"S. Colonel Smoker?"

"You are..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure followed closely.

Then he landed in front of Smoker, who had just stood up, and punched him in the stomach.


Under Tashigi's shocked gaze, Smoker's body flew backwards again.

Even faster than before.

"Ah..." Tashigi was numb.

This is too fierce!


Smoker was going crazy as he flew backwards, his teeth chattering.

However, anger is useless.

This is not making a movie, let alone drawing animation.

Anger has no strength bonus in any sense other than making people lose their minds.

Before he could fall.

Another kick came.

Smoker's body arched like a shrimp as if struck by lightning.

"White snake!"

"White smoke launcher!"

"White fist!"

Smoke filled the air, and Smoker endured the pain in his body.

Three attacks came out in a row.

He leaned his elemental body part against Luo Xiu.

Use this to block attacks.

But soon, he discovered that it was of no use at all.

Because Luo Xiu's speed was simply too fast.

It was even faster than the previous fight.

It's so fast that even elementalization can't keep up.


Luo Xiu's figure disappeared again.

When it appeared, it was already above him.

One kick.



Simple and crude!

Stomp hard on Smoker's head.

Only Smoker, whose head was not elementalized, didn't even have time to stabilize his body!

He saw a huge footprint coming towards him.

Then, the footprints in the reflection of the pupils grew larger and larger.


No surprise.

Smoker was kicked down.

The whole ground shook.

A big hole appears.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and gravel flew.

Tashigi and the Marines swallowed dumbly.

"This is... Luo Xiu!"

The fighting speed just now was too fast to see the faces clearly.

At this time, the two stopped and saw who was holding down the colonel and beating him.

Luo Xiu moved his foot away from Smoker's face, and a big shoe mark was clearly visible on it.

Then, the figure flashed and disappeared with an oppressive momentum.

But before leaving, he harvested the heads of two pirates with a bounty worth tens of millions.

Although their amounts are not that great.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh.

One step closer to unlocking the boss mask.

"Quickly, send Colonel Smoker for treatment!" A Marine lieutenant colonel came to his senses and shouted.

At this time, Smoker's eyes rolled white, his mouth opened wide, and he had fainted.

His whole body was covered in colorful paint and his clothes were in tatters.

Although there were no serious injuries, there were fine scars all over the body.

The blood that overflowed was dripping down.

It seems like I won't be able to survive at any moment.

"Colonel, you must hold on!"

"Colonel Smoker, what would we do without you!"


Several Marine majors burst into tears and wailed, then jumped into the pit, lifted Smoker out, and sent it to the warship.

Smoker came from the Marine headquarters. He is very powerful and has been in East Blue for some years.

If he really died like this, the pirates of East Blue would have to go to hell.


"Everyone, get out!" When the pirates saw Smoker fainting, their expressions were hard, and they were sharpening their knives, ready to break out of the siege.

Suddenly, the two sides struggled together.

The flash of swords and shadows, and the shouts of killing continued for several hours before they finally stopped.


Half a day later.

A medical room.

Smoker's body was wrapped in bandages and his face was covered with a white cloth.

Only a mouth and a pair of eyes were left outside.

Even so, his fatigue at this time can still be seen in his eyes.

Being stepped on in the face by a newcomer from East Blue is an extremely humiliating thing no matter how you think about it.

Smoker was lying on the hospital bed, feeling burning pain even with medicine on his face.


"Report the results of this operation!" Smoker said after a while.

Tashigi nodded: "Colonel Smoker!"

"This time we killed more than 80 pirates and captured nearly 200, and they have now been taken back to the headquarters!"

"Nearly fifty pirates escaped from Shuibo Island!"


"Are there any pirates who escaped?"

When Smoker heard the next sentence, the bandages on his body almost couldn't be stretched.

It's about to burst.

In this operation, a total of more than a dozen warships and nearly a thousand Marine soldiers were dispatched.

Weapons and ammunition are even more abundant.

The purpose is to use this action plan to catch all the pirates who come to Shuibo Island.

But the current result is so different from what was expected.

There are nearly a thousand Marines!

It actually allowed the pirates to escape a lot.

What a joke!

If this spreads out, people will laugh out loud.

"S, Colonel Smoker!"

"Because you were injured and unconscious at the time, the major and lieutenant colonel wanted to ensure your safety!"

"So hundreds of elite Marine soldiers were assigned to escort you to the medical room!"

"As a result, the intensity of the encirclement and suppression operations has been greatly reduced!"

"In addition, Luo Luo Xiu's behavior has boosted the morale of the pirates, and he is elusive. I don't know if he will attack again, so..." At this point, Tashigi's voice became smaller and smaller. , until completely inaudible.

Because at this time, Smoker's mouth was filled with anger.


Smoker coughed violently.


The shock brought up the injuries on his body, causing him to take a breath.

Not to mention that he was beaten like this, the encirclement and suppression operation, which was originally planned to be a great success, also had unexpected events.

Luo Xiu, this is an unpardonable crime!

However, he couldn't help but change his mind.

If Luo Xiu hadn't appeared at that time, wouldn't all this have developed like this, and I wouldn't have...

He shook his head violently.

Smoker gave himself a hard slap in his heart.

How could I have such an idea?

"What about the three pirates with a bounty of over 10 million?"

"Did they escape?"

Tashigi: "They are all dead, killed by Luo Xiu!"

"It's him again..."

Smoker's eyes twitched fiercely.

During the Marine encirclement and suppression operation.

The three biggest pirates were killed by a non-Marine.

This is a disgraceful thing no matter where you put it.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Smoker discovered something even more wrong.

Luo Xiu just wanted to trouble him, but why did he want to kill the pirates?

He was confused and a little confused.

It doesn’t make sense!

Pirates are naturally on the opposite side of pirates, and Luo Xiu is wanted by Marine.

Logically speaking, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Luo Xiu's behavior cannot be explained by common sense.

Could it be...that it's for the bounty?


Smoker dismissed the idea.

Because Luo Xiu himself was wanted, how could he dare to take the heads of pirates to the Marine branch in exchange for the bounty!

Even if he dared, Marine would definitely not give it to him!

Is it because of his status?


"Eight Demons!" Thinking of what Luo Xiu said, his eyes couldn't help but light up.


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