Pirate: I'm just slacking off, do you really think I'm a noob?

Chapter 103: Gift from the Kingdom of Eryokabu (Please subscribe)

They are all smart people, so I won’t hide it. I learned a lot in the Kingdom of Eryokobu. Can you take a look at it for me? "

Long now attaches great importance to Raleigh, and he believes that Raleigh will be his staunch ally on the road to revolution.

Raleigh nodded, sat next to Long, and brought over a piece of scratch paper and pen.

"My original idea was to start an uprising in the Erjogbu Kingdom and overthrow the nobles of the kingdom here."

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But now our thinking has changed. We can't change anything. Even if we overthrow the rule of the kingdom, we will not develop better. "

Raleigh smiled:

It's probably because of the navy and the world government.

Long nodded and said:

"You are absolutely right. Even if we mobilize the workers and other classes across the country, there is no way to solve this matter. The power of the navy and the world government is too huge."

My current idea is to overthrow the nobles of this kingdom, take the people of the kingdom to another place, and slowly develop there. "

Raleigh pondered for a while, writing calculations on paper.

"It's hard to do, senior. This is not a retreat of dozens or hundreds of people. There are at least tens of thousands of people in a kingdom. No matter where you retreat, you will be found by the people of the World Government."

‘The goal is too big, it’s just not feasible. "

"Then what do you mean?"

Long asked Luo Li's opinion seriously. After thinking for a moment, Luo Li decided to let Long cooperate with his plan.

‘The World Government is powerful because they control the most powerful force in the world, which is the navy. "

"But our navy is not without its opponents, including pirates, mafia and some non-franchise countries that like to make trouble."

Long seemed to understand.

Raleigh wrote down the names of several forces on the scratch paper.

Then the relationship between them is drawn with curved lines so that the dragon can see it at a glance.

"Can the uprising of the Eryoke Kingdom succeed? I think it will definitely succeed, especially since you, senior, have joined in. But what I want to say is that even if it succeeds, the external pressure on you will be unprecedented. "

"So, I think that since you want to revolt, you must look for forces in the external environment that can resist the world government and the navy."

Long was very surprised when he heard this and didn't understand why Luo Li had this idea.

After all, he still has a good impression of the navy.

"The forces fighting against the World Government should ask me to find those lawless pirates?"

Dragon's words revealed his distrust of pirates.

Raleigh nodded and then said:

Whether you like it or not, I think those who can divert the attention of the world government now are those lawless pirates. "

“However, such an uprising would be too childish.

Long did not agree with Raleigh's idea very much. He believed that the uprising should rely on his own strength.

Raleigh was not surprised by Long's thoughts.

Now Long is just an idealist. He still doesn't understand what the requirements for the victory of the revolution are.

Unite all forces that can be united, including but not limited to pirates, mafia, businessmen, etc.

This is what Raleigh does. Although he is a marine, he will try his best to use anything that can be used by him, whether it is a pirate or a mafia.

Senior, your current cognitive level is still too low. This world is sick, and there is no such thing as righteousness and evil. Are there no bad guys in the navy? Are there no good people among pirates? "

After listening to Raleigh's words, Long also fell into deep thought.

As Raleigh said,

Dragon car and sea car

I have seen the so-called pirates protecting the people, and I have also seen,

The so-called navy oppressed the people.

It is precisely because there is no justice in the navy that Long seeks that he finally chooses to leave the navy.

‘Then what should I do? "

The current dragon was deceived by Luo Li's words, and he was willing to listen to Luo Li's method.

It's very simple. You need weapons and equipment for an uprising, right? I know a mafia family who does this. Called the Don Quixote family. They are quite powerful and you can buy a batch of arms through them. "

As for other aspects, I can't provide you with much help. "

However, during your uprising, our navy will not take action against you, because my purpose does not conflict with yours. What I really want to do is to cut off the hands and feet of the World Government in the North Sea. "

There was a hint of blood in Raleigh's words, and Long also said with deep understanding;

Although the navy is powerful, how can justice with a lock be real justice? "

The direct reason why Long quit the navy is because he once served as a guard for the Celestial Dragons. In Jogmari, he saw the deepest darkness in the world."

Those Celestial Dragons in gorgeous clothes and bubble masks committed crimes that ordinary pirates had never committed, which made Long feel very disgusted.

Even long after returning to the Navy, he still couldn't control his heart and chose to leave the Navy.

After talking now, Long finally understood why Raleigh was unwilling to quit the navy.

His idea is to gradually remove the world government's lock on the navy, so that the navy, a giant beast, can truly achieve the purpose of safeguarding justice.

The idea is quite big.

But when he thought about himself, Long felt that Raleigh might not be a bad road.

"It turns out that you plan to change the world starting from the navy. It's an amazing dream."

Long said with admiration.

However, he had no intention of changing his mind.

Everyone has a path to take. The idea of ​​changing the world through the navy is something that almost every naval soldier and admiral has thought about.

But in the end, how many people can really change the world?

Raleigh will not be the first Navy, and it will definitely not be the last.

Relatively speaking, Long is confident in the new direction he has created.

Senior, actually the things recorded in this notebook are not my thoughts.

It was discovered in a cave many years ago when my brother and I lived in Beihai. But because the content was too shocking, we burned it. The notebook I have now is just me writing down the memories in my mind again. "

Luo Li raised the notebook in his hand and the question was a little strange at first, but after thinking about it, he understood it.

Apart from working as a low-level worker when he was living in Beihai, and then going to the Navy, Raleigh had everything going smoothly. He had never been exposed to many things, so how could he write such a good revolutionary program?

Originally, Long thought that Luo Li was a talented person who should join the revolution, but now it seems that there is no problem with Luo Li's approach.

He himself was not the author of the revolutionary program, so no wonder he had to join the revolution.

Luo Li said earnestly:

Senior, I don’t mean to advise you, but what is happening in the world now also happened in the past. There is nothing new under the sun. There have been revolutions in the past, but they obviously failed. Those who failed left no trace in history. "

Long still found it unbelievable that once something like this appeared in the world, how could it not set off a trend and make the world unable to remember it. "

Raleigh said quietly:

"How is it impossible? Senior, have you forgotten the blank hundred years?"

"You still remember a few of the pirate overlords who were active in the last era.

The new world overlord that our navy personally defeated not long ago, Rocks, the captain of the Rocks Pirates, in fifty or a hundred years, how many people will still remember his name? "

"Time is a powerful force, and under this power, the truth of many things is buried.

When Raleigh said this, he couldn't help but think of a group of scholars who were addicted to research on the distant great sea route. They were dancing ancient texts and historical texts under the nose of the world government. These are the things that the world government does not want the world to know. something.

But they thought they had discovered the truth about the world.


The world government could create a blank hundred years many years ago, and it can also create a blank hundred years later.

Okay, senior, it's late at night and I should take a rest. Remember, you never came to me. "

Raleigh left the office without looking back. Long nodded. A gust of wind blew by, and Long, the notebooks and scratch paper on the table disappeared.

Early the next morning, Crow and Siwoer, who had just woken up, walked into the secret underground stronghold.

As soon as I entered, I saw the candles that were almost extinguished and a tall figure.

"Mr. Long? Didn't you sleep all night?"

The crow said to the dragon sitting there, "Well, I met a very interesting person yesterday and got something very useful from him. Call everyone up and take a look at the notebook I brought back."

After a brief gathering of everyone, Crow and Svor gathered together and began to look through the notebook brought back by the dragon.

It kept making loud noises.

The attraction made the people around feel itchy, and they just wanted to quickly see what was recorded in the notes that Mr. Long brought back.

‘Mr. Long, where did you find this book? It’s really great. I never thought that revolution would be like this. "

After reading this book, Crow and Swall took a big step forward in their understanding of revolution.

"Well, a friend of mine gave this to me. Most of it contains the thoughts and experiences recorded by the revolutionary predecessors."

Long also highly praised the contents of this notebook. This book undoubtedly broke the cognition of many people and for the first time allowed people living in dire straits to understand what class contradictions are and what classes must be overthrown.

“This friend of yours is so powerful that I can’t even imagine that this book will spread!

What kind of revolutionary wave will be set off? "

The crow danced excitedly but did not expect that the first problem in the uprising would be solved so easily by the dragon.

If we talk about winning over our companions, nothing can win over those who are living in dire straits more than the ideas in this book.

The second thing is that I found out from my friend that there is a mafia family in Beihai called the Don Quixote family. Their main business is arms trading. Crow, you can arrange some people to find the Don Quixote family. Get a batch of munitions. "


After hearing the second sentence that Long said, the members of the rebel army and the volunteer army who were sitting around all clapped their hands and applauded.

After Long finished talking about the three conditions for the uprising last night, everyone was tortured by these three things and couldn't sleep.

I've been thinking hard, hoping to solve any of them.

But judging from their listless looks, it is obvious that they have not been able to come up with a solution. "Great, Mr. Long, then we have only one condition left before the uprising." "

Siwoer said excitedly.

This is the first time they have participated in a country's uprising since the establishment of the Yongjun. If successful, they will accumulate a lot of experience and provide more foundation for the future development of the Yongjun. The last condition is that It's not that easy to achieve. I asked him. We need to wait for a special moment. Before that, we'd better prepare all the conditions for an uprising. "

Long's words undoubtedly poured cold water on everyone's heads, but the members who were already on top were not hit.

After all, they had already experienced despair.

Now that they can see hope, that is already a great encouragement to them.

In the naval base, Raleigh was drinking coffee listlessly.

It was already very late when the dragon left yesterday, which seriously affected Raleigh's rest.

In this damn world, why don’t you bring your mobile phone to this world as well? "

Raleigh was very depressed. Although he didn't miss his job in his hometown, he still wanted to play with his mobile phone.

The sunshine is very good today, perfect for sunbathing outside!

Luo Li planned to move the sun lounger to the roof to bask in the sun as soon as he finished his meal.

But at this time Gion opened the door and walked in.

Raleigh, we received a report from the public saying that a wanted criminal who had revolted was hidden in the Kingdom of Eryoke, and was taken away by his accomplices.

"Hopefully we can go in and check it out."

Raleigh didn't even have to think about it. It must have been Barena who reported that he was the only one who was attacked, and no one else except him.

This guy Barrena, Raleigh has investigated privately, is a villain who can be shot directly.

Unexpectedly, he actually took the initiative to seek help from the navy, which was quite interesting.

"Since it is the opinion of the people, then we will search for it. After all, it is our duty to uphold justice."

Raleigh drank his coffee in one breath, put on the navy's cloak of justice, and decided to enter the Kingdom of Eryo again.

But this time is different from yesterday. Yesterday it was a private visit to the university, but today it is a serious patrol!

A huge warship had been prepared, and elite soldiers stepped aboard one by one.

Raleigh was not idle during the days when he took over the naval base. He dispersed all the original soldiers.

He successively dismissed many people under Zachary and assigned all his soldiers to be team captains. After eliminating many dawdling marines."

Now all those left in the naval base are elite soldiers and generals.

Zachary was a very interesting guy and didn't give me any trouble. ‘

Raleigh still likes Zachary. Although he is a bit stupid, his work effect is really good.

After talking to him, Zachary restrained him to the bone.

In this competition for power, none of the dismissed naval generals made trouble.

Woo woo woo. The horns on the Cai warships blew, and the snow-white sails were lowered. Amidst a turbulent wave, they sailed towards the Kingdom of Eryuekebu.

"Warmly welcome the Navy Master!!!"

Unlike when Raleigh went to the naval base, this time the king was very excited when he learned that the navy was coming.

As long as the navy comes, it means the stability of all forces within the kingdom.

As a king, he can always live a life of luxury and luxury.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to lay out red carpets and flowers at the port where Raleigh landed.

The bright red carpet was lined with young men and women who came out to watch the fun.

Flowers and salutes were placed where Raleigh passed.

It seems that they gave us very high treatment.

It was also the first time for Luo Li to receive such a reception, and it was an eye-opener.

The king, who was as fat as a pig, enthusiastically held Raleigh's hands and complimented him repeatedly.

Admiral Raleigh, you are warmly welcome to the Kingdom of Eryokobu. We have prepared a sumptuous lunch for you.

Please come with me. "

Inside the gorgeous palace.

Raleigh, who had already eaten and drank enough, sat on the soft sofa, holding a glass of high-end red wine in one hand and a precious cigar in the other. He crossed his legs and listened absently to the nobles around him. Tout.

"Master Luo Li is really young and promising. He has reached the position of admiral at a young age."

Yes, I heard that Mr. Raleigh's brother is Lieutenant General Porusalino, and he will definitely become a big shot in the navy in the future. "

"Our Kingdom of Eryokobu welcomes Lord Raleigh very much. Your arrival makes the people of the entire kingdom feel happy.

‘My ability to reach the position of admiral of the navy has nothing to do with my brother being Vice Admiral Porusalino.

It’s all about personal effort. "

Raleigh's smile became more and more cheerful. He shook the red wine gently and put it into his mouth. He exhaled a breath of wine and said:

"But what you said is right. When I come, I can naturally solve the problems in the Kingdom of Eryue, and I won't let you worry anymore."

Cleveland on the side murmured in his heart, you are planning to get rid of all the nobles of the Kingdom of Eryoke, but that is not to stop them from being afraid.

The king who heard Raleigh's words was also very wise and clapped his hands.

The originally ornately decorated and closed door was suddenly opened from the outside.

Pairs of soldiers from the Kingdom of Eryolubu came in carrying large wooden boxes. They moved very quickly.

In less than a few minutes, more than a dozen large wooden boxes were placed in a corner of the palace.

A man with a flattering smile walked to the wooden boxes, turned to Raleigh and said:

"Lord Raleigh, this is a small gift from us."

After that, he then opened the wooden box closest to him, and a brilliant light immediately emanated from the wooden box under his hand.

The wooden box was pushed over by him.

Stacks of Baileys, pieces of shining gold, various jewels and diamonds, boxes of high-end cigars, etc. were scattered everywhere on the floor of the palace.

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