Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 295

Seeing the extremely shocked and horrified expression on her partner's face, Kalifa suddenly became puzzled.

"Who is the person who spoke to you before"

Abnormal, Lu Qi, who has always been taciturn, is the first to speak today.

The cruel face that used to be expressionless was full of panic.

Previously, I just watched from a distance.

It makes the 9 strongest like him seem to suffocate.

What a horror is this!!! "You mean that man just now"

Carlyfa was stunned.

"Yeah...that man, who is that?"

Kagu is also an urgent question.

Kalifa shook her head.

"I don't know. The last time I saw him, it was at the headquarters building. He was probably a security guard there."

Carlyfa guessed.

"Security ha ha ha!"

Lu Qi and Kagu laughed in unison, the shock on their faces remained undiminished.

"What happened to you today"

Seeing the abnormal expressions of his friends, Kalifa was also anxious.

"Kalyfa, do you really feel nothing at all when you face the man face to face"

Kagu asked back.

"It feels like I don't mean anything to him. Although that person looks good, he is not my food."

Kalifa waved her hand repeatedly and hurriedly denied it.

Kagu: "..."

Is this feeling I asked? "That man..."

Lu Qi took a deep breath.

"It's a real monster!!!"

Kalifa: ""

how is this possible!……

Chapter 347 Perona after Oral Administration of Panacea1/4

The northern area of ​​Hwaseong Fortress.

This is a huge industrial area.

At the beginning of its establishment, it was to transport various materials, especially steel resources, to the construction of Hwaseong.

Now, Hwaseong Fortress is completed.

This industrial park has not been abandoned.

On the contrary, it became more and more hot.

From afar, you can see thousands of people in shackles working hard under the scorching sun.

These...the workers in shackles will naturally not be citizens of Alabastan.

It is the pirates who have attacked Alabastan these days.

Now it is a labor reform criminal in an industrial zone.

Contribute to the rail connection between the cities of Alabastan.

It can also be regarded as waste utilization.

Seeing the railroad tracks extending from the desert, Luo Lin also nodded in satisfaction.

With Robin, Xia Qi and other think tanks, he is also relieved as the shopkeeper.

Just when Luo Lin was about to go to the next location.

Suddenly, the light from the corner of his eye fell somewhere in the factory.

Looking at the floating Lolita girl, Luo Lin subconsciously raised his eyebrows...

At this moment.

Ironmaking plant.

At a certain moment.

A pirate reformer with shackled hands and feet slammed the rails on the ground.

"Damn, I really can't get through these days, I'm a big pirate who offers a reward of 30 million! Ever suffered such a grievance!"

The captain of the pirate who is offering a reward of 30 million berry breaks out.

"Luo Li, who is offering a reward of 30 million, must think clearly, accept the labor reform, and re-behave after three years. This is your last and best opportunity."

The Hwaseong soldier in charge of monitoring the factory spoke calmly.

"Re-behave after three years, who knows whether what you said is true or false"

Luo Li, the captain of the pirate, snapped.

"And you guys, are you really willing to be trapped here to do hard work? We are pirates, pirates should be above the sea, don't you want it?"


"Yes, we are pirates!"

"The monsters of that city are not here, now is our chance."

The pirates nearby responded.

Dozens of pirates surrounded the Hwaseong Warriors in the center.

Look bad.

Facing the malice of the pirates.

The young Hwaseong warrior still had a look of determination on his face, not in a hurry.

This is the result of the training of Chief Instructor Zefa.

"Asshole, I want to see when you can pretend, brothers, fuck him."

The Pirate Captain Luo Li waved his hand.

"Sister Perona"

at the same time.

The young Hwaseong soldier shouted.

"Hey, hey, hey"

The ghostly laughter suddenly sounded.

All the pirates in Ling's riot couldn't help shaking.

"This is my place for Sister Robin. If you dare to make trouble, please kneel down for me."

Princess Mononoke Perona flew in mid-air.

With a sharp wave of his slender hand.

next moment.

Three white ghosts appeared out of thin air.

Since the pirates' bodies passed through the passive ghosts of'Papa'Patter'.

The violent pirates knelt to the ground.

"I'm sorry..., I don't want to work like a bug."

"I'm sorry to be born as a human."

"Sorry, I didn't cherish such a good opportunity."

The ferocious pirates knelt and confessed.

There was a negative breath in the air.

This is exactly the ghost fruit ability of Princess Mononoke Perona.

Except for...a few exotic works.

No one is immune to the negative effects of ghosts.

Moria attacked Hwaseong Fortress that night.

The only flash record is on the girl Perona.

After all, she defeated the pirate hunter Sauron, the Blackfoot Sanji, the reformer Frank, the black-haired swordsman Lucio, and the murloc young Nobel fierce.

Even Krokdal, who is Qiwuhai, for a while... Under the care of... such a record is brilliant.

If it hadn't been for Uso to show off, the face of the younger generation in Hwaseong might be smashed.

"Take them down and repent."

In midair, Perona waved domineeringly.

"Yes, Sister Perona."

The young Hwaseong soldier nodded.

Together with the guards who came later, all the negative pirates who made troubles were taken away for education.

"Ah, today is also a fulfilling day."

Perona lifted her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Fly to the shadows and lie down on the big bear doll zombie Kumasi.

But only for a moment.

Perona, who comfortably squinted her eyes, seemed to sense something, and her eyes widened suddenly.

Looking at Luo Lin who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Perona's fair face was instantly flushed with a strange rosy.

Perona's right hand subconsciously covered her heart.

Even if separated by seven or eight centimeters.

She can still clearly feel the beating of her heart like a deer.

"Are you... Lord Luo Lin that Sister Robin said?"

Perona asked excitedly.

"It must be, I saw you from afar when I was on the horror barque."

No waiting: Luo Lin replied, and Perona nodded again.

Determined my guess.

"Master Luo Lin"

Perona snorted in excitement, and lightly tapped her toes on the ground, flying lightly.

Hanging on Luo Lin like a koala.

"Little Robin, can you explain what's going on?"

Let Luo Lin, who was hanging on Perona, speak to the phone worm in her hand.

"Oh, uncle, you are over there, sorry, sorry, forgot to tell you this morning, Perona is now ours."

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