Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 320

Continue to use iron head power against the ground.

Lao Cai, Abu looked at each other again: "..."


the other side.


The supernova death surgeon Trafalgaro exhaled a long breath.

"Captain Captain, hello, that... Karp said it was just hello before!"

Bai Xiong Beibo, the great pirate offering a reward of five hundred bai, screamed, running back and forth, venting his inner shock.

"Is this how the heroes greet you?

Trafalgarro lamented...

"God's meows just to say hello, is that how to say hello"

Captain Flame Tank Pirate, Godfather of the gang, Carpenberg shouted...

"Ah baba baba, it is indeed a greeting between heroes."

Dingyin Apu shed a long cold sweat, dancing with his hands, and couldn't help himself...

"We are too far behind."

The magician Hawkins said to himself.

"Captain Hawkins, what should I do? Since that person is a naval hero, will this meeting be a naval strategy and want to kill us all at once"

"Don't worry, it's too early to say this, our escape route still exists."

Hawkins calmly said...

"Huh, okay, okay."

Drake, who was in the same position, had a grateful expression on his face.

"What's okay"

The people of the Drake Pirates were puzzled.

"No, it's nothing."




"Are those two bastards playing with us?"

"Just say hello! There was such a big movement!"

"I thought they could beat both sides, but that would be the best, but..."

The officials and ministers of the thief shouted with regret or anger.

"Mom...has my mom contacted?"

Charlotte Mundor asked.

"Master Mondor, didn't you just say..."

"Shut up, just now, now is now, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and contact again!"

Charlotte Mondor was furious...

Tattered battleship.

"What? It turned out to be just a greeting."

Straw Hat Luffy scratched his head.

"This greeting is too exaggerated."

Everyone on the boat complained.

"It scares me to death."

Usopp has lingering fears.

"Ace, look over there."

Marco pointed at three o'clock.

"That is.……"



Qiwuhai Haixia's eyes widened flatly, and his face looked like a ghost.

"Very well, it's my turn next."

Hawkeye Mihawk is full of battle.

"Hey, it's so flat"

There was a shout not far away.

Jinping was awakened from the shock and shock.

Zhiping turned his head, and at a glance he saw the old acquaintances on the broken battleship not far away.

"Ace, Marco"

There was joy on Jinping's face, and he approached the battleship for the first time.

Then he jumped up and landed steadily on the deck of the battleship.

The sudden arrival of Jinping shocked everyone on board Ling's boat.

"Hey, this person is the same as Nobel."

Straw Hat Luffy said in surprise.

"Seven Wuhai, the sea knight is very peaceful."

Jesus spoke in a deep voice.

Tell Jinping's identity.


A few people such as Usopp suddenly looked shocked.

But it is limited to surprises.

After all, they are now well-informed.

Even the old sea legends have met one after another.

That's the case for a Qiwu Sea in a mere mere.

and many more……

not one.

But two.

"Eagle Eye!!!"


Chapter 374 Karp: Hehehe, there is a good show to watch [4/4]

The arrival of Qiwu Haihaixia Zhiping surprised the young people on the tattered battleship for a moment.

Yet the next second.

"Eagle Eye"

With a loud shout from the pirate hunter Sauron.

The people who had only calmed down on the boat suddenly stared in surprise again.

Following Sauron's sight, he looked at the humble coffin boat drifting on the sea.

"That is... Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman!!!"

The black-haired boy Lucio, who is also a swordsman, suddenly had a strong aura.

in this world.

As long as they are swordsmen, their targets are almost all the world's largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk.

Sauron is.

The black-haired swordsman Lucio is no exception.

"This time it turned out to be the world's No. 1 swordsman, that... Hawkeye Mihawk is also here."

Usopp made a fuss.

"Hahaha, Usopp, don't be nervous, that... Hawkeye is my friend, Dad."

Jesus gave a way of pride.

"Is it true? Straw hat Luffy, Usopp and others are all surprised.

"It must be true. We were still together when we came."

Little Fatty Lazilu opened his mouth to help his partner Jesus Bu, and then turned to look at Hawkeye Mihawk on the sea.

"Hey, Hawkeye, here and here."

Little Fatty Lazilu greeted enthusiastically.

The result was naturally ignored by the eagle eye.


Feeling the skeptical gaze of the younger generations, the little fat man La Qilu was momentarily...

"Hahaha, don't mind, the eagle eye guy is probably shy."

Jesus laughed.

'Keng' next moment.

The sound of knives resounded between heaven and earth.

A turquoise sword light flew over the sea and slashed towards the broken battleship.

'Pata' Jesus Bu and Raziruzi raised their guns together.

Ace and Sabor made fists together.

Krokdal elementalizes subconsciously.

The people on the ship didn't panic, they were all ready for the battle the first time.

"Leave it to me here."

Sauron had three knives out of her waist.

"I'm coming too."

The sharp sword Cangyan on the waist of the black-haired swordsman Lucio was also unsheathed.

"Nine mountains and eight seas are one world, and the collection of a thousand is a small world, three multiplications are combined, there is no continuous thing--"

Sauron began to sing.

"One Big Three Thousand Big Thousand World!!!"

Sauron finished his singing.

The three-sword style big move exploded.

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