However, Warring States and Zefa’s reason still defeated their desire for victory.

They had no choice but to hit each other head-on, then immediately duck and fly towards Cyborg Kong.

Seeing that the two men successfully retreated,

Cyborg Kong no longer stopped and immediately flew towards his ship.

On the broken Golden Ship,

Ubel couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Cyborg Kong, who had launched a fierce attack on him just now, evacuated directly.

If he had to fight Cyborg Kong to the death, he might not be his opponent.

Just after Cyborg evacuated, the intelligence personnel of the Golden Pirates arrived belatedly and reported to Ubel

“Report Captain!”

“The Iron Wall Pirates’ fleet has entered our territory!”

After hearing what the intelligence officer said,

Ubel felt a little tired.

He finally knew why the navy withdrew its troops when it had an advantage.

“You go and call Barrio and Thornton.”

“I have something important to discuss with them.”

As the intelligence officer left here, a somewhat embarrassed Barrio and Thornton soon appeared next to Ubell.

After hearing that the Iron Wall Pirates were chasing them, the two of them also showed worry in their eyes.

Seeing the expressions of the two men, Ubel was also a little annoyed.

An hour later, on an island within the Golden Pirates’ influence, the Iron Wall Pirates and the Golden Pirates officially met.

Bright stood On the bow of the Steel Fortress, he looked at the broken fleet of the Golden Pirates.

There was also a sarcastic look in his eyes.


“Isn’t this the Golden King?”

“How can you be so depressed?”

As a mocking laugh resounded over the sea,

Ubel instantly felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his fur suddenly exploded.

“asshole! Brett!”

“Didn’t you fail to take down the Rocks Pirates?”

“What qualifications do you have to say anything about me?”

But Ubel quickly calmed down and yelled back at Bright.

As soon as he heard about the Rocks Pirates,

Bright’s face instantly darkened.

A powerful overlord-like domineering force instantly burst out from his body. out

“Ubel! you wanna die!”

Bright roared angrily and instantly jumped on top of a Golden Pirates ship.

As he fell, the 100-meter-long ship was directly stepped into two pieces by his kick.

Soon Bright continued to move towards He followed Ubel and rushed over.

On the Steel Fortress, the officers of the Iron Wall Pirates saw Bright rushing directly towards the Golden Pirates, and they immediately followed him.

Standing on a Golden Pirates ship Ubel, who was on the road, saw a trace of cold sweat break out on his forehead after seeing Bright rushing toward him with a furious face.

Seeing Bright rushing over, Barrio stood behind Ubell and Thornton immediately appeared next to Ubel, always ready for a fight.

Soon the pirates of the Golden Pirates saw a tall figure with purple flames all over his body appearing above them instantly.

Bright looked at Looking at Uberela, who was controlling the gold to become a golden giant, he stepped on the air and dived towards the opponent.

As his figure approached the golden giant, a fist wrapped with purple lightning shot towards him in an instant.

Ubel punched him.

Seeing Bright punching him, Ubel gritted his teeth, raised his huge golden fist wrapped with golden lightning, and collided with Bright’s punch.


There was a loud bang, and in an instant, Ubel’s golden arm turned into golden fragments and fell on the deck with a series of clicks.

Seeing this scene, Thornton’s hand instantly condensed A tornado emitting powerful suction was thrown towards Blair.

Sha Lan!

After Brett saw Thornton’s attack, he directly punched the tornado that appeared in front of him.


Soon this The tornado was eliminated by Bright’s fist.

Just when the Iron Wall Pirates and the Golden Pirates were fighting, Cyborg Kong was sitting on the ship.

At this time, Cyborg Kong was a little unbelievable.

Looking at the latest information in his hand.

Just half an hour ago, the World Government CP0 sent information that the Rocks Pirates teamed up with the Lion Pirates’ deputy captain to kill Earl Jones seven days ago.

When When he saw the information, Cyborg Kong was completely stunned.

It wasn’t until he heard Crane’s reminder that he came back to his senses.

Cyborg Kong knew very well the strength of Earl Jones, a veteran powerhouse..

But what he didn’t expect was that Earl Jones was killed by the Rocks Pirates.

This made him more afraid of the Rocks Pirates.

Sengoku stood in front of Cyborg Kong.

He Zefa also saw the information placed on the table in front of Cyborg Kong.

Even with their temperaments, they found it a bit unbelievable.

After learning that Rocks had attacked Lion King Island, Sengoku’s evaluation of Rocks He has improved a lot.

In his eyes, the opponent is already a very strategic pirate.

Moreover, the strength of the Rocks Pirates is also ridiculously strong.

Now they have two pirates who have reached the level of quasi-admiral.

Strong men and several cadres with the strength of top lieutenant generals.

Cyborg Kong was in a daze for a while, and then he looked at the three people standing in front of him and said solemnly.

“The development of the Rocks Pirates must be curbed, otherwise the consequences will become very serious.”

Mary Qiaoya,

Pangu City.

In a clean and spacious room, five old people of different sizes and neatly dressed were gathered together.

They are the five old stars who apparently hold the highest power in the world government.

They are: , the sword-wielding five-old star financial god Nashoulang Saint, the square-faced five-old star agricultural god of martial arts Peter Saint, the bearded five-old star legal and military god Wuchuli Saint, the long-bearded five-old star environmental martial god Mazi Saint, and the five-old star with a long beard. Saint Satan, the five-old star scientific defense god with white curly hair.

In the room,

Saint Satan is holding a reward order for Rocks.

At this time, it reads clearly.

Rocks·D·Gibek has a bounty of 1.5 billion Baileys.

After investigation,

Saint Satan discovered that Locks was actually a remnant of the D family.

“D’s family?”

“Is it stirring up the sea again?”

“It seems we have to pay attention to this guy too.”

“The other party has now recruited a group of powerful monsters!”

The five old stars with swords looked at the six bounty orders placed on the table, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

The other five old stars also carefully read the information about the Rocks Pirates.

Edward · Newgate, with a bounty of 1.3 billion beli.

Golden Lion Shiki, with a bounty of 1.6 billion beli.

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