Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 86

Time, the bar owner Terry seemed to have caught the key point, his eyes widened in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

"Old and old boss, what should we do now?"

"Captain Bellamy, at this time, let's run away!

"Quickly escape from this ghost place, this place is simply hell!"

The hyena group yelled for collapse.

In particular, the female members of the ship doctor and others were already in tears of fear.

"A bunch of idiots, escape? Where can we escape?"

Because of fear, the veins on Bellamy's forehead were shaking.

"For the powerhouse of that level, it is useless no matter where we escape. You all stand up for me, ready to clean up the mess outside." Bellamy shouted.

At this moment.

Kingdom of Alabastan on the Great Route.

The sword battle between Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman, and the navy alternate general and Taotu Gion, who is also a swordsman, continues.

Over the desert, you can see the golden and green sword lights intertwined from time to time, illuminating the dark night sky.

Workers on the construction site who are accustomed to this will naturally no longer panic.

Coupled with the stay of the navy hero Karp, a lively barbecue banquet is being held on the construction site at this moment

According to the report, Lieutenant General Karp, a large number of pirate ships are approaching in our direction on the sea ahead."

At this moment, the lookout on the dog's head warship noticed a little light on the sea in the distance.

After discovering that it was a pirate ship with one ship, Wang Wang's marines were shocked and quickly reported the situation to Karp.


Suddenly, there was an uproar on the construction site.

Bell, the deputy captain of the Kingdom Guard, immediately turned into a hawk and rushed to the sky.

"Bell, how is the situation?" King Cobra asked anxiously.

"Master Cobra, quickly organize a retreat. At least a hundred pirate ships are approaching us." Bell also yelled in anger.

When Bell's voice fell, the workers on the entire construction site were caught in tension and fear.

"Everyone, calm down for me.

At this moment, a thunderous voice echoed over Hwaseong City for a long time.

0 Seeking flowers

That was Lieutenant Admiral Karp talking.

"It's just a mere pirate, there is an old man here, what are you still afraid of?"

Karp patted his chest and spoke confidently.

Hearing that, the audience was silent first, then boiled again.

"Yeah, with Mr. Karp here, what else is terrible about us."

"Let those bitch pirates pass through and die." "Today we also have to fight alongside the heroes."

Middle middle

In an instant, the atmosphere between the venues changed one hundred and eighty degrees.

This is the weight of the "Navy Hero 039".

"Bogart, take out my extra-large iron ball." Karp, standing on the coast, ordered.


After a while, a huge solid iron ball with a diameter of 100 meters away was sent to Karp's side.

Five hundred meters, three hundred meters

0 The muzzle of the combined fleet of dark forces on the sea aimed at the direction of Hwaseong.

"Hahahaha, little ones, capture that city, where there are treasures worth 300 billion!"

The pirate captain laughed.

"The arrogant Klockdal dared to provoke our dark forces. This is the price!"

The agent with dark forces screamed triumphantly.

"Captain, Captain, there seems to be a navy standing on the coast, and there is also"-

The pirate with the binoculars in his hand discovered the huge iron ball and Karp on the coast and reported immediately.

"It's just a mere navy. We have monsters who have returned from the new world. The little ones are in range. Fire me!!!"

Accompanied by the orders of the captains.

The muzzles of a hundred ships burst into piercing flames.Cannonballs are pouring down in the direction of Hwaseong City like rain.

The pirates and the agents of the dark forces shouted excitedly, preparing to appreciate the scene of Hwaseong Fortress being turned into ruins under the shelling.

But at this moment, the world suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of the pirates,-Dao green blade light suddenly flashed.

The knife light passed by, cutting away the endless rain of cannonballs.At the same time, one after another pirate ship was cut away.


The pirates shouted in shock, anger, and fear from the sea.

"Hahahaha, pirates, let you try the old man's special shells!!!

At the same time, the strong old man on the coast and the strongest legendary lieutenant general in the navy-Hero Karp laughed and shot.

Fist bones-huge iron ball!!!

Chapter 119: White Beard's Ominous Premonition Is Getting Stronger

New world.

The underground trading port of Dressrosa.

It's still that special video room.

Doflamingo, the biggest dark broker in the underground, has his legs folded and his expression is calm.

One screen after another stood in the room.The shadows of the kings of the dark underground are projected.

At the same time there are three other independent screens in the center.The above shows the far side of the red earth continent.

It was a spectacular scene of a fleet of one hundred pirates smashing to Alabastan.

"Hahahaha, clown, don't say brother I didn't take care of you, I will invite you to a big show today!"

Lufield, the king of loan sharks, laughed.

"It's about to start! The good show I've been looking forward to for a long time is about to be staged, cut it!"

The organ dealer Jigula treacherously laughed.

"I want to save this video and show it to the sand crocodile-it will be interesting."

Sea King Umit grinned.

The predators of other dark worlds also have relaxed smiles.

Quietly waiting for the scene of 039 Hwaseong City's being turned into ruins under the gunfire.

039 Bang Bang Bang 039

The shelling finally sounded."Five 80"

"It's started." Lufield, Gigula, Umit and others shouted excitedly.

But the next moment.

All the cannonballs in the huge simulated projection screen disappeared 039.Or it was completely covered by a burst of green light.

"How is this going?"

"Is there something in the eyes that affected the phone bug?

"Damn it, those ineffective subordinates can't even do this little thing well. It's a rare good show.

"Recover soon."

The predators of the dark world spoke with dissatisfaction.


At this moment, Doflamingo, who had kept absolute calm before, suddenly stood up.

He stared at the 039 green light, or knife light, without blinking.

Astonishment gradually appeared on his face.

"That eagle-eyed bastard!"

"what did you say!!!"

"Joker, what are you talking about? That Qiwu Sea Hawkeye Mihawk? Just kidding."

"The world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, how could he be there? Impossible!"

"What a joke!"

"If it's Hawkeye, I'll be there! Eat up this screen!"-

The dark predators shook their heads, expressing their disbelief.

In the next second, the full-screen green light converged.

One of the three video projections is black.

The other two showed figures floating on the sea and the wreckage of a ship that had been chopped in half.

Countless shouts mixed with shock and fear came.

"We ship

"Who is it? Cut off our ship!"

"Is that horrible green blade light, is it that eagle eye?"

"Look over there, it's really Hawkeye Mihawk!!!"

The horrified shouts of the pirates came from the phone worm.

One of the screencasts shows an eagle-eye's heroic posture standing in the wind holding a black knife.

So the dark bosses fell silent.

039 Click

One of the phone worms had a broken screen, and it seemed to be missing a piece.


What followed was the sound of people gnashing their teeth.

"Hawkeye Mihawk!!!" "It turned out to be that bastard!"

"Damn it, a major event that hinders us!"

The expressions on the faces of the predators of the dark forces gradually became hideous.However, the next moment, something even more shocking happened to them.

Without warning,-an iron ball that seemed to be so big that it occupies the entire screen.

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