Pirate: I'm just slacking off, do you really think I'm a noob?

Chapter 4: Jointly Capture the Great Pirate

Gion glanced at Kaji beside him, who still had two tissues stuffed in his nostrils.

Resisting the urge to beat this guy up again, he said calmly:

"The file doesn't say how strong Raleigh is now. After all, during the time he and Flying Squirrel were in the East China Sea, Flying Squirrel had always been the one dealing with pirates. He was still the same, never taking action if he could slack off."

Kaji was also amazed:

"I really don't know what this guy is thinking. He has a face as handsome as mine, but he refuses to spend time on training."

"But it's normal. Although I couldn't beat him at first, I'm a hardworking genius, both hardworking and a genius. I'm sure I can beat him this time."

Kaji still remembers that when he first confessed to Gion, he asked Raleigh to help prepare a bouquet of roses, but Raleigh took a toilet plunger.

Kaji, who had his back to Raleigh, didn't know about this.

So, in public, Kake confessed his love to Gion with a toilet spoon.

Almost being laughed to death by fellow trainees, Jiaji became so angry that he wanted to duel with Luo Li, but Luo Li ran too fast and failed to catch up.

Finally, Jiaji caught up with Luo Li in a remote alley and was beaten up.

Of course, he didn't know that Luo Li's original intention was to embarrass him in front of Gion and stop being a licking dog. Who knew that Kaki would still be deeply in love...


On the navy warship, people were drinking and drinking, and large pieces of sea fish and meat were placed on the dining table for people to eat.

All the sailors are enjoying the food happily.

Raleigh and the flying squirrel were facing each other, sitting at a table and enjoying their dinner slowly.

"Raleigh, do you have any ideas for the future?"

The flying squirrel cut off a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, and asked Raleigh opposite him.

"Ideas? None for now, you know me. I don't want to go to the Grand Line. If there's nothing special, I think I'll stay in the Four Seas. In fact, the East Sea is pretty good for me."

Roley said perfunctorily.

He doesn't want to go to the Grand Line.

There are so many pirates on the Grand Line, and this was before Roger started the Age of Discovery.

There were already many people going out to sea before the tide started.

Roley, who just wants to paddle and fish, doesn't want to be a slave. Besides, if he goes to the Grand Line, he will have to say hello to the Celestial Dragons.

For those dirty reptiles, he doesn't have the strength to overturn the table yet, so he avoids them if he can.

Bulu Bulu.

Roley took out the Den Den Mushi in his arms.

"Yeah...yes...got it."

After hanging up the phone, the flying squirrel asked Rowley curiously who called.

"It's a call from the Navy Headquarters, saying that a big-breasted, brainless chick is coming to us with a licker, and there seems to be some special transfer order. I don't know about this either."

"Gion and Kake?"

Flying Squirrel said in surprise.

"Shouldn't they be training at the Navy Headquarters? Why are they coming to Shikai to find us?"

Gion and Kake were not unfamiliar to him, after all, they were classmates.

He also remembered the nicknames that Raleigh gave them, so he knew them.

Slowly swallowing the foie gras in his mouth, Raleigh took a sip of red wine and said.

"Since we are here, we should make the best of it. Anyway, we haven't done anything that violates military discipline."

"Report to the commander! We received a call from Branch 137, saying that a group of pirates have fled to this sea area, and they asked us to conduct a joint arrest operation."

A branch correspondent came forward to report.

"Oh? Which pirate group?"

This kind of joint defense happened many times, and Raleigh and Flying Squirrel didn't take it seriously.

"Report to the commander, the 137th branch is not clear, but this group of pirates seems to have retreated from the Grand Line, and the pirate flags on the ship are not hoisted."

"Rolly, shall we capture them? I feel that my strength has reached a bottleneck period, and I need a stronger opponent."

The flying squirrel stared at Rolly with burning eyes.

He is a battle maniac, and he is either busy training or catching pirates every day.

There are not too strong pirates in the East China Sea. Most pirates only show their talents step by step after entering the Grand Line.

There are very few pirates in the East China Sea now, even 30 million, especially in the area under the charge of the 133rd branch.

The well-informed pirates know that the flying squirrel of the 133rd branch is a battle madman. No one wants to provoke him, so they all default to not come to this sea area.

At first, the flying squirrel also thought about finding Rolly to practice with, but Rolly was too lazy.

When fighting with him, he looked very serious, but in fact he never really moved.

The flying squirrel can't experience the feeling of wandering between life and death, and his efficiency is far inferior to that of fighting pirates.

Now he happened to meet a group of pirates who retreated from the Grand Line, and the flying squirrel felt that this was a good opportunity to hone himself.

Besides, even if he really couldn't beat them, there was still Rowley to back him up.

The flying squirrel knew more than ordinary navy soldiers. He knew that his friend and boss Rowley was not just a simple colonel.

When he was in the military academy, no one forced him to use his full strength.

With him as a backup on the ship, the flying squirrel could fight the pirates without worry.

"Okay, Major Flying Squirrel, it's time for you to show your skills again."

Rowley had no objection, he always did things as he pleased.

Flying Squirrel is very important to him. He wants to improve his strength. As his superior and friend, he naturally has to support him.

After all, the more powerful the subordinates are, the less work the superiors have to do.

With the slacking system, Raleigh is not afraid that his subordinates will surpass him in strength. The stronger the strength, the happier he is.

Think about Sakaski in the future. If Raleigh takes the position of marshal, the first thing he will do is brainwash the generals.

How can he slack off happily when he has few capable subordinates?

"Do you know which direction they are fleeing to?"

Raleigh asked.

"Report to the superior, it is said that they are fleeing to Kyrenia Island."

Raleigh nodded, and then explained to the flying squirrel.

"Major Flying Squirrel, arrange for the warships to speed up to Kyrenia Island. Who knows what crazy things a group of losers returning from the Grand Line will do."

"Let the brothers work overtime and try to catch up with their progress tonight and kill them on the beach of Kyrenia Island."

After hearing this, Flying Squirrel's originally serious face also had a hint of smile.

"Okay, Colonel Rowley, I will arrange everything."

After arranging everything, Rowley went to bed.

Overtime? Not possible!

How could I, Rowley, work overtime to catch pirates!

At this moment, the Mist Wolf Pirates did not know how terrible their opponents had been.

They were still immersed in their own fantasies.

On a tattered pirate ship, there was not even a pirate flag.

The cabin was filled with a strong smell of alcohol and smoke, and a group of pirates wrapped in bandages were eating meat and drinking.

A drunken one-eyed man picked up the wine glass and said to the pirate boss Coleridge Roy who was sitting in the upper seat:

"Boss... Boss, the East China Sea is still the same as before, nothing has changed. The navy and the pirates are too weak."

"With our strength, we can definitely accumulate strength in the East China Sea and return to the Grand Line again."

The pirate boss, Coleridge Roy, known as the Mist Wolf, had a gloomy look in his eyes, drank a big mouthful of rum viciously, and said:

"That damn guy, I will definitely take revenge on him."

"Let's go to Kyrenia Island to plunder first, and then we will gather a group of people with money and return to the Grand Line. I will definitely not fail again this time!"

"Little ones, drink the strong liquor in your hands, tomorrow will be a brand new day for our Mist Wolf Pirates!"

Coleridge Roy's words successfully mobilized the morale of the drunken pirates.

They encountered a terrible and powerful enemy on the Grand Line and tried their best to escape.

After returning to the East China Sea where they started, with the strength they had acquired on the Grand Route, they naturally looked down on everyone.

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