Facing Luo Xiu, Hawkeye did not choose to use the small cross sword on his chest as he usually did against those challengers.

Instead, he directly pulled out the black sword that was carried on his back.


Those challengers were not worthy of him taking out the black knife.

And Luo Xiu, the strongest newcomer who has become famous all over the world in just a few months.

Enough for him to take action with all his strength.

The words fell.

Hawkeye's aura suddenly lifted.

The black knife slashed out.

There are waves everywhere.

The sea rolls with huge waves.

The Foss built by Baoshu Adam was like a lonely boat shaking violently on the sea.

A terrifying crescent moon slashed out, cutting through the air and tearing apart the space in front of Luo Xiu.

With infinite power, he slashed hard.


Luo Xiu's face darkened, this guy was a bit ungrateful.

The magic power of the spell is triggered instantly.

A huge fireball blasted out from his palm.

in a blink.

Exploding flames collided with the sword energy.


A deafening sound came out.

Flames shot out and the sword energy surged.

The air around him seemed to have increased by a degree in an instant.

On the sea, mist drifted.

The aftermath of the bombardment shook the sea, and waves tens of meters high surged toward the Foss.


The crew members of Red Hair Pirates disappeared on the spot and jumped into the air to stop the huge waves hitting the ship.

At the same time as the bursting flames and sword energy collided.

Luo Xiu's figure flashed on the spot.

Following the sound of explosive tearing, he arrived at Hawkeye's side in a blink of an eye.

Knocked down with one punch.

The latter's eyes narrowed.

The arm holding the black knife was raised and held against the chest,


There was a metallic chirping sound.

Luo Xiu's fist pressed against Black Blade Night Blade.

White air waves shoot out in all directions from the center point, like white sharp knives, slashing in all directions.

If the Foss had not been built by Adam the Treasure Tree.

Now it is almost shaken to pieces.

A simple battle between the world's greatest swordsman and an Admiral-level warrior.

Just the aftermath.

It's enough to destroy everything.

"What a fast speed!" Hawkeye looked at Luo Xiu in front of him, and his heart moved slightly.

It can come to you at the moment of taking action.

It’s not surprising that Admiral Kizaru was injured at such a speed.

The black knife is turned over in the hand.

However, just when he was about to launch his next attack.

The red-haired figure suddenly landed between Hawkeye and Luo Xiu.

"Please give me some face, both of you!"

The powerful Haki unfolds.

Blowing in all directions.

"If you keep fighting, this ship won't be able to withstand it!"

Hearing this, Hawkeye stopped, not wanting to embarrass Shanks, but his eyes were still looking at Luo Xiu closely.

Luo Xiu also withdrew his fist. He was too lazy to contend with Mihawk.

The red-haired Shanks put his arm on Griffin at his waist, glanced at Luo Xiu, and said with interest: "Go to the nearby island!"


The second half of the Grand Line.

New World.

On a desert island.

In the middle of the island.

Luo Xiu and the red-haired Four Emperors stood facing each other.

Several dozen meters apart.

Next to the island.

Standing Hawkeye, as well as a crew of Red Hair Pirates, were paying close attention to the upcoming battle between the two.

Especially the crew of Red Hair Pirates.

Their eyes were burning, and they didn't understand why the captain agreed to Luo Xiu's request.

After all, Luo Xiu's identity is just a new pirate.

Although, this newcomer is stronger than many old people.

But after all, the identity is there.

Four Emperors are fighting against a new pirate. Such an outrageous thing would be enough to explode anywhere.

It's really a bit of a humiliation.

Hawkeye can somewhat understand the red-haired behavior. This is a tacit understanding between top powerhouses.

It's like he went all the way to fight with Shanks.

I just feel a little regretful that I couldn't continue to fight Luo Xiu.

But being able to see Shanks, who rarely takes action, play against each other seems... not so regretful.

After all, Shanks cannot be said to be a sure winner in terms of swordsmanship alone.

From the battle between Shanks and Luo Xiu, Hawkeye can roughly deduce the extent of his fight with Luo Xiu...

Also having the same idea as Hawkeye is Vice Emperor Beckman.


He held the cigar in one hand and exhaled a puff of smoke.

The rifle that had been aimed at Luo Xiu was tucked into his waist.

No matter what the outcome of the captain's battle, no one will be allowed to interfere, so there is no need for firearms.

"It seems that the captain values ​​Luo Xiu very much!" He said slowly.

As long as the captain admires someone, the distance between their identities is almost zero.

Hawkeye glanced at him, knowing what he meant.

"Compared to this, I'm more curious about the result?"


"Do you need to be curious about this kind of thing?" Beckman smiled when he heard Hawkeye's words, feeling a little noncommittal.

It was true that Luo Xiu was very strong, but he didn't think he could compare with the captain.

Even though, he injured Admiral Kizaru.

Other crew members agreed.

"The captain's strength, even the Admiral's combat power is standing here!"

"There can only be one ending!" Beckman continued: "It's better to see how long Luo Xiu can last!"

"Is that true?" Hawkeye leaned against a tree, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

Just now we had a simple battle with Luo Xiu, and we could actually already get the first clues.

Although they have not tried their best, it can still be seen that what Morgans described about Luo Xiu in the newspaper was not an exaggeration.

He naturally thinks that Shanks is stronger.

However, there is always some uneasiness in my heart.


"here we go!"

Hawkeye looked at the center of the island and frowned.

On the island, the momentum of the two people is rising steadily.

A chilling atmosphere.

On the verge of breaking out.


The blade trembled.

Shanks took out the Griffin from his waist, held the sword in one hand, looked across the space, looked directly at Luo Xiu, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Luo Xiu!"

"The strongest newcomer!"

"I don't know if the strength is as strong as the rumors say, like a monster!"

"You'll know later!" Luo Xiu looked at Shanks and said slowly.

"But if fists and feet don't have eyes, they won't give you face!"

The redhead smiled.

Suddenly I felt that Luo Xiu was quite interesting.

But the next moment.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Luo Xiu wanted to challenge him, but why didn't he want to see if this new, strongest pirate was worthy of the title of Fifth Emperor?


The sword in Shanks' hand was raised high.

The black windbreaker on his body is automatic in the absence of wind.

Although it has only one arm, it bursts out with powerful momentum.

The dust formed a circle around him and slowly rose.

The next moment.

One hand passed through the void, and a sharp sword wave wrapped in black sword energy pierced the sky and shot straight towards Luo Xiu.

"The speed is good!"

Luo Xiu's face condensed and the corners of his mouth raised.

The words just fell.

He tapped the ground with his toes.

It turned into a black lightning and shortened the distance between them.

In the blink of an eye, Shanks was at his side.

His hands moved up and down, locking on Shanks' waist and neck.

Attack its weak points first.

Shanks eyes flashed.

See Luo Xiu's thoughts.

Without dodging, the Griffin in his hand swiped towards his side.


Another sword energy shot out.

Like splitting the air, blocking Luo Xiu's offensive.


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