Luo Xiu felt happy when he heard the system sensor sound.

Sure enough, the spell was activated.

"Open the system!" Luo Xiu muttered silently in his heart.

In the space of consciousness, the originally dim rabbit charm was emitting pink light.

Rabbit Talisman Ability: It enables the holder to move extremely fast, representing teleportation and agility.

If you develop it to Ultimate, you can travel through time and space and go back to the past.

It is the ultimate representative of speed.

Not to mention, after activating the spell, Luo Xiu did feel that his body became much lighter.

The legs are even more powerful.

He was very curious as to how fast his speed could reach now!

What if compared with Kizaru, the representative of ultimate speed in this world?

At this time, Nami's crying voice came over, interrupting Luo Xiu's thoughts.

Luo Xiu came back to his senses and turned to look at Nami. He wanted to just say something about taking money to eliminate the disaster.

But as soon as his vision went dark, a figure suddenly rushed towards him.

It was a big hug from Nami.

"This..." Luo Xiu was confused for a moment.

Smelling the fragrance of the girl, I heard Nami's sobs of emotion.

After shaking his head and sighing, Luo Xiu reached out and patted Nami's beautiful back, and spoke to comfort her.

"A million Baileys!"

"Remember to give me the full amount!"


Nami released her arms from Luo Xiu's neck, realized her impulse just now, and smiled awkwardly.

Then he wiped his tears with his hands and said confidently.

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo!"

"I'll get it to you right away!"

It was settled when Luo Xiu was asked to come over for treatment.

One million beli for the cost of treatment.

Although she values ​​money, she also values ​​credibility.

What's more, with Mr. Luo's strength and prestige, being willing to row with him for a day to get here is enough to give him face!

But at this moment.

Outside the hospital, there was suddenly a rush of footsteps, accompanied by a shout.

"Nami, you are in there!"

"Captain Arlong is looking for you and wants you to meet him!"

The person who came was none other than Yoder.

At this time, he was standing at the door of the medical center, panting and gasping for air.

Since the waist was taken out, he felt that his physical strength was declining rapidly.

Fortunately, before coming here, the captain asked the ship's doctor to help him reattach the waist.

Otherwise, coming here would be a nightmare!

"Oh shit!"

"Luo Xiu, you bastard, I will make your life worse than death!" Thinking of all this, it was Luo Xiu who did it.

The anger in Yodel's mind suddenly rose.

I wish I could cut the other person into pieces and then throw him into the organ selling market in the underground world.

Only then can you relieve the great hatred in your heart.

After seeing for a while, no one answered, Yoder couldn't help but snorted coldly: "It's okay if the leader laughs at me, but a little girl who is not fully developed still ignores me?"

"I have to give your villagers some color!"

Although Nami's current identity is a leader of the Dragon Pirates, the pirates below actually look down on her.

Due to his position, Nami, although Yodel did not dare to move, could spread his anger on those villagers!

These guys are just playing around casually!

Thinking of this, Yoder picked up the broken sword and swaggered inside.

at the same time.

Inside the medical center.

Nami's face turned pale after hearing the familiar voice outside.

She didn't expect that Yoder would come here to look for her after coming out of Luo Xiu Medical Center.

Suddenly, she realized that something was wrong and she must not let him discover Luo Xiu's existence.

Otherwise, if Arlong knew about it, Luo Xiu would be in danger.

"Master Luo, hide quickly!" Nami looked panicked and pulled Luo Xiu towards the back door.

However, Luo Xiu's body seemed to be frozen in place, and no matter how hard Nami tried, he couldn't move it.


Luo Xiu said calmly: "Why hide?"

On the way here, Nami told him that Yodel was a member of the Dragon Pirates.

But Luo Xiu didn't take it to heart at all!

A Grand Line loser.

He is just a small character who can only hang out in East Blue.

Not even a strong one!

With the Ox Talisman and Horse Talisman in his possession, Luo Xiu had enough confidence to repair Arlong, not to mention that now that the Rabbit Talisman was activated, hitting an Arlong was not just a matter of pinching it with his hands.

If you come across it, you'll come across it, and maybe you can get a bounty.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu immediately asked: "Do you want to do it or not?"

"What to do?" Nami was confused!

"make a deal!"


"Yes! Right now!"

"Now, now...?" Nami was completely confused and had no idea what Luo Xiu said he was going to do.

Then, she thought of what the woman in the village had said.

His face suddenly changed.

Could it be that Luo Xiu fell in love with him and wanted to have sex with him...

Thinking of this, Nami quickly let go of Luo Xiu's hands and hugged them to her chest.

"Lord Luo!"

"One million Baileys, I will give it to you in full! There will be no installments!"

Seeing Nami's reaction, Luo Xiu's forehead darkened, and he realized that the other party seemed to have misunderstood.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm talking about killing Arlong, and you pay the reward!"

The system has already given a reminder that to unlock the mask, the command value corresponding to the bounty is required.

There is irreconcilable hatred between Nami and Arlong.

That helps Nami get rid of Arlong, and then let the other party offer the bounty.

Wouldn't it be a good way to obtain command points?

"Do it, kill Arlong!?" Nami's head exploded with disbelief.

It was as if I heard the most horrifying words in the world.

In her eyes, Arlong represents absolute strength and is East Blue's invincible existence.

Hoh Xil Village has been under the oppression of Arlong these years and has struggled to survive.

But no one dared to think of rebelling against Arlong.

Including herself.

We can only compromise again and again!

But now, the man in front of him told him that he wanted to kill Arlong directly.

How can it be?

Can't win!

Although Luo Xiu defeated Yodel, he was only a small member of the Dragon Pirates.

Arlong's strength is far stronger than imagined.

With Luo Xiu's strength, it is simply impossible to complete.

You can only die in vain.

"Master Luo, don't say this again!" Nami shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"You'd better hide quickly!"

"Yordle is coming in soon!"

Luo Xiu frowned slightly.

"Just tell me!"

"Do it, or don't do it!"

Seeing Luo Xiu being so determined, Nami couldn't help but froze on the spot. He, he was really sure.


Fear and hope spread in Nami's mind, constantly wandering and struggling!

Seeing Nami standing there, struggling with pain on her face, Luo Xiu continued.

"One thing you have to think about!"

"Is this your only chance in this life?"

"Tell me your decision!"

"This is the only chance in this life!" Nami said to himself blankly.


Do you still have such an opportunity in your life?

Is there anyone who would dare to say to me, get rid of Arlong?

Just deal with Arlong.

Cocosia Village can be liberated and return to the beauty of the past!

He no longer has to be a leader of the Dragon Pirates, he no longer has to be a thief, and he no longer has to raise the 100 million beli that weighs down like a mountain.

You can also chase your dreams and sail away to draw a map of the world.

Thinking of this, the two emotions that were constantly mixed in her pupils disappeared and were replaced by determination.

"Do it!" Nami seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body and said, "I will do it!"

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