Pirate: I'm just slacking off, do you really think I'm a noob?

Chapter 114 Fruits are in hand (please subscribe)

"Raleigh, what are you doing?"

A sharp edge flashed under Warring States' eyes. He was very dissatisfied with Luo Li's actions.

"For a Devil Fruit user like Bondiwald, we should imprison him in Impel Down."

In fact, it was not Sengoku who was defending criminals like Bundiwald. Due to the limitations of the times, Devil Fruit still appeared in their eyes.

Once a Devil Fruit with troublesome abilities ends up in the ocean, and is eaten by an ambitious person, it will cause huge damage to the world.

If nothing else, let’s take the example of Bundiwald’s fruit.

If Doflamingo eats this Devil Fruit, Raleigh doesn't know if there will be a situation like the Five Emperors on the sea, given Doflamingo's character.

With the Don Quixote family's arms business and Momo's fruit abilities, Doflamingo doesn't even need to look for ancient weapons.

Therefore, the best way for the Navy to deal with those Devil Fruit users with special abilities is to imprison them all in the impel city to wait for death.

Maybe this group of pirates will die of old age in prison after waiting for fifty or sixty years, and the devil fruits they eat will appear again in any corner of the sea.

But at least at this stage of their stay in Impel Down City, no one can get the Devil Fruit on them.

Luo Li said with a very sincere expression, "I'm sorry, General of the Warring States Period." My eyes turned red because I was impulsive. I made a mistake and I accept the punishment. I am willing to pay a fine or be demoted. "

For a moment, Warring States couldn't say anything to Raleigh who did such a thing.

Although he did something wrong, he admitted it very quickly and his attitude was nothing to say. Originally, Sengoku wanted to give Raleigh a beating so that he could see who he should hang out with in the navy, but now Raleigh is holding him back here. Getting angry isn't that convenient either.

"Huh, let's talk about your kid's affairs later. The current matter is to prioritize the remnants of the Ward Pirates and rescue the injured naval soldiers."

Sengoku snorted coldly, turned around and headed for the battlefield at the port. On the battlefield in the distance, the battle between the Ward Pirates and the Navy was coming to an end.

In addition to naval soldiers in navy uniforms, there are also members of the Mafia-Don Quixote family in black suits.

"Raleigh, are they?"

Warring States looked at the scene in front of him with great confusion.

Because in his opinion, the mafia families in Beihai are actually targets for the navy to attack.

It's just that those mafia gangs usually only oppress civilians, and they don't massacre villages at every turn like pirates. It's also difficult for the navy to attack them.

Anyway, this was the first time Sengoku saw mafia members fighting alongside the navy.

Raleigh's figure appeared behind Warring States and said respectfully!

Warring States General, this is the young master of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo.

We have reached a consensus on some aspects. He will provide us with information about the pirates, protect civilians and drive away the pirates before the navy arrives in time. "

Doflamingo changed his clothes and saluted Sengoku.

'Doflamingo, that ex-Celestial Dragon brat? '

Sengoku carefully looked at Doflamingo, who had not yet grown taller.

The Doflamingo in front of him overlapped with the face on the newspaper in his memory, making Sengoku nod.

Sengoku is not from the future, so naturally he doesn’t know what Doflamingo will do in the future.

Now with Raleigh as a guarantee, he still believes in Doflamingo.

"Well, Doflamingo, do you really want to cooperate with the Navy for a win-win situation, or do you want to cooperate with Raleigh for a win-win situation?"

A glint flashed in Sengoku's eyes.

Although his current name is Immortal Stone General, when he becomes a Yuanshi in the future, people will call him Wisdom General more often.

He could tell at a glance that Doflamingo was actually dissatisfied with the Navy. However, because the person he was talking about cooperation with was Christine Rowley, Doflamingo could only hold his nose and eat it. .

That’s right, Warring States General. If we had not met Admiral Raleigh, we would never have imagined that we would cooperate with the Navy, let alone that we actually have a common goal.

The arrival of the pirate will destroy the population, infrastructure and market. His presence will also reduce the income of our Don Quixote family, so we cooperate with Admiral Raleigh to drive away the pirates. "

"Now it seems that only the Navy can cultivate a man like Admiral Raleigh."

Doflamingo did not answer Sengoku's question directly, but he said openly and secretly that he was cooperating with Raleigh.

The Warring States Period actually understood it, but since this kind of thing did not cause any damage, but instead maintained the stability of Beihai,

He just let Raleigh do it.

Anyway, he is not the Marshal Warring States yet, and there are not so many things to consider.

General Sengoku only needs to keep catching pirates, accumulate military merits, and wait for the empty squad.

In less than an hour, the remnants of the Ward Pirates were all captured thanks to the efforts of the Navy and members of the Don Quixote family.

Some pirates who resisted fiercely were killed on the spot.

Doflamingo specially invited Sengoku and others to attend the Don Quixote family's bonfire party to celebrate the victory of their first cooperation with the navy. Sengoku couldn't refuse, so he could only bring Porusalino and Gion, Kaki and others went to the banquet.

Luo Li, on the other hand, did not attend the banquet, citing physical discomfort.

On Rubek Island at night, the air is very humid and dark clouds cover the moon.

A man in black robes appeared in the Don Quixote family meeting hall. He silently looked at the bonfire party in the distance in the night, and then his figure flashed.

From a pillar that was almost completely destroyed with only its roots left, he didn't know what mechanism was pulled.

A neat crack appeared on the ground. .

This is a defensive basement built by the Don Quixote family for themselves to prevent a retreat when a powerful enemy attacks, so it is set behind a pillar in the meeting hall.

Luo Li checked his surroundings and made sure there was no one before rushing into the basement.

There are no beauties meeting here, and there are no mysterious deals.

Only the fruits that filled the entire basement were neatly arranged on the shelves.

This is the reason why Raleigh and Doflamingo had to come back early!

As soon as Raleigh and Doflamingo returned to Rubek Island, they ordered all the fruits on the island to be collected and placed in the basement of Doflamingo's family in order to see if they could steal Bon. Dewald's Momo Fruit.

Now it’s time to harvest.”

Raleigh unfolded his domineering power of seeing and hearing, sensing the past one basket after another.

Suddenly, an evil and dark force blocked his perception of the domineering power.

Raleigh suddenly opened his eyes, with an expression of surprise on his face.

This power is 100% the power of a Devil Fruit, but Raleigh cannot be sure whether it is the Momo Fruit or not.

It doesn't matter if it's another Devil Fruit, as long as it's a Devil Fruit, you'll make money.

Raleigh grabbed a frame of fruit with his right hand and pushed it hard.

Round fruits were scattered everywhere on the ground, and an oval-shaped fruit of different colors was exposed from the inside.

The green fruit stem is very curved, and the surface has circles and circles of clouds like other devil fruits.

The color is something like a very dark green,

When Raleigh saw this fruit, he felt really relieved.

This is a Devil Fruit that causes headaches for both the world's government and the top brass of the navy.

It once belonged to "World Destroyer" Bundiwald, but from now on, its return lies in Raleigh's hands.

With it, Raleigh can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Coming to the world of One Piece, he has been thinking about how to deal with the ancient weapons in the hands of the World Government.

Momo Fruit is one of his plans.

The Celestial Dragons must have the King of Heaven in their hands, but Raleigh knows where Pluto is.

If you add in the improvement of weapons caused by Momo Fruit, Raleigh feels that his cannons are not too powerful!

Putting the Momo fruit carefully in a safe, Raleigh waved his hand and used his power to organize all the fruits around him.

His actions were not hidden from Doflamingo. I believe that Doflamingo might be able to guess in the future that the Kingdom of Eryogobu, which is very far away from the Don Quixote family's residence, is already brightly lit and it is time to return. By daytime, in the underground mine, Monkey D Dragon finally launched the workers' uprising that had been prepared for a long time.

A large-scale workers' uprising with more than 100,000 people appeared in the hands of the dragon and shocked the world!

This is extremely rare in the One Piece world!

The terrain of the One Piece world limits people■

There are many kingdoms that only occupy a small island and have a population of tens of thousands.

The combined population of many small and medium-sized kingdoms may not exceed 100,000.

"Chief, we found a CP organization spy who was trying to pass on information, and he has been eliminated by Crow."

Swore stepped forward.

Since Long's exchange with Raleigh, he has become more strict with his internal investigation.

Several people who are suspected to be spies of the CP organization have been closely monitored by the vigilante soldiers arranged by Long.

"Chief, what should we do?"

Crow's voice was a little anxious. As a person in this country and the leader of the workers' uprising, Crow naturally didn't want them to fail.

Don't worry about the crow, things are not that bad yet. "

The dragon patted the crow on the shoulder, telling him to calm down.

"Although we don't know when CP will organize them, our friends have already cooperated with us. During this period, the World Government will not be able to use anything."

‘Don’t panic, just follow our method. Arrange for the squad leader and squadron leader of each squad of the rebel army to come and collect the weapons in the mine. "

"We have enough time, so we distribute the weapons in advance and use the squad as a combat unit to start the uprising at any time under my orders."

"Yes! Chief!"

The crow's answer was very crisp and clear.

Since he came into contact with Long, he has increasingly believed that Long is the man who can truly lead the workers' revolution and the uprising army.

After the crow left, the dragon sat alone in the mine with only one candle.

He needed to wait for a moment.

That was the time that Raleigh told him personally before leaving.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, there is still half an hour before getting off work. This time is the most relaxing time for soldiers.

Many soldiers at this time were already discussing what to have for dinner.

And those officials and nobles who deal with important national affairs have returned to their homes long ago, either having dinner or being intimate with their families. They never thought that someone would launch an uprising at this time.

There were about three thousand Kingdom Guards on the walls of Coal and Iron City. It took about half an hour for them to assemble from the moment they discovered the riot. "

“It also takes two and a half hours from the nearest naval base in Eryokebu Kingdom to the port in Eryokebu Kingdom.

The force is less than one, and there are probably less than ten warships. "

When Long thought of this, he showed a supportive smile.

This guy Raleigh didn't forget to give him a big gift before he left.

Because of the arrogance of the "World Destroyer" Bundewald, Raleigh sent most of the naval soldiers and warships at the naval base to search for Bundewald across the North Sea.

This is why the naval base is so empty. The navy is so powerful. The kings and nobles of the Eryoke Kingdom are naturally unwilling. They think that their sense of security is insufficient.

But this doesn't change anything, because Raleigh has a very good reason, which is to regain the face of the World Government.

Since then, the soldiers of the King's Guard have been patrolling more seriously.

It's just that the soldiers of the King's Guard have very complicated emotions. They are not an extraordinary navy. Their strength can only bully the miners and suppress some small-scale riots and uprisings. If a large-scale uprising really happens, they won't be able to beat them with their heads. .

- Some officers who have lived a long time still clearly remember the cruel scenes during the previous workers' uprising.

Although it was suppressed by the World Government and the Navy in the end, but not before that.

Many members of their king's guard were beaten to death with mining shovels and other production tools.

Of course, the members of the Kingdom Guard naturally have their own methods.

If they really encountered a large-scale uprising, their opponents would not have any offensive equipment. They would only need to hold on to the city walls.

The Navy will do the rest.

"Violet, why do I feel like something is wrong with those workers?

A young soldier said to his companion.

The companion known as Violet took a careful look and then asked:

"Alan, I didn't find anything unusual. Don't supervisors always come here at this time?"

Workers from the steel factory would come to the coal mine on time to serve as supervisors, so the soldiers were used to it.

But Allen felt very strange when he looked at the miners getting closer and closer.

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