The scrawny civilians around saw Shaoyang and they were ready to leave, and they didn't know what to do.

It stands to reason that Shaoyang saved their lives and should be thankful.

But now in their current situation, they are almost out of the soil, what to thank?

Moreover, these people have a hurdle in their hearts.

Hunger Island today has such a situation only because of their king.

Just as the so-called crow in the world is as black as the crow, the king under the sky....

Shaoyang saw these people's expressions, and there was no wave in his heart.

In this world of the jungle, there are too many people like them.

In the pirate anime, doesn't the village of Kokosia still be bullied by a group of small pirates and can't raise its head and let anyone slaughter.

Therefore, even if these people are rescued and do not say a word of thanks, Shaoyang will not feel any accidents.

It can only be said that it is, unexpected, reasonable.

"Felt something."

After walking far away, Shaoyang slowly spoke.

Behind him, several PDD people who were silent all the way were directly stunned in place when they heard his words.

"Feelings..." To

be honest, if you really talk about feelings, they only feel that there are those people who are pitiful, nobles are hateful, and other feelings are really none.

"Your Majesty, are all the nobles in this world like this?"

Wang Qichong asked.

As the son of the richest man, he is the richest second generation of the Dragon Kingdom.

He felt this very deeply.

I have read some novels, in which the rich second generation are arrogant and domineering, and they line up one by one to become the protagonists.

However, is that really the case?

The state has special attention to these rich people.

At least Wang Qichong eats, drinks and has fun, then it doesn't matter, if Wang Qichong really makes his dream too big and runs to do something illegal and undisciplined, he will also be crushed by the state apparatus in the first time.

"You can ask Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit next to you."

Shaoyang stopped and looked back at Gion.

Gion did not speak, and his little face was slightly red.

She is now a vice admiral in the navy headquarters, and she knows some things very well.

Those nobles are more or less related to the world government, and the navy is obliged to protect them, so not many people are willing to provoke them, but under the protection of the navy, these nobles have developed a two-faced character one by one.

In front of the Navy, they are obedient and perform very perfectly, but behind the scenes, they violently accumulate wealth to improve the quality of their lives, and in this way, the civilians are miserable, and the reputation of the Navy in their hearts is constantly declining.

So much so that in the future when the war on top.

No one applauded the Navy for designing dead whitebeards, but because Blackbeard grew up, everyone blamed the Navy.

Part of the reason for the resignation of the Warring States is also because of this.

"It seems that Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit is not very clear, so I will briefly tell you about it."

Shaoyang lowered his head and looked at the dirty but silent baby5 beside him.

"In this world, there are countless children like baby5, and some will be captured by slave traders and sold to nobles, and the end will not be too good."

And the nobility, the vast majority of nobles are a character, but there are exceptions, and one of the Draco named Don Quixote Honagu is an exception.

He voluntarily renounced his status as a Draco and walked out of Mary Joa with his wife and two sons to prepare for an ordinary life, and what do you think will be the end of him. "

Listen to Shaoyang's words, everyone, you look at me, I look at you," and finally Zhou Shuyi spoke.

"Will he be happy?"

Hearing her words, Shaoyang pouted disdainfully.

"The day after Don Quixote Honagu walked out of Marijoa, the newspaper published a picture of his family and the news that he was no longer a Draco.

Don Quixote's family, Ho Nengou's wife was seriously injured by several civilians and eventually fell ill and died, Ho Nengu and his two sons were arrested by the civilians who heard the wind, tied to the gallows, and prepared to torture them to death.

Shaoyang said, surrounded by overlord colors all over his body, causing the air around him to almost solidify.

"How do you know about this?"

Gion looked at Shaoyang and asked.

Shaoyang is so young, this incident already happened more than twenty years ago, it stands to reason that Shaoyang should not know.

"yes, maybe the wind told me."

Shaoyang said ambiguously.

"Ho Nengou's son, Don Quixote. Doflamingo, killed everyone, including Huo Minggu, he thinks that Huo Mingu killed his mother, and now he is also in the West Sea, maybe you will meet him. "

It's true that the nobles hate this.

However, a Draco who did not do anything evil could not watch what happened in Mary Joya, and gave up his honorable status.

This book deserves respect.

But he did not receive the respect of walking, but instead his wife was killed, and he himself died at the hands of his eight-year-old son.

"Your Majesty, when you say this, do you mean that there are also good people among the nobles?"

Du Xiaomei looked at Shaoyang.

"I just suddenly remembered this incident and said it casually, you are all the backbone of the Great Qin Kingdom in the future, and strength alone is not enough."

Shaoyang stretched out his hand and pointed at the ark in the air, and the ark fell.

"Ark I will stay here, sail, fly only need to be charged, whether it is lightning or flame, only need to be released in the energy warehouse, from this moment on, your training begins.

Again, good performance is rewarded, bad performance is punished, I hope you complete the training smoothly.

Shaoyang said, took out a small ark of several numbers from the ship's warehouse, and walked up with baby5.

After walking up, Shaoyang glanced at Gion.

"You can stay with them, or you can go back to the headquarters of the navy to report, how to decide that I will not care, as for your navy, if you do not take the initiative to provoke us, we will not conflict with you for no reason."

Gion hesitated, but nodded anyway.

Shaoyang didn't care about anything else, controlling the little ark to quickly disappear in front of everyone.

After Zhou Shuyi and the others glanced at each other, they walked towards the ark, and Gion did not return to the meaning of the naval headquarters, followed and boarded the ark, and after more than an hour, the ark slowly began to rise.

"baby5, do you feel that there is a force in your body."

Shaoyang looked at baby5 beside him and asked.

"Power, what is that??"

baby5 was a little puzzled, she didn't understand what Shaoyang said.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

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