Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 248

"Asshole, don't run!"

"When I saw Master Jack coming, I ran away, count you as acquaintances!"

"It's worthy of the drought of our Hundred Beasts and Pirates, Master Jack is mighty!"

"What the captain of Whitebeard 2nd Division 2! What a legend! Seeing Master Jack is running away with his tail between his tails!"


The ordinary pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group laughed loudly.

How embarrassed and frightened they were before.

How triumphant it is now.

However, the smug smiles on their faces did not last long.

"Jiejie...Master Jack"

Sipshead, the man of artificial sheep ability, pulled his throat and screamed in panic of exhaustion.

"Quick, quick...look at the sky!!!"

"What the hell is that!!!"

Jin Lamy and others looked up at the sky's abnormal changes, and couldn't help but scream.



"Meteorite is coming!!!"

"And that... what's the matter with the thunder and lightning ball!"

"Run away!"



The last second was still there: The beasts and pirates who were proud of the firefist Ace and Brook's initiative to retreat, at this moment, their faces are full of extreme shock.

Looking at the horrible scene of the sky above his head, which is like an extinction.

Who can keep calm.

Even Jack, the iron-headed baby, in the drought, his eyes widened at this moment, his eyes cracking.

It's all about playing with that meteorite.

He knew it was the monster's ability to laugh.

But there is another thing, what's going on... the round thunder and lightning ball is not... for fun! People with the ability of natural thunder fruit are actually terrifying!!! At this moment.

Even Jack is in shock and despair in the drought.

The big move of the opponent's two big powers.

Your own side is simply unable to parry.

Even he has nothing to do.

After all, he is just a tank fighter.

Nowadays, he can only be like other beasts and pirates, watching the'natural disaster' imminent.

"What the hell is that!"

At this moment.

Ace, who followed Brooke for several kilometers, also saw meteorites and thunderballs in the sky.

Feel the terrifying aura that destroys the world.

The emotion named shock quickly encroached on his whole body.

Ling's whole person was shocked to the point of indescribable.

"That's what Mr. Brooke said...back hand! This is too strong!!!"

Ace's eyes widened and he murmured unconsciously.

Not long ago, after learning that the main force of Bai Beast and aunt had changed, they wanted to take action against the East China Sea fleet.

Ace temporarily put down the task of hunting down Blackbeard.

I want to do a little favor.

Only now.

Ace finally knew.

Even if he does not come, there will never be any problems here.

Because among the guards of the East China Sea Fleet, there is still a real...monster!!!'Boom Rumble' is under the shocking gaze of Ace and everyone in this sea area.

Natural disaster! Coming!...

Chapter 297 The Four Emperors?This girl is so domineering!3/4

"Fire Festival"

"Lei Ying"


Horrible meteorites and world-destroying thunderballs fell from the sky.

Cover all the beast fleet including Drought Jack.

Then people were shocked, shocked, and horrified in their eyes.The world was roaring at this moment.

The sea went up to the sky and set off huge waves.

The dazzling electric light covers the world.

Everything is not visible.

"Yohouhouhouhou, be prepared for the shock, Ace, don't be swallowed by the sea."

Brooke laughed.

"Yes Yes"

Ace, still feeling extremely shocked, nodded in hindsight.

Controlling the flamethrower to move away extremely fast.

I don't know how long it has been.

The glare dissipated.

The rumble of thunder subsided.

The waves of the sea subsided.

The thick thundercloud covering the sky also disappeared.

Also disappearing was the fleet of beasts and pirates that came with endless fierce aura.

The sky lighted up again.

The warm sun shone down.

People let go of their hands covering their ears.

The sight in front of him gradually became clearer.

Looking at the endless splendid sea.

The people in the fleet from various islands in the East China Sea were all confused.

All of them were caught in an emotion called shock, unable to extricate themselves.

"This...this is the end of the drought of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates...nothing!!!"

In the other direction, Firefist Ace, who successfully survived the stormy waves, also opened his eyes wide.

In the line of sight, the sea area where the Hundred Beast Pirate Fleet was originally located, there are already only a few fine wooden boards left.

Just a moment.

The fierce beast fleet including Drought Jack was destroyed.

Completely buried in the sea.

What a horror! If you want to eliminate the drought-stricken fleet that Jack leads.

Even the captains of their white beard pirate group shot.

I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

It will cost a lot more.

It was impossible to destroy the enemy in a flash like this.

Unless their father, the world's strongest man, Edward Newgate, the white-bearded man, can do it himself.

However... But now, he witnessed a scene of history.

The terrifying meteorite and huge lightning ball that fell from the sky.

Either way, they left a deep impression on Ace, who is the captain of the Whitebeard 2nd Division.

Large-scale tactics like Meteorite and Lei Ying are insoluble in the battle of fleets on the sea.

If it was previously replaced by their fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Face the swordsman at the same time.

Yixiao and Ainilu's big move.

Their response and fate will definitely not be much better than drought.

"During this time, it seems that a lot of incredible things have happened in the sea, but these events seem to be much bigger than I thought."

"Why did everyone in the East China Sea come to the Great Sea Route and how did they come here, as well as Mr. Brooke, and the monsters hidden in the fleet... In the end, the characters can lead such a powerful team."

"Could it be said that there is another big man in this sea."

The doubts in Ace's heart continued to rush like a tide, scouring, and slapped his mind.

"Yohouhouhouhou, is this scared? Ace, this is not our full strength!"

Brooke laughed.


The expression on Ace's face became more and more exciting.

"Mr. Brook, what do you mean?"

Ace asked impatiently.

"If you want to know, follow along."

Brooke said.

After that, Brooke stepped on the sea and returned to the direction of the fleet first.

On the flamethrower, Ace hesitated for a moment.

Next second.

Keep up again without hesitation.

He wanted to see what was the sacred thing that made such a shocking momentum before! He even wanted to know what huge secrets were hidden behind all these events in the sea in recent months!...The sea area where the East China Sea fleet is located.

From start to finish, the entire fleet is intact.

Even the previous surging waves failed to hit the fleet.

This is naturally a swordsman.

Yixiao has fixed the sea with its own fruitful ability.

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