"For newcomers, mining is indeed easy, but..."

Shaoyang thought, the corners of his mouth rising slightly.

Cutting down trees is time-consuming and laborious, but safe.

Although mining is also time-consuming and laborious, it is much easier than cutting down trees, but there is one caveat.

The mine side is not a safe zone.

Any beast can destroy Zhou Shuyi and them.

Shaoyang looked at the virtual screen in front of him, and on the screen was the image of Zhou Shuyi's eight people.

If he wants to expand his influence, then there must be a gimmick.

In the woods near the mine, there are countless wild beasts, which are best used to expand their influence.

However, what surprised Shaoyang was.

This week, Shuyi and the others had good luck, and came to the mine calmly along the way, brandishing a pickaxe and starting a mining life.

However, none of the people present had contact with this experience, and in the end, they could only pin their hopes on the melon-eating masses in the live broadcast room.

More than ten minutes later, Zhou Shuyi and Du Xiaomei dug out a dark stone the size of a human head and asked into the live broadcast room.

"Does anyone know this kind of stone, looking at this appearance, it should be regarded as ore."

Zhou Shuyi, the purpose of their coming here is ore.

Although ordinary stones can also be exchanged for points, ore can generate more points in comparison.

They only brought two scooters with them this time, naturally to maximize the benefits.

(I don't know, I haven't seen it.)

(Could it be obsidian?)

(No way, how could obsidian appear here.)

(Sister Zhou, don't ask, just bring it back and it's over.)

(That is, no matter what, this stone is worth more than ordinary money.) Seeing

the words on the barrage, Zhou Shuyi nodded slightly in agreement.

Place the black stone on the scooter and continue to wave the pickaxe.

Not far away, Zhixun and Da Sima are a group, these two are much stronger than the others, the two often exercise, although Zhixun is a little shorter, but also a little strength.

As for Principal Wang and PDD's group, it is very tragic.

"Playing this game, I feel, I can, can be thin, lose a hundred pounds."

PDD said breathlessly, and Principal Wang in the same group as him was very helpless.

This is a real "pig" teammate, I can't afford to hurt.

The mining business is going smoothly.

The two carts were soon filled with a pile of strangely shaped stones.

From the beginning to now, two hours have passed, and several people are all exhausted and have begun to rot in place.

At this moment, a beast roar came into everyone's ears.

"Roar..." Listening

to the sound, it's more than one or two.

"It's over, I remember the king saying that this mine is not a safe zone, there must be wild beasts around here."

Zhou Shuyi suddenly remembered what Shaoyang had said, and his face turned green.

This is such a big effort, if you are directly brought back to the city for free by a group of wild beasts, won't it be in vain?

"So what do we do now?"

The little girl held the iron pickaxe and looked around nervously.

"In our current state, let alone beasts, two are enough for us to fight."

Principal Wang sighed helplessly, and the Mozi next to him cried a face.

"No, the old lady's virgin hang is gone??"

Seeing this, the melon-eating masses in the live broadcast room became excited.

(After watching the daily life for so long, there is finally a battle clip?)

(Expect to look forward to it.)

(Sister Zhou is tragic, let's put on incense.)

(Digging ore for so long, I didn't expect to be picked up by a group of beasts in the end, Sister Zhou, how do you feel.)

(How damaging you are upstairs.)

(Laughing is not alive brothers, the foam virgin hangs are gone.)

(Hi Da Pu Ben.) )

(............ There

was no tension in the live broadcast room, on the contrary, they were all looking forward to it.

The promo they saw was very real.

I also want to know if Zhou Shuyi's battle with the beast will be so real, and will there be any imaginative scenes at that time?

Everyone is looking forward to what's next.

A rumbling sound sounded in the woods, and Zhou Shuyi's eyes focused on it, and after seeing the beast, they felt that their breathing was about to stop.

The reason is nothing else.

What to say about this beast, its size is comparable to a heavy tank, but it looks like a saber-toothed tiger circulating on the Internet, and no one will doubt its combat effectiveness.

It is estimated that a paw down can directly shoot people into meat sauce.

This saber-toothed tiger approached Zhou Shuyi and the others step by step, and behind it, there were several small saber-toothed tigers, although it was one smaller, but the size was also quite large.

The barrage stalled for a long time, and then....

(Groove, what is this special code.)

(Is the saber-toothed tiger so big, planning to get out and beaten.)

(I fuck, the beast is so big, the giant in the promotional video, how big is that.)

(I guess, at least the height of a skyscraper.)

(Rough, this is a game that a person can come up with?)

(A few upstairs, if you don't want to play, remember to give me a spot in the future.) (

Add one.) )

(............ Just

watching the live broadcast made me feel the pressure, and you can imagine how desperate Zhou Shuyi and others are now.

The saber-toothed tiger's eyes swept over Zhou Shuyi and several people, and his eyes leaked a very humane disdain.

For it, these people were like small insects, not even interested in killing, its huge head shook slightly, and roared softly at the little brothers behind it.

As if they had received an order, those little brothers walked towards Zhou Shuyi and the others step by step.

No matter how big the hearts of several people are, they can't keep calm in the face of death.

Du Xiaomei and Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but start shivering, while Mozi and Zhou Shuyi were in a cold sweat, and the four men on the side couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Just when the saber-toothed tigers were about to come in front of everyone.

The earth trembled, and a giant hand made of earth and rock condensed came out of the ground and directly slapped it out.

Those saber-toothed tigers obviously did not react, and were directly slapped out by the giant hand, breaking more than a dozen large trees and falling to the ground without moving.

The head of the saber-toothed tiger and its remaining little brother raised their heads at the same time and looked at the figure standing in mid-air.

Following the gaze of the saber-toothed tiger, Zhou Shuyi and several others also raised their heads and looked over.

"It's the king!!"

Zhou Shuyi recognized Shaoyang at a glance, and shouted in surprise, and the saber-toothed tiger heard her shout, and immediately became furious.

Although I don't know what means this little bug in the air used, as a beast without wisdom, Zhou Shuyi's shout was a provocation to it.

The head of the saber-toothed tiger no longer greeted the younger brother, and rushed towards Zhou Shuyi at an extremely fast speed.

It has to be solved in the first place, this little bug that provokes it.

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