"Plop, plop..."

On the dog-headed warship, a naval soldier rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, only Kapu, Gion, and Karp's adjutant remained awake.

But Gion and Karp's adjutants were also a little powerless at this time.

Doflamingo fell directly from mid-air in an instant like a heavy blow, but he himself also has a tricolor domineering, and he still has the ability to resist the overlord color.

Eventually, he landed on top of a flagpole and stabilized himself on it with a thread fruit.

"This is, what a situation."

Wang Qichong and the others did not know what happened.

Shaoyang's overlord territory excluded them, they didn't feel anything at all, even in front of their eyes, they only saw fainted naval soldiers and Doflamingo falling from the sky.

"Da, da, da..."

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came into everyone's ears, Zhou Shuyi and the eight turned around, and at first glance they saw the open cabin door, inside, Shaoyang, dressed in a golden dragon pattern black robe, was slowly walking out.

See Shaoyang.

Karp's face became a little more solemn, Doflamingo's expression became dull, and Gion lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

And after Shaoyang came out, Karp's adjutant seemed to have been hit by something, and he fainted directly with his eyes.

At the same time, the phone worms on everyone present were all unconscious.

Even if Karp or Doflamingo wanted to get the news out, it would be impossible.

"You, didn't you leave the West Sea."

Doflamingo uses the Overlord color to fight against the Overlord Territory.

Although it is fine, it is still a bit laborious to speak.

"I, the Great Qin Emperor, need to repay you."

Shaoyang slowly spoke, although the words were fluttering, but when he heard it, Doflamingo's heart really sank.

Intelligence from Virgo.

Shaoyang's three-color domineering aura had all been cultivated to the peak.

And seeing the domineering cultivation to the peak...

Doflamingo swallowed.

He was ready to escape.

But Shaoyang's gaze had already moved away from his body and looked in the direction of Karp.

He knows the character of Karp and Gion.

So you don't get angry with each other.

But today's matter, if you don't make a decision, then what else to talk about making a name for yourself in the world.

"Lieutenant General Karp, it seems that you need to give me an explanation."

Shaoyang's self-professed still likes to use me, not something like a king.

Karp looked at Shaoyang.

"Explain what you want."

"You're right."

Shaoyang walked slowly to the deck.

"There really is no need for explanation, because the speculation of the world government and those five old immortals is not unreasonable."

Shaoyang said as he walked.

"Just the noble children who kill for pleasure will face the catastrophe of the extinction of the undead race brought by the Great Qin Empire, not to mention the world waste that makes people smell and fear, Draco."

Hearing Shaoyang's words, Doflamingo's expression was a little crazy, his purpose today is to let the Great Qin Kingdom fight with the navy and the world government.

Otherwise, with the strong and weak character of Wang Qichong and others, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not attack the pirates and threaten his plan.

Karp and Gion seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, and although they were shocked, they did not say anything.

"So, what are you going to do now."

"Isn't it obvious?"

The scepter in Shaoyang's hand struck on the deck, and the sea water under the ark and the dog-headed warship immediately boiled.

A huge figure composed of sea water slowly rose.

This huge figure is the sea god Poseidon temporarily conceived by Shaoyang, even bigger than Aunt and Kaido, holding a trident composed of seawater, making a posture ready to attack.

Karp's face changed.

If Shaoyang was determined to make a move, then he would definitely not be able to keep his soldiers, and the best result would be that he fled with Gion and his adjutant.

But as the lieutenant general who cares for his subordinates the most, Karp does not allow such a thing to happen, but seeing that Poseidon's fork did not fall at the first time, Karp knew that he had a chance to negotiate.

"What exactly do you want?"

Karp lowered his hands, ready to leave at any time with Gion and the adjutant.

"I heard that Lieutenant General Karp also hates Draco, then, as long as you kill Doflamingo today, your subordinates will all return to Marin Fandor with you safe and sound."

Shaoyang held the scepter in both hands and continued to speak.

"Lieutenant General Karp, you only have, 3 minutes of hesitation."

Killing an evil pirate can save his own soldiers, this kind of thing, Karp is of course willing.

He clenched his fists, covered with armed color domineering, and looked up at Doflamingo on the flagpole.

Doflamingo's pupils constricted.

He couldn't care about his trademark laughter anymore and shouted directly at Karp.

"Karp, if you kill me, my family will spread the biggest secret of the world government and the Draco throughout the world, and at that time, countless people will pay the price for your stupidity."

Doflamingo threw out the killer weapon directly.

The news in his mouth, Shaoyang did not know.

It is also not said in the original book.

But Shaoyang guessed that it might be the legendary Heavenly King.

Aquaman can control all sea creatures, Hades can destroy an island with a single shot, and Heavenly King is above Aquaman and Hades.

When Karp heard this, he was uncertain for a while.

He didn't know if what Doflamingo said was true or false.

But at this moment of life and death, I believe Doflamingo did not have so much time to make up a lie to deceive himself.

Because this so-called secret may be more terrifying than the installation of explosive rock in the headquarters of the Navy.

"Lieutenant General Karp, you still have, two minutes."

Shaoyang closed his eyes slightly.

Poseidon had already raised his hand, only waiting for Shaoyang's order to directly destroy this dog-headed warship.

"I want to know why you have to kill me."

"What do I need to explain to you."

Shaoyang opened his eyes.

Doflamingo was under even more pressure.

And Shaoyang, looking at Doflamingo, who was struggling to support, said word by word.

"No reason?"

"Of course there is, but you probably haven't forgotten what you were thinking about just now, if you can't remember, I can help you recall."

Doflamingo was shocked.

This man's sights and smells, can he really read minds?

But Doflamingo, who has the color of the overlord, how can he just wait for death.

He released the Overlord Color with all his might, and then used the Thread Fruit to swing on the clouds to get out of here.

But he just got the idea.

He found that his own ability could not be used.

A strange gas was suppressing the thread fruit ability in his body.

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