Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 160

After all, no matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary old man with a little muscle.

Had to announce the start of the auction hastily.

"Hey hey hey, host, this is too hurtful, I have to give it a good introduction, such as my handsomeness, so that I can make a higher price."

Seeing the auctioneer's perfunctory carelessness, the old man on the stage who was auctioning merchandise suddenly spoke with dissatisfaction."I

Hearing that, Disco suddenly stared with a surprised look-big and small eyes, and the corners of his mouth tilted unconsciously.

Who is this?

He has been engaged in population auctions for so many years.

There are no 10,000 or 8,000 auctioned goods.

But I have never seen such a calm auction item.

Do not.

Or it can be said to be arrogant.

This is a population auction site.You are a commodity that is about to become a slave.At least you have to recognize your identity.

How can anyone be a victim who has to worry about earning less for others after being sold?

It's simply unreasonable.

The auction master Disco sounded indignantly.+ Seconds, three seconds, minutes passed 0 The entire venue is still quiet.

No one is willing to bid to buy this narcissistic old man."Is nobody really wanting to bid?" Disco asked.

"No no"

"Quickly the next one!

"We are here for the mermaid, hurry up and take this eye-catching old guy down.

"We want to see mermaids."

There were shouts of dissatisfaction from all over the venue.

This embarrassing situation suddenly made the disco more angry.

Is it so many years in the industry.My first time——

Will this narcissistic old guy be the first time to shoot?

"Look, no one is willing to bid because you don't give a good introduction, alas!"

The old man on the stage tied up in the shackles of special slaves sighed, fumbled for the small hip flask in his arms, and took a sip.

Watching this scene, the inner anger of the auction master Disco was ignited.

Either because it is under the spotlight.

Even if he loses money, he has to press the explosion button on the collar to blow the pesky old guy into pieces to vent his anger."no solution anymore."

The auctioneer Disco took a few deep breaths, calmed down his inner anger, and prepared to knock on the table to deal with unsold goods."500,000"

At this moment, a rich woman and nobleman with a fat waist and strong body in the front row raised the number plate in his hand and bid."Ok"

There is another village in the dark.

I thought my first time was gone, but I managed to keep it.

Disco's gloomy face suddenly blossomed like a flower.

"This lady has bid half a million, is there any higher?"

The disco who saw hope asked casually.

It's really just casual-a question.The kind that doesn't hold any hope.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened to him.

Just when he was about to simplify the original three-strike deal into a one-off deal, sending away this eye-catching old man.

In the back corner of the auction house, someone raised the number plate.

"one million"

Hearing that voice, the whole auction house was completely silent.

"Look, I'll

The spirited old man on the stage was complacent and was about to brag about it.However, the next moment, he saw the bidder in the shadow of the back row.

As a result, the smile on that old face instantly solidified and stiffened.

In the end, only endless embarrassment is left!

Chapter 206 Auctions of Don Quixote Cadres at Doflamingo

"one million"

When Xia Qi's calm voice sounded.

The whole venue is involuntarily one-Ji.


For a time, I don't know how many eyes looked towards Xia Qi in the back row.

Wanting to see which one is taking advantage of him, he is willing to spend a million yuan to buy a useless old man with half of his body.

"Captain Captain, that person seems to be the lady boss who knocked us off the mangrove tree on the 13th."

A member of the Heart Pirates, the talking Bai Xiong Beibo said with a surprised expression.

"It turned out to be her!"

The captain of the Heart Pirate Group, the supernova Trafalgarro, who is offering a reward of over 100 million, narrowed his eyes slightly."That old woman is no ordinary person. The person she likes, even an old man, is definitely not an ordinary person. Isn't that old man still hiding his identity? This boring auction is finally starting to be a bit interesting!"

Trafalgarro grinned.

The other direction.

The supernova cluster headed by Magic Hawkins is also looking at it.

"Captain Hawkins, what is so special about that old man on stage?"

"do not know"

Magic Hawkins spoke calmly.

10 Raise your hand and remove a tarot card from the straw branch in front of you.

Chaos card!

"Hehe, I miscalculated the Kidd thing last time, but this time I won’t be wrong again. There will be many unexpected events happening in today’s auction!"

The magician Hawkins laughed.

He looked at the Tianlongren surrounded and protected by heavily armed soldiers in the front row.

From the body of the dragon, Hawkins saw a big death word.


The smile on the corner of Hawkins's mouth widened a little.

For the eyes from all over the venue.

Xia Qi didn't realize it.

From beginning to end, her sight was only firmly locked on the white-haired old man on the stage.While Xia Qi looked at Lei Li on stage, Lei Li also noticed Xia Qi's existence.

Four eyes face each other.

The atmosphere is sometimes embarrassing to freeze.

In the back row of the venue, Xia Qi's mouth raised a slight curve, and she raised her chin proudly.

The smile on Lei Li's face on the auction stage gradually solidified and disappeared, and in the end only a face of embarrassment remained.Long speechless!"Oh oh oh oh"

Excited screams from the auction master Disco broke the silence in the room.

"The lady bid one million, is there any higher?"

Disco asked loudly again.

But this time it was not just a casual comment from the previous one, but really expecting someone to pay a higher price.

as expected.

The fat and rich woman who initially bid 51-Wan Baili gritted her teeth and raised her number plate again.

One hundred and ten thousand!

Her bidding has not yet completely subsided.

Xia Qi in the back row has already raised the number plate.

"Two million!"

039 Wow 039

The audience was in an uproar again.


The fat woman and rich woman in the front row gave a cold snort and gave Xia Qi a fierce look.

I had no choice but to give up my desire to try something new and try the idea of ​​an elderly muscular man.

"Two million first-time"

"Two million second time" "Two million third time"


On the auction stage, the disco did not delay any more, and the final word was finalized.

Announce the establishment of the transaction.

"Hahaha, old man, there are really rich women who can see you, and you are proud enough.

Disco laughed.

At this moment, the gaze he looked at Leily no longer had the initial disgust.

After all, the current Raleigh is a humanoid Bailey worth two million.

Although the transaction price of this auction was mediocre, only a mere two million, it was far beyond his psychological expectations.For an auction master.

The greatest joy is to sell a low-priced commodity at a high price several times its own value.The 039 products that were originally intended to pass the auction, in a blink of an eye, gained four times the profit of the starting price.

For the auctioneer Disco, it is natural to be happy.

The auctioneer Disco was happy.

At this moment, Raleigh, who was an auction product, couldn't laugh at all.

No longer the original calm and calm.


The smile on Disco's face suddenly became even bigger after seeing that Raleigh finally showed the expression that he should have as a commodity.


Next second.

Invisible pressure suddenly emerged from Lei Li, covering the auction platform.

So the smile on the auctioneer Disco's face suddenly solidified.

When Raleigh walked into the backstage, the unconscious auctioneer Disco collapsed straight under the stage.

"Lao Lei! Heh!" Xia Qi grinned softly.

Supernovas Trafalgarro, Hawkins and others all stood up suddenly, with extreme shock and disbelief on their faces.Although it was only a short moment before.

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