Pirate in Naruto World

Chapter 82: Guild Wars Upgrade [six more automatically]

Chiba and the silver Thunder hit each other, the roaring sounds, the thunder and the flames burst out, constantly raging, constantly colliding, the scene looks very shocking.

In just a few seconds, Chiba and the silver Thunder have touched a dozen rounds. Each time they are very strong, they have a strong power, and they are flying around the table, causing serious problems in the casino. damage.

This level of battle takes place in the casino, and it is estimated that when the battle is over, it will become ruin and the casino will collapse.

However, who will care?

I have to admit that the silver Thunder's body is very strong, with lightning, it can explode the horrible lethality, want to fight against him, the difficulty is very large.

Chiba's body skills are good, but after all, it is still a teenager, and the body is not strong enough. If it is simple, it is not the opponent of the silver thunder.

However, he calms his special ability, and the 14 is able to compete with the silver thunder, can be with the other side, will not easily fall into the wind.

Playing against Chiba for more than a dozen rounds, the Silver Thunder also knows some of the strength of Chiba, and sighs in the heart. If you give Chiba a few years, even if it is his heyday, I am afraid there is no way to beat Chiba.

Therefore, he must kill Chiba now and not let Chiba grow up again. Otherwise, he will have something in the future.

"I have to admit that you are a little bit capable, and give you a few more years. I am afraid that you will reach the level of the shadow level. Unfortunately, if you meet me today, you will not have this opportunity." Silver Thunder Said, the look has become very solemn, revealing a hint of embarrassment.

In his body, there are constant lightning jumps, thunder and lightning, reflecting his face, it looks very embarrassing, like a devil, revealing the meaning of chill.

"Then you try to look good." After the touch of Chiba and the silver Thunder, the body quickly withdrew from the back by the force of the earthquake. It fell a few meters away, and the whole body was surrounded by flames.

Simply like this, Chiba is not jealous, because he can make the body elemental, immune incapable attack, even if suppressed by the silver thunder, it will not be easily hurt.

"Thunder protector!"

The silver thunder drank, quickly mobilized the thunder attribute Chakra, and the hands were printed, which made Chakra burst out, and crazy around him, forming a set of armor, protecting his body, making his defenses extremely lifted. And greatly improve the speed.

As a result, the speed of the silver thunder will increase a lot, and the combat power will be even more amazing.

Seeing the silver thunder to display such a ninjutsu, Chiba is still quite amazed. The body ninjutsu that the original Yunyin Village Lei Ying is good at, the silver thunder actually knows how to use it. It is a bit unexpected.

Moreover, if the silver Thunder is to exert such a powerful Thunder, Chiba can be elementalized, and it cannot completely immune to the Thunder attack. It needs to be carefully dealt with. Some attacks still have to be avoided, and it is not possible to directly use the body to resist.

The silver Thunder cast this Thunderbolt, and he thought about a bang, completely occupying the advantage, defeating Chiba and obliterating it here.

Therefore, he did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to Chiba, the speed is very fast, almost the blink of an eye, came to the original position of Chiba.

If it wasn’t for Chiba’s speed, it’s already slammed out by the silver thunder, and it’s estimated that the whole person will be shaken out.

When the silver thunder rushed over, Chiba had already started shaving, the body disappeared from the place, appeared on the top, and swayed the right fist, and slammed out.

"fire punch!"

Chiba slammed a fire fist toward the silver thunder, and the flame broke out, and the power was very powerful, like a beast, rushing against the silver thunder underneath.

The silver thunder can sense that there is an attack on the top, and also fists, bursting out of thunder, and a strong punch to meet.


The two men’s attacks collided together, and the thunder and the flames collided with each other. They strongly attacked each other and wanted to defeat each other. But they were quite equal, and they could only set off a wave of power, swept toward the surroundings, and flew around. Even shredded and turned into crumbs.

"Flame Dragon Claw Hand, Flame Dragon King!"

Chiba rushed down from above, and the flame broke out, lingering on his right hand, and his right hand posed three dragon claws, swiftly attacking and attacking the silver thunder.

The fierce, violent flame erupted, quickly forming a dragon, carrying powerful power, attacking strongly and attacking the silver thunder.

In the face of such an attack, the silver Thunder did not dare to care, directly waving the right fist, and it was a violent punch, bursting out a powerful thunder and raging out.

Rumble! !

The violent forces collided together, immediately roared, power riots, a big hole in the casino, all the things around were destroyed, turning the interior of the casino into a battlefield, without the appearance of the past.

When the fire dragon rushed out and slammed into the silver thunder, Chiba was elementalized and merged with the fire dragon, followed by a forward rush, looking for opportunities to kill the silver thunder.

Facing the subduction of 563, carrying a powerful dragon with a powerful power, the silver Thunder did not dare to take a nap, and responded cautiously.

He still waved his fists, exploding thunder and lightning, and launching a powerful attack to attack the attack and defend against the fire dragon's offensive.

Under the collision of this terrorist force, the fire dragon could not defeat the silver thunder. It was only a stalemate, and it collapsed toward the surrounding and lost its original power.

However, Chiba is elementalized, blended with the flame, and the surrounding flames rise and fall. He may appear at any time, launching a sneak attack on the silver thunder.

Seeing that he was in the flame, the silver thunder was a bit stunned. He looked very cautious. He did not dare to care. He snorted and punched directly on the ground, forming a powerful wave of power, reversing the surrounding flame, or directly tremble. Scattered, do not give Chiba a chance to launch a sneak attack.

Chiba was a bit surprised. I didn't think that the silver Thunder was so cautious. It really didn't fit the image. It would be difficult to launch a sneak attack. There is no suitable time.


Sixth sent it, the growth rate of today's subscription is slower than the previous few days. Looking at my heart, everyone supports it.

Start the country of rain tomorrow, and start the journey of knowing the organization. Please stay tuned! ! ! .

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