high, and they continued to climb upward.

Xu Di's face changed, and he immediately flew away into the distance.

"Roar~~~" "Roar~~~" "Roar~~


The shock wave from the explosion of the huge sea beast spread in all directions, and the entire island shook.

Xu Difei shot a few kilometers away and stopped next to a tree. He raised his head and looked into the sky, and at this distance, he could clearly see the situation in the sea, and everything in the sea was presented in his field of vision.

The sea beasts blew themselves up.

Xu Di couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he was still very surprised when he saw the sea beasts explode just now, he didn't expect these sea beasts to dare to choose to explode. Although the number of sea beasts this time was relatively small, and the explosion was not enough to cause him any damage, Xu Di still did not dare to guarantee that he could safely resist the self-explosion, so at this time, Xu Di still decided to avoid the edge for the time being.


Taking a deep breath, Xu Di flew forward again.

At this time, the sky is overcast and the sea breeze is howling.

A ship was coming from the bottom of the sea, and on this ship, there were more than a dozen cultivators in black robes, their faces were wearing black masks, only their eyes and noses were exposed, and the rest of the place was covered, and they couldn't see their specific appearances, but the strange aura they exuded made people shudder.

The people on this ship were none other than pirates.

They lurked on the pirate island for months, waiting for the target of the operation, the sea beast.

Their mission is simple, to snatch the sea beast's body.

This sea beast is called Aquaman, and it is a hegemon-level existence in the sea area.

This time, they prepare to lay an ambush near the sea beast's lair, and then kill the sea beast and take the treasure from the sea beast.

What level of existence Aquaman is, of course they know very well.

The strength of the Sea King is even stronger than that of a Jindan powerhouse like Xu Di. Moreover, the Sea King has been active underwater for thousands of years, and it has already cultivated a water elemental power. Although its speed and attack are very weak, its defense is very perverted. This is also the reason why it has been able to live under the sea for thousands of years without dying.

The pirates had already figured out the location of the beast's lair, so they rushed over when the beast was about to come out of the hole, and when the beast came out of the hole, they would take action.

Aquaman's lair is a mountain peak with a circular cavern at the top of the mountain, and this cave has a thick layer of ice, and Aquaman's body is trapped under that thick layer of ice.

"Boss, what are we going to do? Do you want to seal the entrance of the cave first, and then wait until the sea beast in the cave comes out, and we are killing it?" asked a younger brother.

The Boss nodded, and said, "Yes, just follow your plan!Remember, don't let anyone notice, or we'll all be killed by them!"

The pirates walked very fast in the sea, and it took them half an hour to reach the entrance of the cave. At this time, the sea beast happened to be swimming outside.

The pirates immediately wrapped ropes around the beast and stoned it on the head, causing it to faint, at which point they stripped it of its clothes and threw it into the sea, where they blocked the hole with a stone.


As they had done this, they suddenly heard a slight cracking sound, followed by the roar of the sea beast.

"Oops, the hole was broken. The pirate boss said hurriedly.

"Huh, what should we do?" the younger brothers asked.

Sweat flowed from the boss's forehead, and he said, "Let's go back to

the bottom of the sea!" "Go back to the bottom of the sea?" Boss, are you crazy?

"Yes, if we reveal our whereabouts, then we will definitely die!" said one younger brother.

The boss frowned and muttered for a moment.

"So what should we do?" asked one of the younger brothers.

The Boss looked at the sea around him, his eyes shining strangely, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, the pirate boss's eyes lit up, and he seemed to think of a good idea.

"We're attacking with fire!" said the Pirate Boss.

Hearing the words of the pirate boss, the younger brothers were stunned.

"Fire attack?" "Fire attack?"

"This is no joke. A younger brother asked suspiciously.

The eldest did not answer the younger brother's words, but said to the younger brothers, "You see, the water vapor in the sea is steaming. This is water vapor. These water vapors are very powerful, and it only takes a little indulgence to turn them into white mist. "


Hearing the pirate boss's words, the younger brothers opened their mouths in surprise.

"Don't panic, what we need to do now is to ignite the fire attack as soon as possible, otherwise, once the sea beast comes out of the hole, we will never have a chance again. The Pirate Boss continued.

The younger brothers nodded yes one after another.


The pirates quickly took out the torch and lit it, and the flames suddenly burned on the surface of the sea. The flames grew stronger and stronger, and gradually the whole ocean was dyed red.

Looking at the flames on the surface of the sea, a hint of joy appeared on the pirates' faces.

"Hahahaha, it worked. "


"It really worked. "


The pirates cheered.

They had been waiting for this day for a long time, and finally this opportunity had come, and this time they had to cut down the sea beast to the roots. Otherwise, when the sea beast recovers, they will be in trouble.

The pirates quickly ran towards the beast's lair, they were all very fast, and in a few moments, they were next to the beast's lair.

At this time, they no longer had time to care about the corpse of the sea beast, they just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

The pirates packed up the beast's carcass and placed it in a storage ring, and then they descended to the bottom of the ocean.

This time they took great risks to find the sea beast's lair. Not only did they have to kill the sea beast, but more importantly, they had to transport its corpse away and not let it remain in this world. That way, if something happens to them, its corpse can help them solve a lot of trouble.

A group of pirates dived into the water, and they made their way underwater, lightning fast, and disappeared before the sea beasts' eyes in the blink of an eye.

The sea beasts were sleeping soundly, not even noticing the pirates' approach.

The sea beasts have lived here for countless years, and have long developed a wariness, if it were ordinary fish entering their territory, they would have woken up and attacked the pirates. Unfortunately, they encountered a gang of pirates.

The pirate gang cruising in the water, creeping up close to the sea beast's lair, quickly dropped their torches into the cave.


a loud noise rang out, and the lair of the sea beasts was instantly plunged into darkness.

The pirates quickly rushed into the pirate gang, moved the carcass of the sea beast into the storage ring, and stalked into the distance. Swimming underwater, the pirates were fast, and in the blink of an eye, the pirates disappeared to the bottom of the sea.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Armed with pistols, the pirates fired at the sea beast's lair in the water. The pirate boss stood on the ship and observed his surroundings, and when he found that the pirates' firepower was not bad, and he was not attacked by the sea monsters, his heart finally calmed down.

"The waves, pushing the fire into the deep sea, I don't believe it, how long this sea beast can last!" the boss snorted coldly.

A group of pirates sprang into action, pushing the waves into the depths, causing them to roll with a terrifying bang.

The waves quickly flooded the sea beast's lair.

"Boom!" The

waves crashed against the sea beast's lair, the sea beast's corpse kept trembling, and puffs of smoke came out of the sea beast's corpse, and the sea beast's corpse gradually turned black, as if it had been stained with ink, which looked very terrifying.

Seeing that the corpse of the sea beast had completely turned into black charcoal, the pirate boss smiled with satisfaction and said, "It's successful." "

It's amazing. One of the pirates said excitedly.

"Let's continue to go deep into the seabed, and if we can kill this sea beast, we'll make a fortune. The pirate boss said excitedly.

"Boss, do you really believe that this sea beast will be burned by us?" asked one of the pirates, confused.

The pirate boss said confidently, "Our gunpowder is very powerful, and the high temperature generated when the gunpowder burns is also very high. These gunpowders are purchased with a great deal of fortune, and they are excellent explosives that can leave our targets dead with no place to bury. "


"Great, we can finally get our revenge." "


"Hurry up, everyone, or it will be too late, the sea beast has already escaped. One of the pirates reminded.

"Yes, let's go after it!" said the other pirate.

"Let's go!"

The pirates swam towards the bottom of the sea, and soon caught up with the sea beast, and they also poured fire oil on the sea beast's body, causing the sea beast to burn all over its body, and it looked extremely miserable.

Looking at this scene, the pirates had a smug smile on their faces.


"It's so cool that we're finally able to get revenge." One of the pirates laughed.

"Haha, that's a blast.

"It's so cool that we're finally able to get revenge. "

We are finally able to avenge our dead brothers!"

The pirates kept talking, each with a smug smile on their faces.

"Don't you think it's strange, why can the sea beast's lair be heard so far from the shore?

"Didn't we send someone into the sea beast's lair to investigate, according to the information we received, the sea beast is indeed sleeping, but we haven't seen the sea beast inside!" asked another pirate, confused.

"No, it's not right, let's be careful, after all, be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years. Another pirate said.

"But... "

There's nothing to say, I can't do it, which of you would dare to question our orders?" said one of the pirates, snarling angrily.

"We don't dare, big brother. The many pirates bowed down at once.

"Hmm. The pirate named Seal nodded, and then said, "Since no one is willing to explore the lair of the sea beast, then come with me."

With that, the seal led the pack of pirates towards the beast's lair.

Looking at the back of the seal, everyone was silent, with a worried look in their eyes. Because the strength of this seal is not weak, and the worst strength also has the strength of the Martial Sect, although they have four or five hundred people, they are not the opponent of the seal. They feared that the seals would kill them all while they went to explore the beasts' dens.

Seeing that a group of pirates were silent, the seal snorted disdainfully and shouted coldly: "You are all a bunch of waste, even a small sea beast can't die, what's the use of keeping you, all of them will die for me." Hearing

the seals' words, the pirates' faces changed, they didn't expect the seals to say such a thing.

"Big Seal, please forgive us once. One of the pirates hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, you bunch of shit, what's the use of keeping you?" the seal exclaimed, "If it weren't for the fact that you were my brothers, I would have killed you a long time ago, now, get out of here, get away, and never come back." "

Yes, we know, thank you big brother for sparing his life. A group of pirates said gratefully.

"Get out!" the

seal scolded.

The group of pirates immediately got up and ran off into the distance.

The seal looked at the departing back of the pirates with a look of disdain on their faces.

The strength of this group of guys is too weak, even if he goes out in person, he can easily solve them. However, he can't reveal his strength now, he must hide his strength. Otherwise, he would be exposed, and in this way, he would never have a chance to kill Lin Feng again. Therefore, he must be patient, he must endure.

"Boss, what now, shall we continue chasing?" asked one of the pirates.

"Don't chase it, that sea beast is injured, and it shouldn't attack humans again in the short term. Seal said lightly.

"Oh. The crowd nodded.

"Remember, tonight we will not attack the Terrans, we will stay on the island and wait for the wounds of the sea beast to heal themselves, and then we will be able to kill the sea beast and avenge our brothers. Seal said.

Hearing this, the pirates cheered.

"Boss Wise

!" "Long live Boss!"

a group of pirates cheered, as if they had found a chance to take revenge.


On the pirate ship, Lin Feng and the others were sitting on the pirate ship eating meat.

"Boss, look at this. Li Haoran picked up a piece of beef leg meat and handed it to Lin Feng, saying.

Lin Feng took the beef leg meat in Li Haoran's hand, put it in his mouth and nibbled on it. His eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "Wow, this beef leg tastes so wonderful, I've never tasted anything so delicious."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the pirates were all stunned.

The seal frowned even more, and snorted coldly: "Just eat, don't make any noise, otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind to you

!" "I know!" Lin Feng touched his nose in embarrassment.

Lin Feng closed his eyes after eating the beef leg meat.

He had been cultivating the Chaos Technique these days, and although his cultivation progress was relatively slow, Lin Feng was already very satisfied, because Lin Feng believed that it would not take long for him to be able to cultivate the ninth layer of the Chaos Technique to the realm of Xiaocheng.

The most powerful monk in the world was only at the level of Da Luo Jin Immortal, and Lin Feng was sure that he would save his life in front of a monk of the level of Da Luo Jin Immortal.

"Boss!" Li Haoran shouted.

"Hmm, what's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"These pieces of barbecue are roasted by Big Seal, you can try them. Li Haoran said, sandwiching one of the two pieces of barbecue and handing it to Lin Feng.

"It's... This is too precious, isn't it?" Lin Feng shook his head and refused, although these barbecued meats were very sweet, however, Lin Feng was not stupid enough to accept gifts from others casually, after all, Lin Feng and seals were not familiar with each other.

Seeing Lin Feng's rejection of his kindness, Li Haoran's face couldn't help but stiffen slightly, but soon, Li Haoran returned to normal and said with a smile: "Boss, you don't have to excuse yourself, you saved me, and these two pieces of barbecue meat will be regarded as my reward for repaying you."

"In that case, then I might as well be respectful. Lin Feng said with a smile.


Lin Feng took the two pieces

and turned to look at the seal, and said with a smile: "Brother seal, in this way, you tell them that let's lead them to attack those humans, what do you think?"

"This... The seal hesitated, and he looked around at the crowd.

Seeing the seal's hesitant appearance, Lin Feng knew that the seal was still worried that they would rebel against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Brother Seal, don't worry, if these people dare to resist, then I will definitely not tolerate the adulterers, let them all go to see the Sea Beast, when the time comes, the Sea Beast Lord will definitely make the decision for me."

Hearing Lin Feng's assurance, the seal was relieved, then looked at the pirates and said, "Did you hear, if you refuse to attack the humans, I will punish you

!" "No, boss, we pirates are the subordinates of the Sea Beast, and we dare not go against the will of the Sea Beast!" the pirate said.

"Don't worry, I'll try to convince these people and won't let them mess around!" the seal assured.

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded and said, "Then there is Brother Lao Seal!" "

The boss is polite! Boss, we take your kindness to heart, if there is a place that needs our help, as long as the boss says a word, we will not hesitate to go to the soup." Seal said.

"Thank you for your kindness. Lin Feng said, arching his hand at the seal.

"Alright, you're all gone!" the seal waved.

As the pirates left, Lin Feng asked with a smile, "Brother Seal, now you can tell me, what plan do you have?"

"Scheme, what scheme?" Seal looked at Lin Feng with some confusion and asked.

"That's the scheme. Lin Feng said.

Hearing this, the seal suddenly realized that Lin Feng was referring to letting them attack the sea beasts and attack the humans, so that they would successfully solve the human food and grass.

"Okay boss, I already know what you mean, I'll go get ready now. With that, the seal stood up and walked towards the tent.

Seeing the seal leave, Lin Feng returned to the cabin with a smile.

"Lord Sea Beast, I have converted this ship into a warship according to your orders, what do you think is the problem?" said the seal to the sea beast with a respectful expression.

"Well, the design of this ship is pretty good, not bad, not bad. The sea beast said with a smile.

Hearing the sea beast's compliment, the seal couldn't help but grin.

"Okay, I'll rest for a while, and when I get to the sea beast camp, I'll call you. The sea beast said.

"Okay. Seal said.

The seal turned and left the seal's room, and he walked out of the cabin, ready to prepare for the sea beast's attack on the terrestrial humans.

At this time, Lin Feng took out the storage ring, he took the storage ring and looked at it, this is a space ring, which is filled with some pills and spirit stones, Lin Feng glanced at these things, and then put them on the bed, he wanted to see how many pills and spirit stones were in this storage ring? Immediately, Lin Feng

opened the storage space of the storage ring.

The moment he opened the storage space, Lin Feng was shocked by the various elixirs and treasures that had accumulated inside.

"Wow! I really didn't expect it! There are so many elixirs in here, these are first-order and second-order elixirs and rare elixirs!" Lin Feng glanced at these elixirs and was amazed, and at the same time felt amazed by the seal's generosity, a pirate's collection actually had so many elixirs, it was conceivable that this pirate's net worth was definitely not expensive.

"This pirate is rich enough, he actually has so many elixirs!" After seeing the value of these elixirs, Lin Feng was a little envious and jealous, because the contents of this collection of seals were enough for fifteen billion top-grade gold coins.

Lin Feng didn't know that in the collection of the pirate group, there were still many precious medicinal materials and spirit grasses, but the seal had never been willing to use them.

There are many rare treasures in the seal's collection, although this pirate group is only a pirate group, but it has dozens of pirate groups, even hundreds of pirate groups, and their daily harvest will not be less than 100 billion gold coins.

These pirate collections are very important, which is the main reason why the seals have not put these collections on the market to sell, and the pirate group will receive billions of gold coins every month, which are privately swallowed by the seals, and this does not include part of the seals' collections, which can be described as wealthy.

At the beginning, the seal was just an ordinary pirate in the pirate group, but the seal is not a fool, he is very good at using the power in his hands to collect money, so that in just half a year, from an ordinary pirate to a large pirate group, most of these income fell into his pocket.

"Hmph, seal, the contest between the two of us is about to begin, and then I want to see what tricks

you can play!" "Anyway, it's all up to my strength to crush everything

!" "I don't believe it, you seals can be stronger than me?!"

Lin Feng secretly swore, and then, Lin Feng put these elixirs and spirit grasses into the Qiankun Ring.

"Lord Seal, these things are ready, when are you leaving?" Seal's deputy asked respectfully as he walked into the room.

The seal glanced at the seal and said with a slight smile: "Are these things ready?"

Hearing the seal ask, the seal nodded quickly and said, "Yes, these are all ready, just wait for your order, Lord Seal, we will set off for the human city, and destroy the human food and army in one fell swoop."

Hearing this, the seal nodded, and then, he looked at Lin Feng, smiled, and said, "Brother Lin Feng, now that the seal is ready, it's up to me, and I will definitely satisfy you when the time comes!"

Seeing the seal's confident look, Lin Feng said with a smile: "Since Lord Seal is full of confidence, then we don't have to talk nonsense anymore."

Seal, let's go!" After

Lin Feng finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the door, while the seal followed closely behind Lin Feng, he looked at Lin Feng with an excited face, his eyes were full of anticipation.

Lin Feng glanced at the seal, smiled, and then walked out of the cabin with the seal.

Along the way, the seal's attitude towards Lin Feng was very humble, and along the way, he kept patting his ass, saying that he had a seal group for a while, and then saying how powerful he was, anyway, he kept patting Lin Feng's ass.

Looking at the closed mouth in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head, it seemed that he was still too simple, this seal was actually so cunning.

Together with the seals, Lin Feng rushed towards the shore of the Sea Clan.

Looking at the approaching sea in the distance, Lin Feng's heart was also very excited.

Finally, the outline of the island appeared in Lin Feng's line of sight, looking at the island in the distance, Lin Feng took a deep breath, and then led the seal to speed towards the island.

Soon, Lin Feng and the seal appeared outside the island, looking at this majestic huge island, Lin Feng's face showed a touch of joy.

He knew that the island of the Sea Clan was ahead.

On the Sea Clan Island, the Sea Clan guards watched this scene vigilantly after seeing the seals speeding in the distance.

Seeing the seals, the Sea Clan soldiers took out their bows and arrows and put them on the bowstrings, ready to shoot these abominable seals.

Looking at the seals, the guards of the Sea Clan shouted loudly, "Stop! If you dare to get closer, we will shoot our bows!"

Hearing this, the seals sneered, and then said loudly: "Haha! Boys, you are so bold! I am a personal disciple of the adults, and you dare to threaten me!"

Listening to the seal's arrogant words, the guards were stunned one by one, and they all wondered if the seal was bragging.

Seeing the seal so arrogant, Lin Feng was also a little angry, after all, the soldiers of the Sea Clan were so rampant, which had seriously affected their morale, so, seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help but scold: "Presumptuous!"

Hearing this roar, the seal was stunned for a moment, he turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously, "You called me?"

Seeing the appearance of

the seal, Lin Feng glared at the seal angrily, and said with a cold snort: "Otherwise!" Looking at Lin Feng's expression, the seal couldn't help laughing, he looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile: "Haha... Hahaha... Do you really think that you are a disciple of an adult, and you are also worthy?"

"You... Hearing the seal's insulting words, Lin Feng trembled angrily.

Seeing the seal so arrogant and domineering, Lin Feng immediately became angry, if it was changed to normal times, Lin Feng would have already started to teach the seal a lesson, but now, the order of the Siren Emperor was there, Lin Feng did not dare to act rashly, otherwise, Lin Feng would be in big trouble at that time.

However, this does not mean that Lin Feng will give up on

his will, as long as he has the opportunity, Lin Feng will teach the seal a hard lesson! Lin Feng snorted coldly, then glanced at the seal coldly, and then, Lin Feng snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, I am indeed not worthy of being the personal disciple of the Siren Emperor, however, I also have a name, called

Lin Feng!" "Lin Feng?!" Hearing this, the seal was stunned, he thought about it carefully

, and then, he looked at Lin Feng and asked, "You are Lin Feng?!" Lin Feng snorted coldly, looked at the seal, and said with a proud face: "That's right, I am Lin Feng, you just insulted me, and now, your end is the end of death!" Hearing this, the seal's brows furrowed slightly, he looked at Lin Feng and said, "

Hmph! You are just a lowly sea beast, how can I be afraid of you?Who do you think you are?!"

"Who am I? I am Lin Feng! I am the new prince of the sea beast clan!" Lin Feng snorted coldly, looked at the seal and said with a look of disdain.

"You... You say you are the Sea Beast King?" Hearing this, the seal couldn't help but be surprised, he looked at Lin Feng and asked with a surprised expression.

"Hmph! I am indeed just a low-level sea beast of the Sea Beast Clan, I am the prince of the Sea Beast Clan, my status is second only to adults, you dare to disrespect me, what crime should you be guilty of?!" Lin Feng snorted coldly and said.

Hearing this, the seal's face instantly became much more ugly, he looked at Lin Feng and said, "It turned out to be the Sea Beast King, disrespectful and disrespectful, but what about the Sea Beast King? You are not just a dog in front of this king? This king wants to kill you, it is as easy as a hand

!" "Look for death!" Lin Feng scolded angrily, and then punched the seal's head.

Seeing Lin Feng's punch, the seal did not have the slightest fear, he looked at Lin Feng and sneered, and then, he reached out and grabbed it, and a surging True Yuan instantly burst out, and his palm instantly held Lin Feng's fist in his hand, and Lin Feng's fist was grabbed by the seal.

The seal snorted coldly, and said with a disdainful face: "Hmph! I am just an ordinary man, and I dare to be presumptuous in front of this king, I simply don't know the height of the sky, it seems that if I don't give you a little color, you will never learn to behave." As he spoke, the seal waved his hand, and a huge force smashed towards Lin Feng's head.

Feeling the horror of the seal's blow, Lin Feng's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly used all his strength to try to resist the seal's blow.

It's just that this time Lin Feng still miscalculated, although Lin Feng's strength was not weak, but he couldn't stop the seal's attack, because the seal's strength was too strong

! Bang!!

In front of everyone's eyes, the seal's slap slapped Lin Feng's face heavily, and then, I saw Lin Feng's whole person fly out upside down and fall heavily to the ground.

Looking at this scene, the seal's face couldn't help but smug a smile, he looked at Lin Feng, and said with a sneer: "Hmph! You're just like that!"

After Lin Feng was hit by the seal and flew out, he felt that the qi and blood in his body were tumbling so badly that for a while, there was no way to get up from the ground.

Seeing Lin Feng being slapped away by himself, the seals and several of the seal king's subordinates on the side also laughed.

"Haha... It's really vulnerable, it's just a human being, and you still dare to spread wild on the territory of my seal clan, hum! I really don't know whether to live or die!"

Seeing the way the seals and the others laughed at him, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and scolded: "You bastards, when my master comes back, I see if you dare to be arrogant!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a look of disdain flashed on the seal's face, he looked at Lin Feng, and said disdainfully: "Hmph, Lin Feng, just rely on you, and you still want the adult to come back, hmph! You are too ignorant of the heavens and the earth, right? The Lord is a strong God Emperor, his cultivation has already reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor, even if he is a master of the Immortal Emperor realm, it is impossible for him to be his opponent, and besides, with your strength, can you hurt him?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect that the Siren Emperor was so strong, he didn't even break through the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor, he looked at the seal, and said with some disbelief: "What? The Siren Emperor has reached the strength of the Divine Venerable Realm?!

The adult has long been a super master of the Divine Venerable Realm

!" As he spoke, the seal looked at Lin Feng and said triumphantly: "Let me tell you, even if you dare to go against me, you don't deserve to go against me at all!

Hearing this, Lin Feng's face also showed a shocked expression, however, he was still very angry in his heart, after all, he was now also the strength of the Divine Venerable Realm, but he was not the opponent of the seal, which was a huge blow to him.

"Lord Seal, Lord Seal!" At this moment, a voice came from a distance, and then, Lin Feng saw a man in red clothes walking over briskly with more than a dozen guards.


sea wolf looked at the seal, saluted respectfully and said: "Uncle Seal, Uncle Seal, you came back just in time, just now this human boy, with the support of the Sea Snake King, was arrogant and domineering in the domain of our Sea Beast Clan, and threatened Uncle Seal you, Xiao Wang couldn't see it, so he came out to teach him a lesson, and I hope Uncle Seal will not blame!"

Listening to the sea wolf's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but pout, this seal is really good at pretending, this is obviously the one he attacked first, but in the end, he accused himself here of not knowing the height of the sky, and he would really reverse black and white.

"Hmph, since this human kid doesn't know what to do, then, I'll scrap one of his arms first!!" Saying that, the seal kicked Lin Feng in the chest, kicking Lin Feng away, and then, the seal looked at the sea wolf and said: "Hmph, sea wolf, I will put this matter aside for the time being, I will investigate it clearly, and after the investigation is clear, I will definitely give you an explanation!" However, you have to remember for me, don't let me see this guy here in the future, or else, huh!

Listening to the seal's words, the sea wolf nodded, he quickly nodded and said: "Well, okay, Uncle seal, don't worry, I will definitely not make you angry anymore! Uncle seal, let's go into the palace quickly, the wind and sand are strong outside, you better hurry up and go in!" After listening to the sea wolf's words, the seal nodded and said, "Well, let's go!!"

As he spoke, the seal turned around and looked at him with a smug look You don't understand, do you know who he is? He is a human monk, and he is also the sworn enemy of the seal clan, and we seal tribe hate human monks the most, so the big leader of our seal clan will definitely not let that guy go easily, you see, that guy actually wants to be unfavorable to the seal!"

"Yes! That guy is simply too bold, he dares to provoke the most powerful person in the seal clan, Lord Seal, now, it is estimated that that guy, will definitely die without a place to be buried

!" "Hmph! That's not necessarily, as far as I know, that guy, although he is a human monk, but his strength is also very strong, and his strength is still above Lord Seal!"

No matter what his strength is, he will definitely die this time anyway

!" "Haha!" "Haha!" "Haha!"

A group of krakens looked at Lin Feng's back and laughed excitedly one by one.

At this time, in the midst of their discussions, Lin Feng finally came to the door of the Seal Palace, but when he was still ten meters away from the Seal Palace, the gate of the Seal Palace suddenly opened, and two Seal Clan Captain came out of the gate, and after the two Seal Clan Captain saw Lin Feng's figure, they looked at Lin Feng and said coldly: "Stop, His Majesty Seal has an order, you are not allowed to get half a step close to his palace, otherwise, we will kill him!"

As he spoke, the eyes of the two Seal Clan Guard Captains flashed with a strong murderous aura, and they looked at Lin Feng and said coldly.

When Lin Feng heard this, the corners of his mouth hooked slightly, he sneered, glanced at the two captain of the seal clan with disdain, and said coldly: "Oh, who do you think you are? Why are you killing me?" Lin Feng sneered and glanced at the two of them with disdain.

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