Simon stared at Xian'er for a long time without saying anything.

"How about it? I would be irresponsible if you were attracted by my dashing and heroic appearance, right?"Xian'er turned her back to Simon and raised her index finger in front of her mouth. She tilted her head halfway back and looked at Simon.



"Although your chest is as flat as your back, the goddess closes a door for you and opens a window at the same time. Your hip curve is simply what countless fitness beauties dream of!"Simon held the iron ball in one hand and held his chin in an L shape with the other, squinting his eyes and thinking seriously.


Xian'er, who was just about to release the ghost-human state, raised the black knife with her feet, covered her back with her long skirt with one hand, took the black knife with the other hand, and burst out with purple-black arrogance like a ghost, stabbing towards Simon.

Fortunately. When the tip of the knife was about to pierce Simon's nose, Xian'er seemed to be out of strength just after recovering, and the ghost-human transformation was suddenly lifted. Then she stumbled over a small stone, and the black knife just passed through the tip of Simon's nose. The knife slashed toward the lower edge of his earlobe, leaving a small mark on his cheek.

Xian'er also stumbled and fell into Simon's arms, but Simon was not thrown into the girl's arms. I was so happy that cold sweat continued to ooze out all over my body.

"I have never felt such murderous aura from the Demon King. She is definitely serious.……"It wasn't that Simon didn't want to dodge, it was just that he was so shocked by its aura that he couldn't move at all. a long time.

Simon finally recovered and breathed a long sigh of relief, but his heart was still frightened.

With the help of these precise hands, Simon spent a long time putting the pieces back together. This would have been absolutely impossible to do with his own hands.

"But how can I get my hand back? Although my hands should have that skill now, I should only be able to remove one and install the other. How should I fix the second one? Forget it, just install one to restore some combat effectiveness."

It can only be said that these doctors' hands are indeed very useful. Even when holding Tang Xian'er, he can easily and accurately connect the left arm with one hand, which made Simon want to just accept it with one hand and leave the other. However, Immediately after the connection, Simon felt something was wrong.

He had obviously used the auxiliary magic to numb the pain on himself before the operation. He didn't even feel the slightest sensation when the section was sutured, but he then added the last stitch and used it on his shoulder joint. After the healing magic that connected the nerves, a sharp pain suddenly hit me, reaching into my lungs.

There was a burning sensation all over my body, as if my body was expelling my original left arm. , Simon's blood began to boil, his body began to feel hot, breathing gradually became difficult, and his vision became increasingly blurry.

"Is this also caused by Devil Fruit powers?"

Simon doesn't quite understand why this situation occurs.

With the assistance of the healing magic in his previous life, even if a pig or dog's arm is attached to a human, there will be no rejection reaction.

What's more, the one he attached was still his own hand, and the It was still a high-level light healing magic.

Simon couldn't figure it out until he fainted.

Just after Simon fainted, the hunchbacked guy came back in a wheelchair.

He walked out of the wheelchair with a cane on his back and looked around.

He touched the wrists of the dozens of villagers who fainted near the entrance of the hospital one by one:"Those who were knocked unconscious, those who were knocked unconscious, those who were thrown unconscious...

the problem is not big, they should be fine in a while.

Can wake up.


? The old man...

why does it feel like he was knocked unconscious by a horse's hoof? There should be no horses on this island? Are there any outsiders?"

When he checked the village elder, he squatted down and touched it with his hands with some doubts. However, he didn't pay much attention to it and began to check everyone's physical signs from outside to the hospital.

"How can it be?!"

The little brother looked at Tang Xian'er's bloody right arm as if he had seen a ghost in the day. He was so excited that he couldn't even hold the crutch steady. He tremblingly took off the gloves that were still tightly wrapped in the hot weather, revealing his bandaged arms. She was about to use her hand to directly detect Xian'er's pulse.

Xian'er, who fell into Simon's arms, suddenly crossed her hands on the ground and made a big circle with her legs, kicking her brother down.

He was dizzy, and he was not too exhausted to maintain his transformation into a ghost.

He just calmed down when he was about to stab Simon, but he didn't know how to find a step to stop, so he acted out a clumsy fall on the ground in a hurry.

Xian'er was thinking about how to finish"waking up" next, but Simon didn't react at all if the little brother came over.

She was convinced that he was indeed fainted, so she dared to get up.

"Really, although this young lady is very charming, she won’t faint with her heart beating fast just by touching her, right? Could it be that I am the Holy Body of Innate Charm?"Xian'er thought that Simon was so excited that he fainted because of physical contact with her.

Xian'er said some words that the little brother couldn't understand, but from the way she held the scabbard in her left hand and pressed the protector with her thumb, With her right hand holding the handle of the knife, it can be seen that she is ready to draw the knife and fight at any time - her right hand that was sentenced to death has indeed fully recovered!

The younger brother's name is Paul Stanley, and he is Paul Village! The adopted son whom the leader picked up while escaping after the Grand Line was defeated. Although he didn't learn any serious medical skills under the influence of these doctors, he didn't know why his vision was extremely vicious, and he could tell even with experience at a glance. The rich village chief may not be able to see the root cause of the disease, but he can diagnose it with his unique pulse-taking technique.

When he first saw Xian'er's dry and flat right arm, he could tell at a glance that it was suffering. Some kind of curse-type attack, and because it has been too long, the entire arm has died like a walking zombie. With modern medical technology, there is no chance that it can be restored to its original state. Only amputation and replacement of the arm can prevent the curse from spreading further.

The little brother picked up the crutch and patted it. He patted the dust on his body, covered his mouth and thought:"Is there really a god in this world?"

"Damn, it turns out he is also a believer in the village. Who am I to think that you want to snatch the arm of my Mr. Savage? Tell me, faint or alive? Just choose one."This was the first time Xian'er saw the little brother. Seeing his strange look, she thought it was another pirate who appeared out of nowhere. She lowered her head and stared at him seriously.

The little brother bowed 90 degrees with both hands and a club to apologize. Although He was already hunched up as if he was bowing:"I'm sorry, madam, I am the medical director of this island. Although I don't know what conflict happened between you, but doctors are kind-hearted, and I definitely have no relationship with you two. Thoughts of being an enemy"

"That's naturally best."Xian'er looked at her brother's sincere apology and his frail-looking figure. She also lowered her guard and pointed at Simon who was lying on the ground."Oh, yes, can you help him pick up his hand? These thick and thin arms look disgusting"

"That's natural. I was originally here to check on the two of you."

The little brother followed her guidance and saw Simon at the door of the room.

"This is?!"The little brother pushed away the long curly hair that obscured his sight, and looked at Simon with wide eyes like a cat doing a backflip.

"God's power?!"

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