Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 250

Looking at the mysterious look of the people on the boat.

Ace's head was suddenly covered with question marks.

Originally, Ace just wanted to see who was sacred to launch that large-scale attack.

Leave after watching.

But now.

Seeing that Mackinaw, the village chief, Da Dan and others were also in the East China Sea team, Aston left in no hurry.

For the situation in front of...

He still has a mountain of questions that he wants to answer.

And the one mentioned by Mackinaw, Da Dan and others...good news.

It makes Ace even more concerned and itchy.

"Please, Miss Marchino, just tell me."

"No way"

"Sister Mackinaw"

"I won't tell you if I call my sister."


Amid the laughter of the people of the East China Sea, the fleet set sail again.

Drive in the direction of'Hwaseong'...

at the same time.

The storm caused by the collapse of the Beast Pirate Fleet led by Drought Jack is still: brewing.

The person who obtained the first-hand information is naturally Morgans, who is now the queen reporter of the Chinese organization.


The hot air balloon headquarters of the World Economic Daily heard Morgans' excited laughter.

After laughing.

Morgans was merciless again and slapped himself severely.

These days since the report of Kongdao Golden Township.

Morgans has always locked himself in the headquarters office.

I am constantly busy preparing in advance for the big news that will shock an era in the future.

As a result, even the big news of the destruction of the beast fleet was missed.

It stands to reason that he should be present in person for such a major event.

"President, what's wrong with you"

Looking at Morgans who swelled his face.

The employees of the newspaper couldn't help but stare in surprise, and their faces were puzzled.

"No, it's nothing, I'm still stunned, don't hesitate to report this big news soon, waiting to be preempted by others."

Morgans reprimanded.

"Yes Yes!!!"

The reporters all responded in unison.

"By the way, President, do you want to open a separate page about the shot of the captain of the second 2nd division of the White Beard Pirate Group, Huoquan Ace?

A reporter asked.

"Fire Fist Ace"

Morgans frowned and immediately waved his hand.

"No, although Firefist Ace is also a gimmick, let's forget it this time. This time, we only need to report the brilliant record of our Chinese organization."

Morgans said.

The words are already a member of the Chinese organization.

"By the way, this time the focus will be on Miss Nami."

A smile appeared on Morgans's face.

It is indeed a legendary hero.

Even the little girl around is so domineering.

The four emperors! Good point! Morgans couldn't help thinking, automatically ignoring the four characters of the four emperors' fleet.

Ever since.

Under the operation of the'horse forkworm' of Morgans' World Economic News.

Little Nami succeeded in making her famous all over the world with her domineering four emperors!!!...

Chapter 299 Domineering Nami!Sad reminder Snug!1/4 order

Under a series of actions by the news king Morgans.

In the event of the destruction of the Hundred Beasts and Pirate Fleet, it was not the appearance of the Fire Fist Ace, or Brook's solo assault, nor the swordsman.

Yixiao and Thor Anilu's horrible large-scale big move.

Through this incident, it was Nami's domineering'Four Emperors' who succeeded in making her name in the world!!!...Santin Island, Kingdom of Arabia.

As a supporter behind the news king Morguns, Luo Lin was naturally the first to get the news report.

At this moment.

Wan Mi Kong Island.

After a day of thrilling and exciting adventures, the little girls once again came to the floating volcanic island of Golden Lion Shiji.

Soak in the hot spring comfortably with Luo Lin while reading the newspaper.

"That's amazing! Little Nami!"

Seeing the good sisters occupying the headlines, Vivi suddenly couldn't help exclaiming.

"Nami is really amazing."

The newly added Keya is also amazed.

"It's really amazing, Xiao Nami."

Robin and Kerla looked at each other and smiled.

"Agaga, admire it."

The new girl Alice also nodded admiringly.

"Four emperors! You really deserve to be my girl!"

Even Luo Lin couldn't help but admire at this time.

Under his influence and teaching, Nami, who used to be a weak and cowardly trio in straw hats, has now grown to be able to speak domineering words like'the four emperors of the district' indifferently.

Luo Lin, who witnessed with his own eyes, or brought up Nami's transformation, is naturally full of accomplishment.

If Nami knows the news king Morgans's show operation, knows the inner thoughts of Luo Lin and the sisters at this moment, and knows the recognition of her domineering words by people in the world, it will inevitably-desire, cry, nothing , Tears!...Hwaseong battleship maintenance port.

The wind from the sea is brought here with the news of the World Economic News.

So there is no surprise.

The ship masters of the water capital of the battleship repair port are all shaken.

"I know this golden ship, it's that... Chambord Landlord of Thor!"

"Unexpectedly, the one who appeared in Chambord...Thunder God is also the master of this city!"

"It's unbelievable! The fleet of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Group was defeated in an instant!"

"Hey hey hey, I said that you don't pay attention to this domineering little girl, is it just the four emperors!"


The boatmen in the city of water took advantage of their leisure time to shout and talk.

Among the enthusiastic boaters.

The silence of Kaku, Lucy and the blond secretary Carlyfa is naturally particularly conspicuous.

"Hey hey hey, what's the matter, Kagu, it's fine if Lu Qi doesn't speak, why didn't you say a word today, it's something wrong"

"Isn't it scared by this domineering little girl?"

Barry, the ship's master, Telston laughed loudly.

"Hehehe, the old man is just...a little tired."

Kagu clutched his heart and smiled reluctantly.

That...the old monster who defeated Lu Qi with one blow is enough.

Even such a little girl can speak such domineering words so indifferently.

What monsters live in this city!!! Kagu and Kalifa looked at each other.

All of them are tired from the eyes of the other party.

This task was too difficult for them! It was beyond their ability!...After half a day.

The place where the beast fleet was destroyed.

A small, tattered black boat drifted by.

There are only old people on the boat.

Two old people.

To be precise, it was a human old man and an old murloc.

"Hahahaha, you really deserve to be Luo Lin's boss, the people under him are almost fierce."

The old man Mu Lian laughed openly.

"This smile should be the one we have met before... right."

Murloc Sanbell said.

"Of course it is him, he is one of the disciples of Luo Lin's boss."

Mu Lian is not without pride.

"If Brook is here, then Kurokas should be there too."

Murloc Sanbell guessed.

"It may be more than that. I have a hunch that we might see many unexpected familiar faces in the past this time."

Mu Lian looked expectantly.

After a while, the old man Mu Lian sighed again.

"Originally, when I was thinking about going to see the boss, I would bring him a gift by the way and help out, but the people under the boss's hands resolved it by themselves. It's not sensible to go empty-handed."

Mu Lian said with a sad face.

'Wow' was just as Mu Lian was upset.

The sea not far away.

A potato pirate ship with fancy flags approached slowly.


The old man Mu Lian's eyes lit up...

"Master Snug, this should be the place where the beasts are destroyed."

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