Xu Di smiled, he didn't expect his opponent to be such an arrogant person.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not kind to such an opponent.

With that, he rushed directly towards the other party, and several people around Xu Di also rushed over with him when they saw this.


There was a loud bang, and Xu Di's right arm was slammed into the air.

His entire right arm had been broken, and the whole person had been knocked upside down.

And Xu Di was also sent flying far away, crashing into a tree and falling to the ground.


"What if you are now stronger? Our strength is still stronger than yours, so you better admit defeat obediently, as long as you are willing to surrender, I can let you go." "


"That's right, I won't kill you, I won't hurt you, you just need to answer me, are you willing to admit defeat!" Listening

to the other party's words, Xu Di also smiled, but the smile was full of sarcasm, and said: "Haha! It's really laughing at me, surrendering? Do you think I'm a fool? Although your strength is stronger than mine, you are still similar to ants in my eyes." "


Hearing Xu Di's words, the man opposite was also stunned.

He didn't expect Xu Di to be so ashamed to say that their strength was about the same as that of ants.

"Hmph, we won't let you go, no matter who you are!" the

man snorted coldly and continued to walk towards Xu Di.

"Don't let me go?"

Xu Di stood up from the ground, patted his body on the dust, and continued to attack the man.

Xu Di's attack was very sharp, and every punch was whistling towards the man.

The man on the opposite side resisted and retreated.

At this time, he finally experienced the meaning of the words that Xu Di had said before.

There really is nothing wrong with that.

Xu Di before was indeed the same strength as them, and Xu Di's combat power was much stronger than them.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing is that Xu Di's fighting style makes him feel extremely familiar.

This seems to have been seen somewhere before.

At this moment, the man seemed to grasp a straw.

"It turns out that his fighting style is very similar to ours.

"Yes, his way of fighting is ours, but why did he do it?"

several people also guessed Xu Di's purpose.

But Xu Di didn't say anything, he was still attacking.

"Is that the way we fight?"

"Yes! "

Several people thought of something.

This is very similar to them in terms of combat.

It's just that they are not as crazy as each other, so unscrupulous.

But what they didn't know was that Xu Di's fighting style was rigorously trained.

This is a very brutal form of training that only extremely perverted fighters can withstand.


Suddenly, Xu Di burst out laughing, and his laughter was filled with a hint of mockery.

He laughed arrogantly as he swung his fist at several people.

"We're all trash, but you're a lot better than us.

"It's all thanks to your editors.

"Really, what kind of training did he do to you, to make you so tough. "

Hmph~ You editors give me training, just to make me stronger and stronger!"

Xu Di laughed.

Hearing his words, the others also showed puzzled looks.

This method is indeed powerful, but will this method make him stronger, and it will also increase his strength,

which makes several people feel very strange.

However, they didn't ask any more questions, and they wouldn't ask about these things, after all, for them, Xu Di didn't have to worry about it now.

Xu Di's figure turned into nothingness at this moment, disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the other party, and then smashed the back of the opponent's head with a fierce punch.


With a muffled sound, Xu Di's punch exploded the opponent's head, splashing blood.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief.

But then his head fell from the air, and he fell to the ground with a heavy blow, and then lost his breath, no longer breathing.

Everyone else around me was stunned.

They didn't expect that a young man in his early twenties could have such terrifying strength, and this speed was simply terrifying!

And this young man looked very young, and his strength could reach such a level.

This perverted strength surprised everyone.

At this time, Xu Di also looked at the men next to him.

The men also felt a chill behind them, and hurriedly turned their heads, avoiding Xu Di's gaze.

"Now it's your turn.

Seeing the frightened eyes of several people, Xu Di also laughed.

Listening to Xu Di's words, several other people also showed anger, they didn't expect Xu Di to be so powerful.

Before, they all thought that the other party's strength should be weaker than them.

That's why Xu Di is so arrogant, but now they finally understand that the other party is definitely not as weak as they imagined.

"The strength of a few of you is not very good, such a simple trick can't be dodged, it's really a waste. "

Hehe, this is what you said not to let me go?"

Xu Di didn't pay attention to the angry eyes of several people, just smiled coldly and said.

His words were full of contempt and disdain.


Several people were so excited by Xu Di that they were all angry and roared angrily.

They had never seen such an ignorant person.

"Hmph~!Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you.

A man shouted angrily, and then rushed towards Xu Di to kill.

His movements were swift, and a punch slammed into Xu Di's chest.

The corners of Xu Di's mouth outlined a mocking smile, and when the opponent's fist was close to his chest, he suddenly punched, and then hit the opponent's lower abdomen hard.

There was a bulge on his lower abdomen, which was the other person's internal organs.

They are not ordinary martial artists, they all have internal strength, and internal strength is a very important part, once they encounter a heavy blow, then their lives will be completely over.


Xu Di also had a bulge on his lower abdomen, which was the other party's internal organs.

There was a bulge on his lower abdomen, which was the other person's internal organs.


Xu Di knocked the opponent out with a punch, and then stepped on the opponent's back, stomping the opponent down, making him unable to move.

"As I said, you are no match for me, and now that you are all dead, you have no right to stay with me. "

Get out, get out of here, the farther the better, and never come back

!" "Yes!"

Hearing Xu Di's words, these people also immediately got up, and then limped out of the area.

Xu Di ignored these people, his eyes fell on the corpses of those men and women, his eyes flashed with coldness, and said, "Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you." "

Boom~!" Xu

Di finished speaking, his figure flickered, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

As he appeared near the bodies of the men, he stretched out his hands and grabbed at them.


a loud vibration sounded, followed by a flame in his hands.

He pressed his palms and crushed the flames.

As the powder of the flames spilled down, the bodies of the men were also burned and shriveled, and finally turned into a pile of ashes and dissipated into the air.


Xu Di also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he tried his best, and he almost didn't hold on.

But now that he saw that these people were eliminated by him, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Although these people are also good, they are still far behind him.

These people are not Xu Di's opponents, so let alone the remaining two people.

Xu Di turned around and walked towards the other two.

The strength of these two people is not very strong, only one of them has reached the ninth level of physical training, and the other is the eighth level of physical training, and their strength is not bad.

Seeing this, the hearts of these two people also sank, and this time they were in trouble.

This time, the enemy is very powerful, and the strength is not weak.

They had also encountered many enemies with relatively low strength before, but they had never encountered such a powerful enemy, so they were also very panicked in their hearts.

"I advise you to give up resistance and go back with us.

At this time, the man also sneered.

His strength is comparable to Xu Di, and he has such confidence that he can win safely.

"Really, then you have to be careful!" Xu

Di smiled indifferently, and there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

He would never allow anyone to bully his friends and family.

He wanted them to know that if he dared to provoke him Xu Di, he would have to pay a terrible price!!

"I want to test how strong you are!" the

man snorted coldly.

Their plan this time was originally perfect, but now that this kind of thing had happened, his heart was full of chagrin and grievance.

They didn't expect this to happen, and they didn't expect it.

However, this has happened, and they can only accept it.


!" "Whoosh~!"

At this moment, the two of them also sprinted towards Xu Di and launched an offensive towards Xu Di.

Xu Di's face sank, a trace of murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the two.

He slapped it out with a palm and slammed it on the chests of the two of them.



Two crisp sounds of bones breaking came out, and the chests of the two people collapsed directly, and the whole person was also slapped by Xu Di and flew out and smashed to the ground.

After crashing through a few peaks, the two men stopped and slowly stood up.

They had several broken sternums, and their bodies were severely traumatized.

Xu Di's strength is really terrifying.

After seeing this scene, the two couldn't help but swallow their saliva, revealing a look of fear.

"Your strength is only like that, do you still want to stop me?" Xu

Di shook his head and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

These guys are really no match for him.

Together, they weren't enough for him to stuff his teeth.

"You two, let's go together!"

"You're fast, I can give you plenty of opportunities.

Xu Di looked at the two and said coldly.

After listening to Xu Di's words, a thick look of humiliation suddenly appeared on their faces.

However, they did not hesitate, and their bodies also turned into afterimages, rushing towards Xu Di.

Seeing them coming, Xu Di also laughed coldly.


his figure flickered, and then disappeared in place.

His speed was so fast that even the space was slightly distorted.

The two were also blinded by Xu Di's speed, and before they could react, their necks were choked by Xu Di.

Their eyes widened with horror.

The eyes of the two men were wide open, and their faces were full of disbelief.


Xu Di threw the two people in his hands to the ground.

The bodies of the two of them slammed to the ground with a muffled sound.

"Your strength is too weak to stop my progress at all, in that case, what else do I leave you for?!"

Xu Di's voice was extremely cold, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

His current target is Ye Feng, and as for the others, he doesn't care about them.

In his opinion, even if these people's cultivation is stronger than him, their actual combat experience is not as good as his.

It was easy for him to deal with them.

"We... We confessed... Please, let us go.

"No, we beg you, spare us, we promise that from now on we will never set foot in China again.

"Yes, we are willing to surrender to you, please accept us.

A look of fear appeared on the faces of the two, and they hurriedly begged for mercy and bowed down to Xu Di.

Their strength is very weak, and they have no ability to resist at all.

The only thing we can count on now is Xu Di's kindness.

Xu Di looked at the two, and the corners of his mouth also set off a sneering arc.

These guys really treat themselves like a dish, and they want to submit him with all this garbage?

They don't have the qualifications to threaten him.

"In that case, you two go and accompany your companions.

"You don't have to regret it, because of your stupidity, let me clean you up early.

Xu Di shook his head, his figure flashed, and he came directly in front of the two.


Xu Di's right leg kicked, directly kicking a man to vomit blood and fall backwards, and his body also shot backwards.

This time, he was kicked and fainted.

After seeing this scene, Xu Di also laughed coldly.

"Your strength is really bad, and you dare to come to me for trouble with this strength.

"Looks like you guys are tired of being crooked.

Xu Di looked at the two of them and sneered, with a hint of mockery on his face.

He didn't plan to kill these two people now, and when he went back this time, he would make these two people pay tenfold and hundredfold.

"No, don't kill us, we won't dare anymore...

"We don't dare anymore.


After the two heard Xu Di's words, they also panicked.

They didn't expect that this teenager's strength would be so strong.

"It's late!"

Xu Di snorted coldly, and he raised his foot directly and stepped towards the two of them.

After the two saw Xu Di's move, their faces also changed greatly.

They also hurriedly retreated to the rear, trying to dodge the blow.


Unfortunately, they were still one step late.

Xu Di's kick stomped on their heads firmly, directly stomping on their heads.

Blood splattered and fell to the ground, looking shocking.

Xu Di waved his hand lightly, and the blood drifted into the air.

"You can go in peace, I hope you die at the hands of the people of your so-called sect.

Xu Di shook his head, and his tone became gloomy.

As soon as Xu Di's voice fell, he disappeared in place.

A moment later, Xu Di appeared in front of those people.

Those people also discovered Xu Di, and their eyes were full of horror.

"We surrender, spare us.

"We are willing to be your slaves, we are willing to give you a drive. "

Please, don't kill us, please, we don't dare anymore, please... The

men hurriedly wailed.

When they saw Xu Di walking towards them, they also begged for mercy.

They are also very scared now, afraid of death, even more afraid of death.

They don't want to die like that.

If it were ordinary people, they still had a trace of courage to resist, but Xu Di's strength was beyond their expectations, they were not Xu Di's opponents at all, and they could only be slaughtered by Xu Di.

"Do you want to surrender now?" Xu

Di asked, looking at these people.

Although he wanted to kill these people immediately, he felt that killing them was just such a waste of time.

That's why he chose another way to make them submit to his feet.

"No... No, we don't want to die...

"I am willing to surrender to you, I am willing to give you advice, please don't kill me.

Xu Di's words fell, and those people hurriedly said.

They knew that Xu Di would definitely not

, "You guys go and keep an eye on the four of them, and tell me immediately if they have any unusual behavior."

Xu Di said to those people.

"Yes, master. When

they heard this, they answered in unison.

After those people agreed, Xu Di turned and walked towards the white-haired old man in the pavilion.

When Xu Di came to the pavilion and looked at the white-haired old man, he said respectfully: "I've seen my seniors, but I don't know what my seniors told me to do." "

Yes. The

white-haired old man listened and nodded.

He asked slowly.

"Your name is Xu Di, right?

"Yes, that's right.

When Xu Di heard this, he also nodded slightly and responded.

"I think you've guessed what I called you for, yes.

"I came to you this time to ask you to help me get rid of him. The

white-haired old man looked at Xu Di and spoke.

When Xu Di heard this, he was also stunned, and his heart was also full of doubts.

"Senior, why did you kill him, what did he provoke you.

Xu Di looked at the white-haired old man and asked suspiciously.

When the old man heard this, he shook his head.

"No, I have no grievances with him, and I don't want to kill him. The

white-haired old man spoke.

He looked at Xu Di, and then continued

, "You don't have to ask more, just follow my orders." The

white-haired old man looked at Xu Di with a serious look on his face.

"Okay, senior, then I'll arrange this now.

Xu Di nodded, and then retreated directly.


"Xu Di, what the hell are you doing? Why am I getting more and more confused.

Xu Di came to the woman's door and knocked on the door.

"Xu Di, it's you!" The

woman in the room was also a little surprised when she heard the knock on the door.

"It's me, open the door, I need your help.

Xu Di shouted at the door, his voice full of solemnity.

He is also very worried about Liu Yan'er's safety now.

Liu Yan'er is his fiancée, and he will never allow Liu Yan'er to have the slightest accident.

"Oh, okay, then you wait.

When Liu Yan'er heard this, she nodded, and then opened the door.

As soon as Xu Di saw Liu Yan'er open the door, he walked in directly.

As soon as Xu Di entered the room, he closed the room directly.

As soon as Xu Di closed the door, he took out the ring from his sleeve and placed it on the table.

"Sister Yan'er, I'm sorry.

The corners of Xu Di's mouth hooked up a wry smile, and after muttering to himself, he directly took out a pill and swallowed it.

Then his face became even more ruddy.

"This time, even if I try my best to get you out!" Xu

Di muttered to himself.

"You guy, you actually installed a camera in my room.

After Liu Yan'er saw the ring, she was also slightly stunned, and immediately, her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she looked at Xu Di with some anger.

"Sister Yan'er, don't wronged me. "

I don't dare put a camera in your room.

"Otherwise, if you find out, wouldn't you want to kill me?"

After Xu Di heard Liu Yan'er's words, he also hurriedly waved his hand, and then, he added:

"I respect you very much.

"You bastard, you said you didn't have a camera. "

Hmph!" Liu

Yan'er also glared at him fiercely when she heard this, and snorted coldly.


When Xu Di heard this, he laughed and didn't speak again.

Xu Di didn't know how to explain this, so he didn't bother to explain.

No matter what, he must rescue Liu Yan'er.

"Alright, you can help me with things now.

Liu Yan'er saw that Xu Di did not refute, and she did not dwell on this matter anymore, so she immediately changed the topic.

Hearing this, Xu Di nodded, and said, "

Senior, please command." "

I want you to investigate the information of which guy named Ye Feng among these four people, as well as his family and forces, the more detailed the better.

"As for the specific price, you look at it.

Liu Yan'er pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Yes, good.

When Xu Di heard this, he also nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Alright, let's do it now.

Seeing this, Liu Yan'er also said.

Xu Di nodded, and then walked out.

"This Xu Di is really unreliable, how can he trust this white-haired old man so much.

Looking at the back of Xu Di leaving, the young men on the side couldn't help but muttered to themselves.

Although the white-haired old man is indeed very handsome and chic, the goddess Liu Yan'er in their minds is not the kind of superficial person.

If she really wants to be beautiful, there can be countless men for her to choose from, and there is no need to find Xu Di's little white face!"

"Okay, you guys, let's cultivate hard, if you want to gain my approval, you must be stronger than him, otherwise, everything is empty talk."

Liu Yan'er glanced at a few young people and spoke.

"Yes, master, we will work hard!" the

young men also said one after another when they heard this.

Subsequently, Liu Yan'er also lay down on the bed to rest.

And those young people also began to cultivate at this time.


"A few of you, drink this cup of water, this cup of water was sent by your master. On

this day, Ye Feng was sitting in the woods cultivating, when suddenly, he heard a sound of footsteps.

When Ye Feng heard this, he also opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw that an old man in black was slowly walking towards this side.

The old man in black was dressed in a gray robe, with a hat on his head and a veil on his face, making it impossible to see his appearance.

"Are you?"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the old man and asked.

He didn't know the old man either, so he didn't dare to make a rash move, after all, who knew if the other party had any conspiracy.

"You are the one named Xu Di?" The

old man did not answer Ye Feng's question, but asked.

"That's right.

When Xu Di heard this, he also said indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" the

old man also sneered when he heard this, and said mockingly.

His face was also full of banter, as if Ye Feng was a fool.

"If you really wanted to kill me, you would have already done it, so why wait until today?"

Ye Feng said lightly when he heard this.

"You're smart. The

old man looked at Ye Feng, smiled contemptuously, and said.

"I've always been very smart.

When Ye Feng heard this, he also said lightly.

"Okay, without further ado, hurry up and hand over what I want, and then I can spare you. The

old man didn't want to talk to Ye Feng and said.

"Are you talking about the storage bag inside this ring?" Ye

Feng heard this, and also touched the storage bag around his neck and asked.

"Yes, give it to me, I won't embarrass you. The

old man nodded and urged.

"Sorry, no.

When Ye Feng heard this, he shook his head and rejected the old man.

"You stinky boy, you really toast and don't eat and drink! In that case, then it's no wonder that I can't leave, you can't leave today.

Seeing this, the old man also snorted a little angrily, and then prepared to make a move.

"Hmph, you're not worthy.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sneered, and then said disdainfully.

When the old man heard this, he immediately trembled with anger.

He had lived for so many years, when had he ever been insulted like this?

Now, he was also completely enraged by Ye Feng.

I saw that between the swings of his palm, a flying knife also suddenly flew out, attacking Ye Feng.

This throwing knife looks ordinary, but it contains a strong wind, which makes it difficult to breathe.


The flying knife broke through the air, and attacked directly towards Ye Feng.

The speed of the flying knife was extremely fast, as if it had cut through the void, and in an instant, it came to Ye Feng's approach.

"Die!! the

old man snorted coldly.

He believed that Ye Feng would definitely not dare to resist after facing the flying knife, and would inevitably dodge.

At that time, he would be able to take the opportunity to take away Ye Feng's storage bag.

However, the old man's guess was not wrong.

When Ye Feng saw this flying knife, he also stretched out his right index finger unhurriedly and flicked his fingers.


With a crisp sound, the flying knife immediately shattered.

"You !!"

The old man was taken aback when he saw this scene.

He really didn't expect that the trick he used at random would be easily resolved by Ye Feng like this.

After Ye Feng dissolved the flying knife, his face was still calm and calm.

"Who the hell are you?" The

old man glanced at Ye Feng deeply, and was silent for a long time before he slowly asked.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the guy you are looking for is named Xu Di, who is dead, and he was killed by me.

Ye Feng looked at each other with a smile and said slowly.

"What? Xu Di is actually dead?" When

the old man heard Ye Feng's words, he was stunned for a moment, then he was furious, and asked sharply: "Who are you, even dare to kill my apprentice?"

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Feng

also sneered, and then sneered and said

, "Hehe, Xu Di? It turns out that the Xu Di you mentioned is your apprentice, it seems that your apprentice is indeed a fool. "

I think you are a stupid dog, my apprentice is stupid, and it is also because I spoil him too much on weekdays, so he has become this virtuous !!"

When the old man heard this, he immediately scolded angrily.

"Hehe, your apprentice, is not stupid, but when he meets me, he becomes very stupid.

Ye Feng sneered, and then said lightly.

"Since you are so arrogant, then don't blame me for being ruthless, kill him for me. When

the old man heard this, he also said coldly, and then gave an order.

After listening to the old man's words, several of the old man's subordinates all rushed towards Ye Feng.

Looking at the black-clothed people who were surrounding him, Ye Feng's face was still unfazed, without the slightest worry.

He looked at the men in black, the corners of his mouth flashed with a thick sneer, and said lightly:

"You guys, you are not worthy of being my enemy, get out, otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Hearing

Ye Feng's words, the group of people in black also showed fierce lights on their faces, and they looked very violent.

"Boy, don't be arrogant, since you are so arrogant, then I will let you know what is called despair!!"

The old man saw that his subordinates were motionless, and his face suddenly turned cold, and then he roared sharply.


And at this time, the house where the old man was was also suddenly exploded, and the old man's entire body also fell out of it.

The moment the old man fell to the ground, his body also stiffened suddenly, and then his body could no longer control it and flew backwards.


The old man's body also directly broke a few ancient trees, and finally stopped on the mountain wall in the distance.

On his chest, there was a bloody hole left, which was injured by Ye Feng's blow just now. (To be continued.)


The old man let out a muffled snort in his throat, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Feng's casual punch just now actually caused the old man to be seriously injured, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Old Ancestor !!"

Seeing this scene, the black-clothed people around him also showed shocked and incredulous expressions, and exclaimed in unison.

Although those old men are not too strong, they are also masters of the Grandmaster realm.

Now, with so many masters joining forces, they can't even withstand Ye Feng's move.

This made the old men also very shocked and puzzled, and they couldn't figure out how the strength of the young man in front of them could be so strong.

"Damn, how can this be? Is he stronger than all of us? No, it's impossible. The

old man gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were also full of resentment.

"I don't care who you are, anyway, today, I'm going to let you die here and kill me !!"

The old man looked at Ye Feng with cold eyes and shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Feng didn't care.

"Do you think that with you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, you can kill me? It's just a fool's dream, you guys, don't hurry up and retreat, lest you die in vain!"

Ye Feng looked at the old men, his face showed a thick look of disdain, and said loudly.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the old men also showed anger on their faces, but they had no choice but to obey the old man's orders and quickly retreated.

"Haha, hahahaha~ !!"

At this time, a hearty laugh suddenly spread all over.

After hearing this voice, Ye Feng couldn't help frowning and looked around.

Ye Feng glanced around.

At this time, he also found that in a forest not far away, there were three people standing there, staring at Ye Feng with a smile.

Looking at the three people, Ye Feng's eyes also narrowed suddenly, revealing a strong vigilance.

"Is it you?"

Ye Feng looked at the three of them. He also asked with a gloomy face.

Of the three, one of them was wearing a black robe. With a thin figure and a handsome appearance, it is the Li Tianyang that Ye Feng has ever seen.

The other person was wearing a blue shirt, tall and tall, with a good face, very beautiful.

And next to the man of the other person. is also a girl, but her appearance is somewhat similar to Li Tianyang.

Look at the trio. Ye Feng also couldn't help but think of what happened when he was in Tianwu Academy.

Ye Feng remembered it very clearly. These two people are Li Tianyang's parents, as well as the young master surnamed Li, Li Yuankai.

These two people, the forces in Tianwu City. It's also huge.

And. According to rumors, the relationship between the two and Li Tianyang is very close.

Li Tianyang is Li Yuankai's own brother.

Therefore, this Li Yuankai has a high status in the Li family.

"Hey, boy, I didn't expect you to be here, did you? It didn't take much effort to get there. Today, you will definitely die, not only you, but your family will also be completely eradicated by me, and there will be no chickens and dogs. Haha!!"

Li Tianyang looked at Ye Feng. There was a thick look of greed in his eyes, and he said with a cruel smile.

Hearing Li Tianyang's words, Ye Feng also shook his head slightly and smiled disdainfully.

"Li Tianyang, I see that you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin, I see that you are tired and crooked, and you dare to be arrogant in front of me, I will not only blow up all your dogs today, but also let your Li family's property also be buried with you, I see that you have no chance to turn over in your life.

Ye Feng snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

As Ye Feng spoke, a cold glow flashed in his eyes, and an extremely rich murderous aura swept out in an instant.

Hear Ye Feng's threat. Li Tianyang and others were all furious.

Under Ye Feng's threat, their hearts felt as if they had been pricked by needles, and the tingling sensation spread throughout their bodies.

"Hmph. Stinky boy, let me tell you, don't think that your strength is stronger, you can be rampant here, you are just a little minion, I advise you to be more interesting, obediently kneel down and confess your guilt, and then obediently kowtow a few times, and then self-abandon, we will spare your life. Otherwise....

"Hmph. Stinky boy, I see that you are really a toast and don't eat and drink, since you are killing yourself, I don't bother to be polite to you again, the three of us, let's deal with you first, and then slowly clean up your family!!"

When the black-robed old man heard Ye Feng's words, his face became more and more gloomy and ugly, and his eyes flashed with a thick murderous aura, and he said coldly.

"Hmph, is it just the three of you?"

Hearing the words of the black-robed old man, Ye Feng also pursed his lips contemptuously, and said with a disdainful expression.

While speaking, Ye Feng also shifted his gaze to the black-robed old man, and his eyes also flashed with a strong sense of playfulness.

Ye Feng knew that the other party must be a super powerhouse of the innate ninth order, and there was also a master of the innate eighth order, and in addition, there was also a strong person of the innate seventh order.

Therefore, Ye Feng has such confidence, without any fear.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the black-robed old man also snorted coldly, and looked at Ye Feng with a hideous face.

"You are looking for death, in that case, I will fulfill your !!"

The black-robed old man looked at Ye Feng coldly, and shouted with a gloomy face.

Hearing the words of the black-robed old man, Ye Feng also smiled indifferently, with an attitude of not hurrying or slowing.

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, the black-robed old man was immediately annoyed and angry, and his eyes showed a thick murderous intent.

"Boy, since you don't know how to lift, then I will kill you here today to avenge my apprentice!!"

The fierce look in the eyes of the black-robed old man flashed, and then, he clenched the short sword in his hand and stepped out towards Ye Feng.

His figure was as fast as thunder, and in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to Ye Feng's side.

The black-robed old man's attack was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already come to Ye Feng's side, and slapped Ye Feng's head with a palm.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's face was also cold.

"Hmph, carving insect skills.

Sensing the old man's attack, Ye Feng snorted disdainfully, his right foot suddenly exerted force, and the whole person was like a cannonball, kicking the black-robed old man fiercely.


With a loud bang, the body of the black-robed old man was directly kicked out by Ye Feng and fell heavily to the ground.

And at the moment when Ye Feng kicked the black-robed old man, the other two immediately reflected.

Seeing that Ye Feng's strength was so terrifying, a touch of shock also appeared on the faces of the two of them, and then, they looked at Ye Feng with a vigilant face, and an incomparably cold killing intent flashed in their eyes.

"Boy, since you are so arrogant, then I will let you know what despair is.

The black-robed old man got up from the ground, snorted coldly, stared at Ye Feng with gloomy eyes, and said coldly.

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing, with a thick mockery in his eyes.

"Hmph, just you, deserve to let me know despair?" Ye

Feng looked at the black-robed old man sarcastically and said coldly.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the black-robed old man's eyes narrowed, and in his eyes, a touch of killing intent burst out, and he sneered and said:

"Okay, very good, since you are so ignorant of the height of the sky, then, I will let you taste it, what is the taste of despair!!"

After speaking, I saw the black-robed old man suddenly took out a token from his arms and threw it to Ye Feng.

There are two big characters written on the token, 'Li Family'.

And these two big characters are exactly

'Li Family Order'!! when he saw this piece of 'Li Family Order', Ye Feng's brows also wrinkled instantly.

Of course, Ye Feng knew the identity of the Li family.

One of the four ancient martial arts families in China, this 'Li family' can be described as huge and profound.

Even in Huaxia, the influence of the Li family is also extremely great.

At the beginning, Li Tianba, Li Wentao and others entered Tianhai City with the Li family order.

It's just that they didn't expect that as soon as they stepped into Tianhai City, they ran into Ye Feng and Lin Qianqian, and they also besieged Ye Feng and others.

Therefore, this time, Li Wentao and others will be so angry.

However, even if Ye Feng knew the identity of the Li family, he still didn't have the slightest worry.

After all, although the Li family's power in Tianhai City was very strong, for Ye Feng, there was no threat at all.

Although Ye Feng's strength is far from being the opponent of the Li family, it is still very easy for Ye Feng to escape.

"Hmph, Li family, is it amazing?Do you think that with this thing, I will be scared?"

Seeing the Li family's token, Ye Feng snorted disdainfully, looked at the old man of the Li family with a calm gaze, and said coldly.

Seeing that Ye Feng dared to provoke the majesty of the Li family like this, a thick anger also appeared on the face of this old man of the Li family, he sneered, looked at Ye Feng with cold eyes, and said with a sneer.

"Good boy, you are very arrogant, but I want to see if you can be arrogant, I want to see how long your arrogance can last!!"

The old man of the Li family looked at Ye Feng and said with a grim face.

After saying that, he wanted to attack Ye Feng again.

It's just that the black-robed old man hasn't made a move yet, and the other two people next to him have also done it at the same time.

Seeing the two black-robed old men rushing towards him again.

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