Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 392

I want to tell everyone that it is not their Captain Kaido.

However, the ideas are preconceived, and the thousands of beasts and pirates under the excitement of the crowd can't hear the anger of Peggy Wan and other cadres, and they still cheer and shout for themselves.

"Thief hahahaha, that's it, I am the new strongest creature! I am your new captain!"

The black beard in the form of a dragon laughed triumphantly.

In my mind, I began to think about the beautiful fantasy of receiving the entire beasts' legacy.


Next second.

The loud and loud dragon roar suddenly sounded.

A bright line of fire flashed in the sky, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Shenlong Tiqi's huge head.

It was a toothless pterodactyl surrounded by flames.

"Asshole, who are you!!!"

Accompanied by an angry shout from Yan Calamity.

The claws of the toothless pterosaur slammed on the head of the black dragon, kicking it away.

"Master Jin, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Jhin, that's Captain Kaido!"

The blood surged, and the beasts and pirates who were dazzled by Kaido's'resurrection' shouted in shock.

"Shut up all of you and open your eyes to see if it is Kaido."

Yan Disaster Jin stopped drinking coldly.

"Thieves hahahaha, the flames of the beasts, it doesn't matter if I, the new strongest creature, be your captain, I will definitely take you to the top of the world."

The black beard in the form of a dragon indifferently floated from the ground and laughed.

"Asshole, are you looking for death!!!"


at the same time.

Above Hwaseong Fortress, the hot air balloon headquarters of the World Economic News in Morgans.

"Quickly, quickly, check, how many video phone bugs are still available! Call them all out for me, I want to live broadcast the battle with that... the mysterious mask man."

Morgans' roar echoed in the headquarters, and every employee in his office was silent.


At this moment, a reporter stood up suddenly and shouted.

The loudness of the voice even surpassed Morgans' roar.

"Asshole, do you want to rebel?"

Morgans opened his bloodshot eyes and scolded angrily.

"No, no, look at this! President, something big happened again!"

The reporter pointed to the video on the Taikoo venue and screamed in surprise.

Morgans walked quickly, waiting to see the replay of the image displayed on the screen.

His bird eyes suddenly widened, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"this is!!!"


Chapter 459: Traitor Titch!Ace and Marco are angry!5/6 Ordering

"too fast!"

"It's so fast!"

"This is an extremely fast battle that we can't capture at all!"

"That...Where is the sacred man with the mysterious mask"

"How many more will appear...unexpected hidden powerhouse!"

"Today is destined to be a day in the annals of history!!!"

Two big watching islands.

The reporters and audience in the live broadcast square shook their heads, murmured, and sighed.

Even if you can't see the specific battle scene and process, the horrible vision generated from the sea and sky is enough for people to imagine the fierce battle.

At the moment when two sea emperors were defeated one after another, a mysterious masked man appeared on the battlefield.

Its strength must no longer be under the four emperors.

Another one of the world's top combat power appeared, eyeing the hero Luo Lin.

'Chi Chi' is when people are intently watching this invisible fierce battle.

Several snowflakes flashed on the big screen of the live broadcast.

Immediately after.

The picture turns.

A video recording and playback banned the invisible fierce battle and appeared in front of people in the live broadcast area.

"Hey, hey, what does Morgans do?"

"We have to look at the heroes' battles, and we have to look at the results over there."

"That fellow Morgans wants to monopolize first-hand information, right?"

The reporters in the live broadcast square shouted dissatisfied.

However, the pictures on the big screen of the live broadcast are not transferred by their will.

"Hey, there seems to be the Taikoo venue."

"Someone showed up! That group of people looked familiar..."

When the Blackbeard group appeared on the screen, the reporters in the room couldn't help but look suspicious.

"I remember."

A reporter's face was stunned.

"They are the Blackbeard Crew, Blackbeard Marshall Titch, the original member of the Whitebeard Pirates 2nd Division. They defected because they killed the fourth division captain Saatchi more than half a year ago."

"Um... Blackbeard, what he wants to do when he walks to Kaido's body"

The reporters were all confused.

"Ah, someone has appeared again!"

"That...the man is Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria and...zombies!!!"

"Look at the other side, the people from the Hundred Beasts and Pirates are also here, did they come to recover the captain's body"

The uproar of the people in the square became a film.

Under the gaze of people.

In the video, Blackbeard laughed and crawled into the black cloth covering Kaido's body.

About two minutes later.

The black cloth was lifted by the strong wind.

A dazzling lightning flashed in the sky.

Under the horrified gaze of people, a black dragon was rising against the storm.

That is the new Dragon Fruit Ability!!! New...the world's strongest creature...The broken Jedi venue.

Due to the raging fluctuation of the Four Emperors War.

The huge Jedi venue fell apart and split into one huge fragment after another.

The live video installation that was originally erected over the island no longer exists.

However, under the operation of Morgans.

The brand new video screen is delivered under the control of Golden Lion Shiji's floating fruit ability.


The eyes of the second round of the contestants who had been paying attention to the invisible speed battle were all on the screen in the sky.

The image on the screen happened to be the scene where the black beard entered under the black cloth.

"Moria Bastard"

Klockdal raised his brows slightly.

"That Moonlight Moriah, is it possible that what he wants to do is to steal the bodies of the Four Emperor Kaido"

The sea knight who is also Qiwuhai frowned very flat.

"The focus should be on Kaido's corpse right now!"

Little Fatty Lazilu reminded.

"Indeed, who are the three people next to Kaido's body and the black cloth..."

There was an ominous hunch in Jesus Bu's heart.

"Those people seem familiar"

Straw Hat Luffy thought.

"Ah, of course."

Sabo responded and turned to look at Ace not far away.

"Those people are..."

Seeing the fighting champion trio 3, Ace suddenly widened his eyes, his face mixed with anger and excitement.

"Ace, what's wrong with you"

"Ace, do you know those guys?"

"Who are they?"

The phoenix Marco, the tour knight Thomas, and Lei Qing Makugay three successively asked questions.

"Those guys are..."

Ace had a raging flame of anger in his eyes.

"They are the bastard Titch's partners!!!"

'Kacha' was just as Ace's voice fell.

In the image, the wind was violent, and the lightning flashed and thundered.

The black beard's figure clearly appeared in people's sight.


"It's really bastard Titch!!!"

Marco and Doma all shouted, and they recognized the identity of the black beard who appeared under the black cloth.

"black beard!!!"

Ace roared and was about to kill him.

"Wait... Ace, wait a moment, what's wrong with that... Titch bastard."

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