Xu Di was hit by the attack of the demonic beast. Spit out a mouthful of blood. Fall to the ground.

He struggled to his feet. Cover your stomach with your hands. Moaning in pain.

His heart was full of surprise: Why? He was ready. Just waiting to be knocked down. But it's still alive, and it's still resisting! It's not logical.

"Isn't it? It's because I'm a cultivator. The beasts were terrified of my strength. Is it thus weakened?"

A ridiculous thought popped up in Xu Di's mind. The speculation immediately scared him.

If that's really the case. Then this time he may be really dangerous. If it's really dead. That would be a shame.

But. He can't die. There's a lot he hasn't done.

If you die. What about those people, what about those loved ones,

if they die. What about the people closest to me? What should they do?

No. I must not die. This is the most important person to me.

Come to think of it. Xu Di's heart regained a trace of confidence.

"No matter what. As long as you don't die. Then you can keep fighting! I'm going to kill the monsters. Avenge my loved ones!" Xu Di's eyes were red. The whole body exudes a strong momentum.

Xu Di saw the monster pounce again. Raise your sword and block forward.


The beast's claws slapped directly at the blade. Bend the sword body. Then move on. Rushed towards Xu Di.


There was a powerful momentum exuding from his body. Grip the hilt of the sword with both hands.

Boom, boom, boom!!!!

a series of loud bangs. The body of the monster was smashed into the air. Crash into a nearby tree.

"Hahaha. This time it was finally solved. Xu Di laughed.

He screamed loudly. While running towards the corpse of the monster. Pick up materials from the beast.

Although the corpse of the monster is very hard. His weapon slashed at it with a metallic crashing sound. But Xu Di's weapons were very sharp. Leave one deep scar after another on the body of the monster.


His body slammed to the ground. There was a pile of materials scattered around his body.

"Hahaha. This time I'm rich. What a huge takeaway this time. Xu Di shouted excitedly. There was a look of ecstasy on his face. This time the harvest was much bigger than he expected.

He put the materials into the storage ring. Then stand up. Walk into the distance.

"Huh. What was that just now?" Xu Di suddenly stopped. Turn and look at the woods in the distance. He saw a large white bone. There was a faint glow on the white bones. It's particularly bizarre.

"What is this?" asked Xu Di suspiciously. His eyebrows furrowed slightly. Take a closer look at everything in the woods. I want to see the condition in the woods.

"Huh, how can there be a person on this tree?" Xu Di suddenly noticed a corpse lying on the trunk of the tree.

The corpse was oppressed and twisted. It is impossible to tell if it is a man or a woman. But his face is very beautiful. The facial features are angular. Fair skin.

"Who is this person?" Xu Di muttered suspiciously. He took a closer look at the corpse lying on the trunk of the tree. It was discovered that he was not an ordinary corpse. Instead, it was suppressed by some special spell. That's why he looks very vague. And not really death.

"There was a thick aura of darkness in this man. It doesn't look like a human being. Xu Di said to himself.

"Could it be the Demon Clan?" Xu Di wondered.

The existence of demons on the continent is very small. Basically only exists in rumors. But it's tough.

Although Xu Di is a martial arts idiot. But not stupid. The existence of demons. He was very jealous. He didn't dare to come closer.

"Forget it. I'll leave first. It doesn't matter if he's a demon or not. It's none of my business. Xu Di turned around. I want to leave. But he had just turned away. I heard a very familiar voice.

"Xu Di. Long time no see. The voice. It's so familiar. So gentle.

Xu Di's footsteps stopped suddenly.

"Xu Di. Long time no see. Long time no see. The voice. It's also very familiar. This voice. He will never forget. This voice is a voice that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

He turned. Look at the woods ahead. His mouth was wide open. His eyes widened.

"Xu... Allow...... Xu Di. A

man in the woods slowly rose from the grass. A big smile on his face. He had a large sword in his hand. Long silver hair fluttering in the wind. His lips rose slightly. Showing white teeth.

Who is he.

He's my Xu Di.

He is my dearest relative. My favorite brother. My own brother.

His name is Xu Yunfei. It's my dearest person. It's also my relative.

Xu Di's mouth opened wider and wider. The expression on his face was very rich. The eyes were wide open. The whole person stood in place. Looking at his brother. His legs were a little limp.

His tears flowed.

Brother. Is it really you. My brother.

Xu Di ran forward desperately. hugged Xu Yunfei tightly. Weep loudly.

Xu Yunfei stretched out his hand and touched Xu Di's head. Said gently: "Silly boy." Don't cry. My brother is back.

Xu Di heard his brother's voice. I was speechless with excitement. He nodded desperately. And then constant sobbing. Constant crying. He didn't know what to say. I don't know how to describe the mood at this time. I can only cry constantly.

This moment. Xu Di felt very happy. This moment. He felt safe.

"Silly boy. You cry like this. It makes my brother feel distressed. Xu Yunfei said softly.

Xu Di stopped crying. Keep your head up. looked at Xu Yunfei. Wet eyes. Two snots on his cheeks.

"Hahaha. You look like a little cat. Xu Yunfei couldn't help laughing. Said with a smile.

"Hmph. Who is like a little flower cat. I'm not a little cat. I won't be like a little cat. Xu Di muttered. Constantly wiping snot and tears from his face and cheeks.

Xu Yunfei shook his head and sighed.

"It's really okay with you. Xu Yunfei shook his head helplessly and said.

"Let's hurry up. I sensed a lot of people coming towards us. Xu Di reminded Xu Yunfei that he said.

Xu Yunfei nodded. The two of them quickly left.

"Whew. I'm so tired. I really haven't had a day off today. Xu Di rubbed his sore waist. said with emotion.

Xu Di was still wearing a set of clothes. It's a very shabby set of clothes. But it's very clean and tidy. This is Xu Di's clothes. It was a white robe. It is embroidered with an eagle. Lifelike.

This is a very old set of robes. It looks very old.

This outfit is a very high-end robe. It was left to him by his grandfather's personal guards. When his grandfather was dying, he left him this robe.

"Thank you so much. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have known how I would have survived. Xu Di bowed heartily to the young man in front of him and thanked him.

"You must not do that. Xu Yunfei hurriedly pulled Xu Di up, smiled and said, "Don't be polite to me." You should save me.

"But you saved me, how can I not thank you. If you don't like it, you can live in my house. Xu Di opened his mouth and asked.

"I'm afraid that's not right, after all, you already have a fiancée. Xu Yunfei hesitated for a moment and said.

"I have broken off my engagement with her, and I will not marry her again. Xu Di smiled bitterly and said.

Xu Yunfei was silent and did not say anything. He didn't say anything to refute Xu Di's words, because he knew that if he didn't agree, he would be rejecting Xu Di's kindness.

"Yunfei, I know you are worried about my safety, don't worry, my strength has reached the realm of the Dou Huang, I don't need any protection anymore, I already have the ability to protect myself. Xu Di said seriously: "You are my benefactor, I will definitely repay you, you can rest assured, I will never let you down." I, Xu Di, will never betray you in my life.

Xu Yunfei listened to Xu Di's words, and felt a little touched in his heart, he looked at Xu Di in front of him, and felt that the young man in front of him was very mature and stable, and he was kind-hearted and very good-hearted.

"Huh. I believe in you. Xu Yunfei nodded and said, "Actually, I also have some selfish intentions. I don't want my only brother, Xu Di, to be hurt. Don't worry, since I saved you, then I won't sit idly by.

Xu Di listened to Xu Yunfei's words, and a hint of relief appeared on his face.

"I'll take you to my hometown now, and then I'll take you back. Xu Yunfei said. He decided to return to his hometown with Xu Di. The two brothers have been here for a long time, too.

Xu Di's hometown is very close to where they live now.

Xu Di followed Xu Yunfei and walked all the way north. After walking for more than a day, they reached the foot of a mountain. This mountain is the peak where they used to live.

"Yunfei. Where is your hometown? Xu Di looked at the huge mountain peak in front of him and asked curiously.

"This is my hometown. Xu Yunfei pointed to the towering mountain in front of him and said.

"Wow. It's so high. Xu Di said in surprise. He really didn't expect that the tall and majestic mountain in front of him actually belonged to Xu Yunfei.

The mountain is towering into the sky and looks magnificent. Its surroundings are beautiful. There are green forests, snow-capped mountains, and mountain tops covered with red maples. You can even see some exotic flowers and plants. Seeing these beautiful scenery makes people's mood happy.

"Yunfei, your hometown is so beautiful. Xu Di exclaimed.

Xu Yunfei smiled and shook his head and said, "No, this mountain is not my hometown, but the legacy left by my grandfather." Because my grandfather was an alchemist, he entrusted all the family's ancestral business to me.

Xu Di nodded and said, "That's what I didn't expect."

Xu Di's heart was shocked, because this mountain peak seemed to be a family of alchemists, and there were many rare treasures and all kinds of rare items on this mountain. Xu Di's portrait of his father came to mind.

My father was a very powerful warrior. And his grandfather was a powerful alchemist. From this point of view, their family must be very powerful.

"Yunfei, thank you. Xu Di looked at Xu Yunfei and said sincerely. If it weren't for Xu Yunfei, it would be impossible for him to find his own home. And how could he meet Xu Yunfei? Therefore, he must thank Xu Yunfei well.

"You don't have to thank me, all of this is your own creation. Xu Yunfei smiled indifferently. He looked at the majestic mountain in front of him. His heart swelled with strong thoughts.

"Yunfei. Can I live in your house?" Xu Di asked, looking at Xu Yunfei.

"Of course you can, let's go, I'll take you in. Xu Yunfei said with a smile.

Xu Di nodded happily. His heart was filled with gratitude. He really didn't expect that he would be saved by this strange boy in front of him. I didn't expect that I would be able to live with this teenager.

Xu Yunfei and Xu Di entered their home.

Xu Yunfei took Xu Di into a very luxurious house.

There were several middle-aged men and women in the house.

They were eating. I saw Xu Di bring a young man who looked very young and looked very beautiful and walked in.

The eyes of several middle-aged men and women couldn't help but fall on Xu Di's body.

"Xu Di, who is he?" one of the middle-aged women asked suspiciously, looking at Xu Di.

"Mom and Dad, let me introduce you to you, this is Xu Di, the younger brother I just received, my name is Xu Yunfei. Xu Yunfei said with a smile to them.

Hearing Xu Yunfei's words, their faces showed a look of sudden realization.

It turned out that Xu Di turned out to be the younger brother of this little brother. No wonder this little brother's status is so honorable.

These middle-aged men and women are all refiners. Although Xu Di is Xu Yunfei's younger brother, they don't take Xu Di to heart. Because, they are all Xu Di's grandfathers. is also Xu Yunfei's elder.

They saw that Xu Di was very young and his cultivation was also very low, so they were not interested in Xu Di.

"Xu Yunfei?" One of the middle-aged men couldn't help but shout in surprise when he heard Xu Yunfei's name: "You are the alchemist Xu Yunfei who is ranked seventh on the Imperial Billboard?"

"Yes, I am Xu Yunfei." Xu Yunfei nodded.

"Oh, Brother Yunfei, I finally found you!" Xu Di cried excitedly. Xu Di really likes this big brother too much, the big brother gave Xu Di an extremely comfortable life, and taught Xu Di a lot of things, so that Xu Di has a special good impression of this big brother, he feels that this big brother is very gentle and easy to get along with.

"Xu Di, why are you crying, you kid. A middle-aged woman saw her son crying, and hurriedly ran over to hug Xu Di, and then said with concern.

"Mom, Brother Yunfei is coming to me. Xu Di cried.

"Is that right?Yunfei, did you really come to us Xu Di?" the other woman hurriedly asked.

"Hello Auntie. Hello uncle. Xu Di wiped away his tears and greeted the middle-aged men and women in front of him with a smile.

"Well, you're Xu Di? A middle-aged woman looked Xu Di up and down and nodded with satisfaction.

Xu Di looks very handsome, and he has a sunny aura all over his body, which is very likable.

"Auntie has won the award, Auntie, you are the most beautiful, Auntie, you can stay and eat with me tonight, I made delicious dishes. We had a good time together as a family. Xu Di said happily. He was still in awe of these elders, so he treated them very respectfully.

"No, Auntie still has something to do, so she has to leave first. I'll come back to you for dinner when I'm free. The middle-aged woman smiled and waved her hand.

"Oh well. A touch of loss flashed in Xu Di's heart, but his expression quickly returned to normal, and he said with a smile.

Xu Di looked at Xu Yunfei and said, "Brother Yunfei, can I come to the mountains to play with you every day in the future?" Xu Di

still likes Xu Yunfei very much, and he admires Xu Yunfei very much.

"Of course. You can come and play as often as you want, and you are always welcome. Xu Yunfei nodded and said.

"Thank you, Brother Yunfei. Xu Di said happily.

"Hehe, you're welcome, let's go, let's go to the courtyard and sit down and chat. Xu Yunfei said with a smile.

Xu Yunfei took Xu Di and walked into the courtyard.

Xu Di's mother saw her husband come back, and she quickly stood up. Xu Yunfei and Xu Di sat together.

Xu Di's father saw his wife and son with a bright smile on his face. He glanced at Xu Yunfei and nodded at him, with a grateful expression on his face. Xu Yunfei saw his father's actions and responded politely. Xu Yunfei's father's actions made Xu Yunfei's heart rise a little moved. He didn't expect Xu Di's father to be so polite to him.

"Auntie, my name is Xu Di, you can call me Xu Di in the future, and you can call me Di'er. Xu Di looked at his mother and said sweetly.

Xu Di's mother is a middle-aged woman who is about the same age as Xu Yunfei's mother.

"Your name is Di'er, so from now on, I'll call you Di'er. Xu Yunfei's mother nodded and said.

"Auntie, what kind of relative are you of Brother Yunfei?" asked Xu Di curiously. Xu Yunfei's mother's surname is Li, but Xu Yunfei calls Xu Yunfei Yunfei's brother. There's a big problem with that.

"That's right, Yunfei and his father and I are friends who grew up together. Xu Yunfei's mother said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Brother Yunfei and him


"Yunfei, you wait for me, I'll go back. Walking out of the street, Xu Yunfei said to Xu Di.

"There you go. Xu Di said with a smile.

"Well, I'll be right back. Xu Yunfei nodded, and then walked to the side of the commercial area to see if there was anything new.

"Young Master Xu Di. An old man in a black robe with a mustache suddenly walked up to Xu Di and shouted respectfully.

Seeing the old man coming over, Xu Di smiled and said to the

old man, "Uncle Wu, why are you here?" "Oh, Young Master Xu Di, I heard Mr. Xu say that you want to invite a friend to dinner, so I will come over to see who it is? Is it your friend?" The old man looked at Xu Di and asked.

"No, Uncle Wu, it's a guest, I don't know what kind of guest it is, I'm choosing food now, I'll go to dinner with the guests later." Xu Di said with a smile.

"Okay, you can pick slowly. I'll be waiting for you outside. Steward Wu said with a smile.

"Hmm. Xu Di nodded, and then, with Xu Yunfei, walked to a restaurant not far in front.

As soon as Xu Yunfei and Xu Di entered the door, Xu Yunfei's eyes fell on the signboard of the restaurant, which read: Zuixiang Building.

"Brother Yunfei, how is it, do you like this name?" Xu Di looked at Xu Yunfei and said with a smile.

"It's very good, Brother Yunfei likes it. Xu Yunfei said with a smile.

"If you like it, Brother Yunfei, let's go. Xu Di took Xu Yunfei and walked to the drunken fragrance building.

"Brother Yunfei, let's go. Xu Di took Xu Yunfei's hand and walked towards the interior of the Zuixiang Building.

The two soon came to the Zuixiang Building.

"Brother Yunfei, you sit down first, and I'll go find our boss. Xu Di said.

Xu Yunfei smiled and nodded, and then found a place to sit down.

Not long after Xu Yunfei sat down, a woman walked out of it. This woman is wearing a gorgeous red dress, she is very beautiful, her skin is fair and delicate, her eyes are bright and clear, her figure is graceful, bumpy and convex, and she looks very sexy and charming.

This woman is Xu Yunfei's first girlfriend Xu Mengqi.

Looking at Xu Mengqi who walked in front of him, Xu Yunfei had a feeling of being in a different world. Although he has been away from Xu Mengqi for a while, although the current Xu Mengqi has not changed much from before, but is a little more mature than before, he can still recognize her at a glance as his first girlfriend Xu Mengqi.

"Miss Xu, you're finally back. Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Mengqi and said with a smile.

"You're Yunfei, right?" Xu Mengqi looked at Xu Yunfei and asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, I'm Xu Yunfei. Xu Mengqi, hello!" Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Mengqi with a smile.

"Xu Yunfei, hello!" Xu Mengqi said with a smile.

"Well, since you're back, I'm relieved, let's go to dinner. Xu Yunfei said.

"Okay, let's go. Xu Mengqi nodded, took Xu Yunfei, and walked into the restaurant.

The two of them found a table by the window and sat down, and then ordered some food.

"Yunfei, how are you doing? I heard Uncle Yunfei say that your cultivation has improved quickly, isn't it?" Xu Mengqi looked at Xu Yunfei and asked.

"Well, Brother Yunfei, my cultivation has improved very quickly, and now I have been promoted to the realm of King Xuan. Xu Di smiled and said, "You also know that my qualifications are good." "

Well, Xu Di, you are indeed a genius, you must have suffered a lot over the years, right?" Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Di with a little guilt and said.

"Hehe... Brother Yunfei, in fact, I am not a genius, I have survived all these years, it is good. Xu Di smiled and said, "It's Brother Yunfei, you came to the imperial capital this time, do your

parents know?" "My parents already know, but they don't dare to come over, so they can only ask me." Xu Yunfei said helplessly.

"I see. Brother Yunfei, over the years, you have been wronged. Xu Di looked at Xu Yunfei with a sympathetic expression on his face, and his tone was full of apologies.

"It's okay. Xu Yunfei smiled and said, "Actually, over the years, I have missed you a lot."

Hearing Xu Yunfei's words, a hint of surprise flashed on Xu Di's face, but soon, he regained his composure, looked at Xu Yunfei and said with a smile: "Hehe, Brother Yunfei, in fact, I have been missing you all these years, but I have never known how to meet you."

"Hehe, you don't know to see me, then forget it, I didn't think about letting you go to see me, let's be good brothers." Xu Yunfei said with a smile.

"Hmm. Okay!" Xu Di smiled and nodded.


"Little Er, give us a jar of wine. I'm going to have a few drinks today, and I want to have a few drinks with you. Xu Yunfei said to Xiao Er.

"Hey, guest officer, wait a minute, the little one will serve you a drink right away. Xiao Er immediately nodded and said.

"Hmm. Xu Yunfei nodded, and turned to look at Xu Di, "Xu Di, why did you suddenly think of setting up a restaurant in the imperial capital?

There is indeed something. Xu Di nodded, "I have something to do with this visit to the emperor, so I want to hold a banquet in this restaurant and invite some friends." "

Oh. So that's the case, so I said, how could you, a young master, open a restaurant in such a remote place? It seems that my guess is correct. Xu Yunfei said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's right. That's my own opinion, but don't tell anyone. Xu Di smiled and said, "Brother Yunfei, let's eat first, after eating, I'll talk to you slowly."

"Okay. Xu Yunfei nodded.


Soon, the food and drinks were served.

The two ate a few bites, and then, Xu Di handed the wine jug to Xu Yunfei, "Brother Yunfei, come, let's drink together." "

Hmm. Xu Yunfei took the wine jug, then took the wine bottle, poured a glass of wine for the two, and then touched Xu Di and drank it all.

The two drank a glass of wine, and then, Xu Yunfei poured a full glass of wine from his wine jug, and poured a glass for Xu Di as well, "Sister Mengqi, I wish us a happy cooperation." "

Hmm. Thank you. Xu Mengqi nodded, picked up the wine glass, touched it with Xu Yunfei, and drank the wine in the wine glass in one gulp.

"Hmm. Xu Yunfei smiled slightly, and then picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp, leaving not a drop left.

"Come, Xu Di, let's continue. After Xu Yunfei finished speaking, he poured a full amount of wine, then poured it for himself, and then poured Xu Di full of wine.

"Good. Brother Yunfei, cheers!" Xu Mengqi picked up the wine glass, touched it with Xu Yunfei, and then drank his wine.

"Brother Yunfei, you also have a toast. Xu Di picked up the wine glass and drank the wine from the glass.

The two of them drained the wine from the glass, filled it again, and drank it again.

For a meal, Xu Mengqi and Xu Di drank more than three catties of spirits.

After drinking three catties of spirits, Xu Di's face was slightly red, and his eyes were a little blurred.

"Xu Di, are you drunk? I don't think your face is very good. Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Di and asked with concern.

"Uh... Xu Di shook his head, "I didn't, I'm not drunk yet, come, Brother Yunfei, have another drink with me."

"Well, okay. Xu Yunfei nodded and poured Xu Di another glass of wine.

Xu Di took the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass again.

After drinking, Xu Di stood up again and said to Xu Yunfei, "Brother Yunfei, come, let's have another drink." "

Okay, cheers!" Xu Yunfei said with a smile.

The two of them drank one cup after another, and in a while, they drank four or five glasses.

After four or five glasses of wine, Xu Yunfei felt a little dizzy in his head, and his whole body was a little dizzy.

"Xu Di, let's drink less, don't drink so much, if you're drunk, I'll send you back." Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Di and frowned.

"I'm not drunk, I'm fine, Brother Yunfei, you don't have to worry about me. Xu Di said with a smile.

"Well, you shouldn't drink too much. Xu Yunfei admonished.

"Okay, I promise. Xu Di swore and said.

"Okay. Seeing Xu Di like this, Xu Yunfei shook his head helplessly.

Next, the two drank a lot more.


"Xu Di, are you okay?" Seeing Xu Di's appearance, Xu Yunfei frowned and said.

"I'm fine, really, Brother Yunfei, you don't have to worry. Xu Di said with a smile.

"Well, you're fine. Xu Yunfei nodded.

"Brother Yunfei, I think we should stop drinking first, you better go home early to rest, I should go back too, lest my father and mother find out, they will definitely blame me." Xu Di said with a smile.

"Well, that's fine, anyway, it's almost time for me to go home. Xu Yunfei nodded and said.

"Okay, then you can go back first. I have to go back, too. I have something else to do. Xu Di said.

"Hmm. Good. I'll send you. Xu Yunfei stood up.

"No need, Brother Yunfei, I'll just go back by myself. Xu Di smiled and said, "You go back and rest, good night, Brother Yunfei." "

Good night. Xu Yunfei smiled and said, "Okay, Xu Di, pay attention to safety on the road and don't run around."

"Well, I will. Go back and rest, I'll go first. Xu Di glanced at Xu Yunfei and said, after speaking, Xu Di turned around and left the hotel.

"Xu Di, goodbye!" Xu Yunfei waved his hand and shouted at Xu Di.

"Hmm. Xu Di waved his hand, then turned to leave.


Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Di's back, and then, looking at the road outside the hotel, Xu Yunfei couldn't help sighing.

Xu Di, this time, you should understand, I'm not playing a game with you, if it weren't for the fact that you are my most beloved brother, I wouldn't have cooperated with you, but unfortunately, you don't appreciate it.


Xu Yunfei sighed, and then turned around and left the hotel.

"Whew... Out of the hotel, breathing in the fresh air outside, Xu Yunfei couldn't help but exhale comfortably.

Although he drank a lot of wine, Xu Yunfei at this moment did not show any signs of drunkenness.

After taking a look at the surrounding scenery, Xu Yunfei found that this street was not the way home, but the direction of the Xu family.

"Hmm, what's going on?Could it be that Xu Di didn't go back, but went to

the Xu family?" Xu Yunfei frowned and thought, "However, what did he do with the Xu family?" "Brother Yunfei!" Just when Xu Yunfei was puzzled, suddenly, he heard Xu Mengqi's voice coming from the side.

Hearing that voice, Xu Yunfei raised his head and looked at it, and was stunned for a moment, only to see that in front of Xu Mengqi, I don't know when, there was a car parked, and a man in black clothes was sitting in the car, looking at Xu Yunfei and Xu Mengqi.

Seeing this man, Xu Yunfei was slightly stunned, because he knew that this person was the person who helped Xu Mengqi block the knife at Xu Mengqi's birthday party before, his name is Xu Kai, he and Xu Di are both Xu Yunfei's cousins, and the relationship between the two has always been very good.

"Xu Di, who is this boy?" Xu Yunfei looked at Xu Di sitting in the car, and couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Oh, Brother Yunfei, you're finally here, I thought you didn't come. Xu Di looked at Xu Yunfei with a smile and said, "Why did you come, if you don't come, I will be scolded by my father." "

Your father, what did he scold you?" Xu Yunfei asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's fine. Xu Di sighed, "I met that little ghost named Zhang Xiaoyu outside just now, and then, the two of us had a fight."

"Then he beat me into a pig's head. As he spoke, Xu Di touched his face and said with a smile.

"Oh, I see. Hearing this, Xu Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, "Then what did the two of you look like, do you remember that you have a scar on your face?" "

Hehe, Brother Yunfei, don't worry, it's okay, this scar is gone, so it's okay at all, no one can see it." Xu Di said with a smile.

"Well, that's good. Xu Yunfei nodded, "Xu Di, you must not fight with others in the future." "

Hmm. Xu Di nodded.

"You're drunk now, so go back and rest early. Xu Yunfei said.

"Brother Yunfei, don't worry, I'm not drunk, I just drank a little wine today, and then I didn't eat, so I'm a little hungry, so I just want to eat something. Xu Di looked at Xu Yunfei with a smile and said.

"Oh, I see. Xu Yunfei nodded, "In that case, then you should hurry up and find a place to eat, and I'll go back first."

"Okay. Brother Yunfei, goodbye. Xu Di waved his hand at Xu Yunfei and said.

"Goodbye. Xu Yunfei nodded, then turned around and left.

Seeing Xu Yunfei's figure disappear into the night, a sinister and cunning smile appeared at the corner of Xu Di's mouth: "Brother Yunfei, this time, you have finally fallen into my trap." "

Hehe... Xu Di sneered, and then, driving the car, quickly drove in the direction of the Xu Group.

Xu Di knows very well that this time, he must seize the opportunity to bring Xu Yunfei down, and he can't let Xu Yunfei continue to be the head of the family.

"Brother Yunfei, I hope you can get drunk tonight, in that case, it will be more convenient to get drugged. Xu Di thought secretly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Xu Di drove the car and drove quickly towards the Xu Group.

About half an hour later, Xu Di's car stopped in front of the square in front of the Xu Group Building, and then turned off the engine and walked towards the building.

Looking at the sign on the building, Xu Di showed a wicked smile on his face, and then pushed the door into the Xu Group Building.

Coming to the door of the president's office, Xu Di knocked on the door, and then walked in.

"Come in. A man's voice rang out in the office.

"Dad, I'm here. Xu Di smiled and said, "I came to you to ask for your help."

Hearing Xu Di's words, Xu Dehua was slightly stunned, and then, he looked up at

Xu Di and asked with a smile, "Xu Di, is there something wrong?" "Dad, look, I just came back, and I haven't even eaten yet, don't you mind if I invite you to eat something?" Xu Di said with a smile.

"Of course I won't mind, but I have a question, I want to ask you, how did you know Zhang Xiaoyu, and what is your relationship with him?"

"Hehe, Dad, in fact, this matter is very simple, Zhang Xiaoyu is my friend, and he is still a very good friend, so I introduced Zhang Xiaoyu to my friend. Xu Di said with a smile.

"Oh, really, why do I think you deliberately introduced Zhang Xiaoyu to your classmate?" Xu Dehua frowned and asked with a smile.

"Dad, what you said was wrong, I definitely didn't deliberately introduce Zhang Xiaoyu to my classmates, I just introduced Zhang Xiaoyu to my classmates. Zhang Xiaoyu and I are just ordinary classmates, nothing else, so you don't have to think about it, I really didn't deliberately introduce Zhang Xiaoyu to my classmates. Xu Di immediately shook his head and said.

Hearing Xu Di say this, Xu Dehua was silent for a few seconds, and then, looking at Xu Di, said with a smile: "Xu Di, you are my son, of course I know what kind of person my son is, but Zhang Xiaoyu is different, he is the most important chess piece of our Xu Group, if there is no Zhang Xiaoyu, then the future of our Xu Group will definitely not work."

"Dad, what are you talking about, what do you mean, I don't understand it at all." Xu Di pretended

: "Hmph, you have to be scared." Xu Ziyan glanced at Zhang Xiaoyu coldly, turned around and left the living room, followed by Lin Xiang.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, wait a minute. Zhang Xiaoyu chased after him.

The three of them sat in the car, Lin Ying sat in the driver's seat, and Zhang Xiaoyu and Xu Ziyan sat in the back.

"Sister-in-law, my luck today is really good, I didn't expect that you would agree to my request, let's go for a walk, it's really great, don't you say?" Zhang Xiaoyu looked out the window and said with a smile while driving.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoyu's words, Xu Ziyan glared at Zhang Xiaoyu fiercely and ignored him.

"Hey, wife, I'm not joking. Zhang Xiaoyu saw that Xu Ziyan ignored him, and he was not angry, and continued to smile and said: "Actually, this walk, there is nothing fun, I think the best thing is to watch the sunrise and sunset." "

Watch the sunrise and sunset?" Zhang Xiaoyu, I think you're crazy, what kind of place is the sunrise and sunset, do you think you are an ancient emperor, and you can still watch the sunrise and sunset?" Xu Ziyan said disdainfully.

"Hehe, I know you don't believe in sunrise and sunset. However, since you don't trust me so much, then I won't force you, and it's okay not to go for a walk. Zhang Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"You don't have a weird yin and yang there, even if I don't believe in the sunrise and sunset, I won't not believe you, I'm not afraid that you will accidentally fall off the cliff and die for a while, you must not misunderstand!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

Listening to Xu Ziyan's words, Zhang Xiaoyu's face showed a smile like triumphant.

"Hmph, you're less stinky and beautiful. Xu Ziyan snorted lightly and said dissatisfiedly.

"Haha, I'll show you the stinky beauty, what's the matter? Can you still kill me?" Zhang Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Kill you?" Xu Ziyan looked at Zhang Xiaoyu, sneered and said: "You are not worthy of my killing, if I wanted to kill you, you would have been killed by me a long time ago, how could I keep you until today?"

Just now, the reason why Zhang Xiaoyu was so bold to show his love to Xu Ziyan was not because he was stupid, but because he felt that Xu Ziyan was interesting to him, and he knew that although Xu Ziyan was a little arrogant, he didn't have any bad intentions. Moreover, he also believes that with his Zhang Xiaoyu's ingenuity, he will definitely be able to get Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, he dared to show his love to Xu Ziyan, but unexpectedly, Xu Ziyan rejected him without hesitation, which made Zhang Xiaoyu feel very surprised.

"You don't believe what I said?" Zhang Xiaoyu asked with a frown, puzzled.

"I believe, of course I believe your words. Xu Ziyan said with a flat expression: "But, what can this represent? The relationship between us is not that special relationship, between us, we are just ordinary friends, why should I do such a thing for you?" Zhang Xiaoyu, I hope you can understand that the relationship between the two of us is not married, so between us, there is no husband and wife, let alone the name of husband and wife, so no matter what you do, I will not marry you, you can die of this.

Listening to Xu Ziyan's words, a trace of disappointment flashed in Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes. However, soon, his eyes regained their brilliance, and he looked at Xu Ziyan with a confident face and said: "Wife, I think it is necessary for me to remind you, I don't care if you admit it or not, in my eyes, you will always be my wife." So, you'd better not provoke me, or you'll be responsible for the consequences. "

Zhang Xiaoyu, do you really think that I am a bully?" Xu Ziyan snorted coldly, looked at Zhang Xiaoyu with disdain, and said.

"I never thought you were a bully, because I knew that you were a very good bully, and you were a very kind girl. However, don't forget that there is no good thing in the world for no reason. So, I think, you must have a purpose. Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Xu Ziyan and said with a smile.

"Hmph, then you can guess, anyway, you can guess whatever you want, as long as you don't mess with me, I can't help it. Xu Ziyan said with a sneer.

"Hehe, wife, I think, I should guess why you are so good to me all of a sudden, I think you must want to use my help to deal with that Li Jianhua, right?" Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Xu Ziyan and said.

"Hmph, yes, Li Jianhua is my enemy, of course I have to deal with him, it doesn't matter if you don't want to cooperate with me, I can find a way to deal with him myself. Xu Ziyan said with a sneer.

"Hehe, I want to see, what is the best way for you to deal with Li Jianhua? I don't believe that Li Jianhua will be your opponent. Zhang Xiaoyu said with a sneer.

"Hmph, don't underestimate my man. Hearing that Zhang Xiaoyu actually dared to underestimate Xu Yunfeng, Xu Ziyan's heart immediately rose a thick fire of anger, looked at Zhang Xiaoyu and said: "You'd better not test me, I can tell you with certainty that if you don't cooperate with me in my plan to deal with Li Jianhua, then I will definitely hand you over to the police and let the police deal with this case, and when the time comes, I don't believe that Li Jianhua will escape the punishment of the law." "

You... You...... Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Xu Ziyan, his face became extremely ugly, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Okay, don't say it, my words, you better remember, don't annoy me, otherwise, I don't mind dealing with you. Xu Ziyan said coldly.

"Okay, I know, in the future, I will obediently listen to you. Zhang Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said.

He never imagined that he would fall into the hands of Xu Ziyan, who was younger than himself, it was really better than heaven.

"Zhang Xiaoyu, you have heard me clearly, if I really deal with Li Jianhua, then I will definitely give you a sum of money, so that you can live well in China, this money is enough for you to spend ten lifetimes. If you don't know what to do, I won't be polite, I'll send you to prison and keep you in prison forever. Xu Ziyan said coldly.

"Hmph, are you threatening me? aren't you afraid, I'll tell my brother about this?" Zhang Xiaoyu said with a gloomy face.

"Hehe, your brother, is it useful for you to tell him? What is the use of telling him? Aren't you afraid of your brother and arresting you? Aren't you afraid that your brother will retaliate against you?" Xu Ziyan said with a sneer.

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