Pirate: I'm just slacking off, do you really think I'm a noob?

Chapter 77: A kingdom full of pollution (please read it later)

"Forget it, when the soldiers come, the water will come and the earth will cover it up. As long as I am strong enough, I don't need to care about these conspiracies."

After Raleigh cleared his mind, he put the incident behind him.

Continue the fishing business just now.

[Fishing during the cruise, fishing value +200]


Beihai, on the land of the Kingdom of Erjokabu.

The sky seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and not a single ray of sunlight penetrated here.

A tall man wearing a cloak stepped onto the land.

He frowned, smelling the disgusting, pungent smell in the air.

His determined eyes and face with Chinese characters have become no longer youthful.

"Chief, what is this place and why is it like this?"

Among the people following him, some were already in poor health and coughing violently.

The man called the leader raised his head and glanced at the huge chimney in the distance and said:

"This is the Erjokabu Kingdom in the North Sea. According to the book, this is a powerful and resource-rich country, but I didn't expect it to be such a scene."

Before coming to this kingdom, their group still had expectations for this kingdom.

I hope to see a prosperous and beautiful country.

But when they actually set foot on this land, they realized that the real world was not as beautiful as what was written in the book.

There are several huge chimneys erected at the edge of the Eryokebu Kingdom.

Even in any corner of the kingdom, you can see them continuously spitting thick black fog into the sky.

The kingdom is like a giant beast hidden underground, and the chimney is its breathing port.

With every breath, the filthy underground air is expelled to the surface.

Even when they stood at the port farthest from the kingdom, their feet were covered with black granular dust that could not be swept away.

The leader lowered his body and observed the plants on the roadside.

What should have been lush green plants is now covered by this thick layer of black particles.

Some are completely dead, while others are stubbornly alive, but the surface is covered with dust.

The leader took off a leaf from the vegetation and rubbed it in his hands.

He pinched the thick layer of black particles on his fingers, smelled it and said:

"It's particles of soot."

He said with certainty.

Such air will seriously affect human health.

Many people will suffer from chest tightness and suffocation in this environment, which can lead to death in severe cases.

"Chief, how do the people here survive? I feel like if you stay here for a while, you will be poisoned by this air."

Said a member who was weak and coughing violently.

"First wrap your mouth and nose with cotton or gauze, and let's find a hotel to tidy up."

The leader took the lead in picking up his clothes and covering his mouth and nose.

The rest of the people followed suit and covered their mouths and noses in a decent manner.

In a small town with visibility less than 50 meters, even Monkey D. Long had to activate his knowledge and knowledge to find passers-by and ask about the hotel.

Finally, half an hour later, Meng Qi.D. Long and his party met an old man.

"Old man, we are travelers from out of town. Is there a hotel here?"

The elderly man shook his head.

"Needless to say, I know that you are young travelers from out of town, and you don't know much about the Kingdom of Erjoka, because there are no hotels in our place."

The old man's words surprised Long, and he couldn't help but ask:

"How is it possible without a hotel? Has no one ever visited or traveled here?"

The old man sighed silently and looked at the black smoke floating in the sky.

"How could anyone travel to a place like this?"

"Not to mention outsiders, even our own nobles don't live here. They moved away long before the pollution and moved to another area with beautiful scenery."

"The only people living in this city are us, a group of untouchables who are not treated as human beings."

Long and the group of people behind him looked at each other after hearing the old man's self-deprecation.

One member whispered in Long's ear:

"Chief, this country sounds very depressed. People living here no longer have hope for tomorrow."

The dragon nodded.

Along the way from the Grand Route, he had seen many people living in difficulty, but there was almost no one like the Erjokabu Kingdom.

The nobles fled here, but ordered the civilians not to leave, sitting back and watching the civilians die for their own benefit.

The fate of this country is like the black fog hanging in the sky, thick, deep, and dark.

But Long couldn't understand why people wouldn't revolt in a place like this?

"Young man, there is no hotel. But there is no one at the old man's house. If you don't mind, you can go to my house for a drink."

The old man seemed to notice the embarrassing situation of Long and his party, and took the initiative to speak.

He wasn't worried that Long and his friends would do anything bad to him, because there was no difference between him alive and dead.

"Thank you very much, old man."

Originally, Longdu planned to return to the port and spend one night on the ship.

But now there is a place to stay and a local, which will help Long to understand the history of this country.

Half an hour later, the group followed the old man into a two-story building.

At the door, Long shook off the dust on his body before entering the house.

Everything in the house looked a bit old, and most places had not been cleaned for a long time.

Only in the middle of the house, there was an old photo that was old and discolored, which was wiped very clean.

It was a group photo of four people. From the photo, it should be a family photo of the old couple and the son and his wife.

But judging from the current situation, the son and his wife should not have visited the old man for a long time.

"Sit down first, I'll make you some tea."

The old man said to Long, and then went to the basement to get water.

Long looked around and said:

"Everyone, I have a feeling that this will be a place where we can grow rapidly. The experience we have learned in other kingdoms can be applied here."

"But leader, where should we start first? I think the people in this city are probably busy in the mines. There are almost no people on the streets."

A younger member of the Self-Yong Army raised his hand and said.

Long nodded, then said:

"Yes, but fortunately we met an old man. Maybe this old man knows a lot of secrets of this kingdom."

Long was not idle either. While discussing the direction with the members, he cleaned the old man's house.

When the old man came up from the basement with water, the whole house looked brand new.

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