"Your Majesty, if you rank it, is there a reward?"

Du Xiaomei raised her hand and asked.

"Naturally there are prizes."

Shaoyang nodded slightly.

"What is the reward, keep it secret for the time being, you can go to the tailor's shop now, each get three sets of military uniforms, if you don't have a weapon, go to the blacksmith shop to get it, and officially leave in half an hour,"

the new military uniform made by the tailor has two colors overall, the men's is black, the women's is white, and the cape is uniform black, with a gilded dragon pattern and a large character Qin in letters.

As for weapons, there are all kinds of them.

However, the big guys only took a small crossbow from the blacksmith that looked good and pinned it to the side of the thigh.

Because except for Jihoon, Du Xiaomei and Mozi, everyone else did not learn swordsmanship for the time being.

And after the blacksmith's introduction, it was said that this small crossbow has a great effect.

Due to the fourth day disaster subsystem.

Whether it is a blacksmith or a tailor, there is no shortage of materials.

Therefore, in the crossbow arrow launched by this small crossbow, sea floor stone powder is added, and it will explode when it hits the target, even if it is against the natural system, it can also play a very good effect.

And each person is initially equipped with three shots, and if you want to fill it later, you can only buy it yourself.

After changing into new military uniforms during the rest of the martial arts field, everyone gathered in the martial arts field again.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

(Lying groove, so handsome.)

(Special code, I want to play this game too.)

(After watching it for so long, I don't know when I'll be able to play this game.)

(This uniform feels handsome and explodes Yuki.)

(I feel that the senior designer of Aqua Blue Star does not have this level.) (

Is there any merchant piracy, give a link.)

(Add one plus one.) )

(............ The

new uniforms caused a sensation.

Compared with the Navy's self-directed military uniform, the new military uniform of the Great Qin Kingdom is not only very good in style, but also very good in craftsmanship, and the appearance looks clean and neat.

And Zhou Shuyi and the others were also taken aback after taking a look at each other.

"Ma Ya, I never dreamed that I would be so handsome in a military uniform."

Da Sima took off his hat and scratched his somewhat messy hair.

"Hahahaha, my old is handsome now."

PDD has lost weight now, I don't know how much, it looks very strong, and it gives people a sense of strength.


At this moment, a huge wind sound reached everyone's ears.

The ark took off again and came to the sky above the martial arts field.

Then, there is no then.

PDD looked at the ark more than ten meters above the ground, and asked with some doubts.

"This, how do we go up."

"Fly up."

Zhou Shuyi shrugged, hugged Ye Zhiqiu and jumped up, taking advantage of the wind, directly to the sky above the deck of the ark.

At this time, she saw Shaoyang standing on the steps.

Today's Shaoyang changed his outfit

, wearing a suit with a hot gold dragon pattern, holding a scepter in his hand,

and he looked handsome.

Zhou Shuyi couldn't help but take a few more looks.

Shaoyang raised his head and looked at Zhou Shuyi.

Zhou Shuyi subconsciously let go, and Ye Zhiqiu fell freely towards the deck like a kite with a broken line.

If it had been Ye Zhiqiu a month ago, this height would definitely have to be thrown out, but now it is different.

With a loud "boom", Ye Zhiqiu landed smoothly on the deck, that is, the quality of this deck is good, and it is estimated that it will be smashed out of a big hole if it is changed to another ship.

Wang Qichong's thunder fruit was very well developed, and it was not a problem to take people to fly, and he and Zhou Shuyi easily brought the remaining few people to the ark.

To be honest, originally Shaoyang thought that they would jump up with moon steps, after all, he learned from the subsystem that these eight people had learned moon steps, shaving and paper painting, even Wang Qichong had learned these three.

And Zhou Shuyi, PDD, Ye Zhiqiu, and Da Sima have already started, maybe they haven't thought so much.

After waiting for several people to stand in a row on the deck, Shaoyang slowly spoke.

"Next, I will first take you to the capital of the seven waters, where we can purchase some ship supplies, and then I will lead you to the West Sea, where there are mostly mafias, which meet your actual combat training requirements."


Shaoyang nodded, the scepter in his hand gently tapped the deck, the big wings on both sides of the ark began to wave, and the flagpoles hanging on both sides all floated up, forming a wind wall around the ark, resisting most of the strong wind blowing in.

"The quality of the ark is very good, the open space is very large, you can cultivate on the deck, as long as you don't cause destruction, you are at will, as for the room on the ark, two people a room, choose at will."

After putting your belongings in the room, you can move around freely. "

Any object on this ship, Shaoyang can condense through particle control, but there is no need for that.

If Shaoyang had to get everything himself, then it was estimated that he would not be able to finish it in a few days.

So in the past three days, Shaoyang just divided the lounge, dining room, and control room on the ark, and by the way, prepared tables, chairs, benches, beds, wardrobes and so on.

However, there is still a lot missing from the ship.

There are no pots and pans, let alone food.

Rather, in order to avoid scurvy, a few orange trees had to be prepared on the ark.

There are a lot of things to prepare.

On the deck, Zhou Shuyi and the others did not start training, they came to the edge of the fence and looked outside.

Going abroad for the first time, everyone was curious.

However, when the Ark flew off the island, they were disappointed.

Outside is the endless sea, and there is no end in sight.

After looking at the sea for a while, several people lost interest and began to cultivate separately.

The Ark continued to move forward, and although it didn't seem to be fast, in fact, the Ark was much faster than the naval warships and those pirate ships.

Shaoyang flew along the windless belt on this road, and after flying for two days, when it was only a short distance from the capital of seven waters, the ark plunged headlong into the great voyage.

As soon as they entered the Great Passage from the windless belt, they just hit the storm, and Zhou Shuyi and several people looked at each other, and they were shocked.

They had studied why it didn't rain after entering the game for so long, some said that the game was made buggy, and some said that it might be less rain.

Unexpectedly, not long after leaving the island, it rained.

And it's a storm.

Looking back and forth, the sun is shining on one side, and the storm on the other, is this a bug??

Just as several people were discussing, Shaoyang walked out from behind everyone.

The storm is kept out by the wind wall, and even standing on the deck will not have any problems.

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