Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 293

People know that the much-anticipated world's No. 1 martial arts conference is finally about to open! Those... islands that suddenly fell from the sky are the venues of this martial arts event...

Gemini Cape.

The West Sea Eight Treasures Naval Station.

"Old man, old man, the time has been set, just three days later."

The preparation pillar, Lao Cai, waved the news report in his hand and shouted for the report.

"It's finally starting, little ones, ready to go!"

The contemporary pillar of the Eight Treasures Marine Corps, offering a reward of over 500 million, the Green Pepper of the Great Pirate Cone, waved his hand...

Whiskey Mountain Peak.

"Hahaha, the fruit of the overlord, I'm about to decide!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, the crushing ability is Lao Tzu's thing!"

"When Lao Tzu gets the crushed fruit, the world will crawl at Lao Tzu's feet!"

The pirates of the Four Seas who temporarily settled on the Whiskey Peak expressed their bold words.

"huh huh huh huh"

The corner of the Whiskey Peak Tavern.

A certain big red-nosed pirate let out a deep sarcasm.

"Captain Bucky, what shall we do next"

Beast trainer Mo Qi whispered Bibi: Dao.

"All are idiots, the miscellaneous fishes who have never been to the New World, how can they know the monsters of the New World, especially that... how terrifying the crazy woman is?

Bucky spoke with an unpredictable face.

"Captain Bucky, haven't you been to the new world before"

Staff Officer Kabach asked in surprise.

"Of course."

Bucky raised his chin proudly.

The big red nose reflected a little bright light.

After all, Lao Tzu is also one of the legends!!!...

Chapter 345 Operation Five Stars? The Justice of the Red Dog [3/4]

There are still three days before the opening of the'World's Number One Martial Arts Conference' and the Smashing Fruit Competition.

The sea is moving!!!...... It was only a few hours after the Morgans report was issued.

Those...have been hidden, waiting for the'contestants' on the islands around Alabastan to set sail.

Climb to the island as the stage of the convention, each entrenched.

In farther waters, ambitious people also set sail.

Thousands of sails raced to the battlefield...

The Holy Land Mary Gioia.

"Five old stars, the time has been set, there are still three days."

A government official rushed into the central hall to report the latest news to the world's highest power five old stars.

"It's finally about to start!"

The corner of the sword-holding samurai old star's mouth was curved.

"Should be ready to enter."

The noble curly old star spoke up.

"There are nine. The gang stayed there for so long, there should be some gains."

Old Star with white hair and white beard.

"not enough"

The bald birthmark old star said in a deep voice.

"In order to surely grab that fruit, let's release one or two guys in the ice."

"This is a second-hand preparation. We still need a third and fourth hand. Maybe we can take this opportunity to get rid of that bastard in one go."

"As long as he is dead, how much trouble can the navy make?"

The blonde old star spoke coldly.

"But what exactly should I do to kill that... undead bastard?"

Another old star asked this most critical question.

There was a long and unspeakable silence in the hall...

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor.

The harsh alarm sounded again over the entire film.

The marines of the headquarters were in a hurry, making the final preparations before the expedition.

The large warships in the harbor have warmed up and are ready to set off at any time.

At this moment.

Marshal's office in the headquarters building.

"Sakaski, what are you doing now"

Marshal Sengoku looked at the general Akadog in front of him.

"Mr. Warring States, these days, the questions in my heart are as high as a mountain. I don't know if Mr. Warring States can answer me one or two."

General Akino touched a small flat head.

The highest meeting of the Navy that day.

After returning from the New World Branch 1, he proposed to kill demons ten times.

The result was a joint rebuttal from the heavyweights of the Navy.

The alternate generals, Taotu Gion and generals, green pheasant are enough.

The most incredible thing for Aka Inu was Huang Yuan's voice.

He has always been indifferent to this kind of thing, and the yellow ape who just watched from the wall actually entered the game for the first time.

The sun is coming out from the west.

And after that, the hero Kapuna's inexplicable speech.

Aka Inu became more confused.

After the meeting that day.

Akino summoned the hawks who supported him, Daubman, Ghost Spider and other lieutenants to ask about the situation.

From the mouth of the lieutenant generals.

Only then did Akinu know about the shocking events that have happened in the Navy in recent times.

And that... the widely circulated rumors.

In addition to...the hero Karp, thirty-six years ago, their navy had another hero, the hero who disappeared.

Of course, the vanishing heroes are real.

As for the highest combat power of the navy headquarters, Akadog knows this best.

But after thirty-six years, did that...does the hero really appear again? General Akainu expressed doubts.

"Sakaski, I know what you want to ask."

Marshal Warring States Road.

"That's convenient."

The general Akainu smiled.

"Your style of behavior, your principles of justice, that guy won't like it, so give you a piece of advice, don't go too far."

Warring States' faint opening.


General Akinu narrowed his eyes.

"Evil will be eradicated. If that...hero has fallen into the abyss of darkness now, then I will never show mercy. Everything is for justice."


At this moment.

Hwaseong Fortress, Alabastan.

As the lord of the city, Luo Lin said goodbye to everyone at the banquet.

Instead, go to the courtyard partitioned for Hydra in the city.

"My sister, my sister"

"My sister, Mr. Luo Lin is here!"

Perceiving Luo Lin's arrival, Boya's sisters suddenly shouted with joy.

"Mr. Luo Lin"

"Master Luo Lin"

The members of Hydra, who were originally worried, looked excited.

Go out excitedly to meet.

The fundamental reason why the Nine Snakes are so eager is naturally because of their own Lord Snake Ji.

"Master Luo Lin"

Listen to the shouts of the sisters.

Originally suffering from unrequited love in her boudoir, the empress Hancock, who was listless and haggard, couldn't even care about the boat with her shoes, and rushed out with her bare feet.

Waiting to see that... makes her think day and night, the person who can't sleep at night, the pale face of the Empress Hancock suddenly appeared ruddy.

Regardless of everything, he staggered towards Luo Lin.

One carelessly, the delicate body staggered, and he was about to fall down.

at this time.

A big hand turned out.

Catch the beautiful body of the empress Hancock.

"Is this cold palace?"

Looking at the empress in his arms, Luo Lin unconsciously had this idea in his mind.

He is not the emperor.

This is not a cold palace.

The empress is not a concubine who was beaten into the cold palace.

But... a stare full of resentment fell on Luo Lin's back, like a light on his back.

That is the little old woman Guro Liosa.


Luo Lin yelled softly.


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