Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 118 City of Seven Waters

Waving goodbye and smiling, after leaving Alabasta.

Adrian spent more than a month to continue sailing in the paradise stage.

In 1499, the year of the Haiyuan calendar, in late October.

City of Seven Waters.

This gigantic city named 'Water Capital' is a rare type of one city or one island on the sea. There are quite complicated waterways in it. of countless uniform and symmetrical channels.

The unique and beautiful geographical culture has made this small island city the most famous "boat capital" on the sea.

According to ancient legends, eight hundred years ago, an invincible battleship named "Pluto" was manufactured by shipbuilders in the city of the Seven Waters.

In the past decade or so, the capital of seven waters has also become famous around the world because of a shipbuilding company.

【Tom Shipbuilding Company】.

The owner is the legendary boatmaker "Murman Tom". At the same time, he is also the legendary boatmaker who built the One Piece ship "Oro Jackson" for One Piece Gold Roger!

It's just that in the past six months, the life of the Seven Waters has not been wonderful.

Since the pirate king Goldo Roger was publicly executed by the navy and the world government, his words before his death opened the era of the great pirates, and the pirates in the great route stage have become more and more rampant.

Due to the unique geographical location of the Capital of Seven Waters, this ocean water city is hit by a huge tsunami called 'Aqua Lagna' almost every year, and it does not have rich wood and steel resources.

As a world-famous ship capital, in most of the time, the seven water capital can only rely on purchasing resources from other islands to continue to maintain the prosperity of the shipbuilding industry.

In the last half year, stimulated by the era of the great pirates, there have been reports of several pirates looting merchant ships carrying steel and wood almost every day.

The lack of external resources has prompted the internal struggle in the Seven Waters to become more and more intense.

In order to snatch customers, large and small shipbuilding companies do not hesitate to fight directly.

As the most famous legendary boatmaker in the Seven Waters, "Murman Tom" is being held accountable by the World Government Secret Service for making ships for One Piece Gold Roger.

There are even rumors that Tom Boatman may even be sentenced to death for this!

Under the domestic and foreign turmoil, this famous ship capital is likely to become an island submerged by the sea.

"Very dilapidated, very desolate city..."

Looking at this ocean city that did not match his impression at all, Adrian, who had just landed in the Capital of Seven Waters, couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Below the bridge on the northeast coast of the Seven Waters, there is a garbage disposal plant.

For 100 years, the people of the Seven Waters have piled up the wrecks of abandoned ships here, forming a huge wreck mountain.

I don't know when, this mountain of ship wrecks has become the main material collection site for Tom's studio, and they prefer to call this mountain of wrecks "the warehouse under the bridge".

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The orderly knocks on the door did not get the response they deserved.

Adrian knocked on the door three more times, and this time, a feeble young voice finally sounded.

"Who is outside? The door is unlocked, come in directly..."

Adrian pushed the door and went in, and what came out was a very complex smell, rich alcohol, rotten food, fishy fish, sour sweat...

Just the text description makes people shudder.

The strong and irritating taste of this smell even inspired the physical immunity of the ghost body!

At this moment, lying in the center of the room was a young man with a black turban on his head. He was clutching the wine bottle decadently and slumped on a pickled floor.

This young-looking little brother is the disciple of the legendary boatman Tom the Murloc: Iceberg.

"Stranger?" Iceberg's blurry eyes strayed to Adrian, "Are you here to build a ship or repair a ship? But it doesn't matter, Mr. Tom has been captured by the World Government, and the business of Tom's studio has completely stopped. La! Stop!"

In the last sentence, Bingshan almost shouted out, and he could clearly see the intense dissatisfaction and resentment simmering in his heart at this time!

"Is this how the legendary Tom Studio treats guests?" Adrian shook his head and said, "If I had known this, I should have gone to another shipbuilding company."

The apologetic look on Bingshan's face was fleeting, and then he became indifferent.

At this time, he was not the weather-beaten "Mayor of Iceberg", but a young man who was angry because his teacher was arrested by the world government.

"never mind……"

Bingshan raised the wine bottle in his hand and wanted to take a sip of wine in his mouth, but found that the wine bottle had long been empty, and a few drops of wine dripped on his dry and chapped lips.

"Mr. Tom was taken away. Is it necessary to keep Tom's studio?"

Adrian said: "I don't think the legendary boatman who is unparalleled in the world will die at this time. His real [mission] has not been completely completed!"

What is Tom the Fish's true mission?

One Piece ship "Oro Jackson"?

of course not!

Design drawings of the invincible battleship "Pluto"?

It's a far cry!

Murloc Tom's real contribution is the [Sea Train] linking the Seven Islands of Water and other surrounding islands!

Whether it is symbolic or practical, the [Sea Train], which can block the oceans and connect the islands together, is definitely not inferior to the ancient weapon [Pluto]! And especially beyond!

Even in Adrian's point of view, the only thing in the pirate world that can be compared to [Sea Train] is the [Ark Proverbs] that can send people to the moon!

One hooks the sea, and the other crosses space!

Completely epoch-making great product!

"I don't think Mr. Tom is going to die either. His grand vision has yet to be realized..."

A complicated voice came from behind the iceberg, accompanied by a lady mermaid who had begun to terribly transform.

"Miss Cocolo!" Bingshan could hear who the person was talking without looking back, "Did you not give up?"


If my memory serves me correctly, this Granny Coco Luo should be almost fifty years old this year, right? !

No matter how beautiful a murloc lady was when she was young, once she passed a certain age, she would become very hot-eyed!

More importantly, my cocoa is not what it looks like!

Adrian almost donned a pain mask named NCY...

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