Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 262

The little girls prolonged their surprising ending.

The shocking color on Zhang Qiao's face suddenly became even worse.

"Sister Xia Qi... used to belong to the Rocks Pirates..."

Kerla murmured intermittently.

"Agaga, in other words, Sister Xia Qi and the Four Emperors Whitebeard... used to be a partnership."

Girl Alice was shocked.

Xia Qi passed a group of little girls who were dumbfounded.

He walked straight to Luo Lin's desk.

Looking at the...devil fruit that was randomly placed on the table, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Even breathing is stagnant.

"This is Captain Locks's...Superman crushing fruit!"

Xia Qi murmured unconsciously.

He stared at the fruit in front of him without blinking.

It seems that this is a black hole vortex, going to swallow everything about her.

"Watching so, do you want to eat?"

Luo Lin's voice was like Huang Zhongda Lu, awakening Xia Qi from the abyss of the black hole.

The body couldn't help but an agitated spirit, and a slight panic appeared on his face.

"Who wants to eat?"

Xia Qi shook her head repeatedly.

It's been a long while.

"Are you serious"

Xia Qi said solemnly.

"What do you say"

Luo Lin grinned, showing white teeth.

"It will really come! Lingling and Kaido, even White Beard!"

Xia Qi said solemnly.

"Just to my liking!!!"


The wind of the sea blows.

As a result, the world was shaken!!!...

Chapter 311 The sea is moving!!![1/4 Seek Customized Full Order]

The origin is Hwaseong, the emerging port city of Alabastan.

The wind of the sea once again rises.

It turned into a stormy wave and quickly swept the entire sea.

The whole world of Ling was shaken...

East China Sea.

A loess mine island.

An old man with a bald tattoo wearing small round sunglasses knocked on the cigarette stick in his hand, and a subtle smile appeared on his old face.

"Ocean Overlord Locks! What a long-standing name!"

"This sea is really about to start chaos, and the prelude to a more magnificent new era will soon begin!"

"Brook, Kurokas, and Raleigh, what are you doing now, who is in charge of all this?"

"It must be an unexpected, unexpected man! I will wait and see!"


West Sea.

Flower country.

Babao navy station.

As the news bird came with the newspaper of the World Economic News.

The training ground of the Eight Treasure Marine Army of the Land of Flowers suddenly fell into an uproar.

"Old man, old man, what is your expression, is everything reported in this newspaper true"

Lao Cai, the reserve pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, asked with shock.

"How is it possible, brother, how can this kind of thing be true? This must be the silly bird of Morgans: it's made up randomly.

Abu shook his head and waved his hands in disbelief.

"The four emperors of the new world, white beards,

The beasts and the flying legends of the last era, the golden lion, used to be the subordinate of the same person...how powerful is Lockes, the overlord of the sea."

"Besides such a powerful overlord, plus the monsters under his hand... How did the monsters at the apex of King's Landing disappear? Who can defeat them!"

"What you said makes sense, Bu."

Lao Cai nodded in sympathy.

"The overlord of the sea, Locks, is real!!!"

The green pepper of the twelfth generation pillar of the eight hundred navy army who has been silent, said quietly.


Abu, who was proud of his intelligence and reason, was instantly dumbfounded.

"Master, are you serious?"

Lao Cai is also refreshed with three views.


Cone's Green Pepper's eyes gradually deepened.

"All the reports in this news are facts. The old man was in the New World when he was young, but he witnessed that...the horror lineup of the Rocks Pirates!"


"But... Grandpa, I still have that problem. Since there are so many monsters under this overlord Locks, why is there no legend about him in this era!"

Abu asked incredulously.

This is also the common doubt of many new generations in the world.

"Of course it's because he was defeated! The legend of the sea lord Lockes was 36 years ago, and even his existence was concealed by the government."

"Then who can beat such a terrifying lineup?"

Lao Cai also asked the common aspirations of many people in the world at this moment.


It was the sound of green pepper gritted teeth.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you"

Cai and Bu are puzzled.

"It was the navy heroes who defeated the sea lord Locks and ended the Locks era."

Cone of Green Pepper gritted his teeth and looked savage.


"Could it be that... Karp!"

Cai Hebu ignored the plural words in Green Pepper's speech, and the first thing that came to mind was the appearance of Karp.

As a result, expressions of horror appeared unconsciously on their faces.

Because they finally knew the reason why their grandpa gritted his teeth.

"Grandpa, where are you going"

Lao Cai asked.

"That's still talking about it, of course, it's going to Alabastan, how can the old man miss this grand event?"

Cone's green pepper is proud and dry cloud.

"And that... the strongest crushed fruit. Although I don't know which idiot, he actually uses this strongest ability as a prize, but the old man has to decide this ability, and the old man will use this ability to ruin the bastard Karp himself!"

Green Pepper said viciously...

Not only the country of flowers, but also the Eight Treasures Marine Army led by Green Pepper.

The South China Sea, the North Sea, the first half of the great route, and even the new world.

Where the World Economic News has passed.

Countless sea heroes and strong men are all moved by the wind.

To get a glimpse of the golden bell tower.

It is also to get the strongest devil fruit prize in the legend.

In order to get that...the horrible fruit crushing ability that once created the overlord of the sea, he rushed to Alabastan.

The sea is moving!!!...The great route, the original Gaya Island.

Pirate Town Magic Valley Town.

Because of the "slaughter" a few months ago


This famous pirate town has since fallen.

With the relocation of the shops in the town, it was completely abandoned.

Especially recently.

Some terrible strange things happened again in this town.

A thick, gloomy, cold fog shrouded the town.

The roar of zombies and evil spirits comes from the small town in the dense fog from time to time.

It is extremely permeating.


There was a miserable laughter in the gloomy town.

"Master Moria, why are you laughing? Are all the reports in this newspaper fake? Huh..., the fake is just as good as the fake, if it's true..."

The Moria Pirates entrenched in the town of Demon Valley, and Princess Mononoke Perona patted the bears that were fluctuating because of the shock.

"The Sea Overlord Locks Pirate Group, of course, has really existed!"

Qiwuhai Moonlight Moriya said.

"Ah ah"

Princess Mononoke Perona hadn't let go of her heart, but it rose to her throat again with Moria's words.

A pair of big eyeballs almost popped out of the eye sockets in shock.

"Master Moria, you said Lockes is a real existence. Who is it and who is capable of defeating such a luxurious lineup?"

Hokkubak exclaimed, the chubby stature.

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