Pirate: Inheriting The Template Of The Holy Lord, I Summon The Devil

Chapter 48 Red Hair And Hawk Eyes! The Strongest Newcomer!

at the same time.

New World.

A small island.

There are two figures, currently colliding fiercely.

The aura of both of them was extremely powerful.

The violent Haki was sweeping across all directions. In their fierce collision, the boundless air waves stirred up, blowing everything away and soaring straight into the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Continuous roars came out.

The terrifying power made the entire island tremble, as if it would be unable to support itself at any time and sink.


Immediately afterwards, the harsh sound of metal clashing broke out.


The clouds above the island were split in half by the bursting air waves.

The cloud waves on both sides rolled, and a huge crack appeared in the middle.

At this moment, a figure came to the island with great speed.

He had a slicked back hair, wore a black V-neck T-shirt, military green overalls and black Martin boots. He tied a flintlock rifle to his waist with a yellow belt and had a cigar in his mouth.

Red Hair Pirates deputy leader: Benn Beckman!

He only held a newspaper in his hand.


"Something interesting happened on the sea!"



A man with red hair, three scars on his left cheek, and an empty left sleeve fell in front of Beckman.

He is the captain in Beckman's mouth, and he is also another man in Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks.

"Beckman, don't you see I'm at war?"

"What's the matter that needs to be reported so urgently?"

He just finished speaking.

The other one has short black hair, a short beard, a cross knife hanging on his chest, and a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle.

A man wearing a black hat with white fluff on his head, a black trench coat, white trousers and black boots fell in front of Beckman.

One of the Shichibukai, the most powerful swordsman in the world, Hawkeye.

The kendo idol that Zoro chases.


"It's not easy for me and Shanks to spar for once on this island!"

"I was interrupted by you like this..." There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Hawkeye's words.

He couldn't figure it out. What could be more important than competing with Shanks?

Can we say no when we get back to the ship?

Are you in such a hurry?

Beckman listened and smiled.

He didn’t say much.

One is his own captain, and the other is the captain's friend.

What can be said?

Then, he raised the newspaper in his hand and said: "New news from the World News Agency!"

"Marine Admiral Kizaru!"

"Be defeated!"

Hearing this, both Hawkeye and Shanks were stunned.

Marine Admiral Kizaru?

He was defeated!

This... is indeed news that can shake the sea.

"Which Four Emperors did it?"

"BIG·MOM, Kaido? Or Whitebeard?" Shanks asked.

Marine Admiral Kizaru, one of the pinnacle combat powers of the sea.

no doubt.

Apart from the other Four Emperors, there is no one else in the entire sea who can defeat this kind of existence head-on.

"It seems that New World is not peaceful!"

"Marine has already started to attack the Four Emperors!" Hawkeye also said.


Beckman shook his head.


"Who else could it be?"

Shanks frowned, it couldn't be the revolutionary army!

Beckman unfolded the newspaper and said bluntly: "The person who defeated Kizaru is named Luo Xiu. He is from East Blue and is a newcomer to the Grand Line!"

"In Alabasta, after defeating Crocodile, he defeated Admiral Kizaru and finally escaped with his whole body!"


Hawkeye and Shanks were both stunned.

"It's him?"

Yesterday they heard about this man named Luo Xiu.

But didn't he defeat Crocodile in Alabasta?

Why now, news comes out that Marine Admiral Kizaru was defeated by him.

Almost at the same time, Hawkeye and Shanks looked at the newspaper.


When reading the above content.

Even Shanks couldn't help but take a breath.

The content recorded above described Luo Xiu as being too powerful, with almost no weaknesses.

Speed, strength, self-healing ability, and fruit power.

But... this is just a newcomer! Only about twenty years old.

Such a rookie pirate was able to defeat Marine Admiral.

Shanks couldn't accept it.

In a trance.

He thought of the boy he was very optimistic about and gave him a straw hat himself.

I couldn't help but compare the two people.

The results are clear.

It seems... there is still a lot to be desired.

"Luo Xiu!"

"I didn't expect that East Blue, which has always been weak, would have such a terrifying newcomer!" A glimmer of light flashed in Eagle Eye's sharp eyes.

When Luo Xiu knew about Crocodile's defeat, he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, although he is one of the Shichibukai, he is much stronger than Crocodile.

Crocodile, doesn't get his approval at all.

But defeating Marine Admiral Kizaru was completely different.

Because even he would never be able to do this.

"Four hundred million bounty?" At this time, Shanks suddenly discovered the blind spot and said in disbelief.

A person who defeated Marine Admiral head-on, Naval Headquarters actually only gave him a bounty of 400 million.

It is completely unequal to Luo Xiu's strength.

Could it be that... Marine is deliberately lowering Luo Xiu's bounty?

There is something very strange here!

"This Luo Xiu is definitely not just as simple as showing great strength!"

"Maybe there are other secrets hidden behind him!" The red-haired man said solemnly.

"During this period, pay attention to the movements of Naval Headquarters! There are also traces of Luo Xiu!"

"I always feel like something big is going to happen in the future!" Red-haired Shanks said with a serious look on his face.

do not know why.

Suddenly there was a new pirate on the sea who was as powerful as Admiral, and he always felt a little uneasy.

The situation in the sea, which was originally stable, seems likely to be broken.


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