Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 291

"Not a trivial matter, not a trivial matter."

Weiwei waved her hand again and again.

"That's two four emperors, Luo Lin, I know you must be comforting me, but if you make a mistake, you will be beaten. Come on, no matter what Luo Lin does to me, I will not resist."

Weiwei closed her beautiful eyes, raised her chin, and looked like a lamb to be slaughtered.

'Pop' Luo Lin nodded a finger on Weiwei's smooth forehead.

Dispelled the illusion of eighteen punishments that she had learned from some messy book in her little head.

"Little girls, you did have a mistake this time. The mistake was borrowing the power of the white beard bastard and the red-haired boy. Why should our Chinese organization borrow the power of others."

Luo Lin domineering and taken for granted.

"Brother Luoling"


The pretty faces of the little girls such as Weiwei, Kerla and others unconsciously showed worship.

"it is good"

Morgans, who had been kneeling on the ground trembling all the time, slapped his thigh suddenly and yelled hello.

"It really is Mr. Luo Lin, even if it is the Four Emperors, what storms can be upset in front of the legendary naval hero."

"Thirty-six years ago, even their overlord Captain Locks was defeated. There is no doubt how they will lose this time."

Morgans made a firm opening.

A rainbow fart is crackling, and the shooter feels comfortable.

Although Nami and others always call him stupid:

But this bird is not stupid at all, and his heart is like a mirror.

The reason why I dared to take the initiative to bear all the guilt.

It was because he knew that Luo Lin would not punish the little girls at all.

It is better to be active than...passive.

You can also brush up a wave of loyalty and the inner affection of the little girls.

As one of the kings of darkness, Morgans is very capable of observing words and expressions.

"Ha ha"

Luo Lin squinted at Morgans.

Morgans of Ling couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

"Don't be afraid, but you won't have to play your tricks in front of me in the future."

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

"Yes Yes"

Morgans instantly broke into a cold sweat and knelt down in fear.

"You go down first, Xia Qi, you go to inform Shi Ji, prepare the venue today, three days later-in the name of'Hua, tell the world!!!"


Morgans replied repeatedly and hurriedly retreated.

Xia Qi responded and turned to leave.

Without the light bulb Morgans.

Robin, Nami, etc... The little girl also let go of it completely...

"Brother Luo Lin, where have you been these few days"

Na wonderfully asked everyone's feelings.

"I just went to meet an old friend."

Luo Lin casually said.

'Sniff' Robin's nose stirred, and he smelled from Luo Lin's upper body to his lower body, his pretty face gradually serious.

"Uncle, your... is your old friend a girl"



"The empress hasn't solved it yet, do we need one more"

Weiwei, Nami and other little girls are all shocked.

Hearing that, Rao Luo Lin couldn't help but his face became stiff.

"Well, I'll tell you later, let's go and meet the guests first."

Luo Lin bluntly changed the subject...

Chapter 343: A super group rivaling the three imperial groups1/4

The spread of the news that the Four Emperor Thieves and the Hundred Beast Pirates had formed an alliance on the Red Earth Continent shocked the entire sea.

At the same time, many fighters in Hwaseong were nervous.

But there are still a small number of people who don't care about it.

For example, the people who still have lively banquets in the restaurant...

"Hahaha, Lu Fei, you really like banquets."

The red-haired cadre La Qilu took the arm of the straw hat boy, singing and dancing with it.

"Of course."

The straw hat boy yelled with joy of course.

"Come on, Mr. Reilly, let's go one more."

Jesus made a toast to Raleigh.

"Jesus Boy, is it just Raleigh? Are we disrespectful"

Mu Lian, who was scornful on the side, laughed.

"Hahaha, come all here, if Mr. Mulian, Mr. Sambell, if you have so many seniors, Shanks must have come in person."

Jesus laughed.

"Yohouhouhouhou, it is better to avoid it now, after all, Xiao Shanks is already a very important person now."

Brooke roared with a smile.

"Yes, one of the four emperors, one of the sea emperors who rule the new world, really deserves the attention of Captain Roger, who entrusted him with the straw hat."

Murloc Sambell said with emotion.

"By the way, how is the red-nosed kid who practiced on the boat with Shanks?"

Mu Lian asked.


The legends, look at me, I look at you, and in the end they all shook their heads.

"Probably still: where to find John's treasure in the sea, Yoho Ho Ho."

Brooke guessed.


Everyone laughed and toasted.

"Marko, Marko"

Ace patted Marco on the shoulder, who was wandering away.

"Ah, what's the matter"

The phoenix Marco regained consciousness afterwards.

"Now it's at the banquet, Marco. Although the father and the others are not here, it is not good to be distracted during the banquet.

Ace grinned.

"Sorry, sorry, I punish myself for three cups"

Marco smiled embarrassedly.

Drink three glasses of iced spirits in a row to calm your ups and downs.

However, it has little effect.

As the imperial deputy of the White Beard Pirates, the captain of the First Division.

The phoenix Marco's nerves are not as big as Jesus cloth, Laqilu.

As soon as the banquet was held, everything was left behind.

Since the opening of the banquet yesterday.

Marco never felt calm inside.

In this banquet.

His eyes have witnessed too many shocking people.

The hidden power of this city, even his deputy, can't help but be moved.

At first it was yesterday to see former top navy lieutenant Alfred and others on the square.

Then came the flying big pirate who appeared later and attacked him, Golden Lion Shiji.

Then, on the battlefield of the naval battle, he witnessed the former navy chief instructor Black Wrist Zefa.

Returned victorious in a naval battle.

The banquet opens.

The legends once again appeared one by one.

Pluto Silbaz Reilly, ship doctor Kurokas, Huangquan swordsman Brook, Mulian Dazuo, and Murloc Sambell.

How could Marco not recognize the legends of these five 55 Roger Pirates.

As an old man of the White Beard Pirates, he is most familiar with... the members of the opponent Roger Pirates.

I have ``fighted'' in the sea more than once before.

Except... the legendary crew.

Qiwuhai Krokdal, Ainilu, the thunder fruit ability, and the great swordsman who is famous in the new world smiled, and the master of the Yixin Dojo Koushiro can be regarded as the top combat power on the sea.

In addition, there are those... Navy veterans with former Lieutenant Alfred.

Not five people 5.

But dozens of people.

This city that has only emerged this year, hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

The top combat power among them is gathered together.Even the Four Emperor-level Pirates of the New World, even their Whitebeard Pirates can't compare with them.

Its top combat power is comparable to the sum of two, or even three, three and four emperors.

This is a supernova group that surpasses the Four Emperors Pirate Group and is enough to wrestle with the navy headquarters.

In just a few months, within a short period of time, such a huge force has been gathered.

Above so many powerful people.

The legendary hero standing at the apex of the legends..."Here is back! Mr. Luo Lin is back!"

Just when Marco was immersed in the shocking emotions and couldn't help himself.

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