Catching Luo Xiu is naturally a big victory for Marine.

But this is only the first step.

Because he knows very well that catching Luo Xiu will not solve the huge threat Marine currently faces.

There are still seven guys who are as powerful as Luo Xiu!

Marine still has no information about these demons.

no doubt.

Luo Xiu.

It is the first place to get news.

You can seize this opportunity.

Fortunately, after this, make corresponding plans and arrangements.

“Not in East Blue!”

Luo Xiu's face drooped.

"In my body..."

? ? ?

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone present looked confused.

Sengoku was even more stunned.

What the hell?

Inside your body?

The corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, feeling that his intelligence had been greatly insulted.

Does this Luo Xiu think of himself as a three-year-old child?

If you lie, you have to find a decent excuse...

"Luo Xiu, recognize your current situation, as one of the devils!"

"Do you think we would believe this?"

Sengoku's face darkened.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not!" Luo Xiu looked indifferent.

He knew that the other party wouldn't believe it, so it didn't matter whether he said it or not.

It's said to save trouble.

Seeing Luo Xiu's appearance, Sengoku laughed a little angrily.

Believe it or not?

Everyone can see your lies!

Then, he looked at Medellin who came down from Impel.

The meaning is self-evident.

The middle-aged man's eyes moved slightly and he swallowed.

Of course he knew what Marshal Sengoku meant when he looked at him.

Confirm if what Luo Xiu said is true.

But the signs he saw showed that... what this man just said was outrageous. doesn't seem like he's lying!


"It seems to be the truth..." Medellin said sternly.

"Huh?" Sengoku was stunned.

I thought I heard it wrong, but when I saw other people's expressions, they were similar to my own.

He knew that he heard correctly.

Garp couldn't help but scratch his messy hair: "Are you sure?"

"These words sound like nonsense!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead. Facing these top Marine combat forces, he felt tremendous pressure.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

His professional ability told him that Luo Xiu did not lie.

But just like what Garp said, everyone can tell that it is false!

How can a good person hide other people in his body?

Totally unreasonable!

He was in a dilemma for a moment.

On one side are Marine’s big bosses, on the other side is my own professional ethics.

What should I say?

Damn it.

He suddenly regretted coming here. He had interrogated hundreds of prisoners in Impel Down, but he had never encountered such a guy.

What he said obviously sounded false, but it seemed to be true.

After a mental struggle, the middle-aged man finally had a flash of perseverance in his eyes and chose to believe in his decades of professional integrity.

"I am sure!"

As soon as these words came out.

The whole process was silent again.

Kizaru's brows couldn't help but frown: "Oh, this is really interesting!"

For some reason, the indescribable feeling in his heart rose again.

Even after catching Luo Xiu, he felt like there was a layer of mist surrounding this guy.

He actually felt that Luo Xiu's words might be true...

Kizaru thinks so, but others are different.

Especially Akainu who arrested Luo Xiu himself.

He snorted coldly, feeling extremely ridiculous.

"What a joke!"

"In this case, do you still need to evaluate it?"

He tapped his fingers on the table and looked at Sengoku.

"Marshal, let's change the question!"

Sengoku was equally unconvinced.

But he knew what Medellin was capable of, and was called a human lie detector machine by Magellan.

Otherwise, he would not be allowed to come in person.

For a moment, Sengoku felt that one head was as big as two.

This guy Luo Xiu gave him a lot of headaches outside.

Now that he was caught and interrogated, it actually gave him another headache.

What a nasty guy.

"Then what are you planning secretly?"

"Or, as one of the demons!"

"The final goal is to threaten the Naval Headquarters, and even... the World government!"

"The specific planned time..." Sengoku followed Akainu's words and continued to ask.

When this question was asked, the three Admirals, as well as Garp and others, couldn't help but straighten their bodies.

With a solemn expression, he waited for Luo Xiu's answer.

Threats to Naval Headquarters.... World government, concrete plans....

There is no doubt that each of these words is full of weight.

It is precisely because of the large portion that they take this issue so seriously.

Luo Xiu was as honest as ever.

He smiled and said.

"No plan! I just want to find a place where the sun rises and the sun sets, and then spend the rest of my life!"

This is what he means.

The kind-faced Luo Xiu felt that he was not adapted to the life of fighting and killing in the pirate world.

Rather than searching for the Devil Fruit, improving his strength, etc., he would rather spend the rest of his life in peace.

This is what he pursues.

Sengoku was slightly startled, but he didn't expect Luo Xiu to really say it.

But what he said almost made him spit out blood.

His beard was shaking violently with anger.

"Bang!" He slammed the table.

"You guy..."

He is now very sure that Luo Xiu was just fooling around before.

A man appeared from East Blue, and then fought and killed all the way, and defeated Kizaru's people.

Now I say I just want to be a salted fish.

Longing for a peaceful life.

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

Then, he subconsciously glanced at Medellin, who was sweating profusely, swallowed his saliva and stammered: "Yes, it's the truth..."

Sengoku's eyes twitched sharply.

Luo Xiu was so cunning, and his tone seemed to be very certain in every word he said.

But he knew it was all lies.

The most important thing is that even Medellin can’t see the flaws in these lies.

"Marshal Sengoku!"

"It seems that there is no point in asking this question!" Crane Vice Admiral, who had been silent all this time, said at this time.

It was obviously useless to interrogate Luo Xiu in this way, and no effective information could be obtained at all.

She didn't understand why The Resourceful General Sengoku chose to use this method.

Sengoku sighed and fell silent.

In fact, he also understands this.

Mechanical interrogation is often very inefficient.

But for information about demons, except Luo Xiu, Naval Headquarters does not have any other channels to obtain it.

I finally made an arrest, so I have to try to see if I can pry out some useful information.

But so far, the results are unsatisfactory.

Luo Xiu is more difficult to deal with than imagined.

But, fortunately, there are other options.

This is also the purpose of calling everyone here.

"Let's take Luo Xiu down first!" Sengoku shook his head and sighed.

Several Marine soldiers came in and took Luo Xiu away.

"Since the interrogation method is useless!"

"Then you can only skip this step! Go to the next step!"

"Announce the news of Luo Xiu's arrest to the whole world!"

"And a public execution!"


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