Pirate: Inheriting The Template Of The Holy Lord, I Summon The Devil

Chapter 46 Block The News! Throw Crocodile To Impel Down!

Kizaru finished speaking.

There was a deathly silence in the Marshal's office.


Only the sound of heavy breathing echoed in the room.

The target of the forces behind Luo Xiu will be... Marineford!

What a crazy idea!

Anyone who hears such a thing on the sea will find it extremely ridiculous.

After all, there are three Admirals in the Naval Headquarters, as well as the Marine hero Garp who is stronger than the three Admirals, and Marshal Sengoku!

And that's not counting those Marine Vice Admiral.... Marine soldiers....

With such a heavyweight overall combat power, even if any of the Four Emperors pirate groups came, they would be defeated.

However, these powerful people here do not find it ridiculous.

After all, Luo Xiu's strength alone was already faintly visible on Admiral.

Not to mention there are seven more...

Everyone in the office felt a chill running down their spines when they thought of the forces hidden behind it, including more than one Admiral-level powerhouse.

"Damn it!"

"Who are the forces behind Luo Xiu?" Sengoku punched the table hard.

The conference table shook violently.

In this sea, apart from Marine and World Government, even the Four Emperors pirate group will never have more than two Admiral-level combat capabilities.

But there are eight demon legions in total, which is more terrifying than the number at Marine headquarters.

Where did it come from?

Moreover, they are still hiding in the dark.

Marine had no other valid information except what he learned from Luo Xiu himself.

They felt that there was a pair of huge eyes spying on everything in the dark, and then waiting for opportunities to move.

Finally, a thunderous blow was delivered.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

It makes people feel like they are sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in the back, like a lump in the throat...


"Give the order!"

"We must capture Luo Xiu!"

"Whatever devil, if you dare to offend Marine's justice, you must be punished!" Akainu couldn't bear it anymore and slammed his hand directly on the conference table.

"Akainu, the opponent has the strength of the Marine Admiral. Even if you go there, you won't be able to catch the terror!" Sengoku said in a deep voice, signaling calmness.

"Then let them plan everything like this!"

"And we are indifferent?" Akainu's eyes flashed with anger.

"Of course not!" Sengoku rubbed his sore eyebrows, and then he looked at Kizaru.


"Can we still continue to move?"

Kizaru nodded heavily: "Okay!"

"This little injury will heal in a few days!"

Although compared to the other two, he relies more on fruit abilities and has poorer physical fitness.

But that's also compared to Akainu and Aokiji.

As a Marine Admiral himself, how could his physical fitness be so bad?

These injuries can heal completely in just a few days.

"Okay!" Sengoku nodded, Luo Xiu's speed must be with Kizaru.

"Since one Marine Admiral is not enough, then send two!"

"Sakazuki, Kuzan, you two go capture Luo Xiu..."

Akainu and Kizaru take over the mission.

"Regarding Luo Xiu's bounty, we also need to adjust it!" Garp said.

Sengoku nodded, he understood what Garp meant.

Defeating Shichibukai, if the 60 million bounty is still intact, it means there is no silver 300 liang here.

"Shichibukai's Crocodile, have you brought it back?" Sengoku asked.

Kizaru nodded.

very good!

As long as Shichibukai doesn't go out and spread the news, those big pirates won't know the details of the battle.

Then they only have to deal with Luo Xiu for now.

Then, he paid one or two in his mind.

Luo Xiu’s bounty was finally determined.

"Increase Luo Xiu's bounty to 400 million!"

Defeating the Shichibukai Crocodile, this amount is still reasonable.

"As for the battle between Luo Xiu and Marine Admiral, go to Alabasta to block the news!"

"In addition, throw Crocodile into the Impel down! The charge is that it is secretly detrimental to the participating countries! It damages the unity of the world government!"

"His position needs to be replaced!"


World News Service.

Inside the office.

One was wearing a black top hat with a red and white feather on it, a light blue shirt and a yellow bow tie.

A birdman with a big beak, small eyes, white feathers, and a big tail is half lying on an office chair.

He is the president of the World News Agency, Zoan Bird Fruit, Albatross form ability user, Morgans.

At this point, he was troubled.

Because there has been no breaking news in the sea for a long time.

As a journalist with professional ethics, he controls the most important channels for obtaining information in the world, but he cannot dig out big news.

This is something intolerable.

He felt that people in this world had almost forgotten the existence of him as the news director.

The arms that turned into bird wings half supported his head, staring at the ceiling.

Morgans was thinking about how to dig out some revelations in the New World.

At this time.

An albatross suddenly flew in from the office window, interrupting Morgans' thoughts.

"Damn thing!"

"If you don't discover anything big!"

"I'll roast you and drink some wine later!"

Morgans frowned and looked at the albatross that fell on the table, with a very ugly expression on his face.

There are many such albatross in the World News Agency. They are news artifacts that he personally cultivated.

Usually scattered around the world, responsible for collecting various information.

This albatross flies in, no doubt about it.

I got some useful news.

But Morgans didn't have high expectations.

Because basically every day, albatross flies in and uses some trivial nonsense to claim credit from him.

When the albatross heard what Morgans said, the bird's face showed panic, and its wings flapped non-stop.

"Hurry up!" Morgans was a little impatient.

I was already in a bad mood, but my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by this thing.

The albatross stopped and began chirping to report what he had seen.

For others, it may not be possible to hear what the bird is saying.

But for Birdman Morgans, it's no problem at all.

As the albatross sings out, the beak of the Morgans slowly opens wide.

till the end.

Turned into guffaws.


He slammed the table and jumped up, unable to contain the excitement on his face.

"Okay, okay!"

"A rookie pirate, defeat Marine Admiral Kizaru!"

"This news is so powerful!"

"You are very good, boy. I will arrange a female albatross for you later as a reward! Go and relax for a few days!"

The albatross showed an anthropomorphic expression, grinned outwards, fluttered a few times, and flew out with satisfaction.

The president of News of the World was left laughing wildly in the room: "Hahahaha!"

"If this matter were published in the news, those New World guys would explode!"

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