While several big bosses stopped fighting and watched the battle between Roca and Luo Ka, they started chatting about family matters.

But at this moment, the battle between Guy Luo and Ka Er suddenly changed!

Click, click, click—!

Ka Er's giant rice cake fist made from Nuo Nuo fruit suddenly shattered like a piece of butterscotch.

With a bang, Ka Er flew out upside down!

Card 2...lost? !

Countless pairs of eyes glanced at him instantly, including Whitebeard and Big Mom, both of whom had solemn expressions on their faces.

Aokiji and Kizaru, two Admirals, also looked sideways.

Want to know who wins and who loses.

Now, no one dares to underestimate Guy, even though his military rank is only a mere colonel.

But since he appeared, he has shocked the world again and again!


Just as Ka Er flew out upside down, Guy Luo caught up almost instantly, stepping on broken pieces of rice cake as if jumping on a meteorite.

"Fire Style·"

When he saw Guy Luo forming seals quickly in his hand, Margao's pupils suddenly shrank, he thought of something, and he shouted quickly:

"Be careful, he will spray..."

Before the word "fire" came out, a laser shot instantly and penetrated Margao's body.

"How... can I let you succeed?" Kizaru finally got it right for once.

At this moment, Luo Guy has completed the seal formation. He takes a deep breath, puffs up his gills, and condenses the Chakra.



The moment before the flames swept through, Guy Luo saw Ka Er's bloodshot and ferocious eyes.

Then he was swallowed up.


The terrifying high-temperature flames were like an erupting volcano. After engulfing Ka Er, they continued to attack the Big Mom pirates behind them. Countless pirates screamed in agony, and then stopped suddenly.

"Na Ni?!"

At this moment, the most surprised person was the aunt.

Like Ace, she can also use fire, so she is extremely surprised that others can use fire.

"Oops, mom, big brother's ability is that he's afraid of fire!"

Someone on the side quickly reminded me.

However, it was too late to say anything at this time. All we could do was watch. The battlefield was too far away and support was too late.

What's more, the Big Mom Pirates don't have any sense of family ties, so it's impossible for anyone to support Kaji at this moment.

They hoped that Ka Er would be killed so that they could take over. After all, the strongest general was overwhelming them.


The flames gradually died down.

Everyone immediately looked at the position of Card 2 in the field, and what they saw immediately was a huge bulging round bag.

"He... is he dead?"

Some people couldn't believe it, thinking that Guy Luo had killed another general.

"It must have vaporized, right? Under such high temperatures, and he is in the central area, he will definitely not survive."


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the protruding round package.

A strange aroma emerged from it.

This is... the smell of baked rice cakes.


At the same time, the ground below surged like water.

It wasn't until this moment that people noticed that the frozen ice surface of Aokiji had turned into white rice cakes at some point!

A big piece of rice cake! !




Several huge bubbles appeared on the ground of the rice cake, exuding a rich aroma. At this moment, a figure rose from them.

"Hmph, it's really amazing. I almost didn't react and was burned to death by you."

Kaji is indeed a real man. He said that without Armament Haki, even defense is useless, but he chose to use his fruit ability to resist!


In an instant, the world was in an uproar!

People looked at the scene in disbelief, unable to understand what was happening.

"Devil Fruit...awaken!"

Brother Ming was the first to discover the truth, and his face darkened.

"Has Devil Fruit awakened..." Whitebeard also said lightly, aware of this keenly.

"Well, well... this is my son... let the whole world see it. This is the strength of General. If you dare to anger the guys in our pirate group, you will be attacked by General. By then, the entire island will be destroyed." Everything will fall, well..."

Auntie laughed wildly, full of domineering and arrogance.

The world is dead.

This is the shock of absolute strength!

Anyone, no matter how powerful you are on your island, or how good you are at pretending, but in front of the Four Emperors, if they send one of their subordinates, they can destroy your country by one person!

This is Four Emperors!

The pressure of Four Emperors, the intimidating power of Four Emperors!

In the New World, one Four Emperors can suppress an entire route and dozens of islands!

Many people had a bitter taste in their throats.

Perhaps the strength displayed by Marine was so powerful that many people began to think that the Four Emperors were nothing more than that.

However, it is only Marine, or even just a few people in Marine, who are powerful.

"Jiang Xing is so powerful!"

"As expected of a monster with a bounty of over one billion, he is simply not human!"

"It can actually change the nature of the ground. This is the power of God!"

At this moment, Ka Er's figure, which looked like a devil coming to the world, was deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless people and became their nightmare.

At this moment, everyone understood how powerful and reliable Guy Luo was in fighting, resisting, and protecting such a terrifying general and monster!

Countless people stood in awe at the figure of Guy Luo!

If it hadn't been for Guy and Marine to resist the pirates with all their might, then these inhumanly powerful monster pirates would have swept across the world, and their families would have been destroyed!

"Well... I made a mistake. I forgot that you still have this trick."

Luo Guy held his nose and yawned without caring about his image as a master.

"The battle continues." Ka Er said coldly.

Guy Luo, on the other hand, lazily said something shocking:

"The battle has gone on long enough. Next, I will take ten seconds to finish you off."

Ten seconds!

Ka Er narrowed his eyes and stared at Guy Luo.

"Hmph! Arrogant." Auntie sneered.

"Brother, kill him, don't delay, use your invincible Haki!" Next to him, Ka Er's brothers and sisters started to cheer.

"Say ten seconds, just ten seconds."

However, after Guy Luo moved his wrist, he disappeared instantly.


There was a sound in the air, and he actually appeared in front of Ka Er. He hit Ka Er hard with a fist, punching a hole through it!

No, it was just that Ka Er used Observation Haki to gain insight into Guy Luo's attack path, and instantly used the fruit's ability to turn the attacked place into a hole. In fact, Guy Luo's fist hit the air.

In response, Guy Luo showed no expression and punched continuously!

Bang bang bang!

Every punch he punched hit the air!

Ka Er's eyes glowed red and he said calmly: "You can't hit me. After years of training, my knowledge and color have already reached the point where I can see the short future!

In other words, before you take action, I know what action you are going to make! "


However, Guy Luo still looked calm.

At this time, three seconds have passed!

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