Luo Xiu left Orange Town riding Sea Kings, but his killing of the Dragon Pirates and Colonel Rat did not disappear with his departure.

Soon, the news that one person killed 20 million pirates and marines spread from the 16th branch to the East Blue Marine Base.

East Blue Logue town, Marine Base, Marine Headquarters Colonel Smoker, wearing a large cloak representing justice, with a cigar dangling from his mouth, was sitting on a chair in the office with a relaxed look on his face.

East Blue, as the weakest sea area among the four seas, the strength of pirates is more than one level behind Grand Line and New World.

Naturally, there are very few pirates causing trouble in East Blue.

There are very few things that require Smoker to take action.

Not to mention how relaxing it is to sit in East Blue.

"Bulu Bulu! Bulu Bulu!" At this time, the phone on the desk rang.

Smoker reached out to answer the phone, his face still calm.

"S, Colonel Smoker, the mouse colonel of the branch, was killed!" The branch major's trembling voice came from the other end of the phone, as if he had seen something terrible.

"What?" Smoker frowned, and his calm and leisurely expression suddenly disappeared.

He is all too familiar with East Blue's situation.

The pirates who can be named have no more than five fingers, and the bounties are worth tens of millions.

If these people kill a Marine branch colonel, they are not afraid of being liquidated!

Or, after the beginning of the Age of Discovery.

Even the weakest East Blue is not willing to be left alone. Is it going to follow the New World?

Not allowed! Absolutely not allowed!

Smoker would nip such a thing in the cradle.

No matter which pirate he is, he will be suppressed with thunderous means.

Marine's strength and World Government's reputation will never allow anyone to easily challenge it.

"Who is this pirate?" Smoker asked in a deep voice.

"Is it that guy Arlong?"

In the area governed by the rats, Arlong, the leader of the Dragon Pirates, is the strongest.

The bounty is as high as 20 million beli.

Although it is not as good as those in New World who can easily make hundreds of millions, in East Blue, it is indeed the best.

If anyone was said to have the strength to kill Colonel Mouse, this person would be the first person he thought of.

"No, no!" came a negative voice from the other end of the phone.

"After Colonel Mouse was killed, I immediately conducted an investigation and compared the appearance of this man!"

"Find out he's not anyone on Marine's bounty!"

"In other words, he, he's not even a pirate!"

"Are you kidding me?" Smoker took a puff of cigarette and stood up with a bang.

Are you kidding me?

A man killed the branch's Colonel Mouse and escaped without telling anyone.

But they don't even know each other's identity.

This made Marine's face turn.

"Colonel Smoker, you're not kidding, and that's not all!"

"It wasn't just Colonel Rat who was killed!"

"The Dragon Pirates were also wiped out!" The voice on the other end of the phone became increasingly trembling, as if he was actually there when he said this.

Smoker's pupils suddenly shrank.

He was furious when he killed the mouse because it was a provocation to Marine.

But being able to kill Arlong also shows that you are very powerful!

"I'll explain it in detail!" Holding back the anger in his heart, Smoker didn't even bother to smoke a cigar.

The overall strength of the Dragon Pirates is second to none in East Blue.

But it was destroyed quietly by one person.

This person's strength must be one level higher than Arlong's.

"This man is very fast, and his strength is also extremely powerful!..." The other major, the other half, explained in detail what he saw outside.

"Also, the most terrifying thing is!" When he said this, the major paused, seeming to calm down his inner emotions.

"After this person is seriously injured, he can recover as before within a few dozen seconds!"


Hearing this, Smoker's face became more solemn.

"Is he an able person?"

A series of information quickly ran through his mind, but he couldn't think of any Devil Fruit that could heal a person's hand gestures in such a short period of time.

However, there is no doubt that those who can achieve this step can only be those with abilities.

"It seems that there is a great person in East Blue!" A sneer flashed across Smoker's lips.

He is very familiar with ability users, because he himself is Smoke Fruit's ability user.

"Describe this person's appearance to me!"

The other side responded: "Black hair, black eyes, 2 meters tall, strong build..." When he said this, the major suddenly stopped, and then there was a burst of hurried footsteps: "Wait a minute Colonel, the investigation on his identity has come out!"

After a period of reports from his subordinates, the major picked up the phone and continued: "This person's name is Luo Xiu, he is a doctor, and he is nicknamed Bloody Hands and Human Slaughter!"

"Luo Xiu! Doctor, massacre with bloody hands?" Smoker murmured.

His brows furrowed into a frown.

Doctors and bloody massacres! What kind of reputation combination is this?


"No matter who you are, I will capture you!"

If you commit such an unforgivable crime in East Blue, no matter if you are a pirate or a devil, I will bring you to justice.

Thinking of this, Smoker hung up the phone and shouted toward the door: "Tashigi!"


The door was pushed open, and a tall woman with black glasses and sleek short hair walked in.

"Colonel Smoker!"

"Put a bounty on this man!" Smoker handed the drawn picture to Tashigi.

"Who is this person?" After a quick glance, she thought he was ordinary.

"He single-handedly killed the branch's Colonel Mouse, and also killed the Dragon Pirates!"

"Hiss~" Tashigi couldn't help but take a breath.

Being able to do this alone may not be surprising in Grand Line or New World, but it is really rare in East Blue.

This person is actually so powerful!

"Then, how much is the appropriate reward?"

"Sixty million!" After a moment of silence, Smoker gave his answer.

"Six, sixty million!" Tashigi was a little shocked.

In the tiny East Blue, the highest bounty is only 20 million.

Even in the entire four seas, there is no pirate with a bounty of more than 30 million.

As soon as this person appeared, he unexpectedly won the throne of bounties from all over the world.

After Tashigi leaves, Smoker picks up another bug.

Call Naval Headquarters...

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