Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 168

At the same time, his gaze swept across the room, and a pretty face was filled with shock and disbelief.


Just in that short moment.

What Luo Lin removed was not just the explosive collar of the trio.

It's all! The explosive collars on the necks of everyone in this waiting cell were all shattered at the same time.

What a powerful force this is "How...maybe!!!"

Raleigh, who was also aware of this, had an old face completely occupied by shock.

No matter how fast a person is, there must be a limit in the end.

In such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for a person with the space-based fruit ability to do it! More importantly, although Lei Li hadn't watched it before, his vision and beauty were not a display.

Raleigh was sure.

Luo Lin hadn't moved at all before.

So what is going on? Is it his new ability again "How did you... do it?"

Lei Li's eyes widened and he looked at Luo Lin in disbelief.

"If you want to know, why don't you try it yourself?"

Luo Lin smiled.

"Asshole, try and try, I'm really afraid you won't succeed."

Reilly responded with annoyance.


Chapter 214 A name shocked the audience [2/7 seeking subscription]

The No. 1 mangrove population auction site in the Chambord Islands.

Today is destined to shake the whole world.

The auction house backstage.

The two legends of the last era-the top duel between Rollin and Raleigh is about to begin.

The front desk of the auction house.

The huge auction venue is still in a tumultuous state.

The voice is full of voices.

The shock caused by the absurd event of'selling the head of one's own cadres' on the market continues.

Apart from shaking.

A few good people who watch the excitement and are not afraid of big things.

The man raised the number plate in his hand and began to bid.

Anyway...booing, don't even ask for money.

Even if I really took a picture in the end.

Could it be that the auctioneer Disco still had his life to ask them for money and did not make such a betrayal, he would inevitably be torn to pieces by Doflamingo's anger.

In their eyes.

The disco, the audacious auctioneer on the stage, is already dead.

How can the dead ask for money from them?As for the corpses of the Don Quixote cadres and Diamanti photographed, they can be exchanged for bounty by the navy.

Or give it back to Doflamingo, with a little sensational performance.

Maybe he can take over from the auctioneer Disco and control this lucrative population auction house.

"Two hundred million"

The mangrove'Island Owner' of Chambord Land No.3 holding up the number plate thinking so.

The sky-high price of 200 million was directly shouted.

Compared to Diamanti's own 99 million Baileys, it was more than twice as high.

"Hahahaha, guys, I don't think you guys should rob me."

The bald island owner Truto who controls the No. 3 mangrove area grinned and revealed a cold smile.

See it.

Originally, those... who wanted to join in the fun casually, the people who were making shit sticks suddenly died down.

This auction farce.

It is indeed almost time to end here.

"Two hundred million-transaction"

On the auction stage.

The auctioneer Disco, who completely broke the jar, made a final decision.

Finalize the deal.

"Truto of Mangrove No.3, I know you. Since I have photographed Diamanti's head, I should get the money ready first."

The auctioneer Disco looked at Truto and spoke coldly.


Truto, the owner of Mangrove Island No. 3, suddenly laughed.

"Hey hey hey, disco, you are already dead, and you have to do anything with those 200 million berries. But if the money for the coffin is not enough, I will give you a pair for free."

"I have already said that Diamanti's head auction was commissioned by someone else. I advise you to prepare 200 million first, otherwise you have to prepare your own, and you may die in front of me. What"

The auctioneer Disco shouted frantically.

Hearing this, Truto, the owner of the third island, was stuck on his face.

There was a chill in my heart unconsciously.

Yeah! He seems to have overlooked one thing since just now.

With the strength of disco, it is absolutely impossible to kill the big pirate who is offering a reward of 100 million.

He will not do such crazy things for no reason.

Behind him, there seemed to be a terrifying monster that could kill Diamanti.

Do not.

Even another huge organization.

An organization that fearless Don Quixote family, even hostile to it.

If so.

Then he actively blended into the game between the two big forces...The more Truto, the third mangrove island owner, thought about it, the more frightened he became.

A heart is even cooler.

The whole person no longer has the previous publicity.

"Damn it, it was placed!"

Truto, the owner of No. 3 Mangrove Island, was full of indignation.

After taking up this mess, what should he do to spend money to eliminate disasters! No.

That was a whole hundred million...No, it was two hundred million Baileys! Just when the owner of Mangrove Island No. 3 was secretly angry because of his stupid behavior.

The enthusiasm of the other guests at the auction venue for...this matter gradually faded.

"Hey, disco bastard, before you die, quickly get that mermaid out!"

"That's right, auction bastard, you die, the auction of that young fish will continue as usual."

"Just as the curtain call of your auction career, don't worry, we will definitely make your last auction reach the highest level!"


The people at the meeting urged.

"The mortals over there, don't linger, bring the mermaid of this sage over."

On the VIP table, Charroth, who had already been waiting impatiently, also reprimanded him loudly.

"Ha ha"

Facing the urging and scolding of everyone, the auctioneer Disco gave a deep smile.


Then, the deep laughter turned into hysterical laughter.

"Shut up all for me!"

The sharp voice of the auctioneer's disco reverberated throughout the venue through the amplification of the microphone.

The harsh electric current made many people cover their ears unconsciously.

"You bastards are right. I'm really going to die. Even if I don't die today, Doflamingo will never let me go in the future. Since they are all going to die, I will auction a hammer. You want a mermaid. Catch it yourself."

The auctioneer Disco, who was completely spared, sneered.

"Mortal, I don't care if you die or not, hurry up and send the mermaid of this saint. This is your last chance."

The Sky Dragon Charros screamed.

"Shut up, you stupid pig Tianlong bastard, I've had enough of you...a noble like a stupid pig, so ugly and stupid pigs like you can sit and enjoy everything in the world!"

The auctioneer Disco glared fiercely at the Sky Dragon Charl Rose.

Those in my heart...that I didn't dare to say before, or even dared to curse, blurted out all of them at this time.

As a result, the audience was silent.

Crazy, this person is completely mad! This idea was born in everyone's mind at the same time.

On the VIP table.

The ugly and stupid face of Charros, who has never been scolded before, flashed endless astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, the astonishment and shock all turned into hideous and cruel.

"Guards, quickly catch that bastard, this saint wants him to survive but not to die."

Heavenly Dragon Charross trembled with anger.


The guards responsible for guarding the Tianlongren responded in unison.

'Boom Rumble' Just before the guards of the Tianlong people moved, a loud rumbling sound suddenly came from the entire auction venue.

Next second.

In the screams and exclamations of people.

The wall on the auction table collapsed.

Turned into a neat cube.

A figure floated to the auction stage from behind the wall.

All of a sudden attracted the attention of the audience.

However, the name he said in his mouth shocked the audience even more.

"Raleigh, is this your full power?


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