Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 163

Do not.

Maybe only death.That is to die and live!How to choose?

The answer is naturally clear at a glance.

Disco bit the tip of his tongue heavily, using the pain to calm himself down briefly.

"Dear guests, I am extremely sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time. This time the finale of the mermaid will take a while."

The auctioneer disco said."What did you say?" "Wait more?" "Why are you kidding us? The venue is boiling again.

"Why have to wait? Is there really something wrong?"

Both Weiwei and Nami looked anxious.

"Don't panic, little girls, the auctioneer's situation is not right, let's take a look first."

Xia Qi comforted her.


On the auction stage, Disco gritted his teeth, seemingly determined, and spoke again.

"Although the mermaid at the finale could not be there on time, at the moment our auction house has received another piece of temporary stoppered lot. Please see -"

The auctioneer gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, cruelly, and shook off the sack he was holding in his arms.

A bloody corpse appeared in everyone's sight.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

"Corps? What kind of lot is this!"

"Disco bastard, even if you want to fool, find something decent. What do you mean by looking for a corpse?"

The nobles in the venue scolded.

The Tianlongren on the VIP table was already angry.


At this moment, someone suddenly shouted in the front row of the venue.

"Look at that corpse, that

Someone recognized the identity of the corpse, and an extremely shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Yes, this time the temporary Gasse auction is the head of Diamanti, the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, who is offering a bounty of 99 million Baileys.

The auctioneer Disco took a deep breath and yelled regardless.

In an instant.

The audience fell into absolute silence!

The emotion named shock spread quickly!!!

Chapter 209 The Shocked and Shocked Hades Raleigh

"This time the auction product is the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family. The bounty is as high as 99 million Baileys. Lina will be punished.

The auctioneer Disco took a deep breath and shouted with all his strength.

The sharp sound was multiplied through the blessing of the microphone, and rumbling over the entire venue.


A huge auction venue, following the words of Disco, fell into an absolute silence.

An emotion called shock spread in the venue.

It quickly spread to all corners of the venue.

"His Heart"

"Sissing Heart Heart Heart"

"His hiss wr a moment later.

The sound of people sucking in the air was heard one after another throughout the venue.

One after another.Continuously.

"Unbelievable, it turned out to be the head of a great pirate who is offering a bounty of ninety-nine million dollars? Is there any use for auctioning such things?"

"That is, if I were alive, I would really like it-a big pirate slave who offered a reward of nearly 100 million."

"Yeah, if you die, there is no value at all!

"No matter how much it is auctioned, can it still be higher than his "June 20" bounty?"

"With this head, it's not as convenient to exchange bounty for the navy.

"Yes, I still want to see a mermaid!"

In the east corner, wealthy businessmen from various regions expressed their opinions in shock.

"Hey hey hey, I said to you, is this your focus?"

A big man in a black suit in the adjacent area stood up suddenly.

The cigar in his mouth fell unconsciously.

"This is not the point, so what is the point?"

Someone asked disdainfully.

"Didn't you hear it just now? The pirate who was auctioned dead, he is Diamanti, the highest cadre of the Donji River De family." The other person exaggerated exaggeratedly.

"So what? I've heard of Don Quixote's family. It's that Nanbu Kaido Flamenco, right?

"Then do you know who this auction house belongs to?"


"The boss behind this population auction venue is that Don Quixote flamenco!!!"

"What did you say!! "


"How could there be such a thing!!!"

Until this time, upon hearing the explanation from others, the wealthy businessmen from all over the country suddenly stood up in shock.

Was shocked by the news to the point where it could not be added.

The dialogue here is like an introduction.

After a while.

Everyone in the entire auction venue knew this key point.

So the shock on people's faces is even worse.

"Hey hey hey, disco bastard, you bastard is desperate? You dare to auction the heads of your own cadres!"-

Yelled the man who knew the auctioneer Disco, with a look of absurdity.

"This is the place of the Don Quixote family. It is really interesting to be able to encounter this kind of thing, hahaha!!!"

Someone is laughing.

"Crazy crazy crazy, are you really not afraid of your boss Doflamingo in your own auction of senior cadres?"

There was an uproar in the audience.

This bizarre incident that happened right now attracted everyone's attention.As a result, no one mentions the mermaid, the final product that was originally worried and expected by people.

"Captain Hawkins, what is going on? That auctioneer is really crazy? Doflamingo will never let him go if he does such a thing."

The pirates of the Hawkins Pirates screamed.

"I don't know whether the auctioneer is crazy or not. I only know that this auction is getting more and more interesting now."

Hawkins, the always expressionless magician in the past, had a rare crazy smile on his face.

"The one who killed Diamanti and threatened the auctioneer to do such a ridiculous thing and slapped Doflamingo in the face has not yet appeared. What more interesting things will happen next?"

Magic Hawkins spoke expectantly.

"Captain Captain, is that person really that Diamanti? That Diamanti actually died! What the hell is going on!"

The combatant of the Heart Pirate Group, Bai Xiong Beibo, who offered a reward of up to five hundred bel, screamed in shock.

"Unbelievable, this auction site should be Don Quixote's property, right? This kind of thing can happen!"

The young man with a hunting cap murmured unconsciously.

"Captain, what should I do?" Pekin the Penguin cap looked at Trafalgarro.

"What should I do? Of course continue to watch the show."

Trafalgarro, the death surgeon, had a happy laugh on his face.

"Diamanti, you bastard also has today, although I don't know who killed you, but thank you."

"Diamanti is only the first one, and you will be the next one-Doflamingo, although I really want to kill you personally, I am still far away. If someone can do it for me, I will Mind.

"You who killed Mr. Corazon, the Don Quixote family, are not far from destruction."

Trafalgarro’s cold mouth, his eyes flashed with madness

"Boss, boss, big event, big event."

The staff of the World Economic News, who was in charge of collecting materials for the auction, changed the previous sleepy state and contacted the president Morgans through a phone worm with an excited face.

"What the hell happened?" asked Morgans across from the phone worm.

"The disco at the No. 1 mangrove auction site in the Chambord Islands is currently auctioning the head of the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, Diamanti's head!!!"

"What did you say!!!" Morgans cried out in shock.

The back row of the auction venue.

The little girls such as Xia Qi, Robin, and Kerla are also shocked and surprised at the moment: watching the performance on the auction stage."What's the matter?"

Weiwei asked in a daze.

"Is that auctioneer crazy?

Nami guessed.

"Do not"

Kerla shook his head suddenly, and the exquisite pretty face appeared with exciting colors

"came back."

The corner of Robin's mouth lifted up with a beautiful arc, and his heart completely let go.

"Ah, yeah, Diamanti is that guy's target, and since the target is here, he should be back."

Xia Qi also chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"came back!"

Weiwei and Nami looked at each other.

Although the reaction was slow, they finally fully reacted.

"Brother Luo Lin is back!!!"

"This is really great!!!"

Nami and Weiwei hugged each other happily, their pretty faces full of joy and excitement.

"Really, can't it be earlier?"

Xia Qi shook her head slightly, and immediately seemed to think of something, the expression on Xia Qi's face gradually became subtle.

"Old Lei, I don't know how you feel right now?"

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