Seeing the sea beast, Xu Di became excited and picked up his weapon.

"The fur of this sea beast is so beautiful, it is much stronger than the previous sea beast, I have never encountered such a beautiful fur, this time it can be regarded as a blessing. Xu Di muttered to himself as he walked towards the sea beast, the weapon in his hand already waving.

The Sea Beast is a very high level monster, although it is large, it is extremely fast, it moves slowly on land, it is not too fast in the air, and it will fly faster in the ocean.

Xu Di's speed is not slow, although it is not at the level of a trapeze, but it is much faster than an ordinary trapeze.

Although the sea beast is very powerful, after all, its body is huge, and Xu Di's speed is not too slow, but Xu Di is still very careful.

Sea beasts don't move too fast on land, after all, they move the fastest in the ocean.

Xu Di's body kept dodging, always paying attention to the movement of the sea beast.

The speed of the sea beast was very fast, and Xu Di's speed was not slow, and they kept a distance between them.

Xu Di's target is the sea beast, and the sea beast is also staring at Xu Di, it is also very fast in the ocean, and it is even faster when it moves underwater.

However, Xu Di has one advantage.

That is, Xu Di can use seawater to attack the other party, seawater is the most feared thing for sea beasts, and what they are most afraid of is seawater.

The sea beasts are most afraid of the seawater.

Xu Di's attack was very accurate, and he kept attacking the head of the sea beast, and the water jets hit the sea beast's body one after another.

The sea beast has a large body, but its head is fragile.

Xu Di's attacks are accurate, and he is able to hit the opponent every time.

In Xu Di's constant attacks, the sea beast was already a little angry, its eyes were full of murderous aura, it was angry, it was angry at Xu Di's attacks, but there was no way.


The sea beast finally went berserk, and opened its mouth to spew out a pillar of blue light towards Xu Di.

The speed of the blue pillar of light was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already approached Xu Di, and a huge black hole was formed above Xu Di's head.

Xu Di's eyes were full of fear, and he knew that he would definitely not be able to dodge this blow.


At the critical moment, Xu Di used all his strength to jump back.

In an instant, the black hole penetrated where Xu Di had been standing.

Xu Di's body was hit and fell to the ground hard, and he lay on the ground and gasped.

The sea beast ignored Xu Di, and it continued to attack Xu Di.

Xu Di wanted to run, but his legs couldn't be lifted at all, and the speed of the sea beast was too fast.

However, Xu Di is not a real waste, although his body cannot move, Xu Di can still use his mind to control his body.

Xu Di tried to use his mind to control his body to escape, but he failed, he felt as if he was in a certain state, and he couldn't move at all.

Xu Di was surprised in his heart, he didn't expect this sea beast to have such terrifying power, it was unimaginable.

The speed of the sea beast was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already rushed in front of Xu Di, it stretched out its claws and grabbed Xu Di fiercely.


" "Bang~"

Xu Di let out a painful roar.

The sea beast grabbed Xu Di.

Xu Di tried his best to struggle, but he was of no use.

The sea beast threw Xu Di to the side of the beach, and it opened its mouth.

Xu Di's body was bitten in the mouth, and the sea beast began to devour Xu Di.

Xu Di desperately resisted, but to no avail, and in the end, in Xu Di's despair, the sea beast ate him.

"Gollum~" The sea beast swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then continued to eat.

After eating, the sea beast lay on the ground to rest.

The sea beast is not quiet when it rests, sometimes making heavy breathing sounds and sometimes letting out low roars on it, which sounds very scary.

Xu Di looked at the sea beast lying on the beach resting, a little scared in his heart, but more doubtful.

"Why did I become like this, what happened to me?" Xu Di kept thinking, but couldn't think of anything.

The sea beast rested on the beach for a while before swimming forward.

Xu Di followed closely behind the sea beast.

"Gollum, Gollum, Gollum... "The frequency of sea beasts swimming is very fast, and after a while, they will arrive in the central area of the sea, which is the favorite place for sea beasts to stay, and it is also the place where they live and reproduce, usually it is very lively here, and there are many sea beasts here.

After the sea beast entered the sea, it began to frantically tear at the nearby fish, and then devoured it with a big gulp.

There are not many fish in the sea, and most of them are dead, which also makes Xu Di breathe a sigh of relief, there is no danger in the sea, which is very easy for him.

Xu Di followed behind the sea beast, and he couldn't help but sigh as he watched the sea beast frantically prey on the sea beast in the sea area.

He once heard the master mention here, there are a lot of precious fish here, these fish are of great help to humans, and can even enhance the strength of the body, but it is not of much help to the sea beast, it can only increase the combat power of the sea beast.

But Xu Di didn't expect that there were so many fish here, which was too surprising to him, and these fish seemed to be in the juvenile stage, so there was no threat to the sea beasts at all.

The sea beast frantically tore apart the surrounding sea creatures, devouring the sea beasts in the sea area.

Looking at all this in front of him, Xu Di felt a little incredible.

After the sea beast devoured the sea beast in the sea, its body gradually grew larger, and soon grew to a height of about two meters and a half, its body was pale yellow, its head was somewhat like the horns of a dragon, and its limbs were thick and powerful.

The sea beast has a long mouth, and its teeth are sharp and sharp.

The body of the sea beast is covered with scales and looks very hard.

Xu Di didn't expect the sea beast's body to be so huge.

The sea beast wreaked havoc in the sea, but its attack range was not large, only a radius of more than twenty kilometers.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Di couldn't help but appreciate.

The sea is a treasure, there are sea creatures here, although the strength of these sea creatures is not very strong, but for cultivators, they are a great supplement, so Xu Di is very excited.

The sea beast vented for a moment, then continued to swim forward.

Xu Di also swam forward with the sea beast.

In the process, the sea beast will also attack Xu Di, but the sea beast only attacks once, and then turns and walks away.

Xu Di followed the sea beast, and soon, he found a huge shark.

The shark looks very large, its body is more than 30 meters wide and more than 20 meters long, it is pitch black, and the tail cannot be seen, and its body is also very large, almost about the same size as a sea beast, but the head of the shark is relatively sharp, like two knives.

Sharks are one of the most ferocious marine monsters in the ocean, they don't have a high IQ, they don't know humans either, they just follow their instincts.

When the sea beast spotted the shark, it immediately attacked the shark.

The shark also launched an attack on the sea beast, his speed was very fast, and his speed in the sea was terrifying, Xu Di could only barely catch up, but it was impossible to keep up.

The power of the sea beast was very terrifying, it threw a punch like a mountain towards the shark, and when the punch fell, the shark was shattered, and even the corpse was not left, it had already dissipated.

Seeing such a terrifying power of the sea beast, Xu Di was secretly stunned in his heart, he didn't expect the power of the sea beast to be so great, it was simply shocking, such a powerful force, he didn't need any weapons at all, and he could sweep all enemies by himself.

The sea beast's strength is very strong, so it is also very aware of its weakness, which is its own body.

Although its body is very large, it cannot resist the attack of the sea beast, once it is attacked by the sea beast, then it will turn into a blood gourd, and blood will flow all over the ground.

Xu Di followed the sea beast for a distance and then slowed down.

Xu Di was running in the sea area, in the sea area, the faster the speed, the more vitality in the body was consumed, this was the rule of the sea area, and Xu Di could not violate it, so he slowed down, but he still followed the sea beast closely.

When swimming, the sea beast occasionally looked back at Xu Di, with a hostility in his eyes, Xu Di saw the sea beast's gaze, and suddenly felt a sense of fear, this sea beast looks terrifying, but it doesn't have any lethality, just a little terrifying.

But Xu Di didn't dare to stop, he had to follow closely behind the sea beast, otherwise he would easily suffer from the sea beast's poisonous hands.

Xu Di was swimming in the sea water, while looking at the sea beast, seeing the sea beast swimming and devouring the creatures around him, Xu Di didn't know what to say, but looking at the appearance of the sea beast, he knew that this sea beast would definitely not be polite to him.

The sea beast swam very fast, but Xu Di was not far behind, he kept following closely behind the sea beast, so that Xu Di could also ensure that he would not encounter any danger.

Xu Di's physique was good, but he didn't dare to stay in the sea for a long time, and soon, Xu Di felt tired, and the sea beast swam much slower.

At this moment, a shark sprang out of the sea.

The shark looks small, weighing only about a pound, and it swims fast in the sea.

At this time, Xu Di saw a fish swimming towards him, the size of this fish was no different from ordinary fish, it looked like an ordinary fish, but its teeth were very sharp.

Seeing the shark swimming over, Xu Di's face showed a look of panic.


Just as the shark swam over, a puff of green smoke suddenly rose from under Xu Di's feet, and then he disappeared abruptly.

Seeing Xu Di's figure disappear suddenly, the shark was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he turned his head, its eyes searched around, it was looking for Xu Di's traces, and then it found that Xu Di was no longer here at all.

Seeing Xu Di disappear, a look of loss flashed in the shark's eyes, and then it swam away.

After Xu Di disappeared, he reappeared in the sea, but instead of following the sea beast, he hid in the distance and observed the shark, which he noticed seemed to be afraid of the sea beast.

After Xu Di saw that the shark was afraid of the sea beast, he quietly followed the shark.

The sea beast and the shark were swimming in the sea, and after a while he noticed the sound of the shark and the sea beast talking.


", "Wow!", "Wow!",



The sharks' cries were hard to hear, and Xu Di couldn't understand what they were saying, but he was sure that the two guys were talking about something.

"How do I feel that these two guys are talking? are they exchanging information?"

the thought popped into Xu Di's head, he didn't know why the sea beast and the shark were talking about information, he didn't want to delve into it, he also wanted to know the news of that thing, it was important to him.

He followed the shark closer and closer to the sea hole.

Next to the sea cave, Xu Di found a seaweed plant.

The seaweed is more than a meter long and very lush, and it is covered with crystal clear beads.

"No wonder I didn't see seaweed here just now, it turns out that these seaweeds grow on the bottom of the sea, and they grow very luxuriantly!"

Xu Di carefully looked at the surrounding environment, the seaweed in this sea area is very dense, almost obscuring the sky and the sun, and it looks beautiful.

But Xu Di didn't like the seaweed.

His eyes scanned the sea, his eyes filled with doubt, he wondered what secrets were hidden under the sea, and there could be such a magical seaweed.

What is hidden

at the bottom of the sea? Xu Di's heart was full of doubts, and he couldn't help but carefully investigate the situation at the bottom of the sea.

The bottom of the sea is quiet, and there is not the slightest abnormality.

The water in this area is very dry and there is nothing special about it.

Xu Di observed carefully, he carefully probed in the seawater, but Xu Di did not find anything, his eyes carefully examined the surrounding sea.

Under his careful observation, he found a large space, the current of this sea area was formed by a huge wave, and in the whirlpool formed by this wave, there happened to be a blue bead, the bead was very beautiful, and the whole body exuded blue light.

Xu Di can be sure that the bead is the legendary Blue Moon Tears.

Xu Di didn't expect that the sea beast would actually find the legendary Blue Moon Tears here.

His heart was very excited, and a smile appeared on his face, although the blue moon tears were very precious, but compared to this matter, it was nothing, and he was not afraid of death, after all, his fate had already been decided.

He has entrusted his fate to the teacher, and his only goal now is to complete the things that the teacher has given him.

Xu Di had already made a decision in his heart.

He decided that he would never allow the teacher to be harmed in the slightest, no matter what the cost, and that he had to do it, even if it cost him his life.

Xu Di had an idea in his heart, and then, he swam towards the Blue Moon Tears.

Xu Di swam for a while, and he found that Blue Moon Tears were getting closer and closer to him, and he was getting closer and closer to the sea.

Looking at the blue moon tears in front of him, Xu Di's face showed an excited expression, as if he saw a huge pie in front of him.

Just when Xu Di was about to touch Blue Moon Tears, Xu Di sensed that Blue Moon Tears began to repel his contact.

"What's going on

?" "Blue Moon Tears actually rejected me?Am I not its host?" Xu

Di was a little confused, but this did not prevent him from approaching Blue Moon Tears, but made him even more excited, because he could sense that Blue Moon Tears didn't seem to want to compete with him for Blue Moon Tears.

"No matter what, I must get the Blue Moon Tears, even if it is to fight for my life, I will not hesitate to do it.

Xu Di thought secretly in his heart, he continued to swim forward, and finally, he came to the vicinity of Blue Moon Tears, only three or four meters away from Blue Moon Tears.

Xu Di looked at Blue Moon Tears, and then walked towards Blue Moon Tears step by step.

He has already decided, he must get this Blue Moon Tears, no matter what, he has to get this Blue Moon Tears, and then he can use the Blue Moon Tears to help him improve his cultivation, as long as his strength is enhanced, when the time comes, he can go to save the teacher, and at that time, he will have confidence in his heart.

A smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of determination.

Xu Di was getting closer and closer to the position of the Blue Moon Tears, and when there were only the last five or six meters left from the Blue Moon Tears, a smile appeared on Xu Di's face.

When he stretched out his hand to pick up the Blue Moon Tears, his body shook suddenly, and then, his eyes turned golden, and an extremely terrifying momentum erupted from his body, behind him, a huge phantom appeared, the phantom was hundreds of feet high, huge, and a strong coercion permeated from this phantom, shrouding the surrounding space, making the air ripple, as if it was about to be torn apart by this coercion.

"This, this... This is

a saint-level powerhouse?!" "Oh my God, that's a saint-level powerhouse, this Terran kid is actually a saint-level powerhouse, who is he?" "Who is this Terran kid

and why did he come here?"

"Could he be that mysterious genius?!"

Damn, he is really that mysterious genius, Xu Di, who is known as a genius boy!!" Xu

Di's action completely stunned everyone present, including the Sea Serpent King and the Crocodile King.

In addition to the crocodile king, there was also a human being

, that is, Xu Di, and at this moment, behind Xu Di, a huge phantom appeared, and the appearance of that phantom was very much like a huge "This, is this the

Blue Moon Tears?" Xu Di stared at the Blue Moon Tears in front of him, his face was full of excitement.

His eyes were full of scorching color, and his eyes were fixed on Blue Moon Tears.

He couldn't wait to get his hands on this Blue Moon Tear now.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, he reached out and grabbed Blue Moon Tears, and then, a terrifying suction force came from above Blue Moon Tears.

"Click!" The

dagger in Xu Di's hand broke in two, and his body also lost control, and he was suddenly dragged into Blue Moon tears by that attraction.

Then, a whirlpool appeared above Blue Moon Tears.

Xu Di's whole person disappeared into the whirlpool in an instant, and the next moment, he appeared on another island.

His body fell directly to the ground.

Xu Di had just fallen to the ground, and he felt a pain all over his body.

He looked down at his body, his body was covered in blood, and there were countless cracks in his body.

Xu Di looked down and saw that his arm was gone, his right leg was cut off by Qi Gen, the clothes on his left shoulder had been shattered, and a bloody bone emerged from his chest, and there was a hideous sword mark on his chest.

Xu Di looked at his situation, his brow furrowed, he looked down at his right foot, he felt his physical condition, and found that there was a big hole in his right leg, and his wound was recovering at a very slow rate.

He knew that his wound had been healed, and that there was a warm feeling coming from his wound, like drinking a bottle of hot milk, which made people feel refreshed.

Seeing that his wounds had recovered, a look of excitement appeared on Xu Di's face.

This time he really made a lot of money, and such a baby actually appeared in front of him so inexplicably.

"No, I must not waste it, I must find this Blue Moon Tear and let this Blue Moon Tear belong to me. "

Well, yes, that's it, I must not let Blue Moon tears fall into the hands of others. "

Yes, you must take the Blue Moon Tears back. "


For a while, countless thoughts appeared in Xu Di's mind.

"Hmm, why haven't you woken up yet?"

at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

After hearing this voice, Xu Di turned his head to look.

"You, who are you?" Xu

Di asked with some confusion as he looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I, I am his master.

There was a hint of arrogance and domineering in the man's tone.

"Master?" Xu

Di heard the person in front of him call him like this, and a look of doubt appeared on his face, how could such a person be the owner of Blue Moon Tears?


man looked at Xu Di's eyes full of pride.

"No, you don't deserve it. Hearing the

man's words, Xu Di immediately retorted that in his eyes, Blue Moon Tears should be something that only a strong man deserves, not such a waste who can only rely on weapons.

"Hehe, I'm not worthy? The person I can't see is not worthy of being the master of the Blue Moon Tears?"

the man sneered, and there was mockery in his eyes.

When Xu Di heard the man's words, he felt ashamed in his heart, but he was helpless.

He really couldn't refute it, his strength was too weak, even in the face of an ordinary innate powerhouse, it would be useless.

"Hmph, you're not worthy.

Xu Di snorted coldly.

"Oh, is it?" a

wicked smile tugged at the corner of the man's mouth, "then, I'll prove it to you." With

that, the man raised his fist and struck at Xu Di.

Xu Di watched the man's fist attack, and his face showed surprise, because he felt a strong sense of danger, and he hurriedly raised his hand to resist.

He raised his hand and made a move, and a long sword immediately appeared in his hand.

He swung his long sword, and a sword qi flew out from the long sword.


The two fists collided, Xu Di only felt a huge impact on his arm, and his body immediately retreated three steps back, his body shook, and he almost fell to the ground, but fortunately he was holding on to the tree trunk next to him.

Looking at his arm, he had a shocked look on his face.

A red line appeared on his arm, and the red line spread to the entire arm.

Moreover, as his body retreated, this red thread became thicker and thicker, and finally directly wrapped his entire arm.


After seeing this scene, Xu Di gasped, and a shocked look appeared on his face, because his arm had been completely destroyed.

His arm was scrapped.

He felt extremely sorry and sad.

He was unwilling, and his heart was full of anger.

"I will not let you go, I will definitely kill you!" Xu

Di clenched the long sword in his hand and yelled into the distance.

"Hahaha, little doll, it's up to you?" the

man sneered as he stood there.

Xu Di looked up at the man and found that he had a silver-white mask on his mouth, leaving only his two eyeballs.

"What the hell is this?"

"Hmph, you're not qualified to know, but I'll tell you, my name is Hades."

Hades snorted coldly, a coercion emanated from his body, he looked at Xu Di, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Little doll, since you can pick up the Blue Moon Tears, your luck is so good, but you shouldn't snatch it." At

this, Hades' eyes narrowed.

Hearing Hades' words, disdain appeared on Xu Di's face.

"Do you believe you when you say you're the King of Hades?" "Little

doll, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet.

The Hades King shook his head, and a trace of pity appeared in his eyes when he looked at Xu Di: "Do you think that you are the master of the Blue Moon Tears and can defeat me?" "

Hmph, I don't care what kind of Hades you are, and I don't care how you got the Blue Moon Tears, anyway, I won't hand over the Blue Moon Tears, you died of this heart." "

Is it? In that case, then I will fulfill

you!" When the Hades King heard Xu Di's words, he was immediately furious, he looked up at the blue sky, snorted coldly, and his voice resounded like thunder in the sky: "Blue Moon Tears, I order you, get out of here now!"

After the Hades King finished speaking, Xu Di's eyes widened, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that this guy would be able to drive Blue Moon Tears, no wonder Blue Moon Tears would automatically recognize him as the master just now, this is simply a fantasy.

He was shocked at the same time, but more afraid.

After all, he is powerless now.

"Blue Moon Tears, get out of here now, I'm going to use you to kill this little brat. The

Immortal looked into the air and continued to shout.

After his voice fell, Xu Di looked at Lan Yuetear's body and trembled a little, but Lan Yuetear didn't pay attention to him.

Xu Di's face sank, he didn't expect that he couldn't even control the words of Blue Moon Tears.

He regretted a little in his heart that he hadn't gotten the Blue Moon Tears earlier, if he had gotten the Blue Moon Tears earlier, he wouldn't have had to encounter this kind of predicament.

It seems that he can only search for Blue Moon Tears after he has enough strength.

"Blue Moon Tears, listen well, I don't care how you got Blue Moon Tears, but, from now on, I am your new master, and you must listen to my orders in the future, you know?"

the Hades King shouted again.

After Xu Di heard the man's words, he felt very surprised, he looked at the man in disbelief, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

This man really has the ability to control Blue Moon Tears, which he never expected.

Blue Moon Tears can be said to be the highest-level holy beast in the entire God Realm, and the god-level powerhouses in this world are probably only the Jade Emperor of Heavenly Court and the four great war gods whose combat power is extraordinary.

In this world, except for the four Great War Gods and the Jade Emperor, there is no god-level powerhouse who can tame Blue Moon Tears at all.

And now, this man actually said that he could control the Blue Moon Tears, how could this be?

This is definitely an incredible thing, he will never believe it.

"Hmph, no matter how good you are, Blue Moon Tears are mine, so you don't want to take it away from me.

Looking at the sharp eyes of the Hades King, Xu Di snorted coldly and said to him.

"Oh, is it, then give it a try!" After

saying that, the Hades King stretched out his hand, and suddenly, Xu Di felt an invisible force surging towards his body.

This power was very peculiar, as if it could tear apart the heavens and the earth, making Xu Di's body feel great pain in an instant.


Xu Di's mouth spat blood, and his whole body trembled.

"You, what kind of power are you?" Xu

Di gritted his teeth, looked at the Hades King in front of him, and asked with difficulty.

"I said, my powers are special, you won't understand them at all.

Hades glanced at Xu Di indifferently.

"Bah, don't brag if you don't understand.

Xu Di snorted, and then said to the Hades: "Since you want the Blue Moon Tears, then you can come and take them, and if you have a kind, come and take them."

Hearing Xu Di's words, Hades' eyebrows furrowed, and then a cold look appeared on his face.

"Look for death!" After

the Hades King finished speaking, he raised his right foot and kicked Xu Di fiercely.

When Xu Di saw this scene, his pupils contracted suddenly, his face showed a solemn look, and his body flew towards the back quickly.

Hades' attack was very fast, and almost in the blink of an eye, his foot had already come to Xu Di's front, and he kicked Xu Di in the chest, directly kicking Xu Di to the ground.


Xu Di couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, he struggled to get up from the ground, clutching his stomach, and a pale color appeared on his face.

He never thought that this guy's strength would be so strong.

Just now, he felt that Hades' kick almost kicked his ribs.

He gritted his teeth and tried to keep himself calm.

"Boy, now obediently take out the Blue Moon Tears.

The Hades King glanced at Xu Di coldly and said lightly.

"Phew, don't you think about it!" Xu

Di spat out a mouthful of spit and looked at the Hades King coldly, looking like he was at home.


Hades looked at Xu Di's performance, and a sneer appeared on his face.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw Long Aotian lying there dying on the ground, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

"Boy, I have to admire you, your life is really big, you actually escaped alive. The

Hades King looked at Long Aotian, with a look of admiration on his face, and said, "Yes, I really didn't kill you with the kick just now, and you still have a chance to live."

After hearing the words of the Hades King, Long Aotian's heart couldn't help but rejoice.

Although he was seriously injured, he still had hope, after all, there was still an artifact in his body, and the defense of the artifact was an incomparable existence, as long as he persevered until the artifact woke up, then, he could kill this Hades.

"Boy, I'll give you one last chance to give me the Blue Moon Tears, otherwise, I'll kill you now!" Hades

looked at Xu Di and said with a cold face.

"You... You're dreaming!" Xu

Di glared at the Hades King and said word by word.

Looking at Xu Di's stubborn appearance, Hades's brows frowned slightly, and he snorted coldly: "Toast and don't eat and drink, it seems that I have to teach you a good lesson."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted towards Xu Di.

A puff of black smoke suddenly came out of Hades's body, and the black smoke turned into countless bats and attacked Xu Di, and the black bat opened its mouth to devour Xu Di.

When Xu Di saw this scene, his pupils constricted, and his eyes looked into the distance, in that piece of air, Xu Di could vaguely see a blue bead hanging there, exuding a soft light, looking very beautiful and charming.

Xu Di's eyes were fixed on the blue bead, and his eyes were full of longing.

Seeing Xu Di's greedy eyes, a smug look appeared on Hades' face.

Xu Di wants Blue Moon Tears, but it's a fool's dream.

His Blue Moon Tears are the only thing in the underworld that can restrain the artifact, even if Xu Di has Blue Moon Tears, it will be useless, because Blue Moon Tears don't listen to his command at all, and he only needs a little force to be able to summon Blue Moon Tears.

"Boy, now, I'll give you one last chance, give me the Blue Moon Tears, and I'll spare you from dying, otherwise, I'll let your soul fly away now.

"Hahaha!" Xu

Di raised his head and laughed when he heard this, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a sneering smile, he looked at the Hades King, and mocked: "Hades, you really think I'm a fool! Blue Moon Tears are my treasure, with your strength, you are not qualified to master Blue Moon Tears at all." As

he spoke, he looked at Blue Moon Tears in the distance, and a smile of excitement appeared on his face.

"You know how small you are now, now, why don't you obediently hand over the Blue Moon Tears to me?"

Hades looked at Xu Di coldly and asked coldly.

He didn't bother to talk nonsense with Xu Di anymore, and directly urged Lan Yue's tears and threw himself at Xu Di.

A layer of fine sweat appeared on Xu Di's forehead, and he looked at the blue moon tears flying over, his eyes changed.

He kept telling himself that he couldn't panic now, and that once he panicked, he lost.

Blue Moon Tears have been sealed for thousands of years, and now, she is trapped in Blue Moon Tears again, so its strength is no longer what it used to be, even if she uses all her strength now, it may not be the opponent of Hades.

"Boy, hurry up and hand over the Blue Moon Tears to me, otherwise, your life will be at risk

!" Seeing Xu Di's hesitation, a trace of impatience suddenly appeared on the face of the Hades King.

"I won't give it to you unless you can defeat me, but it's not possible at all, I won't give in to you!" Xu

Di gritted his teeth and roared loudly.

Looking at the crazy Xu Di in front of him, Hades' face became even more ugly, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

"Very good, you are really tough enough, since this is the case, then I will destroy you bastard first!"

After speaking, the Hades King directly raised his fist and smashed towards Xu Di.

With a swing of the punch, a gust of wind blew up, ruffling Xu Di's hair and making him look a little embarrassed.

Looking at the terrifying fist shadow that was bombarding him, a look of horror flashed in Xu Di's eyes.

He knew that if he was hit by Hades's fist, his head would explode.

He quickly closed his eyes and waited for death to come.


At this time, a muffled sound sounded in his ears, and then, his body was hit by a huge force and flew upside down, falling heavily to the ground, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out of his mouth.

Xu Di slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, his eyes flashed with a thick shock.

The person he saw just now turned out to be Long Yu, the owner of Blue Moon Tears.

"Boy, you know your stupidity now, Blue Moon Tears has already recognized the Lord, you are just its puppet now, its power is uncontrollable, so, you just obediently hand over Blue Moon Tears to me, I won't treat you badly. Hades

said coldly.

"What? this... This is impossible!" Xu

Di was completely stunned when he heard this, a look of disbelief appeared on his face, he didn't want to believe that Blue Moon Tears would betray them and become a slave of the Hades King.

Seeing this, the corner of Hades' mouth drew a cruel smile, and said, "No matter what, now, I can get rid of you, and your life will end."

After saying that, he raised his foot and rushed towards Xu Di.

Xu Di came back to his senses and immediately dodged to the side.

"Boy, don't be delusional, you can't escape my pursuit

At this time, Xiao Jin's voice came out of the Hades' sea of knowledge, and shouted loudly at the Hades.

Hades' body trembled suddenly, his brows furrowed slightly, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes, "Damn, I didn't expect this little thing to be alive, it seems that they really want to fight with me!"

Hades looked at Xu Di, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he said in a calm tone.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Hades King, he didn't expect that this was just a spirit beast, and he actually had wisdom, which made him feel very surprised, and strengthened his determination to recover Xu Di.

He didn't want his subordinates to have wise people like Xu Di in the future, which would be very detrimental to his plans.

Therefore, the Hades must cut Xu Di to the root and never suffer from future troubles.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you now, give you one last chance and hand over the Blue Moon Tears, otherwise, I will make you worse off than dead, and lose your freedom forever. Hades

stared at Xu Di coldly and said in a cold tone.

"Want Blue Moon Tears?" Xu

Di snorted coldly and said, "You are dreaming, I would rather die with you than let you take away Blue Moon Tears."

"Oh, it seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin!" said the

Hades King, squinting his eyes, and rushed towards Xu Di again.


At this time, Xu Di's body turned into a black shadow and quickly ran outside.

A look of doubt flashed in Hades' eyes, he didn't expect Xu Di to be so stubborn.

The Hades King clenched his fists, shook his body, and rushed towards Xu Di.

Seeing Xu Di's fleeing figure, the figure of the Hades King flickered and rushed over.

The two soon disappeared into the night.

Early the next morning, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sunlight shone through the sky and the earth, which was particularly dazzling.

Xu Di was lying on the bed, his whole body was extremely sore, he opened his eyes, looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then his head flashed the scene of last night, and he couldn't help but gasp, and the cold sweat all over his body suddenly slipped down his forehead.

The scene of his battle with Hades yesterday was clearly imprinted in his mind, and he remembered that when he fought against Hades, although Hades' strength was not as good as his, he was an out-and-out master, and there was a level between him and Hades, and it was not a level of existence at all.

Thinking of this, Xu Di's heart suddenly became a little flustered.

Who the hell is the Hades King, and why is his cultivation qualification so terrifying.

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