Big explosion!

“Yes, General Kizaru, let’s retreat first!”

Hearing Polusalino’s words, Huo Shaoshan nodded decisively, turned around and waved everyone away.

As he walked, he took out his phone, not forgetting to inform Flying Squirrel and others on the other side who didn’t know the situation.

Facing such an invincible enemy, as a veteran lieutenant general with rich combat experience, Huo Shaoshan could not even act with enthusiasm.

After all, he is just a nice person, not stupid.

Looking at Porusalino and Huo Shaoshan who made a decision in a few words in front of them, Bastiu and Dalmecia decisively followed Huo Shaoshan’s pace this time.

Just kidding, with their small bodies, even if they stay here and have no mission, even the aftermath of the fight between the two people below could kill them both!

Besides, there are no civilians here who need protection. If it weren’t for Marshal Warring States’ order, they wouldn’t want to perform such an outrageous task for the world’s government, so they would naturally run as fast as they could.

an island in a lake.

“Head, everyone is ready!”

After using epinephrine to wake up all the comatose people, Jin Jia stood in front of Sidell with a solemn face and said.

“Well, everyone listens to the order, the target is Douglas Barrett!!”

After putting on the largest carbonic acid-powered exoskeleton, Sidell raised the carbonate cannon barrel on his right arm and shouted.


Just as everyone in the Sidell Bounty Guild was immersed in an atmosphere of high morale, a huge noise suddenly sounded.

On the edge of the island in the lake, a strong man with blond curly hair wearing a black suit suddenly appeared.

It was Douglas Barrett who had just escaped from the battlefield on the other side!

Douglas Barrett, who knew that he was no match for the other two simply relying on his body, was ready to come to Daozhong Lake, find the catapult he had hidden, and use the Fusion Fruit to merge.

Use this to summon a huge robot!

At that time, with his super size, as long as he is not directly attacked by the opponent, and relying on the fusion fruit, he can obtain in disguise the power of super-speed regeneration similar to the two of them!

“Douglas Barrett!!”

Just as Douglas Barrett was about to find his catapult, a voice full of gnashing teeth and full of anger came from above his head.

Douglas Barrett frowned and looked in the direction of the sound.

It was the people from the Sidell Guild who came after hearing the sound and rode on the carbonated flying machine.

“Where are you little flying insects? I’m not in the mood to talk nonsense with you now, get out of here!”

Douglas Barrett, who was in a hurry and a little irritable, was not polite. After saying that, he wanted to turn around and leave.

“Asshole, give me a shot!!”

“Ultra-high concentration DX carbonated gas!!”

Before Siddel could say anything, Jin Jia, who was feeling a little angry because of Douglas Barrett’s indifferent attitude, directly There was a flash of light all over.

Then from the two giant cannons behind him, a large amount of high-concentration carbonated gas was sprayed out.

“What a boring trick!”

Douglas Barrett stretched out his big hand with a dark glow, like swatting flies, effortlessly scattering the high-speed gas jets.

It was as if what Douglas Barrett was breaking up was not the toxic high-concentration carbonated gas, but the ball thrown by a child.

“What!! Impossible, how could this happen!?”

Looking at the imaginary enemy in front of him, Jin Jia easily blocked his most powerful blow, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he exclaimed road.

“Back off, this monster can’t be defeated by one person alone, everyone attacks together!!”

Even Sydel, who still had a trump card on his side, had some doubts about himself after seeing Douglas Barrett’s fighting power. , can you really complete your revenge?

“Annoying bugs, I don’t have time to fool around with you!”

“Fusion·Devil Form!!”

Douglas Barrett, who was delayed for a while, did not hide it and directly summoned the strongest fighting state of his body– Devil form! !

This is also one of the combat states developed by Douglas Barrett after obtaining the Fusion Fruit.

Relying on the ability of the Fusion Fruit to integrate all power into his own body, Douglas Barrett integrated his bottomless domineering power into his own body!

Different from ordinary armed domineering hardening and entanglement, the effect achieved by Douglas Barrett by relying on the Fusion Fruit is a deeper level of domineering fusion!

The skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, and every part of the body are perfectly integrated with the domineering aura under a mysterious power.

And with the 360° protection of the armed domineering force, Douglas Barrett can further unleash his body’s potential, and both his speed and strength will be greatly improved!

“Die to me!!”

Douglas Barrett, glowing with purple-red light all over his body, was like an unstoppable cannonball. Wherever it went, either flesh and blood shattered, or the mountain collapsed!



Under the huge force, blood mist filled the air, and all kinds of instruments were smashed to pieces.

In just an instant, the only person left in the Sidle Bounty Guild was the dying Sidle himself.

No matter whether it is the black old thick Kinga or the blonde Karana, they cannot be compared to the ordinary punch of Douglas Barrett who has entered the devil state.

Only Sidr, who was physically strong and wore the most powerful generation of carbonated technology’s powered exoskeleton, managed to block it, but his originally strong body was already in pieces.

If you cut open his body, you can see that the internal organs in his body have been damaged by the huge shock and are blurred.


“Asshole…bastard, wait…wait a minute…”

Douglas Barrett, who had finished cleaning up the bugs, was about to leave when Xi Del’s faint voice suddenly sounded.

Originally, Douglas Barrett saw that Sidell was almost dead under this blow, so he was too lazy to waste time to make up for it, and planned to go straight to his car.

Unexpectedly, Siddel was in this state, and he still had to hold on for a breath and wanted to do something.

“Bugs, you have to have the consciousness to be a bug, why not just wait for death quietly!”

Douglas Barrett, who was a little irritable, came to Sidell in a flash and looked at him condescendingly.

“Heh…heh, you devil, even if I die, I will drag you along with me!!”

Seeing Douglas Barrett coming to him, Sidle seemed to have come back to his senses, and his whole body instantly changed. Bounced off the ground, and with the powerful force of the exoskeleton, he hugged Douglas Barrett tightly.

“Try the gift I gave you, bastard!!”

“Carbonic acid explosion!!”


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