Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 314

The three straw hats are not afraid of the sky and the earth.

Even in the face of the severe ghost-like Chief Instructor Zefa, Straw Hat Luffy has never frowned once.

However now.

In front of this old man.

In front of his grandfather, he was completely wilted.

The bounty is as high as 500 million, the captain of the second and second division of the white beard pirate group, Huoquan Ace.

There is also the mature and stable Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army Sabo.

Their performance is no better than that of their brother Lu Fei.

No matter how arrogant they are on the sea.

In front of this old man, they are all grandchildren.

After all, they all grew up under Karp's beating.

Except... Karp's previous opponents.

No one knows better than them that the hidden love in Karp's iron fist is so heavy! That is unbearable...

"Puff ha ha ha ha, it seems you are ready."

The bow of the dilapidated battleship.

In the navy legend wearing a dog hat.

The hero Kapu, looking at the three brothers in straw hats who hugged and shivered, couldn't help but laughed cheerfully, breaking the silence on the boat.


The second deck of the battleship.

Qiwuhai Krokdal took a deep breath.

The eyes that looked at Karp gradually narrowed, and the whole body gradually became wary.

He kind of wanted to try.

Try the fist of another hero of the Navy.

Perceived the breath from Krokdal.

On the first deck, Karp looked up.

"Krokdal, I have heard of what you did in Alabastan. Since that guy has educated you, the old man won't care about you anymore, but if you want to try it, just let it go. Come here, the old man is waiting."

Karp looked at Krokdal and grinned.

Hear the words.

Krokdal almost narrowed into a line.

The lower body is already elementalized.

"Hey, little Klock, calm down, that's the same naval hero!"

Also preparing to compete 2, the ladyboy Feng Kelei whispered in horror:.

Krokdal kept his half-body elemental motionless.

The squinted eyes are all closed.

He began to imagine the possible consequences of his own shot.

After a while.

Klockdal opened his eyes suddenly, and he couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat.

He has foreseen the consequences of his own shot.

"Forget it, what's more true with the old man, I will go to the world stage to shine."

Klockdal thought silently, looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

Seeing that even Krokdal, who has always been arrogant and rebellious, is completely at heart.

Sauron, Sanji and others were all surprised.

Surprised, the body subconsciously flashed to both sides.

"That one….……"

Long-nosed Usopp plucked up courage and was about to speak.

next moment.

The big hand from the father Jesus cloth covered Usopp's mouth and pulled him aside.

"Usopp, hush"

Jesus made a silent gesture.


Seeing the ghostly panic on the face of the old man who has always been calm and calm, Usopp suddenly opened his eyes in shock again.

"Father, that...hero, is Luffy's grandfather really that scary?"

Usopp whispered Bibi: asked.


Jesus answered in a low voice.

The eyes gradually deepened.

That was about ten years ago.

Their red-haired pirates ended their trip to the East China Sea and returned to the new world shortly after they contended for supremacy.

Karp came to the door angrily and chased them for a month.

It was a terrible experience that could not bear to look back.

Later they finally knew.

Karp came to them because of the small road flying in Windmill Village.

After that, they were found by Karp almost every year.

According to Deputy Captain Beckman's guess.

The reason should be that Karp, who returned to his hometown on vacation, was angered every year by the'obsessed' Luffy.

I was angry, but I came to them to relieve my anger.

It is precisely because of this.

For... the weight of hero Karp's iron fist.

The two red-haired cadres, Jesus Bu and Laqilu, are also very clear.

The two cadres of the red are from the heart.

The white group's first team Marco also cast a helpless look at his partner Ace and turned his back.

The sound of footsteps accompanies the click of the palms, and it sounds clearly in people's ears.

"Luffy, Ace, Sabo, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Finally, Karp walked in front of the three straw hat brothers and greeted with a look of'kind and kind'...

Chapter 368 Gion and Cranes are here!2/4 Ordering

"Hahaha, Luffy, Ace, Sabo."

The'kind and kind' grandfather Karp finally walked up to the three brothers.

The click between the palms and fingers became clearer and louder.

Ling's three straw hat brothers who hugged each other couldn't help but get goose bumps.

There is no refund.

Essol was fierce and gritted his teeth.

Open arms to stand in front of Sabo and Luffy.

"Smelly old man, have the ability to come to me alone, I am the elder brother, and help all the younger brothers."

Ace spoke with loyalty.

Listen to what Ace calls Karp-stinky old man.

The expressions on the faces of everyone on the boat suddenly became more exciting.

This baby is really dead! Together with Marco, who is a partner of the White Beard Pirates, can't help but be surprised at this time.

I thought that this kid Ace is still the same as before, and he is really powerful.

"Puff ha ha ha ha, really courageous, Ace, since..."

The'kind' smile on Karp's face widened a bit.

Don't wait for him to finish.

Sabo suddenly realized something, and quickly jumped out and squeezed Ace aside.

"Wait a while, wait a while, it seems something is wrong, Ace, when did your kid become the eldest brother, obviously I am the eldest brother, I will carry it."

Sabo patted the dried bear, righteously speaking.

"I am the big brother, I am coming!"

"You are the younger brother, I am coming!"

"I come"

"I come"


Everyone: "..."

What's the matter with these two brothers, for the first time I saw someone fighting and getting beaten.

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, Ace, Sabo, call me big brother, I will help you with Grandpa's fist."

Straw Hat Luffy raised his head to stand up to his brother, and he also joined in the excitement.

'Boom bang' results.

Before Karp's Iron Fist of Love.

Ace and Sabo were the first to punch Luffy in the head alone.

"Luffy, don't make trouble."

"Luffy, what are you going to do?"

Both Ace and Sabo looked at their brother Luffy helplessly.

"Three gangsters, have you discussed it yet"

Karp's low voice echoed in the ears of the three brothers.

It finally made them re-aware of the big crisis they are currently facing.

"If you haven't discussed it well, let the three of you get together."

Karp made the decision for the three brothers.

"Ace, you stinky boy turned out to be a pirate at sea, and even got on the boat with a white beard. This time I finally caught you."

'Bang' "Um...oh oh oh oh"

Ace screamed.

"Sabo, since your kid isn't dead, why haven't you come back for so long, and you have been working under that bastard in my house, and you are not good at being a navy." Wait, wait, old man, there is a reason, listen. I explain...Um...oh oh oh"

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